Apple Appstore percent of downloads "stuck" / "not finishing" / "freezing" - ios

I work with a large(ish) app and every update we submit causes us to receive a handful of bad reviews regarding the app download "stuck", "not finishing", "freezing".
This has been happening since iOS 9 but it feels like its becoming increasingly more common.
Our users say the app is frozen, won't open, and can't be deleted or re-downloaded.
Some users have success after restarting the device. But some users swear its become impossible to remove the app.
I've contacted Apple in regards to this but haven't yet got a response.
Has anyone else been experiencing this trend? Is this something I've done incorrectly with my build causing these issues?
Any information is appreciated.
Thank you.


iOS / App Store - Found a bug after submitting for review

We submitted for review. We got approved. I found a bug that's pretty destructive to our leaderboards. We have a low time leaderboard and the time is submitted for each character and then a total. For some reason, the check was disabled and the total is submitted each time. So of course, we are going to get super low numbers (1/7th of the total) on the board. I know we can prune some of the top number and issue an update. That's all I can think to do.
I know we can patch but users aren't obligated to update.
What would you recommend? Should we patch and wait to launch?
So I'm guessing what your question is now, but first off, I have a question: is the app already visible and downloadable for users?
If not, cancel the process, fix the bug and re-upload the app for AppStore-approval.
If it is, then just fix the bug asap and upload the new binary.

iOS app crashes randomly because of bad install

I've had a fairly large app (50mb) in the App Store for several years now with many updates and thousands of users. Before each release I do a lot of testing, analyzing and beta-testing on all sorts of devices and situations before releasing an update.
Every once in a while I get a horrific bug report that says the app is crashing ALL the time and is completely unusable. What seems to fix this EVERY TIME is telling the user to delete the app, power cycle the device and reinstall the app while under wi-fi.
This means to me that under some unknown circumstances to me, my app is being installed badly. And this has been happening through iOS 4, 5, 6 and now 7.
Is this happening to anyone else? Any known causes or fixes besides my reinstall fix?
To make matters worse, this shows up in a few bad reviews that say the app crashes all the time. All the other reviews are 5 stars! I hate getting blamed for a bad install.
Shot in the dark here, but could it be related to wireless connectivity (ie an API timing out)? Very hard to say without more details.

Distributed app freezes when connecting to In-App-Purchase Manager

I am quite stumped right now - I released a new update for my puzzle game app few days ago, and I started getting reports that the game shuts down whenever the user tries to enter the store. The store connects to the InAppPurchaseManager, gets the list of all the IAPs, and opens up the store view.
In debugging mode, I had no problems, and it even passed the review without problem! And now the game is freezing on all the users who try to give me some money!!! :S Did anyone else run into this problem? My store was working fine in previous version. Only thing that I changed was I changed the items that could be purchased so I removed some and added some.
Also I noticed that whenever user tries to enter the store WITHOUT internet connection, it works fine. It only freezes when the user has the internet connection (very ironic...)
Any input or past experiences would be very much appreciated!!! Thank you for saving me from this insanity!
Solution - In itunesconnect, in the manage IAP section, I turned off the IAPs that were not being used anymore, but apparently my program was still trying to receive one of the IAPs that was not being used anymore from the IAPmanager, so it was not receiving the product and crashing. I think anyone running into same problem as me would be rare, but if you do, here it is :) happy coding!

Recently released iPhone app update hangs at splash screen

I submitted my app update for review a week or so ago and it worked fine for me when i submitted it (on multiple devices and emulator). Apple reviewed it and approved it and now whenever users download it, the app just hangs at the splash screen forever. On iOS 6 beta it immediately crashes. I believe it must be something wrong with the package that Apple put on the store for download, but i honestly have no idea. Anybody had this happen before or anyone have any ideas on how you can debug a problem like this?
This is maybe the 30th or so time i've submitted something to Apple and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I have used a technical support incident to contact apple and no response so far from that. I also used the contact us page on the itunesconnect portal to ask about it and no response from that either. Both of those were done on Friday. As a secondary question, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from Apple when you submit questions in either of those ways?
I faced the same issue. It was a DNS issue. It drove me mad for months, since I could not reproduce the issue. However one poorly configured WiFi helped me reproduce the issue by chance.
iOS tries to perform DNS lookup at the beginning of the app lifecyle. This is even before a single line of code is executed. If the DNS lookup is performed on the main thread synchronously, it blocks the UI. This issue arises only in cases where its trying to resolve the DNS for about 30s while blocking the UI. Hence the iOS watchdog kills the app due to a timeout. Apple also has a doc for this-
You can search for DNS lookup in your code and check its execution. In my case it was a 3rd party C-library that was causing an issue.
I know its been really long since this question was asked, hope it helps someone.

approved app with in-app purchase not working

I've developed an app, submitted to the AppStore and just recently was approved.
The issue is that the app (now approved and downloaded from the store) isn't getting the products and therefore is crashing.
Is this expected to happen?
Should I wait some more time or did I do something wrong?
Wait 24 hours and if it is still not working, but it worked before, then something is obviously not matching up. By the way, your app is NOT supposed to crash when it can't find any products. There are similar threads to this on Stack Overflow, so I'd look those up, too, along with Googling stuff.
