Pins on Pinterest link to 404 - yet link is valid - hyperlink

this is a really strange one.
I've set up a bunch of pins on Pinterest linking through to our services which all work fine. Then I decided to do the same on our blog articles (we use Wordpress), yet everytime I click the link (and I've done this on different computers) the link goes to a 404 page on our site. However the link is valid and if you right click the pin and open in new window it opens fine:
I have contacted Pinterest who are next to useless. I have also tried different browsers, different computers and different Pinterest accounts.
I can't see any weirdness in my htaccess files causing this so I'm a little stumped. Any suggestions?

I found this when I was searching for the same issue - so though it's an old question I thought I'd answer for anyone else who is searching!
My client was using a really old version of WordPress, when I upgraded to the latest version it fixed the issue. After a bit of digging it turns out you have to be on WordPress 1.5.2 and beyond in order to fix it - as they applied the fix in that update.


Bootstrap 3 with Skrollr site getting cut off on ios?

I've been creating a portfolio website for a friend. In an attempt to make the site responsive and artsy, I chose to pull in twitter bootstrap and skrollr. I noticed that in safari in iOS that the site seems to be cut off at a certain point. Has anyone else ran into this issue before? I have provided a link below in case anyone notices anything obvious.
A lot of people (including myself) are having troubles when using skrollr on mobile devices. In order to use both "fixed" and "relative/absolute" position at the same time, you have to put all the divs that are not fixed inside a div called #skrollr-body
However, the real problem is that your skrollr is being confused when getting the height of your
skrollr-body. you can try to put forceHeight: false inside your skrollr.init()
if that doesn't work, it might because skrollr doesn't know where is the end of #skrollr-body, so just put an empty div after your #skrollr-body and give it a keyframe. It should works just fine now :)

Turning on SEO-Friendly URLs on Joomla makes all navigation show home page

Here is the site I'm working on:
If you try navigating with the 'Quick Links' menu, all pages show only the Home page, even though the URL is different. This only happens when I turn SEO-Friendly URLs on.
I've already got my host to do this , but the problem is still occurring.
Other info:
- This site is running on the 'Gavick Startup' template.
- I have another site running on the 'Gavick Boutique' template, but that has no problems with SEO-Friendly URLs.
Very puzzled by what's going on. I've done a lot of Googling but nothing comes up :\ Please help! Thanks!
Okay I found the problem.
The Gavick theme had plugins called "System - GK Cache" and "System - GK Extended Cache". The Extended Cache was meant as an alternative caching system. Turning both on at the same probably causes a conflict resulting in the problem above. Simply disabling the Extended Cache puts everything back to normal.

Full site links on mobile website

I have asked it before, but my question was closed.
So I ask again, If Im using jquerymobile with Joomla, how can I add link to my full site version.
Tried this "?device=desktop", but it didnt work.
Does anybody knows how to do that?
It's not quite relevant to jQueryMobile. You have to check configuration file of Joomla and how to close or switch off Mobile version.

File not found hashtag problem

My JQM app has a page in it called "settings" which has three buttons serving as links to other pages. One of those pages is called "tracks" and the code for it is below.
Control your relaxation resources
When I click this button I get a "File not found" error and the browser is pointing to the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/tracks#tracks" url rather than the "file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SITES/jQuery%20Mobile%20Form/index.html#tracks" url. I'm using FF but it happens in all browsers and it also happens when running on the test website.
The navigation works for the other two buttons on the page.
The behavior occurs regardless of what name I give the page.
I know I've seen this problem discussed but can't find the answer to it, so my apologies in advance it this is a duplicate or triplicate.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Updating to beta 2 of JQM took care of this problem. Don't know why but it is resolved now.

Sifr 3 Links Problem

I am currently coding a site that is using an extensive amount of sifr'ed links. The appearance of the sifr'ed text is fine, however the links only seem to work in Safari. I have seen that there are several other people having trouble with firefox with older versions of sifr, however I have updated to the latest nightly build for Sifr3.
The site is
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure to not replace the <a> directly, but replace its parent element.
