I have this code which takes all the files in the folder collection and merges them with the covers.js file. The problem is there are 2 files inside of collections that need to be merged below covers.
But possibly I may want to control the order of how the files are being merged from the collection
folder. IS there a dependency attribute I can use.
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection/" includes="**/*.js" excludes="base.js"/>
I also tried this but still doesn't work.
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection" >
<includesfile name="Templates.js" />
<includesfile name="popup.js" />
<includesfile name="popup-extend.js" />
Latest Update
Tried this and it works but it doesn't hold the order of the include files.
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection" >
<include name="Templates.js" />
<include name="popup.js" />
<include name="popup-extend.js" />
popup-extend is meant to be merged below the popup code but its not doing that matter what order I put them in it will always put it in this order.
The order I'm trying to get it in is
Try this:
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/Templates.js" />
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/popup.js" />
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/popup-extend.js" />
Or look here: How to preserve file order in Ant concat?
I have an ant task to concatenate javascript files in a directory and output to concat.js What I want to do is first check if any files have a later modified time than that of concact.js before proceeding.
Here is the existing task:
<target name="minijs" depends="lintjs">
<echo>Concatinating ${plugins.dir} to ${plugins.concat}</echo>
<concat destfile="${plugins.concat}">
<fileset dir="${plugins.dir}">
<exclude name="**/vendor/**" />
<exclude name="*beconcat*" />
<include name="**/*.js" />
This is what the uptodate task has been created for
<uptodate property="isUpToDate"
<srcfiles dir="${plugins.dir}">
<exclude name="**/vendor/**" />
<exclude name="*beconcat*" />
<include name="**/*.js" />
will set the property isUpToDate if none of the files is newer than the target file - and not set the property at all if one of the files is. You can then use unless to conditionally rebuild the file.
I have a ANT build file with two different filesets:
<fileset id="fs1"> <include name="source1\**" /> </fileset>
<fileset id="fs2"> <include name="source2\**" /> </fileset>
and want to use both of them in the same javac task.
Of course, I could write
<javac ...>
<include name="source1\**" />
<include name="source2\**" />
but I want the selection of the files occurs outside, because my javac-task will be called several times with different parameters.
A solution would be to copy all the files in a temp directory and call javac on it. But you will admit it is not very satisfying...
More over: is there a solution to concatenate two filesets in a single one?
I've found a solution, using patternset.
<patternset id="ps1"> <include name="source1\**" /> </patternset>
<patternset id="ps2"> <include name="source2\**" /> </patternset>
<javac ...>
<patternset refid="ps1" />
<patternset refid="ps2" />
I would like to create a jar file dynamically depending on selected java modules
Here is the part of the ant script which does that.
<property name="modules.selected" value="A,C,F" />
<for list="${modules.selected}" param="module">
<echo>Module chosen ${basedir}/#{module}/src</echo>
<copy todir="${build.dir.src}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/#{module}/src">
<include name="**/*.${src.valid.exts}" />
In the above script I am selecting a module and then constructing a directory and copying all the modules present in the directory to a location (build/src).
But I really dont like the logic mentioned above would like to change to include all the required modules in a fileset and use the populated fileset to copy.
Here is the logic I am looking for
<fileset id="required-modules" dir="${basedir}/#{module}/src">
<for list="${modules.selected}" param="module">
<echo>Module chosen ${basedir}/#{module}/src</echo>
<include name="**/*.${src.valid.exts}" />
<copy todir="${build.dir.src}" overwrite="true">
<fileset refid="required-modules" />
Could anyone update the above script to make it work.
I'm having trouble producing a bundle after converting a maven project to an ant project. The bnd ant task creates test.jar but the file only includes a META-INF. The eclipse project is named testproj. What am I missing? Also, does anyone know of a place with more bnd ant task examples? The bnd site itself is a little lacking in this regard, especially with how to build the classpath values.
<project name="testproj" basedir="." default="build">
<patternset id="project.deploy.jars">
<include name="slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar" />
<include name="logback-core-0.9.28.jar" />
<include name="logback-classic-0.9.28.jar" />
<include name="org.osgi.compendium-4.2.0.jar" />
<include name="org.apache.felix.http.jetty-2.2.0.jar" />
<include name="jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar" />
<include name="mail-1.4.4-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="commons-io-2.0.1.jar" />
<include name="commons-lang-2.6.jar" />
<include name="commons-codec-1.5.jar" />
<include name="commons-httpclient-3.1-osgi-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="bndlib-1.43.0.jar" />
<include name="ojdbc5-osgi-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="joda-time-1.6.2.jar" />
<include name="cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution-1.2.jar" />
<path id="bnd.classpath">
<fileset dir="setup/external">
<patternset refid="project.deploy.jars" />
<target name="build" description="Build the bundle">
<taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/taskdef.properties"
<pathconvert property="bnd.classpath.string" pathsep=",">
<path refid="bnd.classpath" />
<regexpmapper from="(.*)" to="setup/external/\1" casesensitive="no"/>
Import-Package:com.test.service, oracle.sql, oracle.jdbc, oracle.jdbc.driver, *
1) Did you look at the ant support included in bndtools? Neil and I go out of our way to make bndtools run in offline mode.
2) The build.xml looks not proper ant syntax? Can you make a small example and post the proper files?
3) bnd should never generate a jar without a MANIFEST.MF file. Does the run have an error?
If you can't solve the problem feel free to send me a zip file with the setup and I'll check what's going on (and report here).
Following help from the group at Google Groups bndtools (which is a group for for both bndtools and bnd), the issue is apparently that the .bnd file does not contain the Private-Package header. This is used to specify the implementation package so make it a base package for all the classes you want brought in.
After I added it, all the classes showed up and the component xml appeared again.
Thanks for your help everyone!
How to preserve file order in Ant concat?
Simple concat with fileset & includesfile produces rather "random" order, as order is not guaranteed:
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<fileset dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<includesfile name="C:/targetdir/includes.file" />
What I need is concatenation in specific order that the files are listed in the includes file.
So far I've found resourcelist, which should preserve order, but I can't seem to be able to produce any concatenated file with it. :/
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<file file="C:/targetdir/includes.file"/>
<comment value="#"/>
<prefixlines prefix="C:/sourcedir/"/>
Plus, the resourcelist can't seem to handle rows like
Instead the row just produces a ".../Morestuff/* does not exist." -error
Includes file has list of relative paths:
I was able to get a filelist working pretty easily:
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<filelist dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<file name="i.txt" />
<file name="n.txt" />
<file name="o.txt" />
<file name="r.txt" />
<file name="d.txt" />
<file name="e.txt" />
<file name="r.txt" />
Hope that helps!
If you are using Ant 1.7+, you can use the sort command
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<fileset dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<include name="C:/targetdir/*.file" />
You can find the documentation of sort here
[On Ant 1.8.2+] You can also pass the fileset via a sort, and sort on filename, like below:
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/b.main-${build.number}.debug.js">
<sort xmlns:rcmp="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.comparators">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/">
<include name="**/${dir.js.main}/**/*.js"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.js.main}/**/*.min.js"/>
<rcmp:name />
Couple of things to watch out for:
Directories are sorted before files
Capitals come before lowercase
UPDATE: Another alternative if you need to manually specify order:
<!-- create a ordered list of all the build files so that CIAPI & CIAPI.widget are built first
(can't find a smarter way to do this, since ant filesets are unordered) -->
<fileset id="a" dir="."><include name="CIAPI/build.project.xml"/></fileset>
<fileset id="b" dir="."><include name="CIAPI.widget/build.project.xml"/></fileset>
<fileset id="c" dir=".">
<include name="**/build.project.xml"/>
<exclude name="CIAPI/build.project.xml" />
<exclude name="CIAPI.widget/build.project.xml" />
<union id="all_build_files">
<fileset refid="a"/>
<fileset refid="b"/>
<fileset refid="c"/>
Ugly, but, erm, this is ant?
try this, put in alphabetical order
<project name="concatPath" default="full">
<target name="full">
<fileset id="fs" dir="./files" />
<pathconvert refid="fs" property="concatList" pathsep=";" targetos="unix"/>
this can be used with hierarchical structure of directories, and the order will be the exposed by David.
Remember that XML is not order-dependent, by definition.
To concatenate files in a sorted order, consider using <replace> instead.
Create an order file that defines the order. Then, in your build file:
Copy the order file to the destination file with <copy>
Concatenate your files together into a temporary file with <concat>
Load the files into properties with <loadfile>
Insert the text from those files into the destination file with <replace>
Example order file order_file.txt:
Example ant build file build.xml:
<copy file="order_file.txt" tofile="destination.txt" overwrite="yes">
<concat destfile="tempfile.txt">
<fileset dir="includes/">
<include name="*.txt">
<exclude name="fileA.txt">
<loadfile property="fileA" srcFile="includes/fileA.txt" />
<loadfile property="concatFile" srcFile="tempfile.txt" />
<replace file="destination.txt" token="FILE_A_HERE" value="fileA" />
<replace file="destination.txt" token="CONCAT_FILES_HERE" value="concatFile" />