FileTest.exists? issue with ruby on rails - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to check if a file exists in my rails application.
I am running ruby 1.8.6 and rails 2.1.2 with windows XP.
So, the problem is that the FileTest.exists? method doesn't seem to be working. I have simplified the code to this point :
if FileTest.exists?("/images/header.jpg")
render :text => "yes"
render :text => "no <img src='/images/header.jpg' />"
If I do that the system displays "no" and then includes the image that displays correctly because /images/header.jpg exists.
I tried FileTest.exists?, FileTest.exist?, File.exists?, File.exist? and nothing seems to be working.
What am I doing wrong ?

I'm guessing it's because you're asking whether a file "header.jpg" exists in a directory "images" off of the root directory for your system (which on Windows I'd assume is "c:\"). Try putting the full path (from the filesystem root) to the "/images" directory rather than the URL path.
In particular, as pointed out by #Brian, you should use:
FileTest.exists?(RAILS_ROOT + "/images/header.jpg") # < rails 3.0
FileTest.exists?(Rails.root + "/images/header.jpg") # >= rails 3.0

Add RAILS_ROOT to the filename that you're checking before calling exists?


Rails PDFKit - Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory) when using to_file

Whenever I try to generate a pdf using to_file, the process will just hang, and when I stop the development server I get Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - path/to/pdf). However, I am able to render a pdf inline using to_pdf. I'm also able to generate PDFs from the command line in the same folder that I'm trying to generate them in with to_file.
I'm using Rails 3.2.12 and pdfkit 0.8.2. I've tried using wkhtmltopdf versions 0.9.6 through 0.12.4. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.
Example from controller:
html = render_to_string(:action => "show.html.erb", :formats => :html)
kit.stylesheets << "{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/stylesheet1.css"
kit.stylesheets << "#{Rails.root}/vendor/assets/stylesheets/stylesheet2.css"
Turns out the issue was the asset pipeline conflicting with wkhtmltopdf. Added config.threadsafe! to development.rb and it started working.
Another issue can be the default options passed. For example, when I left the default print_media_type option in place, found this message in the log:
The switch --print-media-type, is not support using unpatched qt, and will be ignored."
Only when I override that does it work for me, either in the initializer or like so:, {print_media_type: false})
The message says it'll be ignored, but it wasn't. It was causing the file to not get generated.

Ruby on Rails copy S3 file with special characters (%C5) in path

I have a problem with my attachment system on web page. I store them on amazon S3 using paperclip. I have an option to copy attachment to new file. Everything works fine until there are polish special characters in title, like: ŁĄKA.jpg. Then I get an error:
Saving error: Appendix Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:79:in `raise_record_invalid'
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:43:in `save!'
My code: {|a| a.temporary? && !a.appendix.exists?}.each do |a|
a.appendix =
a.process = false
a.appendix_url = nil
puts "CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}"
a.is_public = a.determine_is_public
logger.debug("CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}")! # bo delayed_job
I'm getting error on! when path is like: appendixes/appendixes/242/original/%25C5%2581A%25CC%25A8KA.jpg, but works like charm when it is: appendixes/appendixes/243/original/laka.jpg or another file name without polish letters. Anybody had this kind of problem or have suggestions how to fix it?
Ok, I found what was wrong. I had to replace in a.s3path, the last part with original name (łąka.jpg) and everything works fine. So when I have:łąka.jpg) it works good and finds the correct file on s3 server.

Can't access File created by paperclip

Not sure what's the matter here :
file = Rails.root.join(Attachment.last.attachment.url(:original))
# => "/system/attachments/3/original/!my_awesome_pdf.pdf?1359735260"
Then I try and do this :, 'rb')
# => No such file or directory - /system/attachments/3/original/!my_awesome_pdf.pdf?1359735260
Why would that happen? I'm trying to be able to select the file to upload to
Ah the problem was that URI's will throw off Ruby from recognizing the name of the file. Removing the URI allows Ruby to open the file.

Set System Directory Rails Production Environment

I have an app that works fine in on my development machine, but on my production server it uses a broken link to serve an image served using the Paperclip Gem.
Production environment is Linux(Debian), Apache, Passenger and I am deploying with Capistrano.
The app is stored in (a symlink that points to the public folder of the current version of the app deployed using capistrano):
However, when I try and access it on the production server, the Apache error log displays this as the path it is looking in:
The correct path, however, is:
One option available to me is to create a symlink in root that directs system to the correct path, but I don't want to do this in case I want to deploy another app in the same root dir.
The url for this request is generated by rails, but Apache is what fetches the static resource (image files), so I have tried placing the following in my config/environments/production.rb:
Which has resolved all other pathing issues I've been experiencing, but when rails generates the url (via the Paperclip gem), it doesn't seem to use it.
How can I set it so Paperclip uses the right path and only uses it production?
I've a workaround, add this as one of initializers:
Paperclip::Attachment.class_eval do
def url(style_name = default_style, options = {})
if options == true || options == false # Backwards compatibility.
res = #url_generator.for(style_name, default_options.merge(:timestamp => options))
res = #url_generator.for(style_name, default_options.merge(options))
# replace adding uri before res, minus final /
At the moment Paperclip doesn’t work with ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] and the. You can follow the issue here:

I can't get rails plugin wicked_pdf to work

I wanted to create PDFs for my rails application using wkhtml2pdf and wicked_pdf.
I downloaded and extracted wkhtml2pdf beta 4 and placed it in /usr/local/bin/wkhtml2pdf
I tried running it on a web site and it gave a nice result.
In my rails application (2.3.4) I installed wicked_pdf:
script/plugin install git://
script/generate wicked_pdf
Everything seemed to be ok.
inside script/console I run the following - (with the following output)
wp =
=># WickedPdf:0xb62f2c70 #exe_path="/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf"
HTML_DOCUMENT = "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"
=> "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"
pdf = wp.pdf_from_string HTML_DOCUMENT
=> "/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf - - -q"
=> "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
of course this isn't good. According to the test the result of my last command should start with "%pdf-1.4"
Any idea what I can do?
Having the same problem. Removed the -q option from the wicked_pdf.rb file on line 19 and then was able to get the proper string on the console.
=> "%PDF-1.4\n1 0 obj\n<<\n/Title ...
This also seems to have solved other problems. The PDF still didn't render correctly when using it from the web site - embedded font issue - on to the next issue now.
Hopefully this will work for you.
