stretching and rotating of image in between of points in cocos2d - ipad

I have an arrow image. I want to stretch this image between of two points. I am retriving points from touch location so it i snot fixed. When user will touch on iPad arrow image will be appear and arrow image will be shown until the touch end appear.So if user touches on point A and it is moving to Point B arrow image will be stretched upto Point B and so on.
How will I stretch image within points?

Your two touches will end up defining a box, and you will have a vector from point 1 to point 2. I suggest calculating the x and y delta (length) and from that you can figure a scale factor for your arrow image.
Now that you have the size of the sprite, you can calculate the angle of rotation of the sprite.
and finally, calculate the center point between point A and B and that will be where you place the sprite.


Mapping textures to 2 triangles in roblox

I am currently trying to map textures using image labels onto 2 different triangles (because im using right angle wedges so i need 2 to make scalene triangles), but here is the problem, I can only set positional, size, and rotational data so I need to figure out how I can use this information to correctly map the texture onto the triangle
the position is based on the topleft corner and size of triangle (<1,1> corner is at the bottom right and <0,0> corner is at top left) and the size is based on triangle size also (<1,1> is same size as triangle and <0,0> is infinitely tiny) and rotation is central based.
I have the UV coordinates (given 0-1) and face vertices, all from an obj file. The triangles in 3D are made up of 2 wedges which are split at a right angle from the longest surface and from the opposite angle.
I don't quite understand this however it may be help to change the canvas properties on the Surface GUI

SceneKit / ARKit: map screen shape into 3D object

I have a UIView in the middle of the screen, 100x100 in this case, and it should function like a "target" guideline for the user.
When the user presses the Add button, a SCNBox should be added on the world at the exact same spot, with width / height / scale / distance / rotation corresponding the UIView's size and position on the screen.
This image may help understanding what I mean.
The UIView's size may vary, but it will always be rectangular and centered on the screen. The corresponding 3D model also may vary. In this case, a square UIView will map to a box, but later the same square UIView may be mapped into a cylinder with corresponding diameter (width) and height.
Any ideas how I can achieve something like this?
I've tried scrapping the UIView and placing the box as the placeholder, as a child of the sceneView.pointOfView, and later converting it's position / parent to the rootNode, with no luck.
Thank you!
Get the center position of the UIView in its parent view, and use the SCNRenderer’s unprojectPoint method to convert it to 3D coordinates in the scene, to get the position where the 3D pbject should be placed. You will have to implement some means to determine the z value.
Obviously the distance of the object will determine its size in screen but if you also want to scale the object you could use the inverse of the zoom level of your camera as the scale. With zoom level I mean your own means of zooming (e.g. moving the camera closer than a default distances would create smaller scale models). If the UIView changes in size, you could in addition or instead of the center point unproject all its corner points individually to 3D space, but it may just be easier to convert the scale of the uiview to the scale of the 3D node. For example, if you know the maximum size the UIView will be you can express a smaller view as a percentage of its max size and use the same percentage to scale the object.
You also mentioned the rotation of the object should correspond to the UIView. I assume that means you want the object to face the camera. For this you can apply a rotation to the object based on the .transform property of the pointOfView node.

Keeping Squares Along A Circle's Circumference

I'm drawing squares along a circular path for an iOS application. However, at certain points along the circle, the squares start to go out of the circle's circumference. How do I make sure that the squares stay inside?
Here's an illustration I made. The green squares represent the positions I need the squares to actually be in. The red squares are where they actually appear given the following values for each square's upper-left corner:
x = origin.x + radius * cos(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
y = origin.y + radius * sin(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
Origin refers to the center of the circle. I have a loop that repeats this for every angle from 1 till 360 degrees.
EDIT: I've changed my design to position the centers of the squares along the circular path rather than their upper left corners.
why not just draw the centers of the squares along a smaller circle inside of the bigger one?
You could do the math to figure out exactly what the radius would have to be to ensure an exact fit, but you could probably trial and error your way there quickly too.
Doing it this way ensures that your objects would end up laid out in an actual circle too, which is not the case if you were merely making sure that one and only one corner of each square touched the larger bounding circle (that would create a slightly octagonal shape instead of a circle)
ryan cumley's answer made me realize how dumb I was all along. I just needed to change each square's anchor point to its center & that solved it. Now every calculated value for x & y would position every square's center exactly on the circular path.
Option 1) You could always find the diameter of the circle and then using Pythagorean Theorem, you could create a square that would fit perfectly within the circle. You could then loop through the square that was just made in the circle to create smaller squares, but I doubt this is what you are aiming for.
Option2) Find out what half of the length of one of the diagonals of the squares should be, and create a ring within the first ring. Then lay down squares at key points (like ever 30 degrees or 15 degrees, etc) along the inner path. Ex:
As you can see, the smaller (inner) circle is in the center of each green square, and that ensures that the corners of each square just touches the larger (outer) circle. Obviously my cheaply made picture in paint is not perfect, but mathematically it will work.

drawing overlapping circles in corona

How to draw a circle overlapping another circle in the moved phase of touch event,such that no gap is left out between the circles.The circles must be tightly packed to one another,so that even when user moves his hand on the screen faster or lightly,no gap must be present between the circles.
Just two circles? Or many circles? If just two, then detecting if they overlap is simply verifying that their centers are not closer than the sum of their radii. For example, if Circle1's raduis is 10 pixels, and Circle2's radius is 25 pixels, then they overlap if the center of Circle1 is less than 35 pixels from the center of Circle2.
So if you do your calculations in the "moved" phase and find that they're too close, you have to adjust the position of one of them. How you go about that will depend on the specifics of your application. You could:
Keep the y coordinate of the moving circle the same, and calculate the necessary x coordinate to maintain the required distance.
Same as above but swap x and y.
As above, but move the "unmoving" circle away from the "moving" circle.
Some other calculation that makes sense for your application.
NOTE: You should accept some of the answers you've been given.

XNA Tile Based Collision

I have a tile map of 64 x 64 pixel tiles (10 rows, 10 columns) I want to detect collision between the moving units and any walls or objects. How can i keep the units centered in the tile map while moving then detect if a unit should change direction without updating his position to soon, and throwing him off the center of the tile?
Example: If there is an object at TilePositionX = 3, and TilePosition = 0 and that object makes a unit change his direction but always stay centered. If the unit is heading right towards the object at a XVelocity = 1.0f (this could be any velocity) every update. Do i have to detect the center position of the unit then add an offset and check if I'm completely inside a tile? I can't of a good solution for my problem.
What I did in a similar situation was work out the target destination of the unit (in pixels) which was the centre of the tile it was moving toward, and then every update move the unit closer to that target. Only once the unit was in the centre of the tile did it check for a new destination.
For example: Unit A is at coordinates (0,0) which in pixels (32,32) (the centre of that tile)
A moves toward tile (0,1), so new destination is (32,96). Every update the unit moves (0,1) pixels down. Once the unit is a (32,96) which is the centre of the tile (0,1), it can then decide where it is going to move next.
The way i handled this in a few of my games was i held a Tile and a Pixel offset, the Tile always stays a solid number I.E 1,2 and the pixel offset was moved negative positive based on direction. When it got above the size of a tile we would reset it to zero and add or subtract to the corrosponding Tile type. From there it becomes fairly easy to determine if you are hitting a tile that you cannot move on.
