iPhone4 Simulator in XCode 4.0.2 - ios

Sorry, this is going to be a dumb question.
How do I run my app on iPhone4 simulator using Xcode 4.0.2? (I want to test the high-resolution image issues).
My drop-down doesn't seem to include this device: http://cl.ly/9dya
And Mr Google doesn't seem to be coughing up the usual.

When you open the iOS Simulator, on the Menu Bar under Hardware -> Device there should be an option for iPhone (Retina) which will show the Retina Device Simulator

The retina-/iPhone 4 screen is a setting in the simulator itself.


How to test iPad Pro on the iOS simulator

It's been hinted at that the iOS simulator can be resized to show the full size keyboard in the iPad Pro (http://www.fastcompany.com/3047871/tech-forecast/the-ipad-pro-doesnt-need-a-physical-keyboard), which presumably would allow for the testing of an app in that screen size, but I haven't found a way to do it. The GM seed of Xcode 7 even has the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, but no iPad Pro in sight. Anybody have any ideas?
If you run on the iPad Pro simulator in Xcode 7.1 Beta and use a storyboard (not an assets file) as your launch screen, it works great.
Check this thread:
iPad Pro launch image and App icon

xcode 6.1 not loading proper iPhone 6 and 6+ simulator

I made my entire app in Xcode 5.1.1. Saturday I downloaded Xcode 6.1 to make my app on iPhone 6 and 6+. I already placed the proper launch images and app icons for iPhone 6 and 6+. (For this app i'm not using size classes because Auto Layout doesn't work for me in this app.) I changed some of my code to fit iPhone 6 and 6+ but the simulator clearly isn't playing iPhone 6 and 6+ because none of the UIImageViews moved according to where I placed them with the code. It's still playing the zoomed in version of iPhone 5. How do I load the iPhone 6 and 6+ simulators according to my code and not the zoomed in version of iPhone 5?
I was told to place launch images for iPhone 6 and 6+ and it'd work, but it didn't.
here's what worked for me:
From the xcode pull down menus, Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator (if you get a pop up error just dismiss it)
Once in the Simulator go to Hardware > Device > Manage Devices.
Delete everything listed under simulator.
Reboot your machine.
After that navigate back to Manage Devices in the simulator and click the plus to add back your simulators. Then the iOS 8 simulators will show up. Hope that also helps you.
The old launch image asset doesn't provide the necessary support for iphone 6/6+. Remove your old LaunchImage item in your images.xcassets and create a new one. There will be additional options for adding the proper launch images for iphone 6/6+.

iPhone simulator not working since xcode5 upgrade

Ever since i upgraded to xcode5, the iOS simulator only displays as an iPad even though the project is targeted for iPhone. The Run button also shows it's set to iPhone and I've tried switching between the different iPhone types in simulator. But no matter what, my iPhone project opens as an iPad simulation. Anybody encounter this problem or know how to fix it?
I believe I've downloaded all the relevant libraries and tools from apple as well. I'll double check that now but I'm pretty sure I have all the accessory downloads up to date.
I found the answer! Due to the changes with resolution of the retina display, the simulator was loading without the bezel. Turns out the best way to solve this problem without a large screen or retina display is to deploy target in navigator=>General menu=> to iOS 6.1 and make sure iOS simulator=>Hardware=>Devices=>is set to iOS 6.1 as well.
Have you tried changing the simulator device? Go to iOS Simulaotr.app -> hardware -> devices?
Download the extra components/simulators..
If you find your iOS simulator is showing a large iPad like display since upgrading, it's because of the change in resolution for the retina display. In order to view the simulator as a regular looking iPhone follow these steps:
Deploy your project target for iOS 6.1 or earlier. In the navigator menu (far left), top folder (your project folder), click it. Make sure "General" is selected in the menu in the centre of the screen. In 'deployment Info' set it to iOS 6.1 and 'devices' to iPhone.
Open iOS simulator: Click 'XCODE' in the top left of the screen => Open Developer Tools => iOS Simulator.
In iOS simulator, go to => Hardware => Devices => select iPhone => iOS 6.1. Make sure not to select any of the hardware devices that are listed as retina displays, thats the major key.
Finally, make sure the deployment next to the run button is also showing 'iPhone iOS 6.1' AND NOT 'iPhone Retina...'
And enjoy seeing the iPhone simulator properly again! :)

XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone

Silly question, but.. I am not been able to see the device appearance when running the iPhone simulator. I don't remember after which XCode update this started but the iPhone simulator shows only as a simple window without showing the device case like it used to be (see this image).
That's how my simulator looks like:
Is there a way to make it look like an actual iPhone 5?
EDIT: Unfortunately in my hardware->device options I see only iPhone retina (which is currently selected), but there are no more options. So it seems like the default beheaviour to look like a thin window, unless I missed out some other configuration.
Here is what I see overlayed to a user answer.
The Simulator window only shows an iPhone (4/4s) bezel when:
The simulated device is a 3.5 inch non-Retina iPhone, and
The window scale is 100%.
In Xcode 5, you can't do the first one unless you download the iOS 6.1 simulator, because 3.5 inch non-Retina devices are not supported by iOS 7.
(For simulated devices other than 3.5-inch non-Retina, you'll also see a bezel at 100% scale, but this bezel doesn't look exactly like any particular device.)
If you want device images to use in promotional artwork for your app, see Apple's App Store Marketing Resources page.
First of all this does with retina devices.
STEP 1: Follow this step if you using Xcode 5 as you need to download the iOS simulator.
Go to XCode,
Open the main XCode Preferences option then Downloads. Click on
iOS 6 Simulator Change to the simulator you want by going to the
"Hardware" menu. Close the simulator. Run the project.
As you required just change device from Hardware -> device to iPhone as shown in the image.
And in the next step be sure set the window scale to 100 %.
For some reason it looks like an iPhone on my retina Macbook Pro, but not on my iMac.
They're probably looking at the resolution of the Mac, which doesn't really make sense, since you see less at 2880x1800 retina, than 1920x1080 non retina.
The problem I think is not with your XCode, but with your display. Check this : iPhone skin on Simulator
Check this Goto IOS Hardware >>Device >>iPhone
then window +1
Unfortunately it works like that for anything else - there is no option to show a case for any other simulators.
Absolutely correct, im using IOS simulator 7.0, there is no option regarding this. i did every possible step to make it look like iPhone but hard luck IOS simulator not having this option in Devices.
I've had this issue also. As indicated earlier, I went to preferences, downloads and then clicked on the ios 6.1 download. After installing it gave me the option of the "iphone". This option actually looks like the iphone. After the install it still includes the retina options as well.
It could be a scaling issue. In the simulator toolbar, go to Window -> Scale, and make sure that 100% is checked. Regarding how to enable iPhone non-retina if not shown, I wrote some steps in my blog on how to do it.

How can I set the device on the iOS Simulator as an iPhone 5 in Xcode 4.6?

How can I set the device on the iOS Simulator as an iPhone 5 in Xcode 4.6? I've been trying to change it via the Hardware->Device option but still to no avail. I really appreciate your help! Thanks.
In Xcode 4.6 this is not possible, you will just have to keep the iOS simulator open.
Apple did fix this issue in Xcode 5.
The iPhone 5 chrome (image that make the iOS simulator look like the iPhone5) will only been shown it there is enough space to present it.
Other which it will just be a normal window, the working of the simulator are the same.
You can just select device->iPhone(Retina 4-inch) and use for example Windows->50% to make the simulator fit your screen.
In 4.6, the iPhone 5 is the 4" iPhone option. This is current for Xcode 4.6.3.
first go to hardware then device then iphone (Retina 4 inch)
then u can go to window then scale if you want to change the size of simulator to look same like iphone 5
