approved app with in-app purchase not working - ios

I've developed an app, submitted to the AppStore and just recently was approved.
The issue is that the app (now approved and downloaded from the store) isn't getting the products and therefore is crashing.
Is this expected to happen?
Should I wait some more time or did I do something wrong?

Wait 24 hours and if it is still not working, but it worked before, then something is obviously not matching up. By the way, your app is NOT supposed to crash when it can't find any products. There are similar threads to this on Stack Overflow, so I'd look those up, too, along with Googling stuff.


In-App Purchase fails to unlock content on some devices

We have had users reporting that they have paid for our product via in-app purchase but we have failed to unlock the content. The common denominator between these reports is iOS 9 so far. It seems like the purchase with success method does not get called. The IAP seems to work and even says that the purchase has been restored successfully (Apple's own alert), yet it does not deliver the content (unlocks the app).
This is a very odd bug because it works perfectly fine on iOS 10, and there is no reason why it should't work on other older devices. At some point, we had a customer complain of the same issue with iOS 10 as well and we just can't produce the issue. I am using RMStore for my in app purchases but this has not started since we used this library. It has been happening even with standard IAP integration.
Does anyone knows or may have heard of what causes this issue?
Any tips would be great!
I have several apps on the App Store and I'm facing similar issues. For about 1% of the users, the success callback is not called after an in-app purchase. If the users restore their purchases later, the purchased features unlock properly, so the App Store processed the purchase properly, and this is likely a bug in the app. I could never find the issue as I could not reproduce it on any of my devices.
After I just read that you use RMStore, I checked the emails that my users sent me during the last two years about this issue and noticed that this occurs exclusively with apps that use RMStore. While the code of that library looks really clean, I assume that the bug is somewhere hidden in there.
As RMStore hasn't been updated since almost two years, I consider it deprecated and will remove it from my apps in the near future. I will update this answer if the issue persists after the removal.
Update after three months: After the removal of RMStore for the in-app purchase handling from one of my apps, the problems have apparently disappeared.

Apple Appstore percent of downloads "stuck" / "not finishing" / "freezing"

I work with a large(ish) app and every update we submit causes us to receive a handful of bad reviews regarding the app download "stuck", "not finishing", "freezing".
This has been happening since iOS 9 but it feels like its becoming increasingly more common.
Our users say the app is frozen, won't open, and can't be deleted or re-downloaded.
Some users have success after restarting the device. But some users swear its become impossible to remove the app.
I've contacted Apple in regards to this but haven't yet got a response.
Has anyone else been experiencing this trend? Is this something I've done incorrectly with my build causing these issues?
Any information is appreciated.
Thank you.

After Submitting My App, iAds Have Stopped Working

So I submitted my app last week and it was approved 2 days ago. I have iAd impleted in the app. As soon as the app was "ready for sale" I downloaded it from the App Store. When I launched the app everything worked. iAd was displaying ads on the screen. But then about 10 minutes later the ads stopped. It's been 2 days since the ads stopped and they still aren't showing up. I have even tried redownloading the app from the store several times. And it's not just me. It's happening to everyone who downloads the app. I'm sure I just need to contact Apple however it's the weekend and I just want to know as soon as possible, has anyone else had this problem? Or is it even a problem? I've read other questions asking similar things, however I believe mine may be different seeing as the ads displayed for the first 10 minutes. Also! When I go to iAds on iTunes Connect, it says "AD Status: live ads" and it's lit up green. Also in iAds it says "recieving live ads"
The app is free and if you'd like to see for yourself here is a link to the app:
Other Information:
The app is an arcade game
Ages 4+
iAd works perfectly in the Xcode version of the app
I have tried the game on different wifi routers and on 4g to see if there was some connection issue
The ads that are meant to be displayed are banner ads at the bottom of the screen
I have an answer! I just contacted apple iAd support and its is very clear now as to why I haven't been seeing ads the past few days. Some people stated in the comments that even once your app has been approved and is ready for sale, the iAd has its own separate reviewing process, and this is exactly true. However, I revieved some extra information from the support team that should be able to clear things up without confusion for anyone having this problem in the future. First of all, while Apple may review apps on the weekend, the iAd team does not, my app was approved on Friday and this is why I haven't seen any ads all weekend. Second, even if your ad status in the iAd network is green and says "live: recieving live ads" this does not mean that iAd has reviewed your app yet, it simply means that you have done everything required on your end. Lastly, I was told that the separate iAd reviewing process usually takes two to three business days. I hope that this information will help others in the future not to be concerned if they are experiencing this behavior.
I had exactly the same problem after updating my app. The ads were not displayed for about 2-3 days. After writing to Apple the problem was magically solved. I event did not get any answer from them.
I heard that Apple has an independent review process for iAds, maybe this could be the reason?
Have you tried contacting Apple's iAd support about this? I've experienced similar problems in the past and contacting them cleared it up. I've read other solutions where issuing an update to the application fixed the problem also. iAd has to approve your app to receive ads even after your app has been accepted and made available for download. Perhaps they just over looked yours.

Immediate App Crash at Splash Screen

We submitted our app update (1.01) to the App Store on Wednesday of last week. The app included a few major bug and authentication fixes. We submitted our working/bug-free app to the App Store via the normal procedure. Sunday night at 8:31PM EST we saw that the status of our app went to "In Review". Then at 9:17PM EST the app was approved and the status changed to "Processing for App Store".
All users who now go into the App Store and download the 1.01 update are seeing the app open the immediately crash at the splash screen. We've tested this on multiple devices and all 1.01 updates crash immediately. We submitted our distribution-ready app in a working state, there were no crashes or bugs on our end. 
Knowing that the app was under review for nearly and hour reiterates that the app was in a working/crash-free state upon submission. We've read of a few cases where other apps were submitted, approved and the app would crash upon opening the. We're looking to you for a quick resolution to this App Store issue.
Are there ways to revert to 1.0? Any assistance would be helpful?
There is no way of reverting to previous versions :( You can only remove app from store but as I understand this is not the case. From my own experience I can say that the review team doesn't always find bugs in apps under review and this is how it actually ends with not working app and irritated customers.
You cannot revert. However you can fix the issue and request an expedited review cycle.
Sidenote - do you use Core Data? Maybe a migration failed? This is pretty common if you changed the data model. If the reviewers just installed the new version without upgrading, they wouldn't have seen the crash. Could explain that... I have a hard time believing they would have passed a launch crash that they observed.

Recently released iPhone app update hangs at splash screen

I submitted my app update for review a week or so ago and it worked fine for me when i submitted it (on multiple devices and emulator). Apple reviewed it and approved it and now whenever users download it, the app just hangs at the splash screen forever. On iOS 6 beta it immediately crashes. I believe it must be something wrong with the package that Apple put on the store for download, but i honestly have no idea. Anybody had this happen before or anyone have any ideas on how you can debug a problem like this?
This is maybe the 30th or so time i've submitted something to Apple and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I have used a technical support incident to contact apple and no response so far from that. I also used the contact us page on the itunesconnect portal to ask about it and no response from that either. Both of those were done on Friday. As a secondary question, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from Apple when you submit questions in either of those ways?
I faced the same issue. It was a DNS issue. It drove me mad for months, since I could not reproduce the issue. However one poorly configured WiFi helped me reproduce the issue by chance.
iOS tries to perform DNS lookup at the beginning of the app lifecyle. This is even before a single line of code is executed. If the DNS lookup is performed on the main thread synchronously, it blocks the UI. This issue arises only in cases where its trying to resolve the DNS for about 30s while blocking the UI. Hence the iOS watchdog kills the app due to a timeout. Apple also has a doc for this-
You can search for DNS lookup in your code and check its execution. In my case it was a 3rd party C-library that was causing an issue.
I know its been really long since this question was asked, hope it helps someone.
