Parser for user defined infix operators - parsing

I am writing an interpreter for a language where functions can be used as operators. However, the functions content will only be known at runtime.
For that I considered two solutions:
Parsing is done at runtime, using the runtime information on the function
All user-defined operators use default values for precedence and associativity.
I chose the latter as I see a number of advantages in parsing separately to execution.
Now it comes to implementation and I am interested to see what options there are. My initial thoughts are a shift reduce parser, but I have little experience in constructing parsers.
LHS op RHS : LHS * RHS /* define a binary operator 'op' */
var : 3 /* define a variable */
print 5 op var /* should print 15 */
LHS op RHS : LHS / RHS /* Re-define op */
print var op var /* Should print 1 */
in the last case, the parser will get from the lexer: " id id id id ". Only at runtime do I know that the 'op' id is an operator.

(Posting the results of the comments, as requested.)
Solution #1 is definitely ugly, complex to implement, and unneeded, I agree. Solution #2 is by far easier to implement and comprehend. You can also allow custom associativity and precedence for operators, as long as those are known statically. The main thing is that these facts are known at parse time.
As for actual parsing, most parsers will work just fine, as any two expression surrounding an id are an application of a custom infix operator (this is less true if you allow custom precedence and associativity, in that case you need an algorithm that allows determine those on a per-operator basis at parse time). Either case, my personal favorite is a "Top Down Operator Precedence Parser", or Pratt parser. I found the following resources (ordered by usefulness to me, YMMV) describe it quite well:
Simple Top-Down Parsing in Python
Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy
Top Down Operator Precedence
Two properties of the algorithm make it suit this problem very well:
The lookup of associativity ("binding power") happens dynamically for each token (allowing the parser to allow the user to define precedence for their operators).
It's very simple to write by hand[*], and you'll probably have to do that as such an degree of dynamism is beyond the scope of most (at least all I know) parser generators.
[*] I've personally written a parser for a very large (lacking only case, multidimensional arrays and perhaps some obscure subtleties) subset of Pascal in 500 lines of Python and 2-3 days of work, the rest is only missing because other parts of the software it's used in were more interesting at the time and I didn't have a reason to implement the rest.


How would you re-write the production rules for an existing grammar so that semi-colons were optional?

Suppose that there was a programming language Mod(C) just like C++ except that it was white-space sensitive.
That is, parsers and compilers written for Mod(C) did not ignore line-feeds, spaces, etc...
Also suppose that someone had already written down the production rules for describing a formal grammar for this modified version of C++
My question is, how would you modify the production rules so that semi-colons were optional in the event that the semi-colon was followed by a line-break?
Actually, the semi-colon would optional if some <optional_semi_colon> token is followed by:
one or more spaces and tabs
zero or one line-comments
a line-break (\n\r or \r\n or \n or \r)
The following piece of code would compile just fine:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
cout << i << " "; // there is a semi-colon here. that's okay
return 0 // no semi-colon on this line
It's not at all clear what you mean by "white-space sensitive" and your example doesn't show any white-space sensitivity other than the possible optionality of semicolons at the end of a line. That is, you don't seem to be looking for an implementation of the off-side rule, as with Python or Haskell, where indentation indicates block structure. [Note 1]
Presumably, you are not just asking how to turn any newline into a semicolon, since that would be trivial. So I assume that you want something like JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which automatically inserts a semicolon at the end of a line if:
the line doesn't already end with a newline, and
the current parse cannot be extended with the first token of the next line, either because
2.1. there is no item in the current state's itemset which would allow the next token to be shifted, or
2.2. the items which might allow a shift have been marked as not allowing a newline.
[Note 2]
Provision 2.1 prevents the incorrect semicolon insertion in:
let x = a
+ b
On the other hand, there are cases when you really want the newline to end the statement, in order to avoid silent bugs, such as:
/* The above yield always produces undefined. */
console.log("We've been resumed");
yield -- and other statements with optional operands -- are annotated in the grammar with [No LineTerminator here], which triggers provision 2.2 and thus allows ASI even though the next token (console in the above example) could otherwise have extended the parse. Another context where newlines are banned is between a value and the postfix ++ operator, so that
let v = 2 * a
is accepted with the (presumably) intended meaning. (Without ASI, there would be a syntax error after the ++, where ASI is not allowed because there's no newline character.)
JavaScript is not the only language with optional command terminators, but it's probably the language with the most elaborate set of rules controlling the parse. Other languages include:
Python, which in addition to the off-side rule, ignores semicolons inside parentheses, braces and brackets;
Awk, which treats newlines as statement terminators unless the newline follows one of the tokens ,, {, ?, :, ||, &&, do, or else. [Note 3]
Bash, in which a newline is a command terminator except in specific contexts, such as after a |, || or && operator or a keyword like do, then and else, and inside an array literal or an arithmetic expansion. [Note 4]
Kotlin, whose rules I don't know. And undoubtedly other languages as well.
JavaScript (and, I believe, Kotlin) suffer from an ambiguity with function calls, because
let a = b
is parsed as calling b with the argument (x)=>console.log(x) and then calling the result with the argument 42. (Which is a runtime error, because the result of console.log is undefined, which cannot be called.)
There are also languages like Lua, in which semicolons are always optional, even if you run statements together on a single line (a = 3 b = 4), and which therefore also suffers from the misinterpretation of function call expressions. However, unlike JavaScript, Lua requires that the ( be on the same line as the function expression, and therefore flags the equivalent of the above example as a syntax error. (The check is not part of the grammar, for what it's worth: After the function call is parsed, a semantic check is performed to verify that the line number of the ( token is the same as the line number of the last token in the function expression.)
I went to the trouble of enumerating all of the above examples by way of illustrating the fact that optional semicolons are not a simple grammatical transformation, and that there is no simple rule which can determine the precise circumstances in which a newline is an implicit statement terminator. Realistic implementations of the feature are non-trivial, and differ in their details; the algorithm chosen needs to be tested against a variety of realistic code samples, and it needs to be carefully documented so that programmers using the language don't find themselves surprised by the results. If you get it wrong, but your language nonetheless becomes popular, you'll find projects with style guides which require semicolons even in context in which they were optional. None of that is intended to imply that you shouldn't pursue the idea; only that it is perhaps more complicated than it looks at first glance.
Having said all that, I don't believe that any of the above examples require a context-sensitive grammar (unless you want to implement the off-side rule). Even in the case of JavaScript, possibly with some minor exceptions, a parser can be created by starting with an LALR automaton and then adjusting the transition rules, state by state, in order to either ignore a newline token or reduce it to a statement terminator (as well as implementing the lookahead restrictions in certain rules). Most of these modifications will effectively be simply the deletion of one conflicting parser actions, similar to the operator-precedence-based resolution of ambiguous expression grammars. (And it's worth noting that most parser generators make no attempt to rewrite the original grammar after processing of the precedence declarations.)
However, while the existence of a PDA demonstrates the existence of a context-free grammar (at least for a context-free superset of the target language [Note 5]), it does not demonstrate the existence of a simple or elegant grammar. It seems to me likely that recreating a grammar from the modified PDA will produce a bloated monster without much value as a discursive tool. The modified PDA itself is sufficient to perform the parse, so reconstructing a grammar is not of much practical value.
That's perhaps just as well, because the off-side rule is not context-free, and thus cannot be implemented with a context free grammar. Although there are well-known techniques for implementing in a lexical scanner.
That's a slight oversimplification of the ASI rules. In some cases, JavaScript also allows a semicolon to be inserted before a }, even if there is no newline at that point. But that's not a significant complication.
? and : are a Gnu AWK extension.
That's not a complete list, by any means. See the Posix shell grammar and the bash manual for more details.
While the published grammars for the languages mentioned above, like the grammars for C and C++, are nominally context-free grammars, they do not actually encompass the entirety of the well-formedness rules in the respective language standards and/or manuals, which include constraints (or "early errors", in the terms of ECMA-262), "that can be detected and reported prior to the evaluation of any construct". Many of these rules are clearly context-sensitive (such as prohibitions on multiple definitions of the same name in a lexical scope).
Context-sensitive parsing is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's a lot simpler than trying to achieve the same result with a context-free grammar (as in the case of Lua function calls mentioned above). But it's certainly convenient to parse as much as possible using a generated parser, since such a parser can more easily be repurposed for other applications, such as linters, code browsers, syntax highlighters, and so on, not all of which need to be as precise as a compiler.

Operator precedence: why parse unary operators this way?

I'm following along with Bob Nystrom's great book "Crafting Interpreters".
Please let me know if this question is too specific for this site - I've been trying for hours but couldn't figure this out on my own :)
In chapter Compiling Expressions, in function unary(), the function parsePrecedence(Precedence) is called with PREC_UNARY instead of PREC_UNARY + 1.
The book explains this is in order to enable "nesting" of unary operators. E.g.: --1.
However, in parsePrecedence(Precedence) no precedence level is checked before parsing prefix operators - it is checked only before infix ones. And unary is a prefix parser.
So passing PREC_UNARY or PREC_UNARY + 1 to parsePrecedence(Precedence) doesn't seem to make a difference. What am I missing?
The simple answer is that you are right: with this particular grammar, there is no difference because no binary (or postfix) operator has precedence PREC_UNARY, and the test that will be used is ≤.
All the same, the conventional answer is to use PREC_UNARY because unary prefix operators are (necessarily) right associative. This convention comes from the case of binary operators, where you need to use the operator's precedence plus one for left associative operators (the normal case) and the operator's precedence itself for right-associative operators (exponentiation and assignment, for example). (Assignment is actually somewhat more complicated, but I personally think the solution proposed by Bob Nystrom is more complicated than would have been necessary.)
Another conventional answer derives from the possibility of using a bottom-up operator precedence parser (Dijkstra's "shunting yard") instead of the top-down Pratt parser. Fully exploring bottom-up parsing goes well beyond the scope of this question; suffice it to say that the same principle applies with respect to associativity.

Is it possible to remove the internal control of lexer by the parser for parsing heredoc in shell?

To deal with heredoc in shell (e.g., bash), the grammar rule will change the variable need_here_doc via push_heredoc().
source.dest = 0;
redir.filename = $2;
$$ = make_redirection (source, r_reading_until, redir, 0);
push_heredoc ($$);
static void
push_heredoc (r)
if (need_here_doc >= HEREDOC_MAX)
last_command_exit_value = EX_BADUSAGE;
need_here_doc = 0;
report_syntax_error (_("maximum here-document count exceeded"));
reset_parser ();
exit_shell (last_command_exit_value);
redir_stack[need_here_doc++] = r;
need_here_doc is used in read_token(), which is called by yylex(). This makes the behavior of yylex() non-automomous.
Is it normal to design a parser that can change how yylex() behaves?
Is it because the shell language is not LALR(1), so there is no way to avoid changing the behavior of yylex() by the grammar actions?
if (need_here_doc)
gather_here_documents ();
current_token = read_token (READ);
Is it normal to design a parser that can change how yylex() behaves?
Sure. It might not be ideal, but it's extremely common.
The Posix shell syntax is far from the ideal candidate for a flex/bison parser, and about the only thing you can say for the bash implementation using flex and bison is that it demonstrates how flexible those tools can be if pushed to their respective limits. Here-docs are not the only place where "lexical feedback" is necessary.
But even in more disciplined languages, lexical feedback can be useful. Or its alternative: writing partial parsing logic into the lexical scanner in order for it to know when the parse would require a different set of lexical rules.
Possibly the most well-known (or most frequently-commented) lexical feedback is the parsing of C-style cast expressions, which require the lexer to know whether the foo in (foo) is a typename or not. (This is usually implemented by way of a symbol table shared between the parser and the lexer but the precise implementation details are tricky.)
Here are a few other examples, which might be considered relatively benign uses of lexical feedback, although they certainly increase the coupling between lexer and parser.
Python (and Haskell) require the lexical scanner to reformulate leading whitespace into INDENT or DEDENT tokens. But if the line break occurs within parentheses, the whitespace handling is suppressed (including the NEWLINE token itself).
Ecmascript (Javascript) and other languages allow regular expression literals to be written surrounded by /s. But the / could also be a division operator or the first character in a /= mutation operator. The lexical decision depends on the parse context. (This could be guessed by the lexical scanner from the recent token history, which would count as reproducing part of the parsing logic in the lexical scanner.)
Similar to the above, many languages overload < in ways which complicate the logic in the lexical scanner. The use as a template bracket rather than a comparison operator might be dealt with in the scanner -- in C++, for example, it will depend on features like whether the preceding identifier was a template or not -- but that doesn't actually change lexical context. However, the use of an angle bracket to indicate the start of an X/HTML literal (or template) definitely changes lexical context. As with the regex example above, it will be necessary to know whether or not a comparison operator would be syntactically valid or not.
Is it because the shell language is not LALR(1), so there is no way to avoid changing the behavior of yylex() by the grammar actions?
The Posix shell syntax is most certainly not LALR(1), or even context-free. But most languages could not be parsed scannerlessly with an LALR(1) parser, and many languages turn out not to have context-free grammars if you take all syntactic considerations into account. (Cf. C-style cast expressions, above.) Perhaps shell is further from the platonic ideal than most. But then, it grew over the years from a kernel intended to be simple to type, rather than formally analysable. (No comment from me about whether this excuse can be extended to Perl, which I don't plan to discuss here.)
What I'd say in general is that languages which embed other languages (regular expressions, HTML fragments, Flex/Bison semantic actions, shell arithmetic expansions, etc., etc.) present challenges for a simplistic parser/scanner model. Despite lots of interesting work and solid experimentation, my sense is that language embedding still lacks a good implementable formal structure. And since most languages do have embedded sublanguages, there is and will continue to be a certain adhockery in their parser implementations. In part, that's what makes this field of study so much fun.

Can this be parsed by a LALR(1) parser?

I am writing a parser in Bison for a language which has the following constructs, among others:
self-dispatch: [identifier arguments]
dispatch: [expression . identifier arguments]
string slicing: expression[expression,expression] - similar to Python.
arguments is a comma-separated list of expressions, which can be empty too. All of the above are expressions on their own, too.
My problem is that I am not sure how to parse both [method [other_method]] and [someString[idx1, idx2].toInt] or if it is possible to do this at all with an LALR(1) parser.
To be more precise, let's take the following example: [a[b]] (call method a with the result of method b). When it reaches the state [a . [b]] (the lookahead is the second [), it won't know whether to reduce a (which has already been reduced to identifier) to expression because something like a[b,c] might follow (which could itself be reduced to expression and continue with the second construct from above) or to keep it identifier (and shift it) because a list of arguments will follow (such as [b] in this case).
Is this shift/reduce conflict due to the way I expressed this grammar or is it not possible to parse all of these constructs with an LALR(1) parser?
And, a more general question, how can one prove that a language is/is not parsable by a particular type of parser?
Assuming your grammar is unambiguous (which the part you describe appears to be) then your best bet is to specify a %glr-parser. Since in most cases, the correct parse will be forced after only a few tokens, the overhead should not be noticeable, and the advantage is that you do not need to complicate either the grammar or the construction of the AST.
The one downside is that bison cannot verify that the grammar is unambiguous -- in general, this is not possible -- and it is not easy to prove. If it turns out that some input is ambiguous, the GLR parser will generate an error, so a good test suite is important.
Proving that the language is not LR(1) would be tricky, and I suspect that it would be impossible because the language probably is recognizable with an LALR(1) parser. (Impossible to tell without seeing the entire grammar, though.) But parsing (outside of CS theory) needs to create a correct parse tree in order to be useful, and the sort of modifications required to produce an LR grammar will also modify the AST, requiring a post-parse fixup. The difficultly in creating a correct AST spring from the difference in precedence between
In the first (subset) case, b binds to its argument list [c] and the comma has lower precedence; in the end, b[c] and d are sibling children of the slice. In the second case (method invocation), the comma is part of the argument list and binds more tightly than the method application; b, [c] and d are siblings in a method application. But you cannot decide the shape of the parse tree until an arbitrarily long input (since d could be any expression).
That's all a bit hand-wavey since "precedence" is not formally definable, and there are hacks which could make it possible to adjust the tree. Since the LR property is not really composable, it is really possible to provide a more rigorous analysis. But regardless, the GLR parser is likely to be the simplest and most robust solution.
One small point for future reference: CFGs are not just a programming tool; they also serve the purpose of clearly communicating the grammar in question. Nirmally, if you want to describe your language, you are better off using a clear CFG than trying to describe informally. Of course, meaningful non-terminal names will help, and a few examples never hurt, but the essence of the grammar is in the formal description and omitting that makes it harder for others to "be helpful".

Any reason I couldn't create a language supporting infix, postfix, and prefix functions, and more?

I've been mulling over creating a language that would be extremely well suited to creation of DSLs, by allowing definitions of functions that are infix, postfix, prefix, or even consist of multiple words. For example, you could define an infix multiplication operator as follows (where multiply(X,Y) is already defined):
a * b => multiply(a,b)
Or a postfix "squared" operator:
a squared => a * a
Or a C or Java-style ternary operator, which involves two keywords interspersed with variables:
a ? b : c => if a==true then b else c
Clearly there is plenty of scope for ambiguities in such a language, but if it is statically typed (with type inference), then most ambiguities could be eliminated, and those that remain could be considered a syntax error (to be corrected by adding brackets where appropriate).
Is there some reason I'm not seeing that would make this extremely difficult, impossible, or just a plain bad idea?
Edit: A number of people have pointed me to languages that may do this or something like this, but I'm actually interested in pointers to how I could implement my own parser for it, or problems I might encounter if doing so.
This is not too hard to do. You'll want to assign each operator a fixity (infix, prefix, or postfix) and a precedence. Make the precedence a real number; you'll thank me later. Operators of higher precedence bind more tightly than operators of lower precedence; at equal levels of precedence, you can require disambiguation with parentheses, but you'll probably prefer to permit some operators to be associative so you can write
x + y + z
without parentheses. Once you have a fixity, a precedence, and an associativity for each operator, you'll want to write an operator-precedence parser. This kind of parser is fairly simply to write; it scans tokens from left to right and uses one auxiliary stack. There is an explanation in the dragon book but I have never found it very clear, in part because the dragon book describes a very general case of operator-precedence parsing. But I don't think you'll find it difficult.
Another case you'll want to be careful of is when you have
prefix (e) postfix
where prefix and postfix have the same precedence. This case also requires parentheses for disambiguation.
My paper Unparsing Expressions with Prefix and Postfix Operators has an example parser in the back, and you can download the code, but it's written in ML, so its workings may not be obvious to the amateur. But the whole business of fixity and so on is explained in great detail.
What are you going to do about order of operations?
a * b squared
You might want to check out Scala which has a kind of unique approach to operators and methods.
Haskell has just what you're looking for.
