Grails - Pass a link as a parameter - grails

I have implemented an email sharing service in my web application. People can click on the email button and access a form with which they can send emails to whom they want.
I would like to set a default subject and body.
In the default body text of the email, I would like to pass the link of the page people want to share. Surely it is possible to do so but I do not manage to.
So far it has been a dead end to try to pass the link in the value argument of my text editor. I cannot think if any other way to do it.
Any suggestion greatly appreciated.

The same way you pass data to any other fields that you want to populate.
For example your controller returns a model emailShare that contains subject, body and url etc
In your gsp, lets say you have a textarea for the body of your email,
<g:textField name="emailSubject" value="${emailShare.subject}" />
<g:textArea name="emailBody" value="${emailShare.url}" rows="5" cols="40"/>
This will set the url as the default text in the textarea, which can also be further edited to add more text.

You can get the location of the current page using JavaScript with document.URL Then you can just set a hidden field on your form and submit it with your email request. For example:
<script type="text/javascript">
function setLocation(urlField) {
urlField.value = document.URL
<form id="exampleForm" name="exampleForm" action="#">
<input type="text" id="url" name="url"/>
<input name="submit" value="submit" type="button" onclick="setLocation(this.form.url);" />


How can I enter a param for grails-gsp-link Tag in a gsp Page

I have a link via link tag, to a controller where a list function is coded. I want to execute the list function with a selection, e.g. a Year. I would like the user to have the possibility to enter the Year or any other selection criteria on the gsp-page and to route that user input to the params entry in the link tag. Link tag only offers:
<g:link action="list" params="[year: '2018']">myList</g:link>
with 2018 hard coded.
I need it as a user entry.
How can I manage it?
As Mike W suggested, you should use a form for this. (If that is entirely not possible, there are alternatives, but form is the best option.)
To provide a simple example:
<g:form controller="myController">
<label for="year">Year:</label>
<input type="text" id="year" name="year" />
<g:actionSubmit action="list" value="List" />

Input type='image' as submit button behaves differently than 'submit'

I have multiple buttons submitting a form. I check to see which button was clicked by the input value that gets passed into my controller.
public async Task<ActionResult> MyAction(MyModel model, string command)
The html below works. In my controller command equals myValue
<input type="submit" name="command" value="myValue" />
The html below doesn't work. In my controller command is null
<input type="image" name="command" src="..." value="myValue"/>
W3C says the type 'image' is a submit button
So why are these two input elements behaving differently?
An image submit button indeed behaves differently, by definition, both according to the expired working draft linked to in the question and the current HTML5 CR draft and the HTML 4.01 recommendation. According to HTML5 CR, construction of the form data set does not add a name=value pair for an image submit button but name.x=... and name.y=... with the coordinates of the clicked location as values. This corresponds to old definitions and browser practice, except that Chrome additionally adds a name=value pair.
Thus, in your case, the form data will contain the fields command.x and command.y, with values that you are probably not interested in. This is what you need to take as starting point when coding the form handler. This means that if you need to recognize which of several image buttons was used, you need to give them different name attributes.
You can have one hidden field and set the command name in that hidden field which ever button is click and get the name of the button that submited the form on server side.
var commandName = $(this).attr("val");
<input type="hidden" name="command">
<input type="submit" value="submitbtn" class="submit" />
<input type="image" src="..." value="imagebtn" class="submit"/>
The simplest (and maybe not safe) way to accomplish this task is with inline JQuery, here's how :
<input type="image" src="..." onclick="$('#hidImgValue').val('Image1');" />
<input type="hidden" id="hidImgValue" name="command" value="none" />
public async Task<ActionResult> MyAction(MyModel model, string command)
Command var will have "Image1" as value.

Rails will_paginate custom renderer manual page number

What i want to do is to create a custom renderer for will_paginate which renders first, previous, next and last page and a input field where the user can type in the page number manually. I already have the links for first, last etc. but i stuck at the input field. I could create a form in the view but the input field has to be rendered between the previous and next links.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks for your help
You can do this as a separate form (make sure it is a GET). All you
need is the one input element named page. Something as simple as this
should work (not all browsers may like the #). I dropped it into a
site I'm playing with now and it worked. Put it anywhere on your page.
You might have to make something more complicated if you need to
incorporate search terms.
<form action="#" method="get">
Go to page: <input type="text" name="page" value="" size="2"
maxlength="4" />
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" />

MVC - Input submit causing redirect automatically

I have the following form
<form id="file_upload" action="/Upload/Save" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" id="txtProposalName" name="name" placeholder="Nome da Camiseta" />
<input type="text" id="txtProposalDesc" name="description" placeholder="Descrição da Camiseta"/>
<div class="fileupload-buttonbar">
<div class="progressbar fileupload-progressbar"></div>
<span class="fileinput-button">
Upload images
<input type="file" name="files[]" multiple />
<input type="hidden" id="imgID" name="imgID"/>
<input type="submit" id="postProposal"/>
Would call this action:
public JsonResult Save(string name, string description, string imgID)
return Json("a");
(This is the current implementation, it has no logic because I am still testing some things).
My problem is: when I click on my submit button, the action is called with the correct values, but when it returns, my browser redirects to /Upload/Save (which is the action URL).
Why is this happening? Is there any way to prevent it?
You can use an asynchronous call to your method (e.g. AJAX) to prevent the page from reloading.
You can use Ajax.BeginForm to prevent reload page.
As I can see you use full page reload with:
Also you trying to post data to json action method in controller. You need all form submit make with jquery, most problems you will find with ajax file uploaders.
Also look at serialize() it will help you to collect all form input values.
Dont need to prevent it, just redirect the user in your server code .

Client side validation on normal (not submit) button

Here is my code, simplified:
<form id="form1" style="height: 759px" runat="server">
<%= Html.TextBox("txtDateFrom")%>
<input type="button" value="Add" id="btnAdd" onclick="return btnAdd_onclick()" />
I want to add a validator on client side. For example, it will control the entered text's in the textBox length.
Important: I don't have a model passed in that view.
If you are open to use Jquery use JQuery Validation Plugins
eg.Jquery Validation Plugin
and Position Absolute Jquery validation plugin
Any reason not to use jquery validation add-in?
