iOS - Abbreviating XXXViewController to XXXVC bad or ok? - ios

Since every view controller ends with "ViewController" would it be evil to simply abbreviate it as "VC"? I know the Apple Docs say not to abbreviate things and make the names meaningful but isn't this something that's just obvious what it is? I find it lengthy and verbose to type ViewController after every single one. Also, xcode 4 automatically names the nib file the same as the header and class files. Do you remove the "Controller" part of it?
What are your naming conventions and why did you choose to do it that way?

If you're using Xcode, you shouldn't have to type the full name every time. Auto-complete handles that for you.
In general, avoiding abbreviation makes your code more readable and easier to maintain. Sure you know what VC means, but someone else 3 years from now might not understand what you were doing.
In this specific case, it may not make tons of sense, but naming conventions are conventions. We follow them in most cases to make our lives (and others) easier in the future.
Always imagine that the person who will eventually maintain your code is a big mean guy with a hair-trigger temper who knows where you live.

Despite what people seem to say Apple has excellent documentation. They have even gone so far as to provide a Coding Guidelines document.
This not only provides some good examples for you to use, but also helps to understand the way name, conventions and abbreviations are used in the Frameworks.


Good or bad idea to prefix all classes with same abbreviation?

So in practically all my programs I wrote I always prefixed every class I created with the same abbreviation that was in relation to the program. So for instance say I wrote an app called GasStationDeluxe. I would make a class called GSDGasStation or GSDGasPump etc. Now I always thought that is a good idea because it would group together all thelse classes I created in intellisense to make it easier for me and other programmers to find the classes I created.
Yet, I'm reading a book called "Clean Code: A Handbook of agIle software craftsmanship" and I just read a part in a chapter where it says it's not a good idea to do that becasue auto complete will bring you back a list of tons of classes. So who else codes this way? Do you think it's a good or bad idea to code with the same prefix before each class? If yes or no, then why?
I have never done this, but you will sometimes see it done in solutions with multiple projects like GSD.App or GSD.Core
I was always that in a class called Customer.cs, you might not want to make the name field CustomeName but just Name as your already in the customer class so what is it adding. I suppose the same is true in your case of classes.
What if you want to reuse your classes elsewhere? I would say from the vast majority of code examples I come across and other peoples code I read, this isn’t common practice.
I suppose really it’s up to you and any team you work with, as long as it’s consistent.
I wonder what .net would look like if Microsoft prefixed everything!

Rails Model Naming: Fix or Leave As-Is

This is more of a philosophical question than a technical one.
I'm about 40 hours into working on a new Rails app. It's retail-related, and early on I chose the name "item" to describe a single available product for sale.
As time has gone on it's become obvious to me this was a mistake - the word "item" is too generic, and "product" perhaps would have been a better choice.
So the decision I'm faced with now is, do I refactor / rename my models, ERB code and tables before I build more with this somewhat poorly chosen name, or do I just leave it as-is, save some time and move on? I worry that it's choosing the latter repeatedly that results in the ridiculous technical debt I've seen on other projects, but I also think this might be a form of premature optimization.
Naming convention is absolutely necessary for mid-to-large projects. I would say go in and refactor everything to make the naming as specific as possible. Generic identifiers will quickly get out of hand as new functionality gets introduced (I was once on a project that had a class named UserReportReportReportParameters).
The quicker you get this done, the less painful it will be.
Edit: I should probably add that if this is impossible due to deadlines or any other constraints, to stick to the current naming schema until you have time to refactor everything at once. I'm of the firm opinion that a bad naming convention is better than a mixed naming convention.

When to stop DRYing up the code?

So DRYing up code is supposed to be good thing right? There was a situation in one of the projects I was working on where there were certain models/entities that were more-or-less the same except the context in which they were being used. That is, Every such entity had a title, descriptions, tags, a user_id etc and some other attributes. Hence their CRUD actions in their respective controller looked pretty similar.
My manager argued that its repetition of code and needs to be DRYed up. Hence he came up with CRUD ruby module that when included took care of CRUD actions for the controllers of all these entities. But eventually, Simplicity was compromised. The code lost readability as every "thing" was named "object". Debugging became difficult and the whole point of DRYing up the code was lost.
This was just one case. There are several of them where DRYing up resulted in complex, hard-to-debug code. So the question is, when do we stop DRYing up the code? Because not every time you realize the code has lost simplicity (And often the code author never realizes the simplicity of code is lost). Also, if we have to choose between simplicity and DRYed code, what should choose, if at all there comes a situation where you could get only either of them.
From what I understand, if DRYing up code is causing loss of simplicity, we are doing something terribly wrong. I think, we should be DRYing up code that is repeated and has single responsibility. If the code responsibilities are different and/or the abstraction of entities cannot be named, we are not repeating code. The code pattern might be repeated but its a different code altogether with a responsibilty of its own. If DRYing is resulting into vague code, you are probably trying to DRY up code with different responsibilities that have a similar pattern which is not really a good practice. DRYing should enhance the simplicity, not suppress it.
If you are following REST, then yes, the controllers will be very similar and largely boilerplate. I agree with your manager that it's a problem.
It sounds though like he came up with a suboptimal solution. For a better one, check out Jose Valim's inherited_resources plugin that is being incorporated into Rails 3.
Readability and Maintainability are the two most important features of good code. Unfortunately, a compromise has to be made sometimes. It's a balance question and not everyone is going to agree.
Myself, I lean towards your point of view as well. I would rather have some apparent repetition if it means the code is easier to understand.
As for the 'debugging' problem, I am in the habit when I create such a 'base class' to include a supplementary field. This field is a simple string which identify the most derived class (and is thus passed from Constructor to Constructor). Then each message is going to print this field + the object id "realtype[id]" and everything is suddenly much easier to debug.
Now on to DRY.
There are two things to DRY:
building a hierarchy
using generic code
The first point should now be well understood. A hierarchy of class means a IS-A relationship. If two classes have similar behavior but are otherwise functionally unrelated, then they SHOULD NOT be part of the same hierarchy. It only confuses the poor maintainer and hurts readability.
The second point can be used much more often, especially with scripting languages. For the precedent example, I would argue that instead of having a hierarchy of classes, you could simply define generic methods that would take different classes (modeling different business) and treat them uniformly. This way you avoid repetition (DRY) yet you do not sacrifice readability (imho).
My 2 cts.
If someone every told me--with a straight face--that my code needed DRYing, I would probably take that as a sign that anything else they were going to do was going to be really far-fetched and for-the-sake-of-it.
That having been said, there is also a difference between simplicity in writing code (laziness) and simplicity in the code itself (elegance). I agree, though, that there is a balance. I had this situation myself one particular time (in PHP, but oh how it reminds me of your dilemma):
$checked = ($somevariable) ? "checked=\"checked\"" :"";
echo "<input type="radio" $disabled_checked />";
$checked = ($someothervariable) ? "checked=\"checked\"" :"";
echo "<input type="radio" $checked />";
This isn't even a very good example of what I was dealing with. Essentially, because it's a radio input, both inputs needed a some way of knowing which was to be bubbled in. I knew it had what your boss might call "wetness" issues, so I racked my head trying to come up with some solution that would be graceful and to the point. Finally I showed it to a senior developer and he said "No, it's all in order, it does what it needs to. It's only one extra line."
I felt a relief at being reminded that I was hurting my project more then helping by worrying over this, but at the same time, I'm still disappointed that he was so casual about a fundamental principle (as though it wasn't one of his, though I'm sure it is).
So while I agree, your manager probably was doing something just for the sake of doing it, it is only when we strive to come up with the better methods and approaches that we get better languages like Ruby and Python and cooler libraries like Jquery.
Basically, what if next week you suddenly had 70 things instead of 2? If your boss's objects make that a snap, he was right. If it's the same amount of trouble (in the code or in the execution), he was wrong. But that doesn't mean there isn't a better answer then keeping it simple because it's only a couple of things.
The aim of the DRY principle is to help increase the "quality" of the code.
If the changes aren't improving the quality of the code, it is time to stop.
The ability to judge this comes with experience. As requirements change, the most appropriate way to refactor the code also changes, so it's impossible to have everything ideal - at least you need to freeze the requirements first.
Minimising the size of the code should generally not be a consideration in the quality unless you are codegolfing, so don't DRY when the only purpose is to reduce the size of the code.
Complicated tricks can do more harm than good.
A key reason for applying DRY to improve maintainability is to ensure that when a code change is necessary, that change only needs to be made in one place, thus avoiding the risk that it doesn't get changed everywhere that needs it.
But I'm not telling the whole story:
This interview with Dave Thomas has DT saying:
DRY says that every piece of system
knowledge should have one
authoritative, unambiguous
The first time I saw "DRY" was in The Pragmatic Programmer so I'm inclined to go with Dave on this.
There's another article worth reading here
But DRY is a principle, not a rule: the better we understand the principle, the more able we should be to recognise situations where it should be applied.
(And finally, I think I'd want a little more than "more-or-less the same" before I started "DRY"ing that code: if I could see a clear way in which the two things might diverge in the future then I'd be inclined to leave them alone).
For me, duplicated code is a smell that can have multiple origins:
Missing variables (introduce variable).
Missing methods (push expression into a method).
Feature envy (push behaviour down into the envied class).
Over-generalization (break up generic class into specific concrete classes).
Insufficient abstraction (push attributes and behaviour down into new class).
This list is probably incomplete. Consider it a starting point.
When you find duplication, think about what problem it's symptomatic of. Then take a stab at addressing that problem. When you're done, consider the readability of the new code. If it has deteriorated, you may be in one of these positions:
You misidentified the problem at the root of the duplication (revert, rethink, try again).
The duplication is a necessary trade-off (revert your change and live with it).
Your software is necessarily complex (commit your change and live with it).
Consider posting example code along with questions like this, if possible. They provide something concrete to work around. And remember, a lot of this stuff is very subjective.

Programming for and by yourself

If you're writing something by yourself, whether to practice, solve a personal problem, or just for entertainment, is it ok, once in a while, to have a public field? Maybe?
Let me give you an analogy.
I come from a part of the world where English is not the primary language. But it’s necessary for all things in life.
During one of those usual days during my pre-teen years I said something very funny in English. Then my Dad said, “Son, think in English. Then you’ll get fluent”
I think it applies perfectly to this situation.
Think,try and question best practices in your playground. You will soon realize what’s best for what.Why are properties needed in the first place. Why should this be public? Why should I not call a virtual member from the constructor? Let me try using "new" modifier for a method call. What happens when I write 10 nested levels of if-then-else and try reading it again after 10 days. Why the heck should I use a factory pattern for a simple project. Et cetera.
And then you’ll realize without shooting at your foot, why design patterns are patterns...
I think it's reasonable if you're consciously throwing the code away afterwards. In particular, if you're experimenting with something completely different, taking shortcuts makes sense. Just don't let it lead to habits which cross over into "real" code.
Violating general principles is always "ok"! It is not an error to violate a principle but it is a trade off. The cost of not writing clean code will be higher the longer your software will survive. My take on this is: If in doubt make it clean!
Of course it's OK. It's your code, you can do whatever you want with it. Personally, I try to stick to good practice also in my private code, just to make it a natural habit so I don't have to think about it.
The short answer is yes, if you believe that you're gaining a lot by making things public instead of private with accessors you are welcome to do so. Consistency, I think, is the biggest thing to keep in mind. For instance, don't make some variables straight public, and some not. Do the same across the board if you break with best practices. It comes back to a trade-off. Almost no-one follows many of the IEEE specs for how Software Engineering should be executed and documented because the overhead is far too great, and it can get unmanageable. The same is true for personal, light-weight programming. It's okay to do something quick and dirty, just do not get used to it.
Public members are acceptable in the Data Transfer Object design patter:
Typically, the members in the Transfer Object are defined as public, thus eliminating the need for get and set methods.
One of the key advantages of OOP is for scaling and maintainability. By encapsulating code, one can hide the implementation. This means other programmers don't have to know the implementation, and can't change your object's internal state. If you language doesn't support properties, you end up with a lot of code which obfuscates and bloats your project. If the code doesn't need to be worked on by multiple programmers, you aren't producing a reusable component, and YOU are the maintenance programmer, then code in whatever manner allows you to get things done.
Does a maid need to make his/her own bed in the morning in order to practice properly making a bed?
Side note: it also depends on the language:
In Scala, according to the Uniform Access Principle, clients read and write field values as if they are publicly accessible, even though in some case they are actually calling methods. The maintainer of the class has the freedom to change the implementation without forcing users to make code changes.
Scala keeps field and method names in the same namespace.
Many languages, like Java, keep field and method names in separate namespaces.
However, these languages can’t support the uniform access principle as a result, unless they build in ad hoc support in their grammars or compilers.
So the real question is:
What service are you exposing (here by having a public field)?.
If the service (get/set a given type value) makes sense for your API, then the "shortcut" is legitimate.
As long as you encapsulate that field eventually, is it ok because you made the shortcut for the "right" reason (API and service exposure), versus the "wrong" reason (quick ad-hoc access).
A good unit test (thinking like the user of your API) can help you check if that field should be accessed directly or if it is only useful for internal development of other classes within your program.
Here's my take on it:
I'd advise avoiding public fields. They have a nasty habit of biting you later on because you can't control them. (The word you're looking for here is volatility.) Further, if you decide to change their internal implementation, you have to touch a lot more code.
Then again, that's what refactoring tools are for. If you have a decent refactoring tool, that's not nearly so difficult.
There is no silver bullet. I can't repeat this enough. If you have work to do, and you need to get it done in a hurry, writing one line of code instead of eight (as is the case in Visual Basic) is certainly faster.
Rules were meant to be broken. If a rule doesn't necessarily apply in your case, don't use it. Design patterns, coding guidelines, laws and best practices should not be treated as a straightjacket that requires you to needlessly complicate your code to the point where it is enormously complex and difficult to understand and maintain. Don't let someone force you into a practice just because it's popular or "standard" when it doesn't fit your requirements.
Again, this is a subjective opinion, and your mileage may vary.

How do you make code reusable? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 2 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Any code can be reused in a way or an other, at least if you modify the code. Random code is not very reusable as such. When I read some books, they usually say that you should explicitly make the code reusable by taking into account other situations of code usage too. But certain code should not be an omnipotent all doing class either.
I would like to have reusable code that I don't have to change later. How do you make code reusable? What are the requirements for code being reusable? What are the things that reusable code should definitely have and what things are optional?
See 10 tips on writing reusable code for some help.
Keep the code DRY. Dry means "Don't Repeat Yourself".
Make a class/method do just one thing.
Write unit tests for your classes AND make it easy to test classes.
Remove the business logic or main code away from any framework code
Try to think more abstractly and use Interfaces and Abstract classes.
Code for extension. Write code that can easily be extended in the future.
Don't write code that isn't needed.
Try to reduce coupling.
Be more Modular
Write code like your code is an External API
If you take the Test-Driven Development approach, then your code only becomes re-usable as your refactor based on forthcoming scenarios.
Personally I find constantly refactoring produces cleaner code than trying to second-guess what scenarios I need to code a particular class for.
More than anything else, maintainability makes code reusable.
Reusability is rarely a worthwhile goal in itself. Rather, it is a by-product of writing code that is well structured, easily maintainable and useful.
If you set out to make reusable code, you often find yourself trying to take into account requirements for behaviour that might be required in future projects. No matter how good you become at this, you'll find that you get these future-proofing requirements wrong.
On the other hand, if you start with the bare requirements of the current project, you will find that your code can be clean and tight and elegant. When you're working on another project that needs similar functionality, you will naturally adapt your original code.
I suggest looking at the best-practices for your chosen programming language / paradigm (eg. Patterns and SOLID for Java / C# types), the Lean / Agile programming literature, and (of course) the book "Code Complete". Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches will improve your coding practice no end. All your code will then become reausable - but 'by accident', rather than by design.
Also, see here: Writing Maintainable Code
You'll write various modules (parts) when writing a relatively big project. Reusable code in practice means you'll have create libraries that other projects needing that same functionality can use.
So, you have to identify modules that can be reused, for that
Identify the core competence of each module. For instance, if your project has to compress files, you'll have a module that will handle file compression. Do NOT make it do more than ONE THING. One thing only.
Write a library (or class) that will handle file compression, without needing anything more than the file to be compressed, the output and the compression format. This will decouple the module from the rest of the project, enabling it to be (re)used in a different setting.
You don't have to get it perfect the first time, when you actually reuse the library you will probably find out flaws in the design (for instance, you didn't make it modular enough to be able to add new compression formats easily) and you can fix them the second time around and improve the reusability of your module. The more you reuse it (and fix the flaws), the easier it'll become to reuse.
The most important thing to consider is decoupling, if you write tightly coupled code reusability is the first casualty.
Leave all the needed state or context outside the library. Add methods to specify the state to the library.
For most definitions of "reuse", reuse of code is a myth, at least in my experience. Can you tell I have some scars from this? :-)
By reuse, I don't mean taking existing source files and beating them into submission until a new component or service falls out. I mean taking a specific component or service and reusing it without alteration.
I think the first step is to get yourself into a mindset that it's going to take at least 3 iterations to create a reusable component. Why 3? Because the first time you try to reuse a component, you always discover something that it can't handle. So then you have to change it. This happens a couple of times, until finally you have a component that at least appears to be reusable.
The other approach is to do an expensive forward-looking design. But then the cost is all up-front, and the benefits (may) appear some time down the road. If your boss insists that the current project schedule always dominates, then this approach won't work.
Object-orientation allows you to refactor code into superclasses. This is perhaps the easiest, cheapest and most effective kind of reuse. Ordinary class inheritance doesn't require a lot of thinking about "other situations"; you don't have to build "omnipotent" code.
Beyond simple inheritance, reuse is something you find more than you invent. You find reuse situations when you want to reuse one of your own packages to solve a slightly different problem. When you want to reuse a package that doesn't precisely fit the new situation, you have two choices.
Copy it and fix it. You now have to nearly similar packages -- a costly mistake.
Make the original package reusable in two situations.
Just do that for reuse. Nothing more. Too much thinking about "potential" reuse and undefined "other situations" can become a waste of time.
Others have mentioned these tactics, but here they are formally. These three will get you very far:
Adhere to the Single Responsibility
Principle - it ensures your class only "does one thing", which means it's more likely it will be reusable for another application which includes that same thing.
Adhere to the Liskov
Substitution Principle - it ensures your code "does what it's supposed without surprises", which means it's more likely it will be reusable for another application that needs the same thing done.
Adhere to the Open/Closed Principle - it ensures your code can be made to behave differently without modifying its source, which means it's more likely to be reusable without direct modification.
To add to the above mentioned items, I'd say:
Make those functions generic which you need to reuse
Use configuration files and make the code use the properties defined in files/db
Clearly factor your code into such functions/classes that those provide independent functionality and can be used in different scenarios and define those scenarios using the config files
I would add the concept of "Class composition over class inheritance" (which is derived from other answers here).
That way the "composed" object doesn't care about the internal structure of the object it depends on - only its behavior, which leads to better encapsulation and easier maintainability (testing, less details to care about).
In languages such as C# and Java it is often crucial since there is no multiple inheritance so it helps avoiding inheritance graph hell u might have.
As mentioned, modular code is more reusable than non-modular code.
One way to help towards modular code is to use encapsulation, see encapsulation theory here:
Avoid reinventing the wheel. That's it. And that by itself has many benefits mentioned above. If you do need to change something, then you just create another piece of code, another class, another constant, library, etc... it helps you and the rest of the developers working in the same application.
Comment, in detail, everything that seems like it might be confusing when you come back to the code next time. Excessively verbose comments can be slightly annoying, but they're far better than sparse comments, and can save hours of trying to figure out WTF you were doing last time.
