Short Link SDK iOs - ios

I'm looking for an sdk/easy way to create a short link programmatically, preferably via a known service such as /
The only way I've found doing this is with McAfee's beta short-link service, but it is unknown, and I want the link to be from a known service.
Does anybody know such way?
Tnx in advance!

It may be overkill for your project, but do take a look at ShareKit. The main download page is at .
If you do end up using ShareKit then I suggest you use forked version below since it has quite a few bug fixes.


glGenVertexArrays and glDeleteVertexArrays not resolved for Windows

I am trying to port iOS projects to Windows 10 using Windows Bridge for iOS.
But I am stuck to the unresolved functions of glGenVertexArrays, glBindVertexArray, and glDeleteVertexArrays.
The original iOS project is a Cocos2d 2.x project. I am not familiar with OpenGL, Therefore I ask for help here! Thank you!
By the way, I noticed that the same issue also exists if I paste these functions into the sample project of WOCCatalog.
Thank you in advance!
Searching the repo for "glGenVertexArrays" does not return anything. Therefore, this API (along with tons of others) is not yet implemented.

Looking for an IOS version of ShowcaseView

I'm looking for a library similar to
I want to be able to implement forced tutorials on new users who open my application for the first time. Does anyone know where I can find a library that helps make this easy?
You ca try
This is a quite similar iOS implementation of the ShowcaseView for Android (

Using ShareKit with Xcode 5

My iPhone application is developed using Xcode 5. I want to use ShareKit library in order to share images and urls from my application. The problem is, that ShareKit seems to be incompatible with Xcode 5 (thought is says it is).
Attached screenshot to illustrate my problem:
Any help (or alternative solution for sharing images and URLs) will be greatly welcome.
It seems you both are referring to an obsolete, long time abandoned version of ShareKit. Check ShareKit 2. For easiest installation I recommend Cocoapods.
Have you followed the instructions here?
(It seems like you've added objc-class.h that has no use)
Also, consider using the native sharing class UIActivityViewController for sharing purposes.

UserVoice integration in an Phonegap application

I have this iOS Phonegap application and I need to integrate UserVoice. I follow this tutorial and I have reached to the point I have to make the configuration. I am really not sure where I have to put that object UserVoice are providing me with:
UVConfig *config = [UVConfig configWithSite:#"YOUR_USERVOICE_URL"
I'll appreciate some help with that, since I'm really on a beginner level with iOS apps in general. Thanks in advance.
The code you posted comes from the UserVoice for iOS SDK which gives you the libraries and code necessary to include UserVoice in a native iOS app and will not work with a PhoneGap app.
Your options are to write a PhoneGap plugin, in Obj-C, to expose the UserVoice library, or possibly a better option is simply to open your UserVoice page within your PhoneGap app using the InAppBrowser plugin.
Here is a simple phonegap plugin
I took the code from here: and followed their instructions.
There were some additional things I needed to do:
edit the config.xml and add the feature UserVoiceCommand
edit the .js file and replace Ext.emptyFn with function(){}:
cordova.exec(function(){}, function(){}, "UserVoiceCommand", "launch", [config]);
(those are the success and failure callback, which I intend to implement as well)
Since it was not functioning correctly on iOS7, I cloned, compiled it by running ./ and then overwritten the files that came with the plugin.
You can now get iOS+Android support from this new cordova plugin:
P.S. I am not affiliated to this plugin by any means, just came across it.

Stable ShareKit fork recommendation?

ShareKit looks abandoned. And there are so many forks. But major maintainer is undeterminable. Now I'm just going to pick one to use. What fork do you recommend? Or replacement?
try ShareKit, they are trying to make the ultimate "best of" fork. ShareKit release 2.0 is in final testing.
Socialize is a new social sharing sdk by the folks behind AppMakr. It's open source and appears to be free. I haven't tried it yet - so I can't vouch for it - but maybe it's worth a look?
As of lately, ShareKit hasn't been working on iOS5 so I had to remove it from my app. Facebook has actually released their own class and it's looking pretty sharp so far. Check it out:
I'm using the last official release in my application. Works fine though. You can just add new social networks to the kit yourself if needed.
