iOS: Sample code for simultaneous record and playback - ios

I'm designing a simple proof of concept for multitrack recorder.
Obvious starting point is to play from file A.caf to headphones while simultaneously recording microphone input into file B.caf
This question -- Record and play audio Simultaneously -- points out that there are three levels at which I can work:
AVFoundation API (AVAudioPlayer + AVAudioRecorder)
Audio Queue API
Audio Unit API (RemoteIO)
What is the best level to work at? Obviously the generic answer is to work at the highest level that gets the job done, which would be AVFoundation.
But I'm taking this job on from someone who gave up due to latency issues (he was getting a 0.3sec delay between the files), so maybe I need to work at a lower level to avoid these issues?
Furthermore, what source code is available to springboard from? I have been looking at SpeakHere sample ( ). if I can't find something simpler I will use this.
But can anyone suggest something simpler/else? I would rather not work with C++ code if I can avoid it.
Is anyone aware of some public code that uses AVFoundation to do this?
EDIT: AVFoundation example here:
EDIT(2): Much nicer looking one here:
EDIT(3): How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?

To avoid latency issues, you will have to work at a lower level than AVFoundation alright. Check out this sample code from Apple - Auriotouch. It uses Remote I/O.

As suggested by Viraj, here is the answer.
Yes, you can achieve very good results using AVFoundation. Firstly you need to pay attention to the fact that for both the player and the recorder, activating them is a two step process.
First you prime it.
Then you play it.
So, prime everything. Then play everything.
This will get your latency down to about 70ms. I tested by recording a metronome tick, then playing it back through the speakers while holding the iPhone up to the speakers and simultaneously recording.
The second recording had a clear echo, which I found to be ~70ms. I could have analysed the signal in Audacity to get an exact offset.
So in order to line everything up I just performSelector:x withObject: y afterDelay: 70.0/1000.0
There may be hidden snags, for example the delay may differ from device to device. it may even differ depending on device activity. It is even possible the thread could get interrupted/rescheduled in between starting the player and starting the recorder.
But it works, and is a lot tidier than messing around with audio queues / units.

I had this problem and I solved it in my project simply by changing the PreferredHardwareIOBufferDuration parameter of the AudioSession. I think I have just 6ms latency now, that is good enough for my app.
Check this answer that has a good explanation.


AudioUnit recording glitches every 30 seconds

I've used this sample code to create an audio recorder.
I'm finding I get glitches about every 30 seconds. They sound a bit like buffer glitches to me, although I might be wrong. I've tried contacting the author of the article but not having much success. I'm really struggling to follow some of this code. I think it's missing a circular buffer but I'm not sure how important that is here. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to either:
Point me to some different example code or suggest what I need to add to this (high level suggestion is fine - I'm happy to research and do the work, I'm just not confident what the work is)
Suggest some better values to use for things like the buffer data size.
Tell me that there's nothing wrong with this code and my bug is almost certainly elsewhere.
Suggest a library I can use that should take care of it (Amazing Audio Engine 2 looks good for me but I'm a bit worried about the note saying it's retired. AudioKit looks great too but it's missing a peak power reading, which would be a shame to have to implement myself after having imported such a complex library)
Why aren't I using AVAudioSession? I need the user to be able to set mic level while recording and to be able to listen back at the same time. Previously I did this with AVAudioSession but on more recent devices isInputGainSettable returns NO. It also returns NO for many hardware mics plugged in via lightning cable, which we're seeing more and more now the headphone jack is gone.
Several problems.
Apple recommends that object methods not be called in the audio context (the callbacks). Your code has several. Use C functions instead.
Newer iOS devices likely use a hardware sample rate of 48000, not 44100. Resampling potentially causes buffers to change sizes.
The code seems to assume that the play callback buffer was the same size as the input callback buffer. This is not guaranteed. Thus the playback might end up with too few samples, causing periodic glitches.
In my experience (iPhone 6) sample rate from microphone can be 48000 when a headset is not plugged in, and change to 44100 when a headset is plugged in.
If your audiounit is expecting a samplerate of 44100 then glitches like these are to be expected. To verify, you could try if your problem remains when you plug in a headset.
A workaround for the glitch problem seems to be to use an AVAudioEngine. Connect its inputNode to its mainMixerNode using the inputFormat of the inputNode. Connect the mainMixerNode to your AudioUnit in your desired format. Connect your AudioUnit to outputNode of the AVAudioEngine.
Using this mixerNode between inputNode and audioUnit is essential in this workaround.

Swift - How to remove delay when recording audio using AVFoundation

I'm using an app that records audio and streams it to another user. It's basically a VoIP call. The problem I'm running into is that the audio I'm streaming to the peer is delayed by about 0.5 seconds. This is quite noticeable, and a little annoying when you both try to talk at the same time.
I'm wondering if this is common among AVFoundation's AVAudioEngine, or if possibly it's something to do with the way I set it up.
I can include source code if this is NOT a known problem with AVAudioEngine, otherwise can you please suggest the best route to record audio with the least delay?
I would also prefer something that is fairly high-level, and compatible with swift 3/3.1. However, if there is not a solution that meets these needs, then recommend the tool you think seems best fit.
Thank you!
Ensure that you call "AVAudioEngine.inputNode.installTap" function with the minimum supported bufferSize of 100 ms or (sampleRate * 0.1) samples.

Playback multiple sounds starting in exactly the same moment

I need to playback short audio samples with precise timing, including up to 4 sounds starting simultaneously.
These sound samples are triggered with NSTimers (alternatively, I've also tried dispatch_after).
I've tried with AVPlayer and AVAudioPlayer but they are just not precise enough in timing.
Multiple sounds played at once will be all over the place, especially on the real device.
I've read about NSTimer allowing up to a few 100 milliseconds deviation, which is just too much for me.
As a test I've setup a few AVAudioPlayers with one audio sample each and triggered them all at the same time in didSelectRow...() but they will not sound in exactly the same moment, even with no NSTimer involved.
It seems that it's just not possible to playback 2 sounds starting exactly at the same time with AVAudioPlayer. Is this confirmed?
From what I've gathered there are not many alternatives, Audio Queue Service being one that allows precise timing and multiple sounds at once.
However, it's written in C, which I've never worked with, and it is hard to find any examples showing how to integrate this for simple audio playback of a sound (I'm using Swift). I'd basically just need to know how to integrate Audio Queue Services to playback a simple sound.
If someone can point me in the right direction (or knows a better solution to what I'm looking for), that would be much appreciated.

Skip between multiple files while playing audio in iPhone iOS

For a project I need to handle audio in an iPhone app quite special and hope somebody may point me in the right direction.
Lets say you have a fixed set of up to thirty audio files of the same length (2-3 sec, non-compressed). While a que is playing from one audio file it should be able to update parameters that makes the playing continue from another audio file from the same timestamp the previous audiofile ended playing. If the different audio files is different versions of heavely filtered audio it should be possible to "slide" between them an get the impression that you applied the filter directly. The filtering is at the moment not possible to achive in realtime on an iPhone, therefore the prerendered files.
If A B and C is different audio files I like to be able to:
Play A without interruption:
Or start play A and continue over in B and then C, initiated while playing
Ideally is should be possible to play two er more ques at the same time. Latency is not that important, but the skipping between files should ideally not produce clicks or delays.
I have looked into using Audio Queue Services (which look like hell to dive into) and sniffed on OpenAl. Could anyone give me a ruff overview and a general direction I can spend the next days burried into?
Try using the iOS Audio Unit API, particularly a mixer unit connected to RemoteIO for audio output.
I managed to do this by using FMOD Designer. FMOD ( is a sound design framework for game development, that supports iOS development. I made a multitrack-event in FMOD Designer with different layers for each sound clip. Add a parameter in the horizontal bar that lets you controll which sound clip to play in realtime. The trick is to let each soundclip continue over the whole bar and controll which sound that is beeing heard by using a volume effect (0-100%) like in the attached picture. In that way you are ensured that skipping between files follow the same timecode. I have tried this successfully with up to thirty layers, but experienced some double playing. This seemed to dissapear if I cut the number down to fifteen.
It should be possible to use iOS Audio Unit API if you are comfortable with this, but for those of us that like the most simple sollution FMOD is quite good :) Thanks to Ellen S for the sollution tip!
Screenshot of the multitrack-event in FMOD Designer:

Realtime audio input and output streaming in ios

am newbie for multimedia work.i want to capture audio by samples and transfer to some other ios device via to start my work??? .i have just gone through apple multi media guide and speakhere example ,it is full of c++ code and they are writing in file and then start services ,but i need buffer...please help me to start my work in correct way .
Thanks in advance
I just spent a bunch of time working on real time audio stuff you can use AudioQueue but it has latency issues around 100-200ms.
If you want to do something like the t-pain app, you have to use
RemoteIO API
Audio Unit API
They are equally difficult to implement, so I would just pick the remote IO path.
Source can be found here:
I have upvoted the answer above, but I wanted to add a piece of information that took me a while to figure out. When using AudioQueue for recording, the intuitive notion is that the callback is done in regular intervals of whatever the number of samples represent. That notion is incorrect, AudioQueue seems to gather the samples for a long period of time, then deliver them in very fast iterations of the callback.
In my case, I was doing 20ms samples, and receiving 320 samples per callback. When printing out the timestamps for the call, I noticed a pattern of: 1 call every 2 ms, then after a while one call of ~180ms. Since I was doing VoIP, this presented the symptom of an increasing delay on the receiving end. Switching to Remote I/O seems to have solved the issue.
