Outlook automation with Delphi - Queue - delphi

I currently have the following code:
while not (sqlMailMergeData.Eof) do
if sqlMailMergeData.FieldByName('Email').AsString <> '' then
{Connect to Outlook}
MailItem := OpOutlook1.CreateMailItem;
MailItem.MsgTo := sqlMailMergeData.FieldByName('Email').AsString;
MailItem.Body := Form48.Memo1.Text;
MailItem.Subject := Form48.Edit3.Text;
However Outlook prompts you to allow ever email with a delay of 5 seconds. Sending after the loop overwrite the same MailItem.
Saves all the items to draft without prompting. This is not a bad solution and could be an extra feature but requires more user input to move the items to outbox.
Is there a function to send each mail item to the outbox? or should I consider creating a string of all the email address e.g.
MailItem.MsgTo := "example#email.com; example2#email.com"

When working with outlook, you might consider using outlook redemption1, this way you can bypass the security prompt and send the mail directly from your code.

Then your only option is to do what Redemption (I am its author) is doing under the hood - use Extended MAPI.

This is the code which works fine for me:
Outlook := CreateOleObject ('Outlook.Application');
// Repet the code below for each mail:
OutlookMail := Outlook.CreateItem (olMailItem); // olMailItem = 0;
OutlookMail.Recipients.Add ('example#email.com').Resolve;
OutlookMail.Recipients.Add ('example2#email.com').Resolve;
OutlookMail.Subject := Form48.Edit3.Text;
OutlookMail.Body := Form48.Memo1.Text;
OutlookMail.BodyFormat := olFormatHTML;
// OutlookMail.SendUsingAccount := OutlookAccount; // If you need to select the acount


Is there a way to know the IMAP4 server's folder name of sent eMails?

In my Delphi 10 application i use tidIMAP4 to retrieve eMails with this (a portion of the) code
with IMAP4 do begin
case kind of
1 : MsgBox := 'INBOX';
10 : MsgBox := '[Gmail]/Sent Mail';//for GMail
2 : MsgBox := '[Gmail]/Bin/Deleted Items';//for GMail
3 : MsgBox := '[Gmail]/Spam';//for GMail
SetLength(SearchInfo, 1);
SearchInfo[0].Date := date-1;
SearchInfo[0].SearchKey := skSince;
if SearchMailBox(SearchInfo)
and (High(MailBox.SearchResult) > -1) then
msgs := High(MailBox.SearchResult)+1;
I can find the mailboxes of the server with this code
var st : TstringList := TstringList.Create;
so i can know the folder names that i must put in the SelectMailBox(MsgBox) function when i know the IMAP4 server a priori.
But i want a consistent way to know them for every server (yahoo, user's server etc)
Something like SelectMailBox('deleted') or similar.
Is this possible ?

Client Application Name in DataSnap

I have client-server system that uses DataSnap. I want to log the client application data so I use the TDSServer - OnConnect Event. In this event I can access what I want with the following code:
IP:= DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo.IpAddress
ClientPort:= DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo.ClientPort
Protocol:= DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo.Protocol
AppName:= DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo.AppName
first 3 lines are OK but AppName is empty!!!
(I run server and client on the same computer i.e. localhost)
I have been unable to find any online information about how to specify the AppName when the client connects via TCP/IP. If you look at the code
procedure TDSTCPChannel.Open;
ClientInfo: TDBXClientInfo;
FChannelInfo := TDBXSocketChannelInfo.Create(IntPtr(FContext.Connection), FContext.Connection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP);
ClientInfo := FChannelInfo.ClientInfo;
ClientInfo.IpAddress := FContext.Connection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP;
ClientInfo.ClientPort := IntToStr(FContext.Connection.Socket.Binding.PeerPort);
ClientInfo.Protocol := 'tcp/ip';
FChannelInfo.ClientInfo := ClientInfo;
in DataSnap.DSTCPServerTransport.Pas it is evident that the ClientInfo.AppName is not set.
However, the following work-around works with the Seattle demo DataSnap Basic Server + Client:
In the client, add a Param 'AppName' to the SqlConnection1 component's Params and
set its value to something like 'MyTestApp'. Recompile the client.
Open the server in the IDE and modify the ServerContainerForm's code as shown below.
[...], DBXTransport;
procedure TForm8.DSServer1Connect(DSConnectEventObject: TDSConnectEventObject);
S : String; // added
Info : TDBXClientInfo; // added
if DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo <> nil then
ActiveConnections['ID'] := DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.Id;
ActiveConnections['Info'] := DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.Info;
ActiveConnections['UserName'] := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties[TDBXPropertyNames.UserName];
ActiveConnections['ServerConnection'] := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties[TDBXPropertyNames.ServerConnection];
// following added to get AppName from client
S := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties['AppName'];
Info := DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo;
Info.AppName := S;
DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo := Info;
Caption := DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.ClientInfo.AppName;
As you can see, it works by picking up the value set for AppName in the client's
SqlConnection1.Params in the call to `DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties['AppName']'
and then display it on the Caption of the ServerContainerForm.
Obviously, you could pass any other name/value pair by adding them to the SqlConnection's Params on the client and then pick them up on the server by calling DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties[].

Sending email with Indy 9 with an embedded picture

I am trying to add to a program of mine the capability of sending html email via SMTP with Indy 9. If the program only contains text (the text will be in Hebrew so I need to display it right to left, which means that I am using HTML statements), then the email is sent correctly. My problem lays with embedding pictures into the HTML stream.
The HTML stream will use a command like
<IMG SRC="cid:foo4atfoo1atbar.net" ALT="IETF logo">
Whilst the Indy 10 component TIdAttachmentFile has a ComponentID property whose value has to be set to the value that 'cid' references, I can't find where to set the ComponentID property in Indy 9.
At the moment, the code which deals with adding the picture (whose name is in laPicture.text) looks like this
if laPicture.text <> '' then
with TIdAttachment.Create (email.MessageParts, laPicture.text) do
ContentDisposition:= 'inline';
ContentType:= 'image/jpeg';
DisplayName:= ExtractFileName (laPicture.text);
filename:= ExtractFileName (laPicture.text);
Where do I define the ContentID?
And, although this is a stupid question, how do I know which version of Indy I have?
TIdAttachment derives from TIdMessagePart, which has a public ContentID property. If your installed version of Indy 9 does not have that property, then you are using an outdated version, so use the ExtraHeaders property instead to add a Content-ID header manually.
Have a look at the following blog article on Indy's website for more information about working with HTML emails:
HTML Messages
Update: so, if the HTML says cid:foo4atfoo1atbar.net then you need to do this in your code to match it:
with TIdAttachment.Create (email.MessageParts, laPicture.text) do
ContentID := '<foo4atfoo1atbar.net>';
// or this, if you do not have the ContentID property available:
// ExtraHeaders.Values['Content-ID'] := '<foo4atfoo1atbar.net>';
Note that in Indy 9, you have to provide the brackets manually. Indy 10 inserts them for you if they are omitted, eg:
ContentID := 'foo4atfoo1atbar.net';
I found a solution - I didn't need Indy10 not the Content-ID field.
The code which I showed in my question was fine, the problem was probably in the HTML code which displayed the picture. I thought that the "cid" variable had to 'point' to the value of Content-ID; it transpires that it can be set to the name of the file (TIDAttachment.filename), as follows
<img src="cid:' + ExtractFileName (laPicture.text) + '"><br>
The above line gets inserted into the html stream at the appropriate place.
This works for me:
function SendEmail(SMTP: TIdSMTP; CONST AdrTo, AdrFrom, Subject, Body, HtmlImage, DownloadableAttachment: string; SendAsHtml: Boolean= FALSE): Boolean;
VAR MailMessage: TIdMessage;
Result:= FALSE;
Assert(SMTP <> NIL, 'SMTP in NIL!');
MailMessage:= TIdMessage.Create(NIL);
MailMessage.ConvertPreamble:= TRUE;
MailMessage.Encoding := meDefault;
MailMessage.Subject := Subject;
MailMessage.From.Address := AdrFrom;
MailMessage.Priority := mpNormal;
MailMessage.Recipients.EMailAddresses := AdrTo;
{How to send multi-part/attachment emails with Indy:
www.indyproject.org/2008/01/16/new-html-message-builder-class }
WITH IdMessageBuilder.TIdMessageBuilderHtml.Create DO
if SendAsHtml
then Html.Text := Body
else PlainText.Text := Body;
{ This will be visible ONLY if the email contains HTML! }
if SendAsHtml AND FileExists(HtmlImage)
then HtmlFiles.Add(HtmlImage);
if FileExists(DownloadableAttachment)
then Attachments.Add(DownloadableAttachment);
{ Connect }
if NOT SMTP.Connected
then SMTP.Connect;
on E: Exception DO
AppLog.AddError('Cannot connect to the email server.');
{ Send mail }
if SMTP.Connected then
Result:= TRUE;
on E:Exception DO
AppLog.AddError('Connected to server but could not send email!');
if SMTP.Connected
then SMTP.Disconnect;
Note: Replace AppLog with your personal logging system or with ShowMessage.
You need of course the libeay32.dll + ssleay32.dll. I would have posted a link to them, but could not find them anymore.

Creating extended property using EWS and access it from Outlook Add-in

I am currently working on EWS to have some integration of our company application with Exchange 2010. I am using EWS to create appoinment to Exchange 2010 and it works fine; but recently I tried to add some custom/extended property when creating the appointment, below is my code to add the extended property.
Dim customField As New ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.PublicStrings, "MyCustomField", MapiPropertyType.String)
appointment.SetExtendedProperty(customField, "CustomFieldValue")
The above codes able to create the custom field to the appointment.
Now here is my problem. When I open up the appointment in Outlook that I created and go to "Developer > Design This Form", then "All Fields" tab, I only see the custom field I created in the "User-defined field in folder" but not in "User-defined field in this item".
I also making an Outlook Add-in to react to the custom field that I created using the EWS when user opens up the appointment in Outlook, when I tried to look for the custom field, couldn't find the custom field, because the custom field is created in "User-defined field in folder" but not in "User-defined field in this item".
This is the codes in the Outlook Add-in and will execute when user opens an apointment in Outlook. But because the custom field is not in "in this item", the .Find() returns Nothing.
Dim appt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
appt = TryCast(inspector.CurrentItem, Outlook.AppointmentItem)
If appt.UserProperties.Find("MyCustomField") Is Nothing Then
'Some action
'Some action
End If
What I want to achieve is to create an appointment with the custom field (extended property) using EWS, and then read the custom field (extended property) in Outlook Add-in when user open the appointment in Outlook.
The value that I assigned to the custom field using EWS is shown in the "User-defined field in folder". How do I retrieve the value from my Outlook Add-in? Maybe I can retrieve the value and add the custom field to the item and with the value?
The answer is here:
Can't access the extended property created by EWS using UserProperties. But can access using PropertyAccessor.
I'm posting this as another answer showing some actual (Delphi) code, because that was missing from the first answer.
AAppointmentItem is an OLEVariant
GUID_PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS = '{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}';
cPublicStringNameSpace = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/' + GUID_PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS + '/';
lPropertyAccessor: OleVariant;
lSchemaName, lValue: String;
// Use the PropertyAccessor because Outlook UserProperties() can't access the extended properties created by EWS
// Use the 'string subnamespace of the MAPI namespace' (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff868915.aspx)
// with the PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS GUID from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb905283%28v=office.12%29.aspx
lPropertyAccessor := AAppointmentItem.PropertyAccessor;
lSchemaName := cPublicStringNameSpace + PROPERTY_TIMETELLID; // Name constants defined elsewhere
lSchemaName := cPublicStringNameSpace + PROPERTY_TIMETELLID;
lValue := lPropertyAccessor.GetProperty(lSchemaName);
lEvent.CustSyncTTID := StrToInt(lValue);
lSchemaName := cPublicStringNameSpace + PROPERTY_TIMETELLSYNCTIME;
lValue := lPropertyAccessor.GetProperty(lSchemaName);
lEvent.CustSyncDate := UTCString2LocalDateTime(lValue);
lSchemaName := cPublicStringNameSpace + PROPERTY_TIMETELLSYNCID;
lValue := lPropertyAccessor.GetProperty(lSchemaName);
lEvent.CustSyncEntryID := lValue;
Note the many try excepts because we are doing late binding; 'early' would've been better
Also, We are retrieving multiple user properties, so GetProperties() is actually better.
FWIW, this was the old code using UserProperties (lProperty is OLEVariant)
lProperty := AAppointmentItem.UserProperties.Find(PROPERTY_TIMETELLID);
if IDispatch(lProperty) <> nil then
lEvent.CustSyncTTID := lProperty.Value;
lProperty := AAppointmentItem.UserProperties.Find(PROPERTY_TIMETELLSYNCTIME);
if IDispatch(lProperty) <> nil then
lEvent.CustSyncDate := lProperty.Value;
lProperty := AAppointmentItem.UserProperties.Find(PROPERTY_TIMETELLSYNCID);
if IDispatch(lProperty) <> nil then
lEvent.CustSyncEntryID := lProperty.Value;
[Edited to add 2013-6-10]
And here is the code modified to handle all three properties at once using GetProperties (as MS recommends):
lPropertyAccessor := AAppointmentItem.PropertyAccessor;
lSchemas := VarArrayOf([cPublicStringNameSpace + PROPERTY_TIMETELLID,
lValues := lPropertyAccessor.GetProperties(lSchemas);
if VarType(lValues[0]) <> varError then
lEvent.CustSyncTTID := lValues[0];
if VarType(lValues[1]) <> varError then
lDT := lValues[1];
lDT := TTimeZone.Local.ToLocalTime(lDT);
lEvent.CustSyncDate := lDT;
if VarType(lValues[2]) <> varError then
lEvent.CustSyncEntryID := lValues[2];

Check unread messages with Indy

I'm doing just for fun an unread messages checker application in Delphi. I'm using Indy 10. I can connect with Gmail and can retrieve all the messages but I'm facing a problem here: I cannot tell if a message is already read or not. There is a flag property in the TidMessage component that should tell me if the message has been read.
The code looks like this:
procedure TForm1.btTestConnectionClick(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
count: Integer;
flag: TIdMessageFlags;
if (pop3Test.Connected) then begin
pop3Test.Username := edAccount.Text;
pop3Test.Password := edPassword.Text;
pop3Test.Host := HOST;
pop3Test.AuthType := patUserPass;
pop3Test.Port := PORT;
Count := 0;
for i := pop3Test.CheckMessages downto 1 do begin
pop3Test.Retrieve(i, IdMessage1);
if (mfSeen in IdMessage1.Flags) then begin
Count := Count + 1;
In the test mailbox there is one unread message but all the retrieved messages have the flags enum property empty so the result is always 0. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a problem of Indy/Gmail compatibility?
EDIT: I'm definitely doing something wrong as testing with a Hotmail account shows the same empty-flags property problem.
the POP3 protocol does not support Message state information on the server like read, replied to, or deleted . try using IMAP for Gmail instead.
The best (and quickest) way to find this answer would be to search the Indy sourcecode for "mfSeen" You should find it only utilized in idIMAP* units. RRUZ is correct - POP3 doesn't offer this inherent ability. In POP3 you need to track this on the client side. This flag was added to IdMessage for IMAP purposes, and not necessarily for POP3.
TIdMessageFlags should likely have been named TIdIMAPMessageFlags
