How to get the location using GSM (Cellular Network) in blackberry - blackberry

I am working on a project in blackberry where i don't have GPS and i want to get the location in which i am there from time to time. I found that it is possible using a third member like But i don't want to depend on other person. Is it possible to get the location coordinates in this way? Thank you

Please try the following links which gives very useful information about locations services in blackberry
Location-Based Services
Location APIs – Start to finish
Google provides location apis which you can use to find out the lat/longs. Its very easy. All you do is create a json request with your current cellid , and send the request to google. You get the lat/long from the google response.


Is mobile browser geolocation as good as native?

When you open a webpage on a phone/tablet, and use
Do we get the same results that when we use Google Play services location API?
And do we get the same results that when we use iOS native location API?
Thank you!
It is really depends to what level of information is available in both OS.
For example, if both GPS chip is working in both Android and iOS and locked to the right numbers of satellite, then you should get the same results.
However, when GPS is not available, each API uses their own way such as wifi, cell tower ID or IP address to estimate the location, then you will find some discrepancy.

Is it possible to recieve the geo information collected by iOS in my app?

I need to implement a module in my app which is like a geo spy (like ios), so I need to collect the information about most visited places, geotracking, etc. I know that iOS is spying in background for this geodata. Is it possible to get this data for using in my app?
the location data are logged in consolidated.db and i believe you can't read them programmatically. The location data are not precise and will be stored only for 7 days.
read more: How to See the Secret Tracking Data in Your iPhone
You can use the visits API in Core Location - See startMonitoringVisits in CLLocationManager
There was also some information on the visits API in a WWDC video from this year.

Uber Live Driver Route GPS Update

I am getting into ioS development. Does anyone know how apps like Uber achieve live gps updates of driver's en route? You can see exactly where the driver is on the map and it's a live feed.
Can this be achieved through use of Google Maps API?
Basically, all they need is that the Driver has a device which has GPS and internet connection. Then the device locates itself (periodically) and sends the location to the central server, in which the location along side information identifying the car is stored.
And then the map view simply fetches the data from the database and shows the cars in the Map. And again it simply refreshes the data with timer.
So the Google Maps API, alongside with any other Maps offering can indeed be used for showing the map and the cars in it. But for the positioning parts, as well as for the server side implementations you likely would need to search for other offerings as well.

get current location on blackberry without gps

i need to get the current location of device and for that i used the GPS mode in blackberry and i succeeded to get but the GPS work outdoor under sky not under roof so maybe is there another way or another method to get the location indoor.
i tried with this sample code :
and also same result cant get location indoor its return nothing
wish is there any help and thnx for answer
Read again that link. It explains how to use Geolocation API, which is available starting from OS 5.0. The locations are obtained based on Cell info (OS 5.0) and also from Wi-Fi access points (OS 6.0).
Read this tutorial on how to use geolocation.

How to get the location coordinates at which we are present using program

I am working on a project which get the current location coordinates and sends them to a server where server gets the street address with the coordinates sent by Blackberry mobile. And this project is to be done on 8520 blackberry mobile without using GPS. Is it possible to get the location without using GPS and without depending on third party members? Please help me with a code if it is possible. Thank you
Please try the following links which gives very useful information about locations services in blackberry
Location-Based Services
Location APIs – Start to finish
Google provides location apis which you can use to find out the lat/longs. Its very easy. All you do is create a json request with your current cellid , and send the request to google. You get the lat/long from the google response.
