I build an ontology which uses SWRL rules to inference. When I do a SQWRL querying in Protege it works fine. The problem is, when i want to use Pellet with Jena, it seems like Pellet doesn't include the SWRL rules in the querying. I include Pellet like this:
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("D:\\Fakultet\\WeatherHealthcast1.owl"));
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
model.read(in, null);
OntModel ontology = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC, model);
// Create a new query
String queryString =
"PREFIX WeatherHealthcast: <http://www.semanticweb.org/ontologies/2011/2/WeatherHealthcast.owl#> " +
"PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> " +
"PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> " +
"SELECT ?disease " +
"WHERE { " +
" ?person rdf:type WeatherHealthcast:Person." +
" ?person foaf:firstName ?fn." +
" ?person foaf:lastName ?ln." +
" FILTER regex(str(?fn), \"Viktor\")." +
" FILTER regex(str(?ln), \"Taneski\")." +
" ?disease rdf:type WeatherHealthcast:Disease. " +
" ?person WeatherHealthcast:suffersFrom ?disease." +
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
// Execute the query and obtain results
QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ontology);
ResultSet resultSet = qe.execSelect();
while (resultSet.hasNext())
QuerySolution result = resultSet.next();
RDFNode disease = result.get("disease");
Resource resource = disease.asResource();
System.out.println(" { Suffers from: " + resource.getLocalName() + " . }");
I also tried this:
Reasoner r = PelletReasonerFactory.theInstance().create();
InfModel inferenceModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(r, model);
but no progress. Any ideas? I need this for my diploma thesis. Thanks
As far as I know, pellet cannot support SQWRL. On the other hand, it supports SWRL but with some restrictions (see http://clarkparsia.com/pellet/faq/rules).
I might be late but I think you should switch to owl full in order to get all your rules included in the reasoning.
I am using Spring Data Neo4j and I have a repository like this:
public interface MyNeo4jRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Object, Long> {
#Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
+ "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
+ "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
+ "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
+ "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
+ "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "
+ "relationshipFilter: 'R1|R2>',"
+ "labelFilter: '-l1|>l2',"
+ "maxLevel: 6,"
+ "endNodes: [apps],"
+ "uniqueness: 'NODE_PATH'}) YIELD path "
+ "unwind nodes(path) as n "
I want to create this query using conditions like this:
#Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
+ "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
+ "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
+ "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
+ "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
if (condition) + "WHERE ...." else + ""
+ "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "
Is there a way to do it in the Neo4j query or do I have to do it with Spring composable repositories?
I think what you are looking for is the CASE construct
'WHERE ....'
WHEN condition1 THEN 'cypherFragement1'
WHEN condition2 THEN 'cypherFragement2'
ELSE 'cypherFragementElse'
Maybe you can rewrite your entire cypher via apoc.do.when or apoc.do.case functions, which provide conditional judgment.
I'm trying to extract Search queries by certain rules and I need to get Queries that contain one of the given strings:
" WHERE " +
" Impressions > " + IMPRESSIONS_THRESHOLD +
" AND Query CONTAINS_ANY ['for sale in', 'buy'] " +
But I'm getting error message (tryed different variations):
One of the conditions in the query is invalid. (file Code.gs, line 19)
Although it seems like I do everything according to Formal Grammar:
String -> StringSingleQ | StringDoubleQ
StringSingleQ -> '(char)'
StringDoubleQ -> "(char)"
StringList -> [ String (, String)* ]
If I do just 1 string it works fine:
" WHERE " +
" Impressions > " + IMPRESSIONS_THRESHOLD +
" AND Query CONTAINS 'for sale in' " +
IIRC, the CONTAINS_ANY operator only works when you are filtering on labels. I'm not sure if this constraint is actually documented, but this article seems to at least imply it.
I've wrote this query that normally works
String query2 = "PREFIX publ: <http://www.ps7-wia2.com/publications/>\n" +
"PREFIX pub: <http://www.ps7-wia2.com/publications#>" +
"DELETE { publ: " + id + " pub:like ?o }\n" +
"INSERT { publ: " + id + " pub:like " + nbLikes + " }\n" +
"WHERE {publ:" + id + " pub:like ?o .}\n";
RDFConnection conn2 = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(DATABASE);
QueryExecution qExec2 = conn2.query(query2) ;
And when I execute I encounter this error
org.apache.jena.query.QueryParseException: Encountered " "delete" "DELETE "" at line 2, column 52.
Was expecting one of:
"base" ...
"prefix" ...
"select" ...
"json" ...
"describe" ...
"construct" ...
"ask" ...
In SPARQL, query and update are parsed separately; they are separate languages which use many of the same elements but have different syntax for their functionality ("SELECT" vs "INSERT" etc).
Use update(...).
I am trying an efficient way to create a GenericRecord from another GenericRecord using a subschema (reader schema) without using Encoder/Decoder. For example I have the following schemas
String fullSchema = "{\"namespace\": \"example.avro\",\n" +
" \"type\": \"record\",\n" +
" \"name\": \"User\",\n" +
" \"fields\": [\n" +
" {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\"},\n" +
" {\"name\": \"favorite_number\", \"type\": [\"int\", \"null\"]},\n" +
" {\"name\": \"favorite_number2\", \"type\": [\"int\", \"null\"]},\n" +
" {\"name\": \"favorite_color\", \"type\": [\"string\", \"null\"]}\n" +
" ]\n" +
String readerSchema = "{\"namespace\": \"example.avro\",\n" +
" \"type\": \"record\",\n" +
" \"name\": \"User\",\n" +
" \"fields\": [\n" +
" {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\"},\n" +
" {\"name\": \"favorite_number2\", \"type\": [\"int\", \"null\"]}\n" +
" ]\n" +
I would like to find a way to do something like this without any code and decoder, I know it is possible using a reader schema but because performance reasons, I would like to avoid this option, my real schemas are much more bigger and complex (nested structures and arrays)
GenericRecord record = new GenericData.Record(new Schema.Parser().parse(fullSchema));
record.put("name", "Jhon");
record.put("favorite_number", 1);
record.put("favorite_number2", 2);
record.put("favorite_color", "red");
GenericRecord subRecord = copy(record, readerSchema);
Help me with this algorithm please.
var companies = companyrepository.GetAll().OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
string where = "";
if (op == "eq")
where = field + "=" + data;
else if (op == "cn")
where = field + " LIKE '%"+data+"%'"; ///here lies my problem
companies = companies.Where(where);
its for adding dynamic where clauses to a linq query... op, field, and data are all strings that come with ajax from a jquery grid.
The problem is that it gives me an error when it tries to do the Like operator... it works just fine with the equals operator.
Based on this page, the following should work for you:
if (op == "eq")
where = field + "=" + data;
else if (op == "cn")
where = field + ".Contains(\"" + data + "\")";
I ran some tests on my own data, and it appears to work fine.