Using Grails/Spring Web Flows in Rails - ruby-on-rails

What's the best way to handle a conversation-based web flow in Rails? I'm wondering if there is anything similar to
A web flow is a conversation that spans multiple requests and retains state for the scope of the flow. A web flow also has a defined start and end state.
Web flows don't require an HTTP session, but instead store their state in a serialized form, which is then restored using a flow execution key that Grails passes around as a request parameter. This makes flows far more scalable than other forms of stateful application that use the HttpSession and its inherit memory and clustering concerns.
Web flow is essentially an advanced state machine that manages the "flow" of execution from one state to the next. Since the state is managed for you, you don't have to be concerned with ensuring that users enter an action in the middle of some multi step flow, as web flow manages that for you. This makes web flow perfect for use cases such as shopping carts, hotel booking and any application that has multi page work flows.

I just started looking into this question myself, but from the perspective of DRYing up view code. Not finding much, but there is: which may take some rejigging for newer Rails which has no docs and looks alpha
The age and activity levels on each project lead me to believe they've been abandoned.
Wiring up flows as point-to-point links of imperative calls with routes/controllers/actions/views that make fixed assumptions about where they fall in the chain (or worse, entrain lots of conditionals to deal with different flows), is certainly one way I've seen it done. Still wondering if that is the preferred stock in trade in the Rails world, or if there are other idioms that supplant it that I just don't know about.


Does it make sense to separate Rails API and Rails app?

I have a project that involves both mobile and web clients. The mobile clients will mainly get content and post user updates, while the web client is mainly for creating content. As such, the web client and API share a lot of the same models and validation.
I am trying to decide the best approach in this case:
JSON-only Rails API + separate Rails web client that calls API.
Single Rails app with separation of API and client side (somehow).
The pro for me in terms of option N°1 is the separation of concerns, as I can work on the API while someone else do the web client. The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
N°2 could make more sense in terms of reducing code duplication but it would get messy if more than one person is working on the same code base and setting up a process to resolve code conflicts is not something I want to do at this point since we're an early stage startup and want to get out something quickly.
Is there anything I'm missing?
The best practice is use ONE rails application for API and Web Interface
To separate those parts, just create a namespace for API like it's described there
Do it in one.
The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
No, you would not have duplication the validation happens in the model, which is shared by your API <=> web controllers. Of course, you will have separate implementations for the actual authorization/session handling (if you have those), but these will not likely be duplicate but a bit different for your two access layers. mvc consuming web api end point

Looking at this question:
SO question
The accepted answer by Darin Dimitrov looks appealing (.NET 4.5 version). I am just wondering how this compares performance wise with client side solutions (e.g. using knockout/angular/jquery) to assemble the HTML given some JSON from the web api endpoint. Did someone ever do some perfromance tests on this. What are the pros and cons of the 'client side solution' vs the 'razor server side' solution?
You should have to define performance.
However there is a very big difference between the two options:
if you do it client-side (with ko/ng/jQuery) the server only executes the API controller action and returns the formatted data.
if you do it server side, apart from execution the API action, the server has to execute the MVC controller action, so, undoubtedly, the server does more work.
The only conclusion is that the server has less work to do in the first case. And, usually, the network traffic is reduced (a JSON object is usually lighter than a rendered partial view).
If we're speaking about the user experience, in general client side technologies (jQuery, ko, ng) offer a much better user experience becasue the page is much more responsive: it's easy to show/hide elements, set the focus, make trivial calculations, remote validations... And if we use modern libraries, we can go further on improving the interface resposiveness. For example breeze.js allows to cache data in the client side to avoid making extra ajax calls to the server, giving a much more responsive experience, specially if you anticipate what data can be needed and cached it before hand. You could even persist data in HTML5 storage, so that it's available for other sessions.
Then, from the user viewpoint, I think it's much better the second option. And the server has less work to do, which can make it also more resposive in high-traffic sites.
Even so, I don't know what is "more performant" or even what it is "to be performant".
Whatever it is, using client side technologies is a much better option. But it takes some time to master the associated technologies.

Struts2 and multiple active wizards / workflows

I'm currently working on a Struts2 application that integrates a wizard / workflow in order to produce the desired results. To make it more clear, there is a business object that is changed on three different pages (mostly with AJAX calls). At the moment I'm using a ModelDriven action (that's extended by all the actions working with the same business object) coupled with the Scope interceptor. While this works okay if the user is handling data for only one business object at a time, if the user opens the wizard for different objects in multiple tabs (and we all do this when we want to finish things faster) everything will get messy, mostly due to the fact that I have only one business object stored in the session.
I have read a few articles about using a Conversation Scope Interceptor (main article) and about using the Scope plug-in (here). However, both approaches seem to have problems:
the Conversation Scope Interceptor doesn't auto-expire the conversations, nor does it integrate properly with Struts2;
the Scope plug-in lacks proper documentation and the last build was made in 2007 (and actually includes some of the ideas written by Mark Menard when he defines his Conversation Scope Interceptor, though it doesn't use the same code).
Spring's WebFlow plug-in seems a bit too complex to be used at the moment. I'm currently looking for something that can be implemented in a few hours time, though I don't mind if you can suggest something that works as needed, even if it requires more time than I'd currently want to spend on this now.
So, seasoned Struts2 developers, what do you suggest? How should I implement this?
Okay this isn't a fully baked idea. But seeing as no else has provided anything, here is what I would start with.
1) See if you can move the whole flow into a single page. I'm a big believer in the less pages is better approach. It doesn't reduce complexity for the application at all, but the user generally finds the interface a lot more intuitive. One of the easiest ways to go about this is by using the json plugin and a lot of ajax calls to your json services.
2) If you must transition between pages (or simply think it is too much client side work to implement #1) then I'd look to the s:token tag. The very first page to kick off a flow will use this tag, which will create a unique value each invocation. You will store a map in your session of model objects. An action will need to be provided with a model by looking it up from the session.
There are a couple challenges with #2. One how do you keep the session from getting too many domain objects? a) Well it might not matter, if the session is set to say six hours you can be rather sure that over night they will get cleared up. b) provided a self management interface which can get/set/list objects in the session. It might be what you thought of at first but it would let a worker do a certain amount and then stop and work on another. If the unit of work has some meaningful name (an invoice number or whatever) it could be quite useful.
A little more sophistication would be to move the model objects out of the session and into the service layer. At which point when inserted you would set an insertion time. You would probably need a manager to hold each type of model object and each manager would have a daemon thread that would periodically scan the map of domain objects and clean out expired ones.
You can figure out more complicated system by kicking a flow off with a token and then using another token on each page. "flowId" and "currentPageId" respectively, then you can graph allowable transitions.
Mind you at this point spring web flow is starting to look pretty good.
There is now a conversation plugin for Struts2 that achieves all these goals with very little work required by the developer:
It has:
-nested conversations
-cleanup of dead conversations
-convention over configuration with annotations and naming conventions
-inherited conversations
-fully integrated with Struts2
-the conversation scope can also be used by Spring IoC container-managed beans
Hope it helps somebody.

Using Workflow Foundation in MVC3 to handle Page Flow (as in a Wizard)

I want to decouple the MVC web pages, and the order in which they are displayed. Generally speaking, I think these are the scenarios I need to address, but I'm lot locked into a particular way of thinking. I just want to find a pattern or an object that will assist in controlling the flow.
Sample Page Sequencing:
Forward only: The user can only progress forward though the workflow, until finished.
-- Special case: If a user navigates to, or manually enters in an invalid URL, then the system should respond accordingly (redirect to current step)
Forward - Back (read only): The user may progress through the wizard, but the back button allows for read only view of previous data.
Forward - Back (read write): The user may go back and update data in previous entries. This may cause the workflow to reset to the prior state.
For those times when a user may enter into more than one "valid state", the forward concept above should accomodate that (such as in a State Machine)
How would I implement this page control flow in a MVC3 / WF4 application?
We're ourselves considering an architecture similar to your proposal.
The MVC part is mainly auto-generated code with Llblgen Pro + custom ASP.Net templates,
therefore, we want to control the business logic (and page workflow) from somewhere else.
We're still studing the final decision, and WF 4.0 is one candidate (as it's quite easy to create a reusable activities' library), but Stateless state-machine seems an really simpler approach and easier to maintain.
We already have an ORM-generated persistence layer, therefore, it's not a big deal to resume the state of a paused workflow any time in the future.
Have a look at Stateless and let us know if it fits.
An example explained:
Actualized VS 2010 code with examples:
I explored this idea. In my opinion, Workflow Foundation would only be worth it if your process takes a long time (like days).
Otherwise, you'll find that writing some kind of custom code (like a State Machine) is a much easier solution than trying to incorporate Workflow Foundation.
However, if you're looking for examples, here's one:

Combining Ruby on Rails and Backbone

I was wondering this for quite a while and haven't really found an answer for this yet.
Why would you use Backbone.js exaclty inside a Rails application? Is it to extend functionality, have a more MVC pattern for your JS, build better API's...?
At the moment I can't see a reason why you would want to use it for something, because I don't think I understand the concept of Backbone.js
The big advantage of rails is that you have one platform and one language that you use that will handle the server-code and can generate the client-code (using the views).
Undoubtedly this theoretical advantage quickly starts slipping once you want to improve your user-experience with javascript and jquery. So actually you still have to learn two languages.
But still: all your models, business-rules, ... is handled on the server-side in Ruby. This also means that the server always has to be reachable.
What a javacript/client MVC (like Backbone.js, Sproutcore, ...) can offer you is a more native application feel. A single web-page application, like e.g. Gmail.
Depending on your requirements there are some very valid use-cases for such a platform. E.g. in places or devices with low connectivity it could be very useful (with HTML5) to have a web-application that does not need to be "online" all the time. It could save data and edits to the local storage and sync back to the server/database when the device is back online.
But, there is a big disadvantage when developing client MVC applications in combination with Rails: you will have to do some double development (it is the same when you are using flex/silverlight). Your models will need to be defined both on the server and on the client. I can imagine that some improvements could be made, like on the client MVC you are actually using presenter-classes, which on the server-side could be stored in different models/tables. But still there will be duplication of logic, models, ...
So that's why I think that for most applications, at the moment, it is not wise to switch to some client MVC framework. It will be a lot more work.
But when you do need the look and feel of a real native application, or a one-page-web application, then a javascript client MVC framework is the way to go. And if you do need a client MVC framework, I would propose Sproutcore.
To simply ajaxify your current rails application (reduces load-time of every single page), take a look at pjax-rails.
(better late than never - hope this is useful to someone)
The description on backbonejs's website seems like a lot of words thrown together without much meaning. There is a big hype around it but what's all the fuss about?
The premise behind backbone is that modern day, single page web apps (think gmail) quickly become a very complex interaction between syncing dom elements, UI events and the backend. You could easily find yourself storing data within the dom elements, and then having to somehow extract the data again to update the database. If you don't structure your code very carefully, you'll quickly end up with spaghetti code full of complex bindings, or code without backbone.
Using backbone's models, collections and views gives you a well thought out structure to work within, allowing you to build large apps without being overwhelmed by their complexity. What's more, it ties in beautifully with a restful backend.
