How to create application which displays calendar events in timeline view for daily and weekly bases? - ios

Is there any code or library available to develop such an application which displays calendar events in week view or daily view or yearly view according to requirement?
Requirement is the code should be in such a generalize format that it can compatible with all 3 conditions to plot events and display them.
Also that code/library should care about the overlapping events or over-day events.
Please guide me on this. I am completely blank for EventKit framework and such a designing.
Thanks in advance.

I am not sure this is exactly what you are looking for, there are some calendar frameworks available. Please have look here
Tapku // Seem to be one of the best one, try seeing its demo.


How to mark a particular event date in Calander in IOS

i am doing an application for IPhone in that i need to implement a calendar feature.I am usig calender which is really good and easy to the problem is after an event is being added by the user i need to highlight that event date in the calendar.
please tell me what modifications that i need to do in the Library to achieve that.
all comments and answers are appreciated.
I have suggested this calendar..

Adding events using EkEvents in Apple Calendar

I want to add 200 events in Apple's calendar programmatically. Is there possible to do?
I tried to add..but the process is too slow.
so kindly explain the better way to do.

Implement an iOS Calendar with Multiple selection enabled

I'm trying to implement a calendar which enables multiple selections. So far, I've been using Tapku an I'm able to implement my datasource proper but I can't seem to get the multiple selection going. Would anyone happen to have any suggestions how I could go about doing so?
I understand that Tapku wasn't exactly build to support multiple selections (struggling so much to modify it to allow such)
Thanks so much!!

iOS iPad custom calendar control

Is there any custom calendar control for iPad that could help me create a schedule-view ? I just need the schedule view to make new appointments. This is what I want to accomplish :
Maybe you could give me some suggestion on how to approach this. I am new in iOS development so any suggestion is welcome.
There are a lot of calendars on Cocoa Controls.
One of them seems to look like what you want : MADayView.
You may also look at :
Tapku Calendar

How to display events in the calendar using Ruby?

I am building a calendaring application in ruby on rails. I am using my own schema for storing events, but I don't know how to display events in calendar, and also how to add a calendar in my application.
Will I have to write code to display calendar or can I use any plugin to display calendar.
I think the calendar_helper plugin is what you want. It provides a calendar method to your views, which can be called to generate a month-view calendar in HTML.
You can pass it a block which builds the contents of each day's cell, which is where you would want to do whatever your event schema requires to pull in the day's events.
The EventCalendar plugin was created for this very reason. Easily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.
Screenshot(s) at:
There's a little list of candidates here.
The plugin on the page itself seems to offer some AJAX goodness, if that's something you're interested in.
I also had to build a calendar in rails. None of the existing calendar gems appealed to me as they did too much. I wanted to render the calendar myself so I could control the styling. I also had an existing Event model so I didn't need any kind of event handling. I ended up creating the cal gem. It's pretty straightforward when you look at the README. I plan to improve it to have weekly and daily calendars. Good luck!
