Merge DispatcherServlet and MessageDispatcherServlet - spring-ws

Is there a way in which we can merge
and org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
They both are for different purpose, but I want to merge them into one single servlet. So that I can simply put a URL-Matching to /* and every call can go from one servlet.
Below web.xml works fine but I want to change the URL matching for spring-ws to /*
Any idea on this?

5.3.2. Wiring up Spring-WS in a DispatcherServlet.
I think that's exactly what you want to do.


index.html change to index.xhtml

When trying to logout my application I'm having the following error message :
com.sun.faces.context.FacesFileNotFoundException: /index.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource
To logout I'm going though the following steps inside PhaseListener.beforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) :
// Redirect to index.html
NavigationHandler nh = fctx.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
String action_outcome = "/index.html";
nh.handleNavigation(fctx, null, action_outcome);
My web.xml is as follow :
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<display-name>Restrict raw XHTML Documents</display-name>
I do not have index.xhtml in my app, but I do have and want to keep it index.html file.
Why is my outcome_action given to NavigationHandler rename to index.xhtml ?
How could I avoid it ?
The NavigationHandler expects a JSF page, not a non-JSF page. Moreover, you're there actually not sending a real redirect at all, on the contrary to what the code comment says there. You're just performing a forward here.
Performing a real redirect would be the solution to your problem. It's to be done as below:
ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
ec.redirect(ec.getRequestContextPath() + "/index.html");
See also:
What is the difference between redirect and navigation/forward and when to use what?
How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one)
Unrelated to the concrete problem, doing authorization job in a phase listener stinks. Have you considered a servlet filter?
See also:
Limitations of using a PhaseListener instead of a Servlet Filter for authorization
Failing to redirect from JSF phaselistener
How to invalidate session in JSF 2.0?

JSF tags not rendered after filter implementation

I was working on a project that worked fine until I decided to implement filtering.
I followed BalusC's post on JSF HTTP Session Login .
Now, none of the jsf tags is rendered. Here is my web.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
When I remove the filters everything works fine.
That answer was based on FacesServlet mapping of *.xhtml. However, you've there the old JSF 1.0/1.1 style mapping of /faces/*. In other words, the FacesServlet is never invoked and you was just seeing the consequences.
You've 2 options:
Fix the filter to redirect to an URL matching your FacesServlet mapping.
res.sendRedirect(req.getContextPath() + "/faces/login.xhtml");
Change the FacesServlet mapping to *.xhtml like every sane JSF 2.x developer would do. This saves you from fiddling with virtual URLs all time.
See also:
JSF Facelets: Sometimes I see the URL is .jsf and sometimes .xhtml. Why?
JSF returns blank/unparsed page with plain/raw XHTML/XML/EL source instead of rendered HTML output
Unrelated to the concrete problem, if you intend to let the filter hook on a specific servlet, you'd better not copy its URL pattern like below:
Instead, you'd better map to the servlet name directly:
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
And, it would also be nice if you followed Java variable naming conventions in filter and servlet names:
Think of it as if you're doing like this:
UserFilter userFilter = new UserFilter();

jsf2 don't work ,url pattern

I created application with JSF2 Spring and Hibernate, but when I run it I obtain this error :
Tag Library supports namespace:, but no tag was defined for name: clock javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
Take a look inside your web.xml and make sure you have :
Also that your view files are ending with .xhtml
Now you can change your default extension :
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
Finally, make sure you changed your welcome file :
Hope this helps!

In legacy application: Implementing new module using struts as controller

As of now my Java EE application controller is build using Http Serlvets for 8 modules
And there is a new module to be added, can I build this new module container using struts1?
What I believe is, this is possible, as these modules are using the front controller pattern for each module.
And as I add new module, I can configure it using my struts1 front controller ActionServlet.
Am I thinking correctly?
PS: I believe if the above is possible,then we can use strut2 also
Yes it is possible. below is my web.xml,In My code MyServlet is extending ActionServlet and ImageFormationServlet is extending HttpServlet.

Stripes: all URLs resolved through StripesDispatcher and forwarded to pre-compiled JSPs

Is it possible to have the StripesDispatcher be the sole determiner of webserver urls by looking at the #UrlBinding annotations on action beans AND also having those action beans forward to pre-compiled JSPs / servlets WITHOUT needing to define and maintain <servlet> <servlet-mapping> pairs in web.xml? Basically, I just want to have to only maintain the #UrlBinding annotations as the sole determiners of available webapp paths.
Perhaps there is a way to point Jasper to where my servlets are and load them all up automatically without having to explicitly define each and every one?
The particular way in which this is achieved is not important, only that I leave the land of explicit servlet web.xml dependencies.
Maybe I don't understand your question, but I'll give it a go. AFAIK the only mapping you need in a Stripes app's web.xml to use #URLBinding as the 'source of truth' for URLs in your web-app:
With this, there is no need to change anything in web.xml when you add/remove action beans and/or JSPs.
