I need some help with a rails development that I'm working on, using rails 3.
This app was given to me a few months ago just after it's inception and I have since become rather fond of Ruby.
I have a set of Projects that can have resources assigned through a teams table.
A team record has a start date and a end date(i.e. when a resource was assigned and de-assigned from the project).
If a user has been assigned and deassigned from a project and at a later date they are to be assigned back onto the project,
instead of over writting the end date, I want to create a new entry in the Teams table, to be able to keep a track of the dates that a resource was assigned to a certain project.
So my question is, is it possible to have multiple entries in a :has_many through association?
Here's my associations:
class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams
has_many :projects, :through => :teams
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams
has_many :resources, :through => :teams
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :resource
I also have the following function in Project.rb:
after_save :update_team_and_job
def update_team_and_job
# self.member_ids is the selected resource ids for a project
if self.member_ids.blank?
self.teams.each do |team|
unless team.deassociated
team.deassociated = Week.current.id + 1
self.teams.each do |team|
#assigning/re-assigning a resource
if self.member_ids.include?(team.resource_id.to_s)
if team.deassociated != nil
team.deassociated = nil
#de-assigning a resource
if team.deassociated == nil
team.deassociated = Week.current.id + 1
y = self.member_ids - self.resource_ids
self.resource_ids = self.resource_ids.concat(y)
self.member_ids = nil
Sure, you can have multiple associations. has_many takes a :uniq option, which you can set to false, and as the documentation notes, it is particularly useful for :through rel'ns.
Your code is finding an existing team and setting deassociated though, rather than adding a new Team (which would be better named TeamMembership I think)
I think you want to just do something like this:
add an assoc for active memberships (but in this one use uniq: => true:
has_many :teams
has_many :resources, :through => :teams, :uniq => false
has_many :active_resources,
:through => :teams,
:class_name => 'Resource',
:conditions => {:deassociated => nil},
:uniq => true
when adding, add to the active_resources if it doesn't exist, and "deassociate" any teams that have been removed:
member_ids.each do |id|
resource = Resource.find(id) #you'll probably want to optimize with an include or pre-fetch
active_resources << resource # let :uniq => true handle uniquing for us
teams.each do |team|
team.deassociate! unless member_ids.include?(team.resource.id) # encapsulate whatever the deassociate logic is into a method
much less code, and much more idiomatic. Also the code now more explicitly reflects the business modelling
caveat: i did not write a test app for this, code may be missing a detail or two
I have the following models.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, :through => :company_users
after_update :do_something
def do_something
# check if users of the company have been updated here
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :companies, :through => :company_users
class CompanyUser < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :user
Then I have these for the seeds:
Company.create :name => 'Company 1'
User.create [{:name => 'User1'}, {:name => 'User2'}, {:name => 'User3'}, {:name => 'User4'}]
Let's say I want to update Company 1 users, I will do the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.first, User.second]
This will run as expected and will create 2 new records on CompanyUser model.
But what if I want to update again? Like running the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.third, User.fourth]
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
The thing is I have technically "updated" the Company model so how can I detect these changes using after_update method on Company model?
However, updating an attribute works just fine:
Company.first.update :name => 'New Company Name'
How can I make it work on associations too?
So far I have tried the following but no avail:
Rails: if has_many relationship changed
Detecting changes in a rails has_many :through relationship
How to determine if association changed in ActiveRecord?
Rails 3 has_many changed?
There is a collection callbacks before_add, after_add on has_many relation.
class Project
has_many :developers, after_add: :evaluate_velocity
def evaluate_velocity(developer)
#non persisted developer
For more details: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#label-Association+callbacks
You can use attr_accessor for this and check if it changed.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :user_ids_attribute
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, through: :company_users
after_initialize :assign_attribute
after_update :check_users
def assign_attribute
self.user_ids_attribute = user_ids
def check_users
old_value = user_ids_attribute
puts 'Association was changed' unless old_value == user_ids_attribute
Now after association changed you will see message in console.
You can change puts to any other method.
I have the feelings you are asking the wrong question, because you can't update your association without destroy current associations. As you said:
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
Knowing that I will advice you to try the following code:
Company.first.users << User.third
In this way you will not override current associations.
If you want to add multiple records once try wrap them by [ ] Or ( ) not really sure which one to use.
You could find documentation here : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#has-many-association-reference
Hope it will be helpful.
Ok I thought it wasn't your real issue.
Maybe 2 solutions:
#1 Observer:
what I do it's an observer on your join table that have the responsability to "ping" your Company model each time a CompanyUser is changed.
gem rails-observers
Inside this observer call a service or whatever you like that will do what you want to do with the values
class CompanyUserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(company_user)
user = company_user.user
company = company_user.company
...do what you want
def before_destroy(company_user)
...do what you want
You can user multiple callback in according your needs.
#2 Keep records:
It turn out what you need it keep records. Maybe you should considerate use a gem like PaperTrail or Audited to keep track of your changes.
Sorry for the confusion.
User and Organization have a many-to-many association through Relationship. The Relationship model includes several boolean variables about the relationship, such as moderator (true/false) and member (true/false). Also, I added a boolean called default that sets the default organization.
I require a validation that if (and only if) a user is a member of one or more organizations (member == true), one (and exactly 1) of these organizations has to have default == true.
So basically this means that if a user is member of multiple organizations, one of these organizations needs to be the default ánd if the user is a member of multiple organizations such a default organization has to exist.
How to write this validation? My current validation generates the following error upon seeding:
PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "default"
LINE 1: ...ERE (user_id = 1) AND (member = 't' and default = ...
: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "relationships" WHERE (user_id = 1) AND (member = 't' and default = 't')
My implementation in the Relationship model:
validate :default
def default
#relationships = Relationship.where('user_id = ?', self.user_id)
#members = #relationships.where('member = ?', true)
#defaults = #members.where('default = ?', true)
# If more than 1 organization has been set as default for user
if #defaults.count > 1
#defaults.drop(0).each do |invalid|
invalid.update_columns(default: false)
# If user is member but has no default organization yet
if !#defaults.any? && #members.any?
#members.first.update_columns(default: true)
Update On the looks of it, I understand I shouldn't model it this way, and instead should use a has_one belongs_to relationship as #DavidAldridge suggests in his answer. But I don't understand how to model this relationship (see my comment below the answer). Any advice is very much appreciated.
The reason for this being difficult is that your data model is incorrect. The identity of a user's default organisation is an attribute of the user, not of the relationship, because there can be only one default per user. If you had a primary, secondary, tertiary organisation, then that would be an attribute of the relationship.
Instead of placing a "relationship is default for user" attribute on the Relationship, place a "default_relationship_id" attribute on the User so it ...
belongs_to :default_relationship
... and ...
has_one :default_organisation, :through => :default_relationship
This guarantees that:
Only one organisation can be the default for the user
There has to be a relationship between the user and its default organisation
You can also use :dependent => :nullify on the inverse association of :default_relationship, and easily test whether an individual relationship is the default based on whether:
self == user.default_relationship.
So something like:
class User << ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :relationships, :inverse_of => :user, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :organisations, :through => :relationships, :dependent => :destroy
belongs_to :default_relationship, :class_name => "Relationship", :foreign_key => :default_relationship_id, :inverse_of => :default_for_user
has_one :default_organisation, :through => :default_relationship, :source => :organisation
class Relationship << ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user , :inverse_of => :relationships
belongs_to :organisation, :inverse_of => :relationships
has_one :default_for_user, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :default_relationship_id, :inverse_of => :default_relationship, :dependent => :nullify
class Organisation << ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :relationships, :inverse_of => :organisation, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :users , :through => :relationships
has_many :default_for_users, :through => :relationships, :source => :default_for_user
Hence you can do such simple matters as:
#user = User.find(34)
Default organisation is also easily eager-loaded (not that it couldn't be otherwise, but no scope is required to do so).
#Brad Werth's correct that your validate method would work better as a callback.
I'd recommend something like this in your Relationship model:
before_save :set_default
def set_default
self.default = true unless self.user.relationships.where(member: true, default: true).any?
This should enforce that a user's relationship is set to default if none of the user's other relationships already are.
Change default to is_default (as pointed out by another user in comments, default is postgres keyword). Create separate migration for this. (Or you could quote it everywhere if you prefer to leave it be as it is.)
Then, there are two points.
First, why you need to check for single is_default organization every time? You just need to migrate your current data set, and then keep it consistent.
To migrate your current data set, create migration and write something like this there:
def self.up
invalid_defaults = Relationship.
where(member: true, is_default: true).
having("COUNT(*) > 1")
invalid_defaults.each do |relationship|
this_user_relationships = relationship.user.relationships.where(member: true, is_default: true)
this_user_relationships.where.not(id: this_user_relationships.first.id).update_all(is_default: false)
Just make sure to run this migration in off-peak hours, as it could take considerable amount of time to finish. Alternatevely, you can just run that code snippet from the server console itself (just test in in development environment beforehand, of course).
Then, use callback (as rightfully suggested by another commenter) to set the default organization when the record is updated
before_save :set_default
def set_default
relationships = Relationship.where(user_id: self.user_id)
members = relationships.where(member: true)
defaults = members.where(is_default: true)
# No need to migrate records in-place
# Change #any? to #exists?, to check existance via SQL, without actually fetching all the records
if !defaults.exists? && members.exists?
# Choosing the earliest record
members.first.update_columns(is_default: true)
To take the case into account where Organization is being edited, callback to organization should be added as well:
class Organization
before_save :unset_default
after_commit :set_default
# Just quque is_default for update...
def remember_and_unset_default
if self.is_default_changed? && self.is_default
#default_was_set = true
self.is_default = false
# And now update it in a multi-thread safe way: let the database handle multiple queries being sent at once,
# and let only one of them to actually complete, keeping base in always consistent state
def set_default
if #default_was_set
# update this record...
where(id: self.id).
# but only if there is still ZERO default organizations for this user
# (thread-safety will be handled by database)
"id IN (SELECT id FROM organizations WHERE member = ?, is_default = ?, user_id = ? GROUP BY user_id HAVING COUNT(*)=0)",
true, true, self.user_id
I'm trying to create an object and adding an existing object to a "has_many through" association, but after saving my object the reference to my newly created object is set to nil in the join model.
To be specific, I'm creating a Notification object and adding a pre-existing Member object to the Notification.members association. I'm using nested resources and I'm invoking the notification controller's new function using the following relative URL:
After filling out the form and submitting, the create function is called, and from what I understand from the Rails Associations guide, section 4.3.3 "When are Objects Saved?", the members associations should be created in the database when the new notification object is saved:
"If the parent object (the one declaring the has_many association) is unsaved (that is, new_record? returns true) then the child objects are not saved when they are added. All unsaved members of the association will automatically be saved when the parent is saved."
After creating the notification object, the following record was created in the database:
select id, notification_id, notifiable_type, notifiable_id from deliveries;
I worked around the problem by saving the notification object before adding the member object to the association. At first this seemed to be an ok solution for now, but I soon discovered that this has it's downsides. I don't want to save the notification without it's member association since I then have to write workarounds for my callbacks so that they don't start performing tasks on the not yet valid notification object.
What am I doing wrong here? All tips are appreciated. :D
class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deliveries, :as => :notifiable
has_many :members, :through => :deliveries, :source => :notifiable, :source_type => "Member"
has_many :groups, :through => :deliveries, :source => :notifiable, :source_type => "Group"
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deliveries, :as => :notifiable
has_many :notifications, :through => :deliveries
class Delivery < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :notification
belongs_to :notifiable, :polymorphic => true
# Group is not really relevant in this example.
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deliveries, :as => :notifiable
has_many :notifications, :through => :deliveries
class NotificationsController < ApplicationController
def create
#notification = Notification.new(params[:notification])
#member = Member.find(params[:member_id])
#notification.members << #member
respond_to do |format|
if #notification.save
After posting a bug report, I got som help from one of the Rails gurus. In short, it's impossible to get this working the way I thought.
I decided to proceed with slightly more controller code, seems to be working just fine:
def create
#notification = Notification.new(params[:notification])
#member = Member.find(params[:member_id])
respond_to do |format|
if #notification.save
#member.notifications << #notification
I am trying to create a model for a ruby on rails project that builds relationships between different words. Think of it as a dictionary where the "Links" between two words shows that they can be used synonymously. My DB looks something like this:
How do I create a relationship between two words, using the link-table. I've tried to create the model but was not sure how to get the link-table into play:
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :synonyms, :class_name => 'Word', :foreign_key => 'word1_id'
In general, if your association has suffixes such as 1 and 2, it's not set up properly. Try this for the Word model:
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :links, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :synonyms, :through => :links
Link model:
class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :word
belongs_to :synonym, :class_name => 'Word'
# Creates the complementary link automatically - this means all synonymous
# relationships are represented in #word.synonyms
def after_save_on_create
if find_complement.nil?
Link.new(:word => synonym, :synonym => word).save
# Deletes the complementary link automatically.
def after_destroy
if complement = find_complement
def find_complement
Link.find(:first, :conditions =>
["word_id = ? and synonym_id = ?", synonym.id, word.id])
Hmm, this is a tricky one. That is because synonyms can be from either the word1 id or the word2 id or both.
Anyway, when using a Model for the link table, you must use the :through option on the Models that use the Link Table
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :links1, :class_name => 'Link', :foreign_key => 'word1_id'
has_many :synonyms1, :through => :links1, :source => :word
has_many :links2, :class_name => 'Link', :foreign_key => 'word2_id'
has_many :synonyms2, :through => :links2, :source => :word
That should do it, but now you must check two places to get all the synonyms. I would add a method that joined these, inside class Word.
def synonyms
return synonyms1 || synonyms2
||ing the results together will join the arrays and eliminate duplicates between them.
*This code is untested.
Word model:
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :links, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :synonyms, :through => :links
def link_to(word)
synonyms << word
word.synonyms << self
Setting :dependent => :destroy on the has_many :links will remove all the links associated with that word before destroying the word record.
Link Model:
class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :word
belongs_to :synonym, :class_name => "Word"
Assuming you're using the latest Rails, you won't have to specify the foreign key for the belongs_to :synonym. If I recall correctly, this was introduced as a standard in Rails 2.
Word table:
Link table:
To link an existing word as a synonym to another word:
word = Word.find_by_name("feline")
To create a new word as a synonym to another word:
word = Word.find_by_name("canine")
word.link_to(Word.create(:name => "dog"))
I'd view it from a different angle; since all the words are synonymous, you shouldn't promote any one of them to be the "best". Try something like this:
class Concept < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :words
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :concept
validates_presence_of :text
validates_uniqueness_of :text, :scope => :concept_id
# A sophisticated association would be better than this.
def synonyms
concept.words - [self]
Now you can do
word = Word.find_by_text("epiphany")
Trying to implement Sarah's solution I came across 2 issues:
Firstly, the solution doesn't work when wanting to assign synonyms by doing
word.synonyms << s1 or word.synonyms = [s1,s2]
Also deleting synonyms indirectly doesn't work properly. This is because Rails doesn't trigger the after_save_on_create and after_destroy callbacks when it automatically creates or deletes the Link records. At least not in Rails 2.3.5 where I tried it on.
This can be fixed by using :after_add and :after_remove callbacks in the Word model:
has_many :synonyms, :through => :links,
:after_add => :after_add_synonym,
:after_remove => :after_remove_synonym
Where the callbacks are Sarah's methods, slightly adjusted:
def after_add_synonym synonym
if find_synonym_complement(synonym).nil?
Link.new(:word => synonym, :synonym => self).save
def after_remove_synonym synonym
if complement = find_synonym_complement(synonym)
def find_synonym_complement synonym
Link.find(:first, :conditions => ["word_id = ? and synonym_id = ?", synonym.id, self.id])
The second issue of Sarah's solution is that synonyms that other words already have when linked together with a new word are not added to the new word and vice versa.
Here is a small modification that fixes this problem and ensures that all synonyms of a group are always linked to all other synonyms in that group:
def after_add_synonym synonym
for other_synonym in self.synonyms
synonym.synonyms << other_synonym if other_synonym != synonym and !synonym.synonyms.include?(other_synonym)
if find_synonym_complement(synonym).nil?
Link.new(:word => synonym, :synonym => self).save
I have a data model something like this:
# columns include collection_item_id, collection_id, item_id, position, etc
class CollectionItem < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = 'collection_item_id'
belongs_to :collection
belongs_to :item
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collection_items
has_many :collections, :through => :collection_items, :source => :collection
class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collection_items, :order => :position
has_many :items, :through => :collection_items, :source => :item, :order => :position
An Item can appear in multiple collections and also more than once in the same collection at different positions.
I'm trying to create a helper method that creates a menu containing every item in every collection. I want to use the collection_item_id to keep track of the currently selected item between requests, but I can't access any attributes of the join model via the Item class.
def helper_method( collection_id )
colls = Collection.find :all
colls.each do |coll|
coll.items.each do |item|
# !!! FAILS HERE ( undefined method `collection_item_id' )
do_something_with( item.collection_item_id )
I tried this as well but it also fails with ( undefined method `collection_item' )
do_something_with( item.collection_item.collection_item_id )
Edit: thanks to serioys sam for pointing out that the above is obviously wrong
I have also tried to access other attributes in the join model, like this:
do_something_with( item.position )
do_something_with( item.collection_item.position )
Edit: thanks to serioys sam for pointing out that the above is obviously wrong
but they also fail.
Can anyone advise me how to proceed with this?
Edit: -------------------->
I found from online documentation that using has_and_belongs_to_many will attach the join table attributes to the retreived items, but apparently it is deprecated. I haven't tried it yet.
Currently I am working on amending my Collection model like this:
class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collection_items, :order => :position, :include => :item
and changing the helper to use coll.collection_items instead of coll.items
Edit: -------------------->
I've changed my helper to work as above and it works fine - (thankyou sam)
It's made a mess of my code - because of other factors not detailed here - but nothing that an hour or two of re-factoring wont sort out.
In your example you have defined in Item model relationship as has_many for collection_items and collections the generated association method is collection_items and collections respectively both of them returns an array so the way you are trying to access here is wrong. this is primarily case of mant to many relationship. just check this Asscociation Documentation for further reference.
do_something_with( item.collection_item_id )
This fails because item does not have a collection_item_id member.
do_something_with( item.collection_item.collection_item_id )
This fails because item does not have a collection_item member.
Remember that the relation between item and collection_items is a has_many. So item has collection_items, not just a single item. Also, each collection has a list of collection items. What you want to do is probably this:
colls = Collection.find :all
colls.each do |coll|
coll.collection_items.each do |collection_item|
do_something_with( collection_item.id )
A couple of other pieces of advice:
Have you read the documentation for has_many :through in the Rails Guides? It is pretty good.
You shouldn't need the :source parameters in the has_many declarations, since you have named your models and associations in a sensible way.
I found from online documentation that using has_and_belongs_to_many will attach the join table attributes to the retreived items, but apparently it is deprecated. I haven't tried it yet.
I recommend you stick with has_many :through, because has_and_belongs_to_many is more confusing and doesn't offer any real benefits.
I was able to get this working for one of my models:
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :through => :memberships, :source => :user do
def with_join
proxy_target.map do |user|
proxy_owner = proxy_owner()
user.metaclass.send(:define_method, :membership) do
memberships.detect {|_| _.group == proxy_owner}
In your case, something like this should work (haven't tested):
class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collection_items, :order => :position
has_many :items, :through => :collection_items, :source => :item, :order => :position do
def with_join
proxy_target.map do |items|
proxy_owner = proxy_owner()
item.metaclass.send(:define_method, :join) do
collection_items.detect {|_| _.collection == proxy_owner}
Now you should be able to access the CollectionItem from an Item as long as you access your items like this (items.with_join):
def helper_method( collection_id )
colls = Collection.find :all
colls.each do |coll|
coll.items.with_join.each do |item|
do_something_with( item.join.collection_item_id )
Here is a more general solution that you can use to add this behavior to any has_many :through association:
class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collection_items, :order => :position
has_many :items, :through => :collection_items, :source => :item, :order => :position, :extend => WithJoinModel