iPhone App Running Slower on Simulator - ios

I am currently working on an iPhone app where I use 2 main timers that make the game work as one piece. The only problem I've encountered so far is that when I run it on the iOS Simulator from Xcode the game seems to lag a bit, and all of the animations run slower. I'm not sure if this is a memory issue, but isn't the iOS Simulator supposed to run just as smooth as the iPhone? When I run it on my iPod Touch 4th Generation, I don't encounter this problem. Is there a way I can fix this, or does anyone know why this happens?

The frameworks are designed to work with specific hardware on device for graphics acceleration. This is not present in the simulator, so you'll see diminished performance on graphics-intensive applications. You might however see increased performance in the simulator in non-graphics related areas. The bottom line is always test on real hardware - the simulator is just a convenience.


How to debug multiple scenes loading at the same time in unity?

We have a really weird bug in out game where when we upload it into Beta and send it out through test flight, so phones play the game as intended and other phones have a weird issue pictured below:
From the image you can see the problem. One it does a ghosting type of thing with the characters as they move. Two, it acts like no scene is actually closing, but keeps stacking them on top of each other.
This problem does not occur on iPhone 6s or iPad Pro. It also doesn't occur on Android. We have only seen it on 5S and iPads.
We have looked at versions and that doesn't seem to be an issue either. We are using Unity 5.3 for this build (we reverted to this build as we felt it was the most stable, just to make sure that wasn;t an issue)
Anyone have an idea of what could be causing this problem?
Keep in mind that the things that are being seen are in different scenes.
in your camera settings you probably set clear flags to Dont clear set it to Depth only

Why is Xcode 7 iOS Simulator freezing?

I'm getting odd freezes of up to 60s in the Xcode 7 simulator, specifically when scrolling or doing other GPU-intensive tasks. The problem appears to be with the simulator as a whole, not my app (lots of spinning beach ball, slow to respond to rotate commands, etc.).
If I track CPU time in Instruments, 50s of real time shows as below 0.5s of CPU time for my app.
What's going on? (El Cap, Xcode 7.1, all iOS versions, all devices)
I run Better Snap Tool for window management. Quitting this app (or disabling it from interacting with the simulator) fixes the problem immediately, even if the sim is in the middle of a freeze. No idea why, but Better Snap Tool appears to be interfering with iOS Simulator's use of the GPU.

Swift SK game works correctly in simulator, labels missing in physical iPhone 5S (both iOS8)

I'm writing a game using sprite kit, first time so mistakes are inevitable :)
So running it in the simulator when certain events happen it's quite laggy (fps drops to 11 or less).
So I decided to see what happens on a real iPhone 5S.
Things run a little better: still lags at those events but not as badly.
However quite a few of my labels are missing: they appear fine in the Simulator but are completely missing in the physical device (just empty space where they should be).
Running ios8 in the simulator (5S) and on the 5S, code written in Swift.
Any hints at what I should look at?
Well, first you should try to isolate the problem. Try and see if the labels are indeed hidden or if they are behind a view. Download a hierarchy viewer such as Reveal App and try and find the UILabels. If they exist in both, the hierarchy viewer and the Simulator but not the physical iOS device, try and upload it to a different device. If it happens on the other device too, something is wrong with your code. We cant help unless we have something to work with. I recommend looking at https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve to help with writing good questions.

different performances on real devices

I am developing an iOS application on iPad Air (iOS 7.1) in xcode5. Everything goes well. However, when I deploy it on other devices (like iPad mini, iPad Retina, with the same iOS 7.1), the performance seems to be slower. Even, touching a button, the effect happens slower quite clearly.
Do you know why? and how to fix it? Thanks.
You can use the tool Instruments to anaylze the performance of your app, check out this tutorial:
To launch Instruments, click and hold the "play"-button in Xcode and choose Profile.

Cocos2d game doesnt launch on some devices

I're released an iPad game which is developed on the Cocos2d framework. Ive tested the game on a number of devices iPad 3, and iPad 2 and never had any issues.
Now i'm getting a few reports back that its not launching properly on some devices. People are saying they are seeing the default.png images then the app is closing.
Any ideas?
Without crash report this is just a guessing game.
By all means try to reproduce the problem on your side.
Possible problems:
1. If the app takes too long to launch it will be closed by iOS.
2. If it does not have enough memory it will not launch as well.
Try the following:
I. Open many other heavy apps in the background so there is not much memory.
See how it affects your app launch.
II. During launch try to use as many fast taps as possible and fast gestures.
There is possibility that very early taps are not serviced properly or at all
and that can cause the crash.
III. Test on many devices as you can - especially low end.
I found the issue, it was to do with the social framework running on older devices where it isn't available.
