How to display events in the calendar using Ruby? - ruby-on-rails

I am building a calendaring application in ruby on rails. I am using my own schema for storing events, but I don't know how to display events in calendar, and also how to add a calendar in my application.
Will I have to write code to display calendar or can I use any plugin to display calendar.

I think the calendar_helper plugin is what you want. It provides a calendar method to your views, which can be called to generate a month-view calendar in HTML.
You can pass it a block which builds the contents of each day's cell, which is where you would want to do whatever your event schema requires to pull in the day's events.

The EventCalendar plugin was created for this very reason. Easily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.
Screenshot(s) at:

There's a little list of candidates here.
The plugin on the page itself seems to offer some AJAX goodness, if that's something you're interested in.

I also had to build a calendar in rails. None of the existing calendar gems appealed to me as they did too much. I wanted to render the calendar myself so I could control the styling. I also had an existing Event model so I didn't need any kind of event handling. I ended up creating the cal gem. It's pretty straightforward when you look at the README. I plan to improve it to have weekly and daily calendars. Good luck!

Related mvc5 online calendar

I use Sql Server and mvc5 .I want to make a page with calendar.The Calendar shows that whether employee come late or in time this information will come from database .I have searched some online calendars but I haven't dealed with it Do you have an idea how to make it?
You can go with fullcalendar to achieve this functionality. In this calendar, you can bind json data to the calendar. This is really awesome in terms of UI and events. I also used this to achieve the same functionality.
Go through to
If need any help, write here.

Filter data over a period of time in

I have been using on my iOS app for 2 months. It's an e-commerce app so I'm using custom events for monitoring Product search and Purchases. What I noticed it's that though the tables in "Answers" get filled up with data it's not possible to define the date range of the reported query of searching for older events. The dashboard panels look limited to the latest data with no possibilities of customisation.
Is there any way to perform a proper filtering?
Apparently the dashboard only allows you to see the data from the most recent 30 days. If you use the export function you get the data from one year.
They know that some people want to have it, but I don't think they are working on that.
Would be great if everyone could add their +1 on this question:
Hope this helps.

Calendar or Agenda plugin for Grails

I need to find a way to detect if any given person is available in a given time... but it needs to be accurate, i will explain with an example:
I have a system that allows to a given person to register, and be contacted to work in a work-by-hour job. So, a given person can be hired to work from 09:00AM to 13:00, and be hired by a completely different person to work from 16:00 to 20:00 (for example). I need a Calendar/Agenda-like plugin to grails that allow me to get the data in a given day, and hourly-accurate
Anybody knows any plugin that dows that? Thank you.
There's not a plugin to my knowledge that is going to give you exactly what you need. There is, however, a very nice jQuery plugin called FullCalendar that I've used to implement Google Calendar like functionality for a client.
There is also a Grails plugin for it, although I generally don't use plugins for JavaScript libraries. Makes it more difficult to customize things.
You're still going to have to manage your agenda/event data yourself. But once you have the data, feeding it to FullCalendar via JSON is cake.
This can be also implemented with DHTMLX JavaPlanner, check out this tutorial

How to create application which displays calendar events in timeline view for daily and weekly bases?

Is there any code or library available to develop such an application which displays calendar events in week view or daily view or yearly view according to requirement?
Requirement is the code should be in such a generalize format that it can compatible with all 3 conditions to plot events and display them.
Also that code/library should care about the overlapping events or over-day events.
Please guide me on this. I am completely blank for EventKit framework and such a designing.
Thanks in advance.
I am not sure this is exactly what you are looking for, there are some calendar frameworks available. Please have look here
Tapku // Seem to be one of the best one, try seeing its demo.

Rails: display events with calendar_date_select

I'm trying to display events in calendar generated by calendar_date_select plugin for Rails.
I have Concert model with datetime field date.
Can I somehow throw in #concerts which equals Concert.all to calendar_date_select_tag to display links to make days where concert is clickable?
I would like to stick to this helper cause I would like to use it as a pure date picker in other places of my app, but have no idea how to achieve my goal.
Sorry if this question is lame, I'm very new to magic Rails world.
I don't think the plugin currently allows for this.
You can certainly put in a feature request though - look at the bottom of the page and send an email to the main guy!
