Different App types within one app - iOS development - ios

I am more after an opinion about user friendliness for an app I am making.
In the process of planning for my application, I find that some parts of the app will work better with a tab bar view, others with a plain view, and other parts again with navigation view, for tables etc.
I am able to figure out how to do this, but before I get to carried away, would you as a user recommend going with one type and modify the app so it is all the same, or would you as a user feel comfortable having to switch within the app if it is set up and a comfortable change for you?
Thanks in advance for the feedback:-)

Tabs and Navigation+tables aren't mutually exclusive. However I would be worried about tabs in some parts and then have the tabs missing ("plain view") for other parts.
I highly recommend you spend time re-thinking your IA (Information Architecture). If tabs make sense, can you model all your app to fit within tabs? If some functionality works as a "plain view" couldn't this view be integrated into the tab model?
As for tabs + navigation, don't forget: it's a tab that contains a navigation controller.
Hope this helps.

Although you can put a tab bar in a navigation controller if you want, as described here: Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view
A lot of apps have navigation controllers insides tab bars (think like twitter apps) so users are probably used to that sort of thing - however even when you're navigating inside the tab you can still see the tab bar at the bottom (even if it changes.)


What approach should i use when making tab bar application

I'm started to work at new place as iOS programmer. I joined existing project and got an assignment that i don't really know how to approach.
So my problem is this: when you press a button, next window has to have a tab bar with four icons, this means four different navigation stacks. Its not that hard to make, but in main screen i have more then four icons, and if i press any one of them next window always has to have a tab bar with four static icons, like shortcuts or something.
So what should I do? Does anyone had the same situation? I want to start with a good advice to save trouble later on.
You should probably rethink the app design. Tapping an item on the tab bar shouldn't result in a different number of tab bar items, as it leads to an unstable and unpredictable UI.
While not the most efficient in terms of visible content, you could introduce a segmented control (or a similar custom view) on top right under the navigation bar (if there is one), as seen in the Facebook app (though here it is used to perform actions, not changing views).
Your root view controller should be embedded in a navigation controller. Then push a view controller which contains any number of tab bar items not TabBarController. Then you can present each view controller either push or custom.

Making a UITabController the tab of another UITabController

Is it possible to have one UITabController be a tab of another UITabBarController? For example, I have a UITabController with 6 tabs, can I make the the sixth tab lead to a UITabBarController with two tabs?
You mean the 5th tab, since if you try to put 6 tabs in a UITTabBarController, you will wind up with a "More" selection, and then those tabs showing up in the tableview.
I imagine this could be done using either Storyboards with Container Views, or using parent/child view controllers in code. The question is: why would you? You'd then have a tab bar on top of another tab bar. You're pretty much guaranteed rejection by Apple because I don't believe this is allowed by the HIG.
If you need more than 5 buttons worth of tabs, either implement a custom solution, or change your UI/UX to something like a split view controller with master/detail lists - something more scalable of an interface.

Tab Bar Controller Position

I am new to iphone development.I want to know about Tab Bar Controller's position. is it convention or a rule to place the tab bar controller at bottom?
I'm not certain about your implementation, but using a UITabBarController is the standard way to implement tabs. UITabBarController's tab bar is at the bottom of the view, and this is what iOS users are accustomed to. This will make your apps more consistent with the platform and because of this users will be able to navigate your app intuitively. There are definitely cases where tabs appear at the top (for example, if a view needs tabs but is already in a tab controller). Either way, you are free to put them where you like and Apple won't likely care as long as you are following the Human Interface Guidelines.

Single navigation bar in iOS tabbed app

I'm doing iPhone tabbed application, but I need to use navigation bar also (just for app title and single icon for Settings in the corner) like twitter did: link. I have 4 tabs in my app too. I was wondering is there any chance to create only one navigation bar, so when I want to change it, I will change it only in one place?
I was looking at this tutorial, but there are two "Navigation Bar" objects. And I would like to have single object that will appear in every tab.
Right now I created tabbed app and manually added navigation bar item into first tab. Then I copied it into others. It works ofc, but I'm not sure about that solution:/
Your use of separate navigation controllers for each tab isn't a bad solution.
Setting up the navigation bar and its items in only one place is also a good idea. To achieve this, you could always have your view controllers derive from a custom view controller that overrides navigationItem.

One large toolbar in split view on iPad

I am currently working on porting my Android tablet application (http://tinyurl.com/cnejnjs
) over to iOS. My application basically consists of a list view on the left and a detail view on the right. Xcode has a built in view controller (Split View Controller) which seems to do a lot of the work for you.
I would like to make the navigation bar on the one large toolbar so I can add multiple controls to filter the list view (see Android app for all the filters that the user can apply). In interface builder with the split view controller I can not find a way to add the toolbar to the top. It seems I could style the two navigation bars, to make them look like one but when the user puts the device into portrait mode the left part of the navigation bar will be removed.
I have managed to build a view similar to what I want from scratch in IB but this would mean I don't get all the split view stuff for free and may make it harder to make an iPhone view if I later decide too.
Which way do you think would be best to approach this type of design?
