iOS table view suddenly turns blank - ios

I have some code which brings up a table view in an iPhone app I'm developing. I was attempting to rename the xib file which holds the table display, but after I did it the display table showed up as blank, or rather, with two very large blank lines separated by the normal separators.
My (primitive) backup strategy is to copy the directory folder containing the xcode project. However, when I tried the backup, I get the same result. None of the previous backups before that one work either, until I get to the one before the current enhancement.
Is there something about a project that is preserved by XCode itself, regardless of the directory? What's the best approach to debugging something like this?


Xcode storyboard discrepancies across version control

I am having quite the annoying problem with my Xcode storyboard. I have a project controlled through svn version control and everything seems to be copying over fine with the normal merges and commits. When I make a change to the storyboard and commit it, say just a dummy label, and my partner updates his project with the latest commit it shows up fine, just like it is on my own project. However, when my partner adds a dummy label and commits, my update does not show the project on the screen. It only shows the label on the scene viewer. This is also happening with tableviewcontroller's inside of other view controllers, or really anything that he updates. When the app is run the app shows everything that it is expected too, but this does not make sense as the storyboard file is not showing these things. I am not sure what is happening as nothing seemed to be wrong early on. Any help or guidance is appreciated. Here is a picture detailing what I mean.
If you would like more info about this please leave a comment!
Looks to me like you just need to update the size class when you or your partner opens up your project like so:
and choose whatever size you find appropriate for your app

iOS app with interface reminiscent of Finder's column view

How would I go about making a simple iOS app that simply has to display "data sheets" (just text documents basically) in a way reminiscent of OS X's Finder's Column View?
I want the interface to present a list of Manufacturers. I select one and then a bunch of Models made by that Manufacturer come up. I select one and finally I'm presented with Years. I select a Year and then I am shown a list of all variants of that Model made in that Year. When I press one of these Models I'm shown a textual data sheet for that model.
I mean, I don't even know whether to start this as a Master-Detail Application (although that sort of looks like it might work), a Page-Based Application, a Single View Application or a Tabbed Application...
Essentially, you will nee dto get in to UITableView.
It's fairly simple:
Be sure to work 100% using storyboard, and Swift. In answer to your final question simpy start it as a single view app.
Interestingly, once you get good one of the toughest and most expert-level skills in iOS is dynamic height cells in table views. Example of that.

Xcode building "old" code after a pull

I have a single view App. very basic not much going on right now besides networking code.
Earlier in the day I committed changes to the main view (added buttons, text fields, styling). I did this by copy+paste -ing from an old project. Everything worked as I expected.
Now, I am on a different machine and pulled the changes in. The App is building with the "old" view (just a single button). Why is it not showing the changes that I made, and were working, earlier?
EDIT: its not just the view that isnt updating. Its running all of the old code from my previous commit. Again, the problem is that I have all up to date files.
this is a Swift app, if it matters.
Deleting the build folder in my project directory fixed my problem.
It sounds like your changes didn't get committed/pushed for some reason. Maybe the XIB/storyboard isn't under source control.

Dynamic text block in iOS App Settings

I want to send some log data to the ios app settings menu. I have dynamic text fields that I can change from that app working, but I need a text block now.
What I need to do is have a menu item that has a child view. That part too I have working. You click on View Logs from my app settings menu and it takes me to a blank page right now. How can I add a large dynamic text block? I have tried adding a Group and setting the Key to FooterText which I think is what I need to do. I can specify static text in there right now.
I don't know how to make it dynamic though. Any ideas?
Not exactly clear on what you are trying to do here (maybe clarify?). If you need a large text view then why not consider UITextView. You can jam essentially as much text in there as you want.
Settings is really not meant to serve as a read-write repository in the manner you describe. It is really focused on write infrequently, read many (think LDAP). However, you can make a lot of text data available through settings if that's what you want. Since the fields in settings don't support large quantities of text data, you might consider this approach. Even though it talks about 'licenses and attribution' you could apply this to logfiles as well.
best way to add license section to iOS settings bundle

Source control xCode 6 and existing files

I have a project in xCode 6 using Swift (my very first experience developing iOS Apps).
I was having problems with gestures (they are alive even after removing them from storyboard) and decide to delete the ViewController I was having problem. The program compiled as it still exists. Then I decide to delete and remove reference to file main.storyboard and everything works just as before.
I believe that is related to source control
Where are those view controllers and even the storyboard stored?
By using the storyboard, sometimes you are creating some link between your elements and/or some part of your code.
These links will still be, even after deleting the element unless you delete the link itself.
In order to perform good deletion, you should first right click on the element you want to delete and suppress all its links. Then you can safely delete your element:
