Zoom-In and Zoom-Out can not resize? - printing

I'm using MFC Print preview dialog. Before I used BMP image to represent those zoom buttons and they worked fine, but now I want to use the text labeling instead. But no matter what value I use, the size remains the same when I run the program. Here below what I have:
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
SO I change the values for two buttons, and one is working while zoom-in does not work, for example:
this one works because i can see the Print button has wider length. So I change the value from 36 to 136.
But this one does not work because the ZoomIn remains the same size and here I change 46 to 146.
I believe this is only the place that I assign the values for the buttons. thanks.

The height of your "Zoom &In" button is 50 but the dialog height itself is only 19. You should change the the height of the button so it is 12 just like the others.

It seems I made a mistake. Before I used bitmap image to represent those buttons and when I decide to use text labeling and forgot this function below that loads the bitmap of the zooming buttons. So after commenting out the m_zoomIn and m_zoomOut statements, they work now.
int CKhanhPrintPreview::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CPreviewView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
m_pToolBar->EnableToolTips( TRUE );
return 0;


Xamarin - Button with text and image in absolute layout results in mis-aligned elements

I am trying to create a button in a Xamarin Forms cross-platform app (iOS and Android), where the button has both text and an image. The XAML is pretty straightforward:
<AbsoluteLayout ...>
<Labels and backgrounds and such>
<Button x:Name="HomeButton2" TranslationX="6" TranslationY="100"
BackgroundColor="#efeff4" TextColor="#4a4a4a"
WidthRequest="58" HeightRequest="76"
Image="TaskBar_Assets_HomeButtonIcon.png" Text="Home"
Clicked="HomeButton_Clicked" />
but what I get on the iPad is a button where both the image and the text are strangely pushed over to the side:
(the source image "TaskBar_Assets_HomeButtonIcon.png" is 47 x 44 so it should fit fine in the overall button area)
The only way I can find to make this look better, is to make a custom control based on Button, and then I can see that several of the properties of the underlying UIButton seem wonky:
The Control.ImageView.Frame is all zeroes:
Control.ImageView = <UIImageView: 0x12df52940; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO;
layer = <CALayer: 0x173623180>>
The Control.ImageEdgeInsets and .TitleEdgeInsets look odd (the right + left seem like they leave no space for the image or text):
Control.ImageEdgeInsets = {-8.9501953125, 20.33935546875, 8.9501953125, -20.33935546875}
Control.TitleEdgeInsets = {22, -23.5, -22, 23.5}
What I'm doing, is adjusting the Control.ImageEdgeInsets so that Control.ImageEdgeInsets.Left is equal to the half of the (button width minus the image width) and setting Control.ImageEdgeInsets.Right to zero (for no particular reason except that it works)
and then figuring out what to set Control.TitleEdgeInsets was done with trial & error, I ended up with values related to the width of the "Home" text (41 pixels):
Control.ImageEdgeInsets updated to {-8.9501953125, 5.5, 8.9501953125, 0}
Control.TitleEdgeInsets updated to {22, -50, -22, -9}
That results in a reasonable button look:
although it looks like I need to do more trial & error to get the text "Home" actually centered.
But why do I need to go through all this? Why doesn't the button just display text & image correctly in the first place?
And if I do have to go through all this, why are the values for Left & Right for ImageEdgeInsets and TitleEdgeInsets so different?
Most of the articles I have read about images on buttons suggest constructing your own using an Image and a Label in a grid using a gesture recognizer to handle the tap.
You could also try a button and an image in a grid.
Use Margin to adjust placement.
I try and stay clear of absolute layout.
Here's the ButtonRenderer source code from Xamarin.Froms.If you set the ContentLayout to Top, the below codes will be run:
void ComputeEdgeInsets(UIButton button, Button.ButtonContentLayout layout)
var horizontalImageOffset = labelWidth / 2;
var horizontalTitleOffset = imageWidth / 2;
button.ImageEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(-imageVertOffset, horizontalImageOffset, imageVertOffset, -horizontalImageOffset);
button.TitleEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(titleVertOffset, -horizontalTitleOffset, -titleVertOffset, horizontalTitleOffset);
As the codes show, the Left offset of image is horizontalImageOffset which is labelWidth / 2. The Left offset of title is horizontalTitleOffset which is imageWidth / 2.
So, when the text is wider, the left offset of image will be bigger. When the image is wider, the left offset of text will be bigger.
In native iOS, the default layout is like the left image: Image is at left and Label is at right. In Xamarin for Top setting, Xamarin moves the Image up and right, moves the Label down and left to makes them like the right image. I paint this illustration, hope it clear.

How to limit iOS button title with 0 lines in background area?

As above picture, the blue area is the button, but the title with 0 lines is out of the area, also I tried that set the titleLabel frame with the frame with the button, but still it does not work, so any tips here??
Clip the content to bounds:
myButton.clipsToBounds = true
may be this will help:
1) add a button
2) set line break (see screen)
3) set multimple lines in text (use alt+enter to new line )
4) Set constraints for leading and for top - so width and height can be calculated by autolayout
5) set background color if you need

Swift: programmatically align labels for different IOS screen sizes

I'm new to Swift and ios development. I have 6 labels and a horizontal SKScene in my App. I would like to align those 6 labels beautifully and automatically. Now I have fixed the positions and the alignment always looks awful on some screen size while good on other.
I have not used storyboards or other graphical editors for building the ui but everything is done in code. Therefore I'm looking for a programmatic solution (code examples) for handling the alignment.
If you want to place them in the middle of the screen horizontally, but give them different y positions, you could just do something like this for each label:
label.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame) * 0.80)
To place them at different y positions, just multiply by the maxY by a different decimal number. This way, all of the labels are aligned along the x-axis and appear at different y-positions, like a column and they will appear this way on every screen size because they are positioned relative to the screen size and not in a fixed position.
You can align the labels (lets say at the center of the screen) like this.
var label1 = UILabel(CGRectMake: 0, 0, 200, 40)
label1.center = CGPointMake(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width/2, 30)
var label2 = UILabel(CGRectMake: 0, 0, 200, 40)
label2.center = CGPointMake(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width/2, label1.center.y + 30)
and so on. Just reference the main screen bounds and not static points for alignment, so that they are centered in any screen size.
What I ended up doing was to create an empty SKSprite to which I included the SKLabels. Now I can control by the pixed the distances between labels but align the top-level sprite in the middle of the screen despite screen size.

Cocos2d-x how to create image button with title and font

Hi i am converting my game from Corona SDK to Cocos2d-x 3.0 alpha.
I need to create an image button with text on it. It was very simple in Corona SDK with widget.newButton, which takes all x, y, size, font, image etc in single function.
Now i couldn't find any alternate to this in Cocos2d-x. The closest thing i have found in it is MenuItemImage
auto closeItem = MenuItemImage::create(
CC_CALLBACK_1(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback, this));
closeItem->setPosition(Point(origin.x + visibleSize.width - closeItem->getContentSize().width/2 , origin.y + closeItem->getContentSize().height/2));
auto menu = Menu::create(closeItem, NULL);
this->addChild(menu, 1);
It takes the images and event, but i cannot set title and font on it. Anyone has idea how to set title and font on it?
You can use MenuItemFont or MenuItemLabel.
For example:
MenuItemFont::setFontName( "Marker Felt" );
MenuItemFont::setFontSize( 34 );
auto label = LabelBMFont::create( "go back", "fonts/bitmapFontTest3.fnt" );
auto back = MenuItemLabel::create(label, CC_CALLBACK_1(MenuLayer4::backCallback, this) );
MenuItemFont::setFontSize( 34 );
MenuItemFont::setFontName("Marker Felt");
auto item6 = MenuItemFont::create("Bugs", CC_CALLBACK_1(MenuLayerMainMenu::menuCallbackBugsTest, this));
For more information, see MenuTest.ccp
You can simply new a Label, and add it to you MenuItemImage, such as:
LabelTTF* closeLabel = LabelTTF::create("close", "Marker Felt", 28);
And you may need to adjust the label's position.
It's fairly simple, this works in at least cocos2d-x 3.10 and 3.16, but if you're looking to make a button with cocos2d, use the built in cocos2d::ui namespace for Button.
cocos2d::ui::Button* button = cocos2d::ui::Button::create();
//button textures
"<your default texture>.png",
"<your pressed texture>.png",
"<your disabled texture>.png",
//text content, font, and size
button->setTitleText("Touch me!");
//bind a callback with a lambda
auto touch_handler = [](cocos2d::Ref* ref, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType evt)
if (evt == cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED)
//do your callback logic here, ie play a sound or vibrate
//then finally, like a Nodes, add it to your scene
The textures you'll load are ideally packed into a texture with something like TexturePacker, otherwise you'll change it to LOCAL instead of PLIST. The textures will be used when the button is default, or when there's a touch, or when the button is disabled.

iPad UIPopoverController.PresentFromRect popup positioning

iPad - Popup
I have a popup and wish it to be 75% of the height and width of the screen. My screen is a UISplitView.
How is this done with UIPopoverController.PresentFromRect ?
I have tried many combos of values, but the results are 'strange'.
Note: I do not wish to use the PresentFromButton.
I figured it out.
1) You need o set the size of the popup:
myUIPopupController.PopoverContentSize = new SizeF (1024f, 1024f);
2) Then set the popup based on a relative frame size:
myUIPopupController.PresentFromRect (relativeFrame, this.SplitViewController.View, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Right, true);
