What time am I dealing with in Quartz.net? - quartz.net

I am wondering when I set something like this
Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.MakeDailyTrigger("abc", 5, 00);
I am setting it for 5:00am. Is this 5:00am server time or UTC time?

It uses UTC time, however this is not properly documented.
Edit: actually it looks like it has used both! Versions prior to 0.9 used local time, those after use UTC (source), so it should be UTC as long as you are using a recent version.

5:00am UTC time. Public Quartz.NET API always expects times in UTC format. Just FYI, MakeDailyTrigger is just a shortcut to CronTrigger with following format:
string.Format("0 {0} {1} ? * *", minute, hour)

I believe that when you enter an hour in the hour argument in the MakeDailyTrigger method that Quartz.Net is expecting local time...Internally Quartz.net converts this time to UTC, but if you enter 5 in the hour argument the trigger will fire at 5AM local time.
Try this
Trigger trigger =
var ttimes = TriggerUtils.ComputeFireTimes(trigger, null, 1);
foreach (DateTime ttime in ttimes)
'ttime is in UTC - so for EST, ttime.Hour would be 10AM
'however ttime.ToLocalTime().Hour would be 5AM


How can I add timezone to Esper queries?

I am using Esper & I need to filter events by their timestamp. The events come from an external source.
The challenge is that the cutoff instant is at a different timezone than the events` timestamp, e.g. the cutoff instant is at 3:30 CET (e.g. Prague time) while the timestamp field of the event is at UTC.
This poses a problem when the timezone shifts to Daylight Savings Time, because the cutoff instant needs to be modified in the query. E.g. in this case, if the cutoff instant is 3:30 CET, during winter time it would be on 2:30 UTC and during DST it would be on 1:30 UTC. It means that I have to change the query when the time shifts into and out of DST.
This is the current query:
FROM my_table
WHERE timestamp_field.after( timestamp.withtime(2,30,0,0) )
I would like to have a robust solution that will save me the hassle of changing the cutoff timestamp queries every few months. Can I add the timezone to the query statement itself? Is there any other solution?
It may help to add an event property to the event that represents UTC time i.e. normalize the event timestamp to UTC and use the normalized property instead.
The query could also use a variable instead of the hardcoded numbers. Another option would perhaps be changing Esper source to take in a timezone for some func.s
After struggling unsuccessfully with trying ot do it in the WHERE caluse or using a Pattern, I managed to solve the issue using a [Single-Row Function plugin][1].
I pass the plugin function the cutoff hour, timezone & event timezone and compute the cutoff hour in the event's timezone.
My query changed to:
FROM my_table
WHERE timestamp_field.after( timestamp.withtime(
eventTZHour(2, 'UTC', 'Europe/Prague'), 30, 0, 0) )
I added the Java implementation in a class:
public class EsperPlugins {
public int eventTZHour(int hour, String eventTZ, String cutoffTZ) {
// return tz calculations
and finally registered the plugin in esper.cfg.xml:
<plugin-singlerow-function name="eventTZHour"
[1]: http://www.espertech.com/esper/release-5.2.0/esper-reference/html/extension.html#custom-singlerow-function from esper's docs


I'm working on a Rails application which stores all dates to PostgreSQL as "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE". (Rails handles the time zone on the application layer which for this application is "Europe/Berlin".) Unfortunately, Daylight Savings Time (DST) becomes an issue.
The simplified "projects" table has the following columns:
duration INTEGER
Projects start at started_at and run for duration days.
Now, say there's only one project which starts on 2015-01-01 at 10:00. Since this is "Europe/Berlin" and it's January (no DST), the record looks like this on the database:
SET TimeZone = 'UTC';
SELECT started_at from projects;
# => 2015-01-01 09:00:00
It should end on 2015-06-30 at 10:00 (Europe/Berlin). But it's summer now, so DST applies and 10:00 in "Europe/Berlin" is now 08:00 in UTC.
Due to this, finding all projects for which the duration has elapsed by use of the following query does not work for projects which start/end across DST boundaries:
SELECT * FROM projects WHERE started_at + INTERVAL '1 day' * duration < NOW()
I guess it would be best if the above WHERE did the calculation in timezone "Europe/Berlin" rather than "UTC". I've tried a few things with ::TIMESTAMTZ and AT TIME ZONE none of which has worked.
As a side note: According to the PostgreSQL docs, + INTERVAL should deal with '1 day' intervals differently from '24 hours' intervals when it comes to DST. Adding days ignores DST, so 10:00 always stays 10:00. When adding hours on the other hand, 10:00 may become 09:00 or 11:00 if you cross the DST boundary one way or another.
Thanks a lot for any hints!
I think you've got two strategies for avoiding headache:
Let Rails handle everything to do with Timezones, so Postgres doesn't have to at all
Let Postgres handle everything to do with Timezones, so Rails doesn't have to at all
Mixing the two will always be a pain, and is basically what's causing your problems now. I'd go with strategy 1 (let Rails handle it). To do this, your Postgres database should store a start time, and a finish time, both in UTC. duration may be a thing in your user interface still, but if a user enters a start time and a duration, then you should calculate a finish time, and store that finish time in your database. The start time the users enters, and the finish time that you calculate in your app, with both be timezone-specific, and you just let Rails handle the conversion to UTC when it saves to the database.
Your query would then be simply:
SELECT * FROM projects WHERE finished_at < NOW()
(BTW, You could also store the duration in your database, but it's superfluous, since it can be calculated from the start time and finish time)
I've created a function which calculates ended_at by adding duration days to started_at honoring DST changes of a given time zone. Both started_at and ended_at, however, are in UTC and therefore play nice with Rails.
It turns started_at (timestamp without time zone, implicit UTC by Rails) to a timestamp with time zone UTC, then to the given time zone, adds the duration and returns the timestamp without time zone (implicit UTC).
# ended_at(started_at, duration, time_zone)
CREATE FUNCTION ended_at(timestamp, integer, text = 'Europe/Zurich') RETURNS timestamp AS $$
SELECT (($1::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE $3 + INTERVAL '1 day' * $2) AT TIME ZONE $3)::timestamp
$$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE SET search_path = public, pg_temp;
With this function, I can omit having to add ended_at as an explicit column which would have to be kept in sync. And it's easy to use:
SELECT ended_at(started_at, duration) FROM projects

How does one create objects in the future but ignore yearly/annual TimeZone switches?

I create multiple scheduled objects with different scheduled_on attributes. For example, each object would have a date to land on 4:00pm the first of every month.
Once one of those objects hits a timezone change. The app intelligently configures it an hour ahead or behind so that its relative to its parent's timezone.
The problem is that the app will save an object as 4:00PM (in Pacific Standard) for times that will eventually be displayed as (PDT or an hour ahead or 5:00pm). This would mean that I need it to save an hour off in UTC so that when the time comes about, it will display as 4PM regardless of what timezone we are in.
Whats the best technique for ensuring this in Rails?
I'm going to answer this question by pointing out some good things to know about adding time in Rails in relation to timezone.
When you add time, time is allocated in UTC to stay the same time despite timezone changes :
t = Time.now
-> 2012-08-10 13:17:01 +0200
t + 90.days
-> 2012-11-08 13:17:01 +0100
A DateTime will not do this. A DateTime will go up an hour or down an hour in the same TimeZone it began in :
dt = DateTime.now
=> Fri, 10 Aug 2012 13:16:54 +0200
dt + 90.days
=> Thu, 08 Nov 2012 13:16:54 +0200
But a DateTime is the only way to get the number of days between two dates which you can do by subtracting two DateTimes. This, you can't do with a Time, because when substracting a time, it will not divide by a perfect 24 hours, you'll get an irrational number because of the timezone switch.
This is specific to my issue. But I solved my problem by converting my Time to DateTimes to find the number of days in distance, and then reconverted back to time to find a later time in UTC relative to a TimeZone change :
original_job.to_time + ( new_date.to_datetime - original_job.to_datetime ).to_i.days

Get current UTC time in actionscript

How do I get the number of milliseconds, in UTC time, since the epoch?
Just like myDate.getTime() returns the milliseconds in local time, I need this in universal (UTC) time.
Any ideas?
The ActionScript 2 Date object has a getTimezoneOffset method that will give you the difference between UTC and the local timezone in minutes.
var utc = myDate.getTime() + (myDate().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);

Rails 3 DateTime and Time beginning_of_day end_of_day format incorrect

I am trying to find events on certain days with this code:
Event.where('starttime BETWEEN ? AND ?', DateTime.now.beginning_of_day, DateTime.now.end_of_day)
In rails console if I run DateTime.now.beginning_of_day I get exactly what I expect:
Mon, 09 Apr 2012 00:00:00 -0700
I can see where the problem is occurring but looking at the SQL in rails console. Somehow when the date makes it into the SQL query it gets automatically formatted to the wrong date and time.
SELECT "events".* FROM "events" WHERE (starttime BETWEEN '2012-04-09 07:00:00' AND '2012-04-10 06:59:59')
This is giving me results that vary from today until tomorrow, as the sql above says. I can see that when the DateTime.now.beginning_of_day also DateTime.now.end_of_day are being formatted incorrectly once they make it into the sql query. Do I need to be formatting this in a certain way? Any idea why it would go to 7:00 of today and 7:00 of tomorrow?
I don't know if it makes a difference but I'm using PostgreSQL.
See: http://railscasts.com/episodes/106-time-zones-in-rails-2-1
I think the times you're quoting above are actually the same time, just one is UTC time (you're on pacific time right?). To fix this you could try setting:
config.time_zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
in your environment.rb
You could also try:
so the you're using UTC as per the DB
You are probably using UTC time in your database. This is a good thing but it leads to all sorts of confusion. The -0700 offset is converted to 07:00:00 since that's when your day starts in UTC time.
You could use the PostgreSQL AT TIME ZONE construct with UTC timestamps:
FROM events e
WHERE starttime >= '2012-04-09 00:00' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
AND starttime < '2012-04-10 00:00' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
I recently explained PostgreSQL timestamp and time zone handling in a related answer.
