Advice on Twitter like UIView - ios

I have a question on some UIView stuff. I want to create a Twitter-like UIView cf image. So, how to create this type of view? Is it composed of several UIViews like 1 for the topbar and a second for the content (white one).
If yes, how to create this shadow between these views?
How to create the white arrow on top left (just under the image).
Any code sample will be appreciated. Thanks all!

It's simple UIViewController with white background, containing UITableView with one cell.


How can I set a title at the top of a customized Brightcove UI player?

In this tutorial The UI is built using 'lines' of views from the bottom. Which is perfect for just a traditional bottom view like the one with progress bar below, but I want to have a title label like the example too. I can't add empty lines of views as the screens differs.
Should I build a new custom UIView from scratch?
After days of search, the answer was actually in the repository:
There is an nib file which has the UIView as custom controls view to the video player, which is much easier to implement and has much more freedom to design as you wish.

Making a `UIView` line go half rounded on center of itself

I'm struggling with a problem:
I did create an UIView with subviews inside to make my own UIToolBar.
I added a UIView which acts like a delimiter line on top of it.
Then I decided to make one of the subviews rounded on center. But I need to find a way to "curve" the delimiter UIView.
Actually I have:
I want:
Is there anyway to fullfill my goal programmaticaly in swift ?
I thought about importing an UIImageView and make the images according to the differents iPhone size but is there any other solution ?
I solved a similar problem by sandwiching a dark gray circle image behind the toolbar, and a light gray circle image in front of the toolbar but behind the button. It's a hack but it works perfectly if you match the colors, and it's easier than doing path drawing.

Two horizontal lines around UILabel

I have a login table that give to my users many forms to create a account, inside my table I have a cell with a UILabel, all I'm trying to do is create two horizontal lines around the UILabel like this image below:
Example of image
That image have two horizontal lines around the label OR, what better way to do this? And how I can do this?
You can create lines out of very thin UIViews with a background color of gray or black. In storyboard, drag a UIView in front of the UILabel in the cell, size according to your preferences, and copy it to make one after the label as well.

Change content of UICollectionViewCell during interactive transition

I'm playing around with UICollectionView interactive transitions.
The very basic implementation is here.
Now I'm a bit stuck with Cells transitioning.
The idea is to change content of cells simultaneously with interactive layout transition.
Here is how it looks now.
The first layout
And the second layout
When transitioning is finished, I want to change content of cells on second layout.
1) Text label "Some label" should disappear from every cells
2) Text label "Another label" should appear on the right corner of each cell.
Key issue is I want this changes fade in/out according to UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress value during transitioning.
Something very similar implemented in Facebook Paper App.
Take look how content of cells is changing below (click on it).
Is anybody know an elegant way to replicate this effect?
This library will help you achieve what you are trying. If you are interested in custom animations I would suggest you use FB pop library
The solution is to subclass UICollectionViewCell.
Subclass should contain two UIView. One for big layout & one for small.
Initially UICollectionViewCell shows only small one.
Once we starting to update UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress for example from small to big we should do following steps:
Make an UIImage from big UIView
Put this image above small UIView
Set alpha of the image to 0
Continuously change alpha of UIImage to UICollectionViewTransitionLayout.transitionProgress value
Once transition is done just switch this to UIView
When you transitioning back you should switch big with small.
Done :-)

iOS how to split static cell into two sections

I am very new to both Objective-C and iOS development and I am trying to build a form in my app. I want to be able to split static cells into two sections as shown in this screenshot:
This is exactly what I am trying achieve, two static cells with 2 sections in each, each section containing a UITextField. What is the best way to do this?
Any help / advice is very much appreciated.
You should just create a UIView, and round the corners of the layer. Add the UITextFields onto the UIView, and draw the separators onto the UIView.
Why dont you just drag out 4 UILabels in the areas you require.
Create a background image which has the grid / colours you desire.
