Stuffing Hash in Array behaves differently using "var" rather than :var -- why? - ruby-on-rails

Why do these snippets of code behave differently? I thought they were supposed to do the same thing...
foo = {}
array = []
foo['a'] = "1"
foo['b'] = "2"
array << foo
foo['a'] = "3"
foo['b'] = "4"
array << foo
output => [{"a"=>"3", "b"=>"4"}, {"a"=>"3", "b"=>"4"}]
This is not what I want. Fortunately, I tried using this format, which works:
foo = {}
array = []
foo = {
:a => "1",
:b => "2"
array << foo
foo = {
:a => "3",
:b => "4"
array << foo
output => [{:a=>"1", :b=>"2"}, {:a=>"3", :b=>"4"}]
What's going on here?

It's not " vs. : — it's that you're modifying foo (foo[...]=...) in the first example while you're reassigning the variable foo (foo=...) in the second. In the first example, foo still refers to the same object (which is also in the array) after you put in the values 3 & 4.
For a solution, I recommend the second option (which you can use with '/" (strings) or : (symbols), no matter), or alternatively you can do array << foo.clone to push a copy of foo onto the array, so further modifications won't change it.

In your first example, you push foo itself into the array. When you edit foo on the next few lines, you are editing the same hash which you just pushed into the array!
In your second example, you explicitly set foo to a new hash using the '{}' operators. So when you set the values of 'a' and 'b', you don't touch the original foo already pushed into the array.


How to take keys within hash objects

hash = {
"d" => {
"o" => {
"g" => {
"s" => {}
"l" => {
"l" => {}
"o" => {
"m" => {}
"b" => {
Within the Trie class there is method called print to print trie:
def print(trie)
trie.each do |k,v|
print(trie[k]) if trie[k].length > 0
unless trie[k].length > 0
#result << #res unless trie[k].length > 0
#res = ""
p #result
The above method prints:
["dogs", "ll", "om", "boom"]
But I want to print:
["dogs" , "doll", "doom" , "boom"]
I think we don't have to pass the prefix.
def compose(trie)
trie.flat_map do |k, v|
v.empty? ? k : compose(v).map{|sv| "#{k}#{sv}"}
I've renamed the function to compose to avoid clashing with Kernel#print. The reason for that is that I'm calling this function from the inside, where it should be callable without pointing to an object explicitly. The approach you're using doesn't "reuse" traversed prefixes. The most common way to do this is to use recursion and build up that prefix in the arguments.
I've got this recursive function. Recursion is a common approach to processing trees. It accepts a "subtrie" and a prefix it's placed below (defaults to empty string, if none given). Recursion base: if we got an empty subtrie, we return a single-element array of a built up prefix at this point. Higher levels will return arrays of prefixes built from a given "subtrie".
def compose(trie, prefix="")
trie.flat_map do |k, v|
new_prefix = prefix + k
results = compose(v, new_prefix)
results.empty? ? new_prefix : results
Note flat_map, otherwise (with map) it will output a deeply nested array structured as your trie with leaves replaced with built up prefixes.
UPD: the new version returns an empty array for empty subtrie.

how to get the key value from the nested hash inside the array?

I have a array which is inside a hash. I want know the result of the student (pass/fail) using the following array. First I have to match them with particular standard and compare their marks with the hash pass and fails. And I want to get the key pass or fail based on their mark. How to achieve this using Ruby?
array = [
:standard =>1
:standard =>2,
#student is assumed to be defined
standard = {|standard| standard[:standard] == #student.standard}
eng_pass = #student.eng_mark >= standard[:pass][:eng]
eng_fail = #student.eng_mark <= standard[:fail][:eng]
return [eng_pass, eng_fail, whatever_else_you_want]
So on and forth for various topics.
The syntax in reading values from this structure is something like:
and accordingly you can do the comparison as usual in batch:
for i in 0..#students_array.length
num = # student's score
standard = # something like array[0][:pass][:eng]
if num > standard
# something like 'put "You passed!"'

Ruby Array conversion best way

What is the best way to achieve the following, I have following array of actions under ABC
I want to format this as:
ABC =>{Actions=> [ADD-DATA,TRANSFER-DATA,EXPORT,PRINT], Detail => [Overview, Product-detail, event-log,orders]}
There's probably a ton of ways to do it but here's one:
a = ["ABC:Actions",
"ABC:Detail:ORDERS"] { |action| action.split(":") }.inject({}) do |m, s|
m[] ||= {}
m[][] ||= [] if
m[][] << if
The map call returns an array where each of the strings in the original array have been split into an array of elements that were separated by :. For example [["ABC","Actions","ADD-DATA"] ... ]
The inject call then builds up a hash by going through each of these "split" arrays. It creates a mapping for the first element, if one doesn't already exist, to an empty hash, e.g. "ABC" => {}. Then it creates a mapping in that hash for the second element, if one doesn't already exist, to an empty array, e.g. "ABC" => { "Detail" => [] }. Then it adds the third element to that array to give something like "ABC" => { "Detail" => ["OVERVIEW"] }. Then it goes onto the next "split" array and adds that to the hash too in the same way.
I will do this as below :
a = ["ABC:Actions",
m ={|i| i.split(":")[1..-1]}
# => [["Actions"],
# ["Actions", "ADD-DATA"],
# ["Actions", "TRANSFER-DATA"],
# ["Actions", "EXPORT"],
# ["Actions", "PRINT"],
# ["Detail"],
# ["Detail", "OVERVIEW"],
# ["Detail", "PRODUCT-DETAIL"],
# ["Detail", "EVENT-LOG"],
# ["Detail", "ORDERS"]]
m.each_with_object([])){|(i,j),ob| ob[i] = ob[i] + [j] unless j.nil? }
# => {"Actions"=>["ADD-DATA", "TRANSFER-DATA", "EXPORT", "PRINT"],
It was just interesting to do it with group_by :)
a = ['ABC:Actions',
result = { |action| action.split(":") }.group_by(&:shift)
result.each do |k1,v1|
result[k1] = v1.group_by(&:shift)
result[k1].each { |k2,v2| result[k1][k2] = v2.flatten }
p result

There has got to be a cleaner way to do this

I have this code here and it works but there has to be a better way.....i need two arrays that look like this
"Vector Arena - Auckland Central, New Zealand" => {
"2010-10-10" => [
"Enter Sandman",
"And justice for all"
"Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Brisbane Qld, Austr..." => {
"2010-10-11" => [
"Enter Sandman"
one for the past and one for the upcoming...the problem i have is i am repeating myself and though it works i want to clean it up is my data
Try this:
h = {|h1, k1| h1[k1] ={|h2, k2| h2[k2] = []}}
result, today = [ h, h.dup],
:select => "DISTINCT venue, showdate, LOWER(song) AS song"
).each do |req|
idx = req.showdate < today ? 0 : 1
result[idx][req.venue][req.showdate] <<
Note 1
In the first line I am initializing an hash of hashes. The outer hash creates the inner hash when a non existent key is accessed. An excerpt from Ruby Hash documentation:
If this hash is subsequently accessed by a key that doesn‘t correspond to a hash
entry, the block will be called with the hash object and the key, and should
return the default value. It is the block‘s responsibility to store the value in
the hash if required.
The inner hash creates and empty array when the non existent date is accessed.
E.g: Construct an hash containing of content as values and date as keys:
Without a default block:
h = {}
list.each do |data|
h[] = [] unless h[]
h[] << data.content
With a default block
h ={|h, k| h[k] = []}
list.each do |data|
h[] << data.content
Second line simply creates an array with two items to hold the past and future data. Since both past and the present stores the data as Hash of Hash of Array, I simply duplicate the value.
Second line can also be written as
result = [ h, h.dup]
today =

push new element into array within hash

I have a hash which, I have keys that uniquely identify each element within the hash. And within each element, I have an array. So my question is, how do I put another element inside that array within the hash.
{"Apple"=>[1, 5.99], "Banana"=>[5, 9.99]}
I'm looping through a result set, and I'm a little bit lost how to add another element to the array...
If your hash is called, for example, hsh, then the "Apple" array can be accessed by hsh["Apple"]. You can use this like any variable, so to add a value to that array just do hsh["Apple"] << some_value. Like so:
irb> hsh = { "Apple" => [1, 5.99], "Banana" => [5, 9.99] }
irb> hsh["Apple"] << 9999
=> { "Apple" => [1, 5.99, 9999], "Banana" => [5, 9.99] }
