Resharpers smart code completion CodeRush equivalent - coderush

I am currently switching from Resharper to CodeRush.
One thing I used a lot in Resharper is the "smart code completion" (Ctrl+Alt+Space) so that in e.g. switch case I could hit the shortcut and Resharper would automatically provide a list of the type that I was switching (typically enums).
Does Coderush have a similar feature?

Copy the enum variable you wish to switch on, to the clipboard.
Type sw[space]
CodeRush will build you a switch statement with cases for each enum value.


Microsoft Visual Studio extension (VSIX) lower case $safeprojectname$

I'm developing a Microsoft Visual Studio extension, for which I've seen there are:
$projectname$ variable to get the name given to the project,
$safeprojectname$ variable to get the name given to the project with all unsafe characters and spaces replaced by underscore.
For example with project name "Tata yoyo" variables will be:
$projectname$ = "Tata Yoyo SWIG",
$safeprojectname$ = "Tata_Yoyo_SWIG".
The extension I'm building is for SWIG projects that will generate Java from C++, and in this context there is a swig.exe call that, among others, takes the Java package as parameter, for which I want it to be all lower case, but for now it is$safeprojectname$, then, not necessarily lower case (pointing the obvious: if project name is not lower case, package will not be lower case) and I then have to convert it manually to lower case.
What I'm looking for
From source page above (and other documentation pages) I've already seen there is no $lowercasesafeprojectname$ for example, then if anybody knows a way to do it from a function, script or any other way I would be glad.
Edit: while I want for this purpose a lower case safe project name I still want to keep the original $safeprojectname$, then even if #Ed Dore answer is relevant it is not the solution for me.
In any case, do not hesitate if this is not clear or you want more information.
If you implement a custom wizard (IWizard) with your template, you can replace the respective token values in the ReplacementsDictionary passed to your IWizard.RunStarted method, with lowercased equivalents.

Command Palette shortcut not working in Sublime Text3

I am using Sublime Text 3 and am trying to access the command palette using ctrl-shift-P. This shortcut is not working. I am running Ubuntu 16.04. Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
The two main reasons for this sort of situation (regardless of the key sequence in question) are:
A user installed plugin or custom key binding is bound to the same key, which is taking precedence and stopping the action that you expect from happening
Some external process is eating the keystroke before Sublime even gets to see it.
In order to diagnose which it might be, you can open the Sublime console with View > Show Console or by pressing Ctrl+`, then enter the following commands:
Once you've done that, press the key sequence in question and check the output in the console. In your specific case, you should see this:
key evt: shift+control+p
command: show_overlay {"overlay": "command_palette"}
Not seeing the command that you expect indicates that some other action is bound to the key in question, and usually the command will lead you to what's causing the problem.
Not seeing the key event means that some external process is eating the key. This could be some global program or it could be something in the OS doing it (in the case of Linux, the window manager).
It's also possible that you see a different key event entirely, which indicates that your keyboard layout is not what Sublime expects.
Depending on the situation you may be able to disable whatever is eating the key. Presuming you can't find what that is or otherwise don't want to disable it, or if the event shows that Sublime is seeing a different key, the solution is to change the key binding.
The procedure for this is to find the binding that's not working and copy it to your custom key bindings, changing the key as appropriate to something that Sublime can see.
For core Sublime key bindings, look in Preferences > Key Bindings to find the key in question. For packages, that's generally in Preferences > Package Settings > PACKAGENAME > Key Bindings.
In your case, the setting is a default key binding, so looking in the default key bindings yields the following binding, which you can put in your custom key bindings and change as needed:
"keys": ["ctrl+shift+p"],
"command": "show_overlay",
"args": {"overlay": "command_palette"}
Something that I found:
Weirdly my Sublime Text 3 doesn't recognise the command if I use LCTRL abd LSHIFT. Using RCTRL+RSHIFT+p opens the command palette, so try that.
In my case it was an app called which had stolen this shortcut. It can take a bit of time as there isn't (AFAIK) a way to find the application which is bound to a shortcut.
In my case a Pomodoro app I just installed had a command for starting clock defined with the same shortcut and it was stealing the event from Sublime. Just removed the shortcut assignment and it works now.

How to identify redefined variables or shadowed variables

When using the same variable twice in the same scope with the F# compiler there is no warning or feedback. e.g.
let s = "abc"
let s = "def"
printfn "%A" s
results in
I have seen
Is there a way to have warnings for shadowing values in F# in Visual Studio?
F# value shadowing - is it possible to disable value shadowing within the same scope
Is there a way to get feedback about shadowed variables either by a compiler warning or visually in the editor. How can this be done?
First off, shadowing of variables in the same scope is not a bug or something that should be disabled. As Joel Mueller states it is legitimate, useful, and common.
At any level of scope other than module scope, it is not an error to
reuse a value or function name. If you reuse a name, the name declared
later shadows the name declared earlier.
The Syntax Coloring feature of the Visual Studio extension F# Power Tools will highlight the current valid variable and show the shadowed variables as a light grey. e.g.
The extension can be installed from Visual Studio menu
Tools -> Extensions and Updates
Once the dialog opens
Select Visual Studio Gallery
In the upper right search box enter F# Power Tools
Since I have already installed it, the option to install is not shown.
The feature can be activated from the Visual Studio menu
Tools -> Options -> F# Power Tools -> General -> Syntax Coloring -> Grey out unused declarations
With option off:
with option on:
Note: After changing the option the source file(s) must be closed and then reopened for the change to take effect. Visual Studio does not need to be restarted for this but doing so will have the same effect.
Thanks to Ringil for noting my earlier invalid statement.
Note from source code:
Graying out unused declarations
Currently unused non public types, methods, functions and values declarations are checked. Beware that this
feature is only 100% reliable when the code has no type error. This
setting is available in General options. It is disabled by default
because there might be performance issues on large files.
F# Power Tools features list

Is there any editor or popular editor extension that automatically remove quotes/brackets?

There are too many text editors, which have the function, that if I just select a piece of the code and press the quote/bracket key, the selected code becomes wrapped into the type of the quotes/brackets I pressed. But do you know any or are you using any, which has also the function, that if I select the piece of the code wrapped into the quotes/brackets and press the same quote/bracket key or some key combination, that piece of code becomes unwrapped?
Also if you know any editor or popular editor extension that automatically remove all quotes/brackets from the code, please write it too. Everything would be helpful.
We are doing some research and this question is still unanswered. Please help us if you know anything about.
I create a simple Zeus (Windows) Lua script that does this for the quote case (i.e. the macro wraps any marked area in quotes).
In a similar fashion another script could be written for the brackets case.
Also as this simple script shows, this should be possible in any scriptable editor.
The script can be found here:
SynWrite editor (Windows) can do scripting for u. You can write Python plugin in 10min, and assign it a hotkey, so selection (or all text) will dequote, or what ever.
Finally, I've made it by writing my own extension to my favourite editor.

run-time evaluation of values in DelphiWebScript

My delphi application runs scripts using JvInterpreter (from the Jedi project).
A feature I use is runtime evaluation of expressions.
Script Example:
JvInterpreter doesn't know X_SomeName.
When X_SomeName's value is required the scripter calls its OnGetValue-callback.
This points to a function I handle. There I lookup X_SomeName's value and return it.
Then JvInterpreter calls ShowMessage with the value I provided.
Now I consider switching to DelphiWebScript since it has a proper debug-interface and should also be faster than JvInterpreter.
Problem: I didn't find any obvious way to implement what JvInterpreter does with its OnGetValue/OnSetValue functions, though.
X_SomeName should be considered (and actually is, most of the time) a variable which is handled by the host application.
Any Ideas?
You can do that through the language extension mechanism, which has a FindUnknownName method that allows to register symbols on the spot.
It is used in the asm lib module demo, and you can also check the new "AutoExternalValues" test case in ULanguageExtensionTests, which should be closer to what you're after.
