i want to scroll screen because button cannot show on screen
i use this code :
_manager = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR);
_manager = (VerticalFieldManager)getMainManager();
but not work
If your intention is to attract the user to the button, then you can just do the following:
First of all I am assuming that you have extended MainScreen which have one default VFM added to it. Now you are creating a new VFM,
_manager = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR);
and then assigning reference of default parent manager of MainScreen to _manager that you just created above,
_manager = (VerticalFieldManager)getMainManager();
There is no need for retrieving parent manager unless you want to set background on it. So assign reference to some other variable instead of using same _manager.
VerticalFieldManager parentVFM = (VerticalFieldManager)getMainManager();
Now coming back to your original question, can you post some code that shows how you are adding buttons to screen? You should add button to manager and add this manager to parent manager of the screen.
I am using Nativescript Angular, (NS version 4.1) I am trying to implement a requirement for users to swipe up twice to go home on
new IOS devices. Many mobile games have this functionality.
I know this has to do with prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden and
preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures in the ViewController
Is there a way I can access these methods in Nativescript Angular?
Or just set a home indicator to require two swipes to go home?
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!
There is an open feature request to allow iOS root view controller properties to be overridden. You have to actually override the preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures to UIRectEdge.All and as per Apple documentation you have to update setneedsupdateofhomeindicator as well.
But if you try to access the these properties directly (e.g. this.page.ios.prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden = true), it will give you error TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.
These is workaround discussed here where to you have copy the controller, modify the property and assign it back to owner.
const UIViewControllerImpl = new page.Page().ios.constructor as typeof UIViewController;
const MyCustumUIViewController = UIViewController['extend'](Object.assign(
// merge in the original methods
// add additional instance method / property overrides here, such as ...
preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures() {
console.log("This will be called from native!");
return UIRectEdge.All;
const performNavigation = frame.Frame.prototype['performNavigation'];
frame.Frame.prototype['performNavigation'] = function(navigationContext:{entry:frame.BackstackEntry}) {
const page = navigationContext.entry.resolvedPage;
const controller = (<typeof UIViewController>MyCustumUIViewController).new();
controller['_owner'] = new WeakRef(page);
controller.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
controller.view.backgroundColor = new color.Color("white").ios;
page['_ios'] = controller;
performNavigation.call(this, navigationContext);
I am newbie to vaadin. I have to develop PoC on vaadin. Service layer is already written using spring. As a part of Poc I have to develop a screen below.
When request comes to my UI class, it will call my View using navigator. This view consists of one tabsheet and each tab have its own functionality and depends on other tab values too. First tab is search tab. It displays all the records came from db in the tab content area(Table/Grid addon. I dont know what to use). Each record have access to other two tabs. The other two tabs has fields to map each record's property. As of now, i have taken dummy data to display.
I wrote the view like this . But I am confused weather this approach is correct or not.
public class UserView extends VerticalLayout implements View {
public static final String NAME = "user";
public UserView(){
// For Tabs
TabSheet tabs = new TabSheet();
// first tab component
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
// for search fields
HorizontalLayout searchArea = new HorizontalLayout();
FormLayout searchAreaName = new FormLayout();
TextField name = new TextField("name");
FormLayout searchAreaEmail = new FormLayout();
TextField email = new TextField("email");
// for search table
BeanContainer<String, test.User> users = new BeanContainer<String, User>(
users.addBean(new User("sudheer", "sudheer#kewil.com", "1"));
users.addBean(new User("sridhar", "sridhar#kewil.com", "2"));
users.addBean(new User("ranga", "ranga#kewil.com", "3"));
Table table = new Table("", users);
Tab tabOne = tabs.addTab(layout, "User Search", null);
// second tab component
VerticalLayout userLayout = new VerticalLayout();
userLayout.addComponent(new TextField("user name"));
userLayout.addComponent(new TextField("email"));
tabs.addTab(userLayout, "main details", null);
// tab change event
setComponentAlignment(tabs, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER);
public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) {
I haven't implemented pagination also. Before going forward, I would like to know any other best approaches to go ahead.
Any suggestions would help me very much. Thanks in advance.
Anybody.. please help me out. I am going blindly with my appproach
Here is what I do in such cases:
Use the Blackboard event bus to fire events. These events carry a payload that essentially is the id of the record clicked/selected.
The other tabs or views are registered as a listener of this event. When the event is fired, the listeners extract the record/entity id from the payload, fetch the entity object from the back-end, and display it accordingly.
This approach ensures loosely-coupled components.
I hope it helps.
I am new on Vaadin.
How to pass Table component to new popup screen in Vaadin 7? Assume I already created table using com.vaadin.ui.Table.
Table aaa = new Table();
Currently Vaadin tutorial just show how to create print popup without pass component/data.
Based on below code
public static class PrintUI extends UI {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
// Have some content to print
setContent(new Label(
"<h1>Here's some dynamic content</h1>\n" +
"<p>This is to be printed.</p>",
// Print automatically when the window opens
"setTimeout(function() {" +
" print(); self.close();}, 0);");
// Create an opener extension
BrowserWindowOpener opener =
new BrowserWindowOpener(PrintUI.class);
// A button to open the printer-friendly page.
Button print = new Button("Click to Print");
Appreciated if someone could show me how to pass Table aaa into PrintUI class.
Window window = new Window("my test table popup");
The only way that I have found to pass objects to the UI class in popup window is to store them in session:
Table table = new Table();
VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("table", table);
In the popup window:
Table t = (Table) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("table");
You can also initialize your Table in your PrintUI class. If you need to initialize a specific Table instance, you can pass, let's say, your table id parameter to the UI via .getParameter("idTable") (which, in the end, works as adding a GET parameter to the URL) and then retrieve it in your PrintUI's init() method via the request parameter with .getParameter("idTable").
I am working on a blackberry app where one of the requirements is that a ButtonField has to be displayed on all the screens of the app? How can this be accomplished, since the ButtonField has to be added after 2-3 controls?
ButtonField (All the screens should have this button)
There are many, many ways to solve this problem. Without seeing a visual description of all your screens, it's a little difficult to know exactly which one will work best for you. But, here's one option:
Create a base class that extends MainScreen, and have that base class add the ButtonField, and make sure that all other fields are added above the buttonfield. You can do this by adding the button field in a footer, that is then aligned with the screen's bottom edge using MainScreen#setStatus(Field).
public class BaseScreen extends MainScreen {
private ButtonField _bottomButton;
/** Can only be called by screen subclasses */
protected BaseScreen() {
// call BaseScreen(long)
protected BaseScreen(long style) {
_bottomButton = new ButtonField("Press Me!", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK | Field.FIELD_HCENTER);
// TODO: customize your button here ...
Manager footer = new HorizontalFieldManager(Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
// just use a vertical field manager to center the bottom button horizontally
Manager spacerVfm = new VerticalFieldManager(Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Field.FIELD_HCENTER);
/** #return the bottom button, if any subclasses need to access it */
protected ButtonField getBottomButton() {
return _bottomButton;
Here is then an example of how you'll build all your other screens:
public class BaseTestScreen extends BaseScreen implements FieldChangeListener {
public BaseTestScreen() {
HorizontalFieldManager toolbar = new HorizontalFieldManager();
toolbar.add(new ButtonField("One", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK));
toolbar.add(new ButtonField("Two", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK));
toolbar.add(new ButtonField("Three", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK));
BitmapField logo = new BitmapField(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("icon.png"));
// do this if you want each different screen to be able to handle the
// bottom button click event. not necessary ... you can choose to
// handle the click in the BaseScreen class itself.
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (field == getBottomButton()) {
Dialog.alert("Button Clicked!");
As you can see, this makes it possible to handle the button click (differently) in each screen class you create. Or, you can choose to handle the clicks in the base class (BaseScreen). You'll have to decide which makes sense for you. If the same action is always taken when clicking the button, and the base screen doesn't need additional information to handle the click, then just handle the click in BaseScreen. If not, handle in the subclasses as I show.
P.S. One disadvantage of this approach is that it forces all your screen classes to extend a common base class (BaseScreen). In some situations, this can be limiting. However, on BlackBerry, it's not uncommon to have all your screens extend MainScreen anyway. That said, such an architectural decision is impossible for me to comment on without understanding more about your app.
I created for BlackberryMaps a own menu item with help of "MenuItem" and invoke Blackberry Maps. After using this Item the current location (MapView) should be send back to my Application. This works fine.
The problem is I found no solution for closing the app after using the menu Item. Is there a possibility to close Blackberry Maps? Or set my own App to foreground?
private static class MapMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {
//creates a new MenuItem for Blackberry Maps and defines the action which should //happen after a click on the MenuItem
CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps;
StartScreen startScreen;
MapMenuItem(StartScreen startScreen, CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps) {
this.startScreen = startScreen;
this.customDialogGps = customDialogGps;
public String toString() {
//creates the name for the navigation Menu
String itemName = ""+_res.getString(CUSTOMDIALOG_GPS_USE_AS_NEW_LOCATION);
return itemName;
public Object run(Object context) {
//defines what should happen after a click on the menu
//get the location at which the cursor is pointing at.
MapView mv = (MapView)context;
if (mv != null) {
//opens a method inside of CustomDialogGPS which handles the latitude and longitude
//TODO pop Screen
//Screen screen = (Screen)UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen();
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Context is null, expected a MapView instance");
return null;
Unfortunately you can't close another app programmatically (Actually you can if you know where is menu item to close for example) but you can foreground your app UiApplication.getApplication().requestForeground(). What is probably appropriate solution for you.
Instead of passing the user to the Maps application, which is outside your app and you have no control over it, create your own screen with a MapField in it. Using your own screen and perhaps extending the MapField class to override functions if needed, allows you to go back to the previous screen once the user selects a location.