Why does my application audio stop working after turning off and turning on my tv? - xna

I'm currently developing an application in XNA and using a TV with HDMI for video and audio. When I turn the TV off then on again the application audio ceases to work. However, system sounds do still work. Does anyone have any ideas on why this happens?
I'm using a motherboard with integrated Intel HD graphics to connect the TV and use it as a monitor.

Here is a link to a similar issue in regards to audio jack sensing in windows:
The same solution solved my problem:
Go to
Change the value EnableDynamicDevices to zero.
Restart your system.
Hopefully this will help others that have issues with this and XNA in the future.


How to prevent Web-Audio on iOS from switching to mono when accessing the microphone?

we are developing a web app, that is supposed to play high quality stereo in combination with accessing the microphone input. We got this to work on all android and pc browsers, but the iphone is refusing to do this properly. We nailed the problem down to the access of the microphone input by "getUserMedia". Web audio plays stereo, until the microphone is enabled. Then, the quality drops and the output goes to mono. I have researched this problem in the internet, but only found posts that are several years old. My hope is, that things have changed in the meantime and solutions have been found. It seems like the phone is switching into some kind of "call mode". I would like to avoid this by either overriding corresponding settings or maybe by using a different way than using web-audio to play the stereo signal. I am open for any ideas. The worst case seems that we have to develop a dedicated native app for ios. If there is any workaround to make this happening in a web app, this would be highly appreciated. If desired, I can provide code snipplets, but I think, at this moment the problem should be clear.
BTW, in android we had similar problems and found that "Dolby Atmos" setting is causing strange mixing down to mono under certain circumstances. Switching it off fixed the android issues. Maybe this helps somebody else and maybe there are global settings on the iphone as well that could cure the problem..
Thank you very much in advance!
The worst case seems that we have to develop a dedicated native app for ios.
Unfortunately, this is the path forward most likely to yield success for you (if you haven't already figured this problem out, since I'm answering your question almost a year later).
The audio I/O device landscape is complicated, and there are several standards and factors that play into the quality of audio input and output an application yields. For instance:
Is the audio input device the same as the audio output device?
If yes, is the audio I/O device Bluetooth?
If yes, it's unlikely that the Bluetooth audio device supports stereo audio out and simultaneous audio input. Few I/O devices support that, and few host devices support that.
If yes, which Bluetooth version does the I/O device support?
Which operating system is the host device running?
Does the host device's operating system support the selection of audio input and output devices separately?
How much access to the host operating system does your application have?
For example, if your application is running in a browser, your application will have significantly less control over the host device's operating system's audio subsystem.
I have been trying to work around this problem recently, too. Another developer did a detailed investigation of this using a spectrum analyser and scope, and didn't have any luck either: testing iOS audio play/record with scope.
I think building a native app will end up being inevitable, and would also fix the myriad other problems with Safari web audio. Either that or wait until Apple fixes the bugs or implements AudioWorklets.

Robotic voice through iphone 6s microphone

I am developing an app to do live video streaming and when I recently upgraded to an iPhone 6s, all noise going through the microphone sounds robotic (or like a cricket). I can reproduce this issue only using the skype app, but no other app have this similar output. The skype support forums say that this is a problem they're seeing on iPhone 6s [1] but don't give any details as to what's causing it.
The interesting thing is it doesn't have issues when I use the microphone jack via my headphones, only when the built in microphone is used. Is there a permission or a change I need to make to my app to fix this?
[1] - http://community.skype.com/t5/iOS-iPhone-and-iPad/iPhone-6s-Distorted-sound/td-p/4138308
The 6S is apparently locked to a 48000 sample rate when using the built in microphone. Maybe you tried to set the format to 44100. I think the only way to deal with this is to query an active AVAudioSession for it's sampleRate property and set your format's sample rate to that.
This is a know issue consumer users are seeing. It might be the iOS 9 update was not working properly.
Here's a source (might not be that trusted for some but it's a start)
You can try a different app from the App Store, or call someone on speaker, to check if the issues is reproducible.

Why isn't AUNetSend available on iOS? (Or any alternative suggestions)

I just tried AUNetSend and AUNetReceive on two Macs using garageband. The delay was exceptionally low! I am very disappointed to find that AUNetSend is not available on iOS, however. I'm trying to stream audio from an iOS device to a receiver app on my Mac. Does anyone have any alternative suggestions as to go about doing this? Here's what I'm trying to do essentially. It must have very low latency, so GKVoiceChat won't work.
audio+midi can be routed from and to iPad, via USB to PC/MAC, thanks to iConnectMIDI+ devices

getEnhancedMicrophone() doesn't work (reduce echo) on air mobile for IOS

I have a problem with my flex mobile application on iOS. It is a video chat application with a red5 server.
The video works fine but the voice has a big echo! I tried using getEnhancedMicrophone() but it didn't help.
How can I have Acoustic Echo cancellation or suppression on IOS?
I work on Flash Builder 4.6 with Air 3.5
There no known solutions.
Adobe been promising a fix for years but the solution requires access to Android source code from Google that is not open source. I had the same issues with a videChat app on Android using Adobe Air. I tried as workaround:
Switching mic.setLoopback(false/true) in a timer to break up the audio
Trying to detect sound coming over NetStream and set the local device mic gain to 0
Problem is I cannot detect if someone is talking over NetStream.
Use NetStreamInfo audio properties like audioBytesPerSecond but these do not jump when someone is talking over NetStream.
The problem is solved if the user wears headphones on the mobile side but this is not acceptable.

Saving video screencast of iPhone application

Is there a way to capture video of a screen from your own application? As far as I see there is no way to do it with UIImagePickerController (cameras only), but maybe there is a way to do it with iOS 4 AV Foundation or Core Video?
There seems to be two ways of capturing the content of the application while it's running:
Use the private API UIGetScreenImage() function which seems to be accepted by Apple now;
Use the following thread's captureView method to capture the image.
You'll have to capture it at many times per second (I guess 24 times should be ok for human eye persistence) then you'll have to produce the movie. Perhaps you could use the ffmpeg iphone port.
Alternatively, if you'd like to capture your application's running for a demo, your best bet would be to run your application on the simulator and use a Mac OS X screencast software to capture it. See also SimFinger which "bundle of little tricks to make a screen capture of the iPhone Simulator suck less".
Finally, perhaps the following StackOverflow thread might help you produce better screencasts.
SimFinger and ScreenFlow are great if you can shoot in the simulator.
If you have to shoot on the device (e.g. when accelerometer, GPS, camera, etc. are used) you currently have to resort to the jailbreak world. The app "Display Recorder", available for $5 in the Cydia Store, allows to create an AVI movie of the iPhone's screen content. This works across all apps. There's a YouTube video showing it. The movie files can then be uploaded to YouTube or pulled off the iPhone via the built-in web server.
