Ant BND task does not produce bundle containing any items - ant

I'm having trouble producing a bundle after converting a maven project to an ant project. The bnd ant task creates test.jar but the file only includes a META-INF. The eclipse project is named testproj. What am I missing? Also, does anyone know of a place with more bnd ant task examples? The bnd site itself is a little lacking in this regard, especially with how to build the classpath values.
<project name="testproj" basedir="." default="build">
<patternset id="project.deploy.jars">
<include name="slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar" />
<include name="logback-core-0.9.28.jar" />
<include name="logback-classic-0.9.28.jar" />
<include name="org.osgi.compendium-4.2.0.jar" />
<include name="org.apache.felix.http.jetty-2.2.0.jar" />
<include name="jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar" />
<include name="mail-1.4.4-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="commons-io-2.0.1.jar" />
<include name="commons-lang-2.6.jar" />
<include name="commons-codec-1.5.jar" />
<include name="commons-httpclient-3.1-osgi-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="bndlib-1.43.0.jar" />
<include name="ojdbc5-osgi-1.0.0.jar" />
<include name="joda-time-1.6.2.jar" />
<include name="cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution-1.2.jar" />
<path id="bnd.classpath">
<fileset dir="setup/external">
<patternset refid="project.deploy.jars" />
<target name="build" description="Build the bundle">
<taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/"
<pathconvert property="bnd.classpath.string" pathsep=",">
<path refid="bnd.classpath" />
<regexpmapper from="(.*)" to="setup/external/\1" casesensitive="no"/>
Import-Package:com.test.service, oracle.sql, oracle.jdbc, oracle.jdbc.driver, *

1) Did you look at the ant support included in bndtools? Neil and I go out of our way to make bndtools run in offline mode.
2) The build.xml looks not proper ant syntax? Can you make a small example and post the proper files?
3) bnd should never generate a jar without a MANIFEST.MF file. Does the run have an error?
If you can't solve the problem feel free to send me a zip file with the setup and I'll check what's going on (and report here).

Following help from the group at Google Groups bndtools (which is a group for for both bndtools and bnd), the issue is apparently that the .bnd file does not contain the Private-Package header. This is used to specify the implementation package so make it a base package for all the classes you want brought in.
After I added it, all the classes showed up and the component xml appeared again.
Thanks for your help everyone!


Ant task: add a file to an archive with a parameter

I'm currently struggling with an Ant task for a DITA plugin. It would consist in adding a file (whatever the extension is) to an archive via the command line. The idea is to set a parameter like this :
dita -f mymap.ditamap -transtype htmlCustom -Dadd-file=fileOfMyChoice.txt
The part that interests me is the last one: -Dadd-file=fileOfMyChoice.txt
So far, I've tried to include two choices into my target.
The user sets a add-file parameter and its value is added into the fileset with the base set of generated files.
Or, nothing is passed via this parameter and the base set of generated files is included in the fileset.
The part that is still challenging to me if the one that identifies if a parameter add-file is passed and how its value is transmitted in a fileset.
If you have any pointers for me, that would be awesome.
<target name="map2exportmap">
<dirname property="dita.temp.dir.fullpath" file="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}dummy.file"/>
<xslt in="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}.job.xml"
<mkdir dir="${}/temp"/>
<fileset id="global" dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}allResources.out" />
<union id="globalAddendum">
<fileset id="ditaGeneration" dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}allResources.out"/>
<fileset id="additionalFile" dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${add-File}"/>
<condition property="withAddedFile" refid="globalAddendum" else="global">
<isset property="add-file"/>
<copy todir="${}/temp">
<fileset dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${withAddedFile}"/>
<zip destfile="${}/${}.zip">
<fileset dir="${}/temp"/>
<delete dir="${}/temp"/>
I found the solution!
Here is the code if it can help anyone.
<target name="map2exportmap">
<dirname property="dita.temp.dir.fullpath" file="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}dummy.file"/>
<xslt in="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}.job.xml"
<mkdir dir="${}/temp"/>
<!-- Create two filesets depending on the argument `add-file` sent in the command line -->
<fileset id="base" dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}allResources.out" />
<fileset id="addedFile" file="${add-file}"/>
<!-- this is the core of the condition. It tests if there was an argument for `add-file, then ii sets the property `with.or.without.added.file`-->
<condition property="with.or.without.added.file" value="addedFile" else="base">
<isset property="add-file"/>
<!-- Process the copy of content in the tempoerary folder-->
<copy todir="${}/temp">
<fileset refid="${with.or.without.added.file}"/>
<fileset id="base" dir="${user.input.dir}/" includesfile="${dita.temp.dir.fullpath}${file.separator}allResources.out" />
<!-- Execute the zip packaging -->
<zip destfile="${}/${}.zip">
<fileset dir="${}/temp"/>
<delete dir="${}/temp"/>

how to check if class file or jar file is instrumented?

First Question -
Is there any way i can verify that the specific jar files or class files has been instrumented using cobertura?
Second Question - Can you please let me know if following ant scipt is fine. I dont get any output from this. nor instrumented file or cobertura.ser and build says ok.
<property name="cobertura.dir" value="../cobertura-2.0.3" />
<property name="instrumented.dir" value="../destination" />
<property name="jars.dir" value="../basedir" />
<path id="cobertura.classpath">
<fileset dir="${cobertura.dir}">
<include name="cobertura-2.0.3.jar" />
<include name="lib/**/*.jar" />
<target name="instrument-classes">
<taskdef classpathref="cobertura.classpath" resource="" />
<delete file="cobertura.ser" />
<cobertura-instrument todir="${instrumented.dir}">
<fileset dir="${jars.dir}">
<include name="XXX.jar" />
<fileset dir="${jars.dir}">
<include name="YYYY.jar" />
You can use a java decompiler to see references to classes in the instrumented classes. You can also use a simple text editor that accept to visualize binary files (e.g. TextPad) and you will see net.sf.cobertura references as well, if you look carefully (using a text compare tool to compare the original class and the instrumented one makes it more obvious).
Your ant snippet looks all right except possibly for the suspicious:
<property name="jars.dir" value="../basedir" />
Perhaps you meant something like:
<property name="jars.dir" value="${basedir}/.." />
The point is: you should validate that the nested filesets actually include files, otherwise there won't be anything accomplished by the cobertura-instrument task.

How to make ant not fail if folder on classpath is not found

I'm trying to modify my ant script so that it will build without error whether or not a local lib folder exists. I want to use the same script on multiple wars, some of which will have WEB-INF/lib, and some of which won't. If the folder exists, include it in the classpath, if not, do not include it. I have tried putting but I can't figure out where it should go. I think this should be a lot simpler than I'm making it out to be but my Googl Fu is failing me.
<property name="local.libs" value="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" />
<path id="local.libs.path">
<fileset dir="${local.libs}" includes="*.jar" />
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<javac srcdir="${}" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" debug="true" includeantruntime="false">
<compilerarg value="-Xlint:-path" />
<classpath refid="local.libs.path" />
<classpath refid="server.libs.path" /> <!-- not referenced in snippet -->
I ended up solving this by making the value of local.libs just WebContent/WEB-INF:
<property name="local.libs" value="WebContent/WEB-INF" />
and then the fileset
<fileset dir="${local.libs}" includes="*lib/*.jar" />
Then it would build whether or not the lib folder existed.

How to to control the order of merge in Ant file

I have this code which takes all the files in the folder collection and merges them with the covers.js file. The problem is there are 2 files inside of collections that need to be merged below covers.
But possibly I may want to control the order of how the files are being merged from the collection
folder. IS there a dependency attribute I can use.
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection/" includes="**/*.js" excludes="base.js"/>
I also tried this but still doesn't work.
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection" >
<includesfile name="Templates.js" />
<includesfile name="popup.js" />
<includesfile name="popup-extend.js" />
Latest Update
Tried this and it works but it doesn't hold the order of the include files.
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/collection" >
<include name="Templates.js" />
<include name="popup.js" />
<include name="popup-extend.js" />
popup-extend is meant to be merged below the popup code but its not doing that matter what order I put them in it will always put it in this order.
The order I'm trying to get it in is
Try this:
<target name="merge box">
<concat destfile="${box.file}" fixlastline="yes" append="no">
<fileset dir="${js.src.dir}/components/covers/" includes="**/*.js"/>
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/Templates.js" />
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/popup.js" />
<fileset file="${js.src.dir}/collection/popup-extend.js" />
Or look here: How to preserve file order in Ant concat?

Ant: How to select the latest modified file from a directory?

Assume I have a directory which contains several files with the same name prefix and a timestamp, e.g.
- file-0749
- file-1253
- file-2304
How can I tell ANT to select the latest modified file from my directory (in this case this would be file-2304)?
You can do that with the TimestampSelector task from ant-contrib.
<timestampselector property="latest.modified">
<fileset dir="${my-directory.dir}">
<include name="file-*" />
<echo message="${latest.modified}" />
Found a way without an additional library:
<copy todir="${tmp.last.modified.dir}">
<last id="last.modified">
<date />
<fileset dir="${my.dir}" />
<echo message="last modified file in ${my.dir}: ${ant.refid:last.modified}" />
You can work directly with ant.refid:last.modified like the echo task does. Don't forget to delete tmp.last.modified.dir.
