I want to control all the events of the youtube MPMoviePlayerViewController (start/stop/finish loading...).
I'm looking for an answer for a lot of hours, that makes me crazy.
Yes you can control Youtube player object. with supported API.
please refer to this Manual first, https://developers.google.com/youtube/js_api_reference.
and let me give you a simple chrome extension which I made.
Is it possible to create some sort of widget/control which is similar to a youtube video player which I will be able to control in powerpoint. I have worked with the javascript youtube player and I really need to be able to do the same in powerpoint.
I'm not quite sure if I understand your question, but if you want a controllable YouTube player in PowerPoint, this might work:
Create a website with a player and the controls you like and embed the whole website into your presentation using the method described in this tutorial.
However, I don't know if the solution will be interactive or if it's just a freeze-frame since I haven't tried myself.
I need to provide people with a URL link to some of my Youtube videos, but I don't want Youtube to then automatically display some random video that it thinks should be "up next". There's nothing more embarrassing than trying to show people your work and then up pops a ridiculous video that they think must be yours as well.
I've tried tacking on "&autoplay=false" and "&autoplay=0" to the end of the URL, but that doesn't work.
Anyone know what needs to be done?
You can send people an embed link that shows the video only. I think in your case this would be fine, but for anyone that requires comments, it would be an issue. Also adding ?rel=0 will stop the end card from showing related videos from another users channel.
A list of embed params can be found here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters
I guess that's not possible, but maybe you could embed that video via API to some server you own, and disable the suggestions.
Check this documentation for disabling, controls and siggestions.
Or this: http://illuminea.com/remove-related-videos-from-end-of-embedded-youtube-video/
This feature does not seem to be customizable from the url; it's more of a user setting. You can find here some details about how to turn it off for yourself but you cannot control the way it will behave for others.
Also, I'm not sure if this question qualifies as a programming one. :)
I have a project which is using the YouTube API to upload videos to YouTube.
One of the requirements is to be able to add annotations to the video, either at the time of upload, or afterwards. The annotation will contain some text to display, and a link to a URL.
Does anybody know if this is possible using the YouTube API, or some other method.
If it is possible, please provide links with details of how to do this.
No, this was answered already here:
Manage YouTube annotations through YouTube API
If you want to do it, you'd have to do it via a browser plug-in or other tricky way such as how YouTubeAnnotations.com does it.
I use the following string on my website to enforce a subtitle language for a youtube video:
Since a short? time it stopped working, I think youtube changed something. Anyone an idea how to solve this problem? Or does anyone know how to enforce a subtitle on a youtube movie? Can't find anything on the youtube website.
It was an error by youtube. After two weeks the problem was solved.
I test with browser with the link I get from "http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?&video_id=xx" to see if it is be able to download.
After remove some parameters from original link, some works but some still don't.
I read some post here but most of are pretty old. A lot of change since then.
I wonder if there are somebody working on this recently.
The purpose I need this is because my youtube view program need a better quality video to display.
This is link doesn't work:
http://r17---sn-tt17rn7e.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?fexp=902529%2C932000%2C906383%2C902000%2C919512%2C929903%2C931202%2C900821%2C900823%2C931203%2C931401%2C908529%2C919373%2C930803%2C906836%2C920201%2C929602%2C930101%2C930603%2C900824%2C910223&ipbits=8&expire=1364854787&sver=3&mt=1364829200&newshard=yes&id=26c94a41dba396f5&key=yt1&upn=GrcnDUPfreQ&cp=U0hVSVhQUl9NUUNONV9QSlZIOm9BbnVkMTJzOXE5&sparams=algorithm%2Cburst%2Ccp%2Cfactor%2Cid%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&ip=; codecs="avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2"&itag=18&
What wrong with it? I removed fallback_path and replace sig with signature.
The working link is for webm. This is for h264. Both have the same kind of parameters.
And this is working now.
http://r17---sn-tt17rn7e.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?fexp=909708%2C912514%2C930802%2C932400%2C916624%2C931009%2C932000%2C906383%2C902000%2C919512%2C929903%2C931202%2C900821%2C900823%2C931203%2C931401%2C908529%2C930807%2C919373%2C906836%2C920201%2C929602%2C930101%2C930603%2C900824%2C910223&ms=au&itag=44&mt=1364825784&ipbits=8&cp=U0hVSVhQT19NUUNONV9QSlNCOlp5ZGoyMXJ3emlq&ip=; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"&quality=large,itag=35&
That's not a supported method of interacting with YouTube. You need to use one of the official YouTube Player mechanisms to display YouTube videos.
Please familiarize yourself with the YouTube API Terms of Service if you have any more questions.