Fastercsv shows malformedCSVError, what am i doing wrong? - ruby-on-rails

I am implementing in Ruby and i am running a project which reads a CSV file to add users.
but when i pick my file it just gives always the same error:
FasterCSV::MalformedCSVError in User importController#match
Illegal quoting on line 1.
my CSV file just exists of :
anyone who knows what can be wrong?

Try to upgrade your FasterCSV gem version. With the latest version it works:
FasterCSV.parse_line '"RubenPersoon1","test","Bauwens","Ruben","",0'
=> ["RubenPersoon1", "test", "Bauwens", "Ruben", "", "0"]
ruby-1.8.7-p352 :005 > FasterCSV.parse '"RubenPersoon1","test","Bauwens","Ruben","",0'
=> [["RubenPersoon1", "test", "Bauwens", "Ruben", "", "0"]]
Also, keep in mind that if you are on Ruby 1.9.2, FasterCSV is already included. Just require 'csv' and use the CSV class.


Alxsx gem Package#to_stream fails

The ultimate goal here is to create a stream so that I can attach the xlsx doc generated from the axlsx package object. I'm able to serialize the package and it writes to the file system just fine. I don't really have the need or want to write the document the file system.
Here is the error I get when I call to_stream:
NoMethodError: undefined method `reopen' for "streamed":String Did
you mean? prepend
What am I doing wrong here? do |p|
p.workbook do |wb|
wb.add_worksheet(name: 'Time Cards') do |ws|
title_style = ws.styles.add_style(sz: 24)
ws.add_row ["Week #{week}, #{year} Time Cards", '', ''], style: [title_style], height: 30
Ruby v 2.4.0
Rails v5.0.2
For future visitors of this old question:
Check versions of axlsx and rubyzip in your Gemfile. For me the issue was that rubyzip was of version 1.2. Combination that works for me today (07.08.2017) is:
axlsx (2.1.0.pre) and rubyzip (~> 1.1.7)

"Sunspot" Gem makes distinction between UTF-8 chars

In a Rails app I started using sunspot =>
Everything went OK until I noticed this (taken from the rails-console):
1.9.3p194 :002 >{fulltext "leon"}.results
=> [#<MyModel id: 16, name: "Leon">]
1.9.3p194 :003 >{fulltext "león"}.results
=> [#<MyModel id: 18, name: "León">]
How can I tell the system not to make distinction between "leon" and "león"
(I want smth like search{fulltext "leon"} => [#MyModel id: 16 ... , #MyModel id: 18...])
I've been looking for this problem and I've found every time the same response:
With this line in Gemfile works meanwhile the next release of rsolr:
gem 'rsolr', :git => ""
in the schema.xml you need to add a character filter as described in AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters for example:
<charFilter class="solr.MappingCharFilterFactory" mapping="mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt"/>
and in the you should have mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt you should have entries that will map the unicode byte sequence to a asci character sequence. You can see an example here
Thx for the responses. At least I've solved it right last night with anohter idea I've taked from
the idea is
in Restaurant.rb
text :name do
and the function
that line works with strings like "äáàÁÄÀ" --- "aaaaaa"
You need to make changes inside the Solr (the application, not the gem) configuration files. Solr is "embedded" in the gem, but you can access its configuration as if it were installed separately. Have a look at Solr documentation.

Rails 3, check CSV file encoding before import

In my app (Rails 3.0.5, Ruby 1.8.7), I created an import tool to import CSV data from file.
Problem: I asked my users to export the CSV file from Excel in UTF-8 encoding but they don't do it most of time.
How can I just verify if the file is UTF-8 before importing ? Else the import will run but give strange results. I use FasterCSV to import.
Exemple of bad CSV file:
;VallÈe du RhÙne;CÙte Rotie;
You can use Charlock Holmes, a character encoding detecting library for Ruby.
To use it, you just read the file, and use the detect method.
contents ='test.xml')
detection = CharlockHolmes::EncodingDetector.detect(contents)
# => {:encoding => 'UTF-8', :confidence => 100, :type => :text}
You can also convert the encoding to UTF-8 if it is not in the correct format:
utf8_encoded_content = CharlockHolmes::Converter.convert contents, detection[:encoding], 'UTF-8'
This saves users from having to do it themselves before uploading it again.
For 1.9 it's obvious, you just tell it to expect utf8 and it will raise an error if it isn't:
lines ='bad.csv', :encoding => 'utf-8')
rescue ArgumentError
puts "My users don't listen to me!"

Cannot select column with accent in rails

I have the Level record in my rails app, it contains 1 field (name) that can contain chars with accents.
1.9.3p125 :008 > Level.all
Level Load (0.4ms) SELECT "levels".* FROM "levels"
=> [#<Level id: 1, name: "Débutant">, #<Level id: 2, name: "Intermédiaire">, #<Level id: 3, name: "Avancé">]
But when I query, I have:
1.9.3p125 :011 > Level.where("name = ?", "D\U+FFC3\U+FFA9butant").first
Level Load (0.3ms) SELECT "levels".* FROM "levels" WHERE (name = 'Dbutant') LIMIT 1
=> nil
I cannot type Level.where("name = ?", "Débutant").first when using rails c as é is directly replaced by \U+FFC3\U+FFA9. But in my controller, the result is the same, I cannot query accentuated string.
I currently use sqlite for my tests.
Your problem in the console is related to the readline library: You have to install Ruby with proper readline support.
If you have installed Ruby using rvm, the quickest way to resolve this problem is:
rvm pkg install readline
and then (assuming you are using 1.9.3, otherwise just replace with your Ruby version):
rvm reinstall 1.9.3 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr
After that, typing é in the Rails console should work again...
Regarding your other problem (in the controller): Could you please post a log excerpt containing the SQL query that is being made?
Place this string
#encoding: utf-8
to the first line of your Ruby file.

FileTest.exists? issue with ruby on rails

I am trying to check if a file exists in my rails application.
I am running ruby 1.8.6 and rails 2.1.2 with windows XP.
So, the problem is that the FileTest.exists? method doesn't seem to be working. I have simplified the code to this point :
if FileTest.exists?("/images/header.jpg")
render :text => "yes"
render :text => "no <img src='/images/header.jpg' />"
If I do that the system displays "no" and then includes the image that displays correctly because /images/header.jpg exists.
I tried FileTest.exists?, FileTest.exist?, File.exists?, File.exist? and nothing seems to be working.
What am I doing wrong ?
I'm guessing it's because you're asking whether a file "header.jpg" exists in a directory "images" off of the root directory for your system (which on Windows I'd assume is "c:\"). Try putting the full path (from the filesystem root) to the "/images" directory rather than the URL path.
In particular, as pointed out by #Brian, you should use:
FileTest.exists?(RAILS_ROOT + "/images/header.jpg") # < rails 3.0
FileTest.exists?(Rails.root + "/images/header.jpg") # >= rails 3.0
Add RAILS_ROOT to the filename that you're checking before calling exists?
