Haskell 'else' parsing error - parsing

I'm having an parsing error on the input 'else' but I have no idea how to solve it. I'm still new to this haskell thing.
depot =
putStr ("Enter deposit amount: ")
deAmount <- getLine
let redeAmount = read deAmount
if redeAmount > 0 then
let accBal = redeAmount + accBal
putStrLn "Please enter amount greater than 0"

The first mistake is that the do (and everything after it) needs to be indented.
The next mistake is that syntactically let accBal = redeAmount + accBal can't stand on its own like that. Either it needs to be followed by an in or it must be directly inside a do block (being inside an if which is inside a do block does not count).
However even if you fix the syntax, it won't do what you want. You can't use let to reassign variables. As a matter of fact you can't reassign variables at all. If you fix the syntax of your let, it will simply create a new variable accBal which will shadow the old variable accBal. The scope of that new variable will be the then-block of the if. Once you leave the if-block, you'll accBal will again refer to the old value of accBal no matter what you did inside the if.
So to fix your issue, you need to restructure your logic, so it doesn't depend on accBal being reassigned.

I don't have much to add onto sepp2k's answer, but I thought I'd show you how I might write it:
type Balance = Float -- The type of the money balance
type TransactionT m a = StateT Balance m a -- Something that modifies a balance
type Transaction a = TransactionT IO a -- Something that interacts with IO
-- *and* modifies balance
-- Request the user to enter a deposit
getDeposit :: Transaction ()
getDeposit = do
putStr "Enter deposit amount: " -- You don't need () around the argument
amountStr <- liftIO getLine -- This is a consequence of using monad
-- transformers
let amount = read amountStr
if amount > 0
then modify (+ amount) -- Update the balance
else liftIO $ error "Please enter amount greater than 0." -- Raise an
-- exception
Here's a great little tutorial: http://learnyouahaskell.com/.
Here are some sections relevant to the code I wrote:
Let expressions
Case expressions
IO stuff
More Monads
Even More Monads
Oh, and to make your life easier, Hoogle.


Suppress Printing for Custom Structures in Julia

I have a structure that ends up having a lot of circular references. It resembles this:
mutable struct Friend
a :: Int64
b :: Float64
your_best_friend :: Union{Nothing, Friend}
you_are_best_friend :: Union{Nothing, Friend}
Friend() = new()
Any two people who are best friends with each other will cause a circular reference when this is printed. Julia handles these circular references so that the print doesn't go forever, but I would prefer to have no printing at all whenever a variable of the structure Friend is created. I know supressor.jl is a thing, but I am wondering if there is a solution inherent to Base Julia. Basically, is there an option for structures so that the object isn't printed when assigned without using an extra package? If not, what's the next best thing? I am not a CS guy, so I'm not sure what kind of computation time printing takes, but I'd like to avoid it if possible (and I'm not sure supressor.jl removes the printing time or if printing still takes extra time but just isn't displayed). This seems simple to me, but I can't find the solution in the docs. Sorry if it is obvious and thanks in advance!
You need to overload Base.show to change how objects are shown by the REPL:
julia> mutable struct Friend
a :: Int64
b :: Float64
your_best_friend :: Union{Nothing, Friend}
you_are_best_friend :: Union{Nothing, Friend}
Friend() = new()
julia> Friend()
Friend(0, 0.0, #undef, #undef)
julia> import Base.show
julia> show(io::IO, f::Friend) = show(io, "Friend $(f.a)")
show (generic function with 223 methods)
julia> d = Friend()
"Friend 0"
Note if you also want to change how things print outside the REPL command line, you may also need to overload printing via import Base.print

Performant, idiomatic way to concatenate two chars that are not in a list into a string

I've done most of my development in C# and am just learning F#. Here's what I want to do in C#:
string AddChars(char char1, char char2) => char1.ToString() + char2.ToString();
EDIT: added ToString() method to the C# example.
I want to write the same method in F# and I don't know how to do it other than this:
let addChars char1 char2 = Char.ToString(char1) + Char.ToString(char2)
Is there a way to add concatenate these chars into a string without converting both into strings first?
I also have considered making a char array and converting that into a string, but that seems similarly wasteful.
let addChars (char1:char) (char2: char) = string([|char1; char2|])
As I said in my comment, your C# code is not going to do what you want ( i.e. concatenate the characters into a string). In C#, adding a char and a char will result in an int. The reason for this is because the char type doesn't define a + operator, so C# reverts to the nearest compatable type that does, which just happens to be int. (Source)
So to accomplish this behavior, you will need to do something similar to what you are already trying to do in F#:
char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
// This is the wrong way to concatenate chars, because the
// chars will be treated as ints and the result will be 195.
Console.WriteLine(a + b);
// These are the correct ways to concatenate characters into
// a single string. The result of all of these will be "ab".
// The third way is the recommended way as it is concise and
// involves creating the fewest temporary objects.
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + b.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b));
Console.WriteLine(new String(new[] { a, b }));
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/aEh1FI)
F# is the same way in that concatenating two or more chars doesn't result in a String. Unlike C#, it results instead in another char, but the process is the same - the char values are treated like int and added together, and the result is the char representation of the sum.
So really, the way to concatenate chars into a String in F# is what you already have, and is the direct translation of the C# equivalent:
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
// This is still the wrong way (prints 'Ã')
printfn "%O" (a + b)
// These are still the right ways (prints "ab")
printfn "%O" (a.ToString() + b.ToString())
printfn "%O" (Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b))
printfn "%O" (String [| a;b |]) // This is still the best way
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/ALwI3V)
The reason the "String from char array" approach is the best way is two-fold. First, it is the most concise, since you can see that that approach offers the shortest line of code in both languages (and the difference only increases as you add more and more chars together). And second, only one temporary object is created (the array) before the final String, whereas the other two methods involve making two separate temporary String objects to feed into the final result.
(Also, I'm not sure if it works this way as the String constructors are hidden in external sources, but I imagine that the array passed into the constructor would be used as the String's backing data, so it wouldn't end up getting wasted at all.) Strings are immutable, but using the passed array directly as the created String's backing data could result in a situation where a reference to the array could be held elsewhere in the program and jeopardize the String's immutability, so this speculation wouldn't fly in practice. (Credit: #CaringDev)
Another option you could do in F# that could be more idiomatic is to use the sprintf function to combine the two characters (Credit: #rmunn):
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
let s = sprintf "%c%c" a b
printfn "%O" s
// Prints "ab"
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/Pp9Tee)
A note of warning about this method, however, is that it is almost certainly going to be much slower than any of the other three methods listed above. That's because instead of processing array or String data directly, sprintf is going to be performing more advanced formatting logic on the output. (I'm not in a position where I could benchmark this myself at the moment, but plugged into #TomasPetricek's benckmarking code below, I wouldn't be surprised if you got performance hits of 10x or more.)
This might not be a big deal as for a single conversion it will still be far faster than any end-user could possibly notice, but be careful if this is going to be used in any performance-critical code.
The answer by #Abion47 already lists all the possible sensible methods I can think of. If you are interested in performance, then you can run a quick experiment using the F# Interactive #time feature:
open System
open System.Text
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
Comparing the three methods, the one with String [| a; b |] turns out to be about twice as fast as the methods involving ToString. In practice, that's probably not a big deal unless you are doing millions of such operations (as my experiment does), but it's an interesting fact to know:
// 432ms, 468ms, 472ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = a.ToString() + b.ToString()
ignore s
// 396ms 440ms, 458ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b)
ignore s
// 201ms, 171ms, 170ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = String [| a;b |]
ignore s

Can I Use Multiple Properties in a StructuredFormatDisplayAttribute?

I'm playing around with StructuredFormatDisplay and I assumed I could use multiple properties for the Value, but it seems that is not the case. This question (and accepted answer) talk about customizing in general, but the examples given only use a single property. MSDN is not helpful when it comes to usage of this attribute.
Here's my example:
[<StructuredFormatDisplay("My name is {First} {Last}")>]
type Person = {First:string; Last:string}
If I then try this:
let johnDoe = {First="John"; Last="Doe"}
I end up with this error:
<StructuredFormatDisplay exception: Method 'FSI_0038+Person.First}
{Last' not found.>
The error seems to hint at it only capturing the first property mentioned in my Value but it's hard for me to say that with any confidence.
I have figured out I can work around this by declaring my type like this:
[<StructuredFormatDisplay("My name is {Combined}")>]
type Person = {First:string; Last:string} with
member this.Combined = this.First + " " + this.Last
But I was wondering if anyone could explain why I can't use more than one property, or if you can, what syntax I'm missing.
I did some digging in the source and found this comment:
In this version of F# the only valid values are of the form PreText
{PropertyName} PostText
But I can't find where that limitation is actually implemented, so perhaps someone more familiar with the code base could simply point me to where this limitation is implemented and I'd admit defeat.
The relevant code from the F# repository is in the file sformat.fs, around line 868. Omitting lots of details and some error handling, it looks something like this:
let p1 = txt.IndexOf ("{", StringComparison.Ordinal)
let p2 = txt.LastIndexOf ("}", StringComparison.Ordinal)
if p1 < 0 || p2 < 0 || p1+1 >= p2 then
let preText = if p1 <= 0 then "" else txt.[0..p1-1]
let postText = if p2+1 >= txt.Length then "" else txt.[p2+1..]
let prop = txt.[p1+1..p2-1]
match catchExn (fun () -> getProperty x prop) with
| Choice2Of2 e ->
Some (wordL ("<StructuredFormatDisplay exception: " + e.Message + ">"))
| Choice1Of2 alternativeObj ->
let alternativeObjL =
match alternativeObj with
| :? string as s -> sepL s
| _ -> sameObjL (depthLim-1) Precedence.BracketIfTuple alternativeObj
countNodes 0 // 0 means we do not count the preText and postText
Some (leftL preText ^^ alternativeObjL ^^ rightL postText)
So, you can easily see that this looks for the first { and the last }, and then picks the text between them. So for foo {A} {B} bar, it extracts the text A} {B.
This does sound like a silly limitation and also one that would not be that hard to improve. So, feel free to open an issue on the F# GitHub page and consider sending a pull request!
Just to put a bow on this, I did submit a PR to add this capability and yesterday it was accepted and pulled into the 4.0 branch.
So starting with F# 4.0, you'll be able to use multiple properties in a StructuredFormatDisplay attribute, with the only downside that all curly braces you wish to use in the message will now need to be escaped by a leading \ (e.g. "I love \{ braces").
I rewrote the offending method to support recursion and switched to using a regular expression to detect property references. It seems to work pretty well, although it isn't the prettiest code I've ever written.

erlang : placeholder in tuple (or list)

I'd like to tidy my Eralng code, I found there're lots of issue following:
A = {Tid, _Tv0, _Tv1, Tv2, Tv3}
Is there any way to clean the code like to be: A = {Tid, SomewayReplace(4)} ???
like #Pascal example, Is there any way to simple the code A = {T, _, _, _, _, _} like to be A = {T, SomewayReplace(4)} to replace that 4 symbol _ ???
in real project, if some record include many element, I found it force me to repeat writing the symbol _, so I wonder if there is any way to simple it???
Writting A = Something means that you try to match A with Something or if A is unbound, assign Something to A. In anycase, Something must be defined.
You can find some shortcut in writting. For example, if you want to assign the result of a funtion to A, verify that the result is a tuple of 5 elements and assign the first element to T, the you can write:
A = {T,_,_,_,_} = f(Param).
The meaning of _T is exactly the same as any variable. It just says to th compiler to not issue a warning if this variable is not used in the code. It is frequent in pattern matching when you want to ignore the value of a variable but still keep trace of its meaning.
It is not possible to write {T, SomewayReplace(4)}, but you may use records. A record is a tagged tuple (first element is the atom that identify this record. It is not shorter than placeholder for small tuples, but it is clearer, you don't need to remember the location of the information in your tuple, and it is easier to modify your code when you need to add a new element in a tuple. The syntax will be
A = #mytuple{fieldx = T} = f(Param).
waerning: Records are managed by the compiler, so everything must be known at build time (#mytuple{Fieldx = T} is illegal, Fieldx cannot be a variable).
Why not use a record? Then you only match the fields you want to extract. As a by-effect, you make the code easier to debug, since you are forced to name the tuple by having a atom first.

Writing F# code to parse "2 + 2" into code

Extremely just-started-yesterday new to F#.
What I want: To write code that parses the string "2 + 2" into (using as an example code from the tutorial project) Expr.Add(Expr.Num 2, Expr.Num 2) for evaluation. Some help to at least point me in the right direction or tell me it's too complex for my first F# project. (This is how I learn things: By bashing my head against stuff that's hard)
What I have: My best guess at code to extract the numbers. Probably horribly off base. Also, a lack of clue.
let script = "2 + 2";
let rec scriptParse xs =
match xs with
| [] -> (double)0
| y::ys -> (double)y
let split = (script.Split([|' '|]))
let f x = (split[x]) // "This code is not a function and cannot be applied."
let list = [ for x in 0..script.Length -> f x ]
let result = scriptParse
The immediate issue that you're running into is that split is an array of strings. To access an element of this array, the syntax is split.[x], not split[x] (which would apply split to the singleton list [x], assuming it were a function).
Here are a few other issues:
Your definition of list is probably wrong: x ranges up to the length of script, not the length of the array split. If you want to convert an array or other sequence to a list you can just use List.ofSeq or Seq.toList instead of an explicit list comprehension [...].
Your "casts" to double are a bit odd - that's not the right syntax for performing conversions in F#, although it will work in this case. double is a function, so the parentheses are unnecessary and what you are doing is really calling double 0 and double y. You should just use 0.0 for the first case, and in the second case, it's unclear what you are converting from.
In general, it would probably be better to do a bit more design up front to decide what your overall strategy will be, since it's not clear to me that you'll be able to piece together a working parser based on your current approach. There are several well known techniques for writing a parser - are you trying to use a particular approach?
