Adding the same Object twice to a TObjectDictionary frees the object - delphi

Look at this code:
dic:=TObjectDictionary<Integer, TObject>.Create([doOwnsValues]);
The code
Creates a Dictionary that owns the contained values
Adds a value
Adds the same value again, using the same key
The surprising thing is that the object is freed when you add it the second time.
Is this intended behaviour? Or a bug in the Delphi libraries?
The documentation simply says "If the object is owned, when the entry is removed from the dictionary, the key and/or value is freed". So it seems a little odd to Free an object that I have just asked it to Add!
Is there any way to tell the TObjectDictionary to not do this? Currently, each time I add a value I have to check first if that Key-Value combination is already in the Dictionary.
Delphi 2010
After reading all the comments:
My conclusions (for what they are worth)]
This seems to be the intended behaviour
There is no way of modifying this behaviour
Don't use TObjectDictionary (or any of the other similar classes) for anything other than the common "Add these objects to the container. Leave them there. Do some stuff. Free the container and all the objects you added" usage. If you are doing anything more complicated, it's better to manage the objects yourself.
The behaviour is poorly documented and you should read the source if you want to really know what's going on

TObjectDictionary<TKey,TValue> is in fact just a TDictionary<TKey,TValue> which has some extra code in the KeyNotify and ValueNotify methods:
procedure TObjectDictionary<TKey,TValue>.ValueNotify(const Value: TValue;
Action: TCollectionNotification);
if (Action = cnRemoved) and (doOwnsValues in FOwnerships) then
This is, IMO, a rather simple minded approach, but in the ValueNotify method, it is impossible to tell for which key this is, so it simply frees the "old" value (there is no way to check if this value is set for the same key).
You can either write your own class (which is not trivial), deriving from TDictionary<K,V>, or simply not use doOwnsValues. You can also write a simple wrapper, e.g. TValueOwningDictionary<K,V> that uses TDictionary<K,V> to do the brunt of the work, but handles the ownership issues itself. I guess I would do the latter.

Thats because with reusing the key youre replacing the object and since the dictionary owns the object it frees the old one. Dictionary doesn't compare the value, only key, so it doesn't detect that the value (object) is same. Not a bug, as designed (IOW user error).
On second thought - perhaps the designer of the dict should have taken more care to have both doOwnsValues and AddOrSetValue()... one can argue both ways... I suggest you file it in QC, but I wouldn't hold my breath - it has been so now in at least two releases so it's unlikely to change.

This behaviour is by design and the design is sound.
Were the class to take responsibility for not freeing duplicates, it would have to iterate over the whole container every time a modification was made, both adding and removing. The iteration would check for any duplicate values and check accordingly.
It would be disasterous to impose this diabolical performance drain on all users of the class. If you wish to put duplicates in the list then you will have to come up with a bespoke lifetime management policy that suits your specific needs. In this case it is unreasonable to expect the general purpose container to support your particular usage pattern.
In the comments to this answer, and many of the others, it has been suggested that a better design would have been to test in AddOrSetValue whether or not the value being set was already assigned to the specified key. If so, then AddOrSetValue could return immediately.
I think it's clear to anyone that checking for duplicates in full generality is too expensive to contemplate. However, I contend that there are good design reasons why checking for duplicate K and V in AddOrSetValue would also be poor design.
Remember that TObjectDictionary<K,V> is derived from TDictionary<K,V>. For the more general class, comparing equality of V is potentially an expensive operation because we have no constraints on what V is, it being generic. So for TDictionary<K,V> there are performance reasons why we should not include the putative AddOrSetValue test.
It could be argued that we make a special exception for TObjectDictionary<K,V>. That would certainly be possible. It would require a little re-engineering of the coupling between the two classes, but it is quite feasible. But now you have a situation where TDictionary<K,V> and TObjectDictionary<K,V> have different semantics. This is a clear downside and must be weighed against the potential benefit from the AddOrSetValue test.
These generic container classes are so fundamental that design decisions have to take into account a huge spread of use cases, consistency considerations and so on. It is not, in my view, reasonable to consider TObjectDictionary<K,V>.AddOrSetValue in isolation.

Since the Delphi TDictionary implementation doesn't allow for more than one of the same keys you could check the excellent Generic collections library from Alex Ciobanu. It comes with a TMultiMap or for your case TObjectMultiMap that allows for multiple values per key.
If you don't want multiple values per key, but rather want to avoid adding duplicates to the Dictionary then you can try TDistinctMultiMap or a TObjectDistinctMultiMap from the same Collections library.

So it seems a little odd to Free an object that I have just asked it to Add!
You didn't ask the dictionary to add - you called 'AddorSet', and since the key was already found, your call was a 'set', not an 'add'. Regardless, I see nothing odd here in terms of Delphi's behavior: In Delphi, objects are only object references, and there is no reference counting or ownership for simple objects.
Since in this case the dictionary owns the objects, it is doing exactly what it's supposed to do: "If the object is owned, when the entry is removed from the dictionary, the key and/or value is freed". You removed the value when you overwrote entry[1] - therefore the object referred to in 'testObject' is immediately deleted and your reference to 'testObject' is invalid.
Currently, each time I add a value I have to check first if it's already in the Dictionary.
Why is that? The behavior you described should only occur if you overwrite a previously used key with a reference to the same object.
Perhaps there is something 'odd' after all - try this test code:
procedure testObjectList;
var ol:TObjectList;
ol.OwnsObjects:=true;//default behavior, not really necessary
showmessage(o.ClassName);//no av-although ol[0] is overwritten with o again, o is not deleted
showmessage(o.ClassName);//av - when o is overwritten with o1, o is deleted
This in spite of what it says in the (Delphi 7) help: "TObjectList controls the memory of its objects, freeing an object when its index is reassigned"

I think it is a bug.
I ran into it a week ago.
I use the TObjectDictionary for storing some real time telemetria datas, which are very often updated with new datas.
for example:
Type TTag = class
updatetime : TDateTime;
Value : string ;
end ;
TTagDictionary:= TObjectDictionary<string,TTag>.Create([doOwnsValues]);
procedure UpdateTags(key: string; newValue: String) ;
tag : TTag ;
if TTagDictionary.TryGetValue(key,tag) then begin // update the stored tag
tag.Value = newValue ;
tag.updatetime := now ;
TTagDictionary.AddorSetValue(key,tag) ;
else begin
tag := TTag.Create ;
tag.updatetime := now ;
tag.Vluae := newValue ;
TTagDictionary.AddorSetValue(key,tag) ;
end ;
end ;
After several updates I ended up with some nasty access violations and with an dictionary full of freed objects.
It is a very poor designed container.
At update it need check if the new object is the same as the old only and then it must NOT free the object.


Container to store anonymous methods

I have a following definition.
TOmniTaskDelegate = reference to procedure(const task: IOmniTask);
What type of container should I use (should be supported in D2009) to store a list of TOmniTaskDelegate instances? Currently I'm using array of TOmniTaskDelegate but I'm not really happy with that.
I would use TList<TOmniTaskDelegate>. Since this is typesafe due to the use of generics, it will correctly handle the lifetime issues of its members.
Edit: Delphi 2009 includes the generic TList<T>, I assume it's implemented using array of, just as the one in Delphi 2010. That makes the TList<T> the optimal choice! My original answer stays because it explains why array of is a great data structure and why not using it is a lot of trouble.
Your choice of array of Anonym looks very good to me because:
Anonymous methods are managed entities (implemented using interfaces). They need to be properly finalized.
The dynamic array is itself a managed type, making sure the anonymous method references are properly finalized.
Delphi 2010 generic containers are implemented using dynamic arrays, so they're up to the task. But make sure you don't grow your arrays one-by-one, grow in chunks.
If you use anything else for the implementation you'll need to take care of finalizing the references yourself. Examples:
If you use plain blocks of memory you'll need an destructor that deliberately sets each item to nil (ie: not ZeroMemory or FillChar) so the compiler gets a chance to generate finalization code.
Records are managed objects, and they could hold references to dynamic methods, but they can only hold a finite number of references, if you need more you'll need to implement a sort of linked list and then you'll need to carefully manage there life cycle.
Classes suffer all the deficiencies of records, and they add their own layer of overhead on top of that.

Stop client code from freeing shared objects in Delphi

I have implemented the FlyWeight pattern in my Delphi application. Everything has worked great, everything is a lot faster and takes less memory, but there is one thing I am worried about.
My implementation will only work as long as client code never calls Free() on the shared objects. In the Flyweight pattern, the FlyweightFactory itself is supposed to "maintain a reference to flyweights" i.e. to the shared objects.
My problem is that there is no (obvious) way to stop other code from destroying the objects once they have a reference. I could live with this, but it would be a "big win" if I could pass these objects round freely without worrying about accidental freeing.
To show a (contrived) example:
WriteLn('Description is '+flyweight.Description);
WriteLn('Description is '+flyweight.Description);
// Object has already been Freed!; behaviour is undefined
I have considered overriding the destructor as shown here to stop the flyweight object being freed altogether. This is not an option in my case as
a) I only want to stop cached objects from being Freed, not objects that aren't part of the cache. There is a lot of legacy code that doesn't use the cache; they still need to create and free objects manually.
b) I do want the FlyweightFactory to Free the objects during finalization; I agree with Warren P that a "zero leaked memory" policy is best.
I'll leave with a quote from the Flyweight chapter of GoF
Sharability implies some form of
reference counting or garbage
collection to reclaim storage when
it's no longer needed. However,
neither is necessary if the number of
flyweights is fixed and small. In that
case, the flyweights are worth keeping
around permanently.
In my case the flyweights are "fixed" and (sufficiently) small.
[UPDATE See my answer for details of how I solved this problem]
My answer to the question you link to still applies. The objects must know by means of a private boolean flag that they are cached objects. Then they can elect not to destroy themselves in Destroy and FreeInstance. There really is no alternative if you want to allow Free to be called.
To deal with finalization you would want to add the cached objects to a list of cached objects. That list of objects can be freed at finalization time. Of course the flag to disable freeing would have to be reset whilst you walked the list.
Having made this point regarding finalization, I would advise you to register an expected memory leak and just leak this memory. It makes the code much simpler and there's nothing to lose. Any memory you don't free will be reclaimed by the OS as soon as your executable closes. One word of caution: if your code is compiled into a DLL then leaking could be troublesome if your DLL is loaded, unloaded, loaded again etc.
What all this is telling you is that you are swimming against the current. Is it possible that you could achieve your goals with a different solution that fitted better with the way Delphi is steering you?
I suggest to add a reference count in order to known if your shared object is still used.
Every client should use the pattern AddRef / Release (AddRef increases the count; Release decrements it; if count reaches zero Free is called)
The AddRef may be called directly by your GetFlyweight method; Release has to be used instead of Free.
If you refactor your class and extract an interface from it the AddRef/Release pattern in naturally implemented in then interface implementation. (You could derive from TInterfacedObject or implement IInterface by your self)
Ideally you seldom want 2 ways of using the same things. It just complicates matters in the long run. In 6 months time, you might not be sure whether a particular piece of code is using the new flyweight paradigm or the old paradigm.
The best way to prevent someone calling Free or Destroy is to make sure it's not even there. And within the Delphi world, the only way to do that is to use interfaces.
To expand on your contrived example:
TFlyweightObject = class
constructor Create(ANumber: Integer);
function Description: string;
TFlyweightFactory = class
function GetFlyweight(ANumber: Integer): TFlyweightObject;
This being an object can easily be destoyed by a rogue client. You could make the following changes:
IFlyweight = interface
//place guid here
function Description: string;
TFlyweightObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IFlyweight)
constructor Create(ANumber: Integer);
function Description: string;
TFlyweightFactory = class
function GetFlyweight(ANumber: Integer): IFlyweight;
Now any code that is updated to use the flyweight paradigm is forced to use it as intended. It's also easier to recognise the old code that still needs to be refactored because it doesn't use the interface. Old code would still construct the "flyweight" object directly.
You could also hide a destructor by making it protected or private. Programmers won't see it outside the scope of the unit in which it is declared in.
But I am posting this answer more like a curiosity because this will not prevent freeing an object by using FreeAndNil or by using a "Protected Hack"
I managed to get around the problems I cited in my original question using the following techniques, suggested by David Heffernan in his answer.
a) I only want to stop cached objects
from being Freed, not objects that
aren't part of the cache. There is a
lot of legacy code that doesn't use
the cache; they still need to create
and free objects manually.
I fixed this by subclassing the Flyweight class and overriding destroy, BeforeDestruction and FreeInstance in the subclass only. This left the parent class as is. The cache contains instances of the subclass (which can't be freed), whereas objects outside the cache can be freed as per usual.
b) I do want the FlyweightFactory to
Free the objects during finalization;
I agree with Warren P that a "zero
leaked memory" policy is best.
To solve this, I added a private boolean flag that has to be set to true before the object can be freed. This flag can only be set from the Cache Unit, it is not visible to other code. This means that the flag cannot be set outside by code outside the cache.
The destructor just looks like this:
destructor TCachedItem.destroy;
if destroyAllowed then
If client code trys to Free a cached object, the call will have no effect.

Why should I use Free and not FreeAndNil in a destructor?

I have read A case against FreeAndNil but still don't understand why I cannot use this method in a class destructor ? Can anyone explain.
Update: I think the comment from Eric Grange was most useful for me. The link show that this is not obvious how to deal with it and it is mainly a matter of taste. Also the method FreeAndInvalidate was useful.
The problem with that is that many
seem to use FreeAndNil as some magic
bullet that will slay that mysterious
crash dragon. If using FreeAndNil() in
the destructor seems to solve a crash
or other memory corruption problems,
then you should be digging deeper into
the real cause. When I see this, the
first question I ask is, why is the
instance field being accessed after
that instance was destroyed? That
typically points to a design problem.
It argues that it hides the real problem you have. It must mean your code is accessing properties/fields/methods of an object that is already destroyed (the destructor is called). So instead of hiding the real problem with FreeAndNil you should really be solving the underlying problem.
This code below would not crash if you would use FreeAndNil PropertyA in the destructor of SomeObject. But it hides the real problem that SomeObject is used after it is destroyed. It is better to solve this design problem (accessing destroyed objects) instead of hiding it.
SomeObject.Free; // Destructor called
if Assigned(SomeObject.PropertyA) then // SomeObject is destroyed, but still used
On the other case, one could argue that if FreeAndNil is not used, the code would not crash either. Since even though the object is destroyed, the memory might not be reused and all structures might be in tact. The code above might even run without problems if Free is used to destroy PropertyA instead of FreeAndNil.
And if FreeAndNil was used to destroy SomeObject, you would also see the real problem no matter what the code in the destructor is.
So although I agree with the argument that it could hide the real design flaw and personally do not use FreeAndNil in destructors, it is not some magic bullet to discover such design flaws.
The issue is fairly easy to explain, and the contention around this issue is more subjective than objective. The use of FreeAndNil is simply unnecessary if the variable reference to the object being freed will go out of scope:
procedure Test;
LObj: TObject;
LObj := TObject.Create;
{...Do work...}
//The LObj variable is going out of scope here,
// so don't bother nilling it. No other code can access LObj.
In the above code snippet, nilling the LObj variable would be pointless, for the reason given. However, if an object variable can be instantiated and freed several times during the lifetime of an app, then it becomes necessary to check whether the object is indeed instantiated or not. The easy way to check this is whether the object reference has been set to nil. In order to facilitate that setting to nil, the FreeAndNil() method will both free the resources, and set nil for you. Then, in code you can check to see whether the object is instantiated with either LObj = nil or Assigned(LObj).
The case of whether to use .Free or FreeAndNil() in object destructors is a grey area, but for the most part, .Free should be safe, and nilling the references to sub-objects in the destructor should be unnecessary. There are various arguments around how to deal with exceptions in constructors and destructors.
Now pay attention: if you prefer to pick and choose whether to use .Free or FreeAndNil() depending on the specific circumstances outlined above, that's fine, but note that the cost of a bug due to not nilling a freed object reference that is subsequently accessed can be very high. If the pointer is subsequently accessed (object freed but reference not set to nil), it can happen that you are unlucky and the detection of memory corruption occurs many lines of code away from the access to the freed-but-unnilled object reference. This kind of bug can take a very long time to fix, and yes, I know how to use FastMM.
Therefore for some people, including me, it has become habit (a lazy one, perhaps) to simply nil all object pointers when they're freed, even when the nilling is not strictly necessary.
I tended to use FreeAndNil fairly often (for whatever reason) but not anymore. What made me stop doing this is not related to whether the variable needs to be nil afterwards or not. It is related to code changes, especially type changes of variables.
I got bitten several times after changing the type of a variable from TSomething to an interface type ISomething. FreeAndNil doesn't complain and happily continues doing its job on the interface variable. This sometimes lead to mysterious crashes which could not be immediately followed back to the place where it happened and took some time to find.
So I switched back to calling Free. And when I deem it necessary I set the variable to nil afterwards explicitly.
i hunted down a stackoverflow question talking about FreeAndNil and FreeAndInvalidate to mention that the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle now recommends something similar to FreeAndInvalidate:
In light of the SDL recommendation above – and a number of real bugs related to reuse of stale references to deleted C++ objects...
The obvious choice of sanitization value is NULL. However there are downsides to that: we know that a large number of application crashes are due to NULL pointer dereferences. Choosing NULL as a sanitization value would mean that new crashes introduced by this feature may be less likely to stand out to a developer as needing a proper solution – i.e. proper management of C++ object lifetimes – rather than just a NULL check that suppresses the immediate symptom.
Also checks for NULL are a common code construct meaning that an existing check for NULL combined with using NULL as a sanitization value could fortuitously hide a genuine memory safety issue whose root cause really does needs addressing.
For this reason we have chosen 0x8123 as a sanitization value – from an operating system perspective this is in the same memory page as the zero address (NULL), but an access violation at 0x8123 will better stand out to the developer as needing more detailed attention.
So basically:
procedure FreeAndInvalidate(var obj);
temp : TObject;
INVALID_ADDRESS = $8123; //address on same page as zero address (nil)
//Note: Code is public domain. No attribution required.
temp := TObject(obj);
Pointer(obj) := Pointer(INVALID_ADDRESS);

Delphi 6 OleServer.pas Invoke memory leak

There's a bug in delphi 6 which you can find some reference online for when you import a tlb the order of the parameters in an event invocation is reversed. It is reversed once in the imported header and once in TServerEventDIspatch.Invoke.
you can find more information about it here:
somewhat related to this issue there appears to be a memory leak in TServerEventDispatch.Invoke with a parameter of a Variant of type Var_Array (maybe others, but this is the more obvious one i could see). The invoke code copies the args into a VarArray to be passed to the event handler and then copies the VarArray back to the args after the call, relevant code pasted below:
// Set our array to appropriate length
SetLength(VarArray, ParamCount);
// Copy over data
for I := Low(VarArray) to High(VarArray) do
VarArray[I] := OleVariant(TDispParams(Params).rgvarg^[I]);
// Invoke Server proxy class
if FServer <> nil then FServer.InvokeEvent(DispID, VarArray);
// Copy data back
for I := Low(VarArray) to High(VarArray) do
OleVariant(TDispParams(Params).rgvarg^[I]) := VarArray[I];
// Clean array
SetLength(VarArray, 0);
There are some obvious work-arounds in my case: if i skip the copying back in case of a VarArray parameter it fixes the leak. to not change the functionality i thought i should copy the data in the array instead of the variant back to the params but that can get complicated since it can hold other variants and seems to me that would need to be done recursively.
Since a change in OleServer will have a ripple effect i want to make sure my change here is strictly correct.
can anyone shed some light on exactly why memory is being leaked here? I can't seem to look up the callstack any lower than TServerEventDIspatch.Invoke (why is that?)
I imagine that in the process of copying the Variant holding the VarArray back to the param list it added a reference to the array thus not allowing it to be release as normal but that's just a rough guess and i can't track down the code to back it up.
Maybe someone with a better understanding of all this could shed some light?
Interestingly enough, i think the solution was in the link i provided in the question, but i didn't understand the implication until digging into it a bit more.
A few things to clarify:
When a variant containing an array is assigned from the VarArray back to the Params, a copy is made. This is explained within the delphi help pages.
Assigning over an existing variant will definitely free the memory associated with the previous value of the Variant, so the array contained by the variant prior to the assignment would have been freed on assignment.
VarClear will free the memory associated with the variant and tests show that a VarClear on the variant hold in the Params after the assignment will in fact remove the memory leak.
It appears that the issue has to do with the indiscriminate write back of param values. The particular event i'm dealing with does not have any parameters marked as var, so the COM object is not expecting changes to invocation param to free new memory that's been allocated.
Roughly the COM object allocated an array, invokes the event and then frees it's own memory after the event. The Oleserver however allocates some new memory when it copied the array param back to the param list which the COM object wouldn't even know about since it didn't pass anything by reference and is not expecting changes to its params. There must be some additional marshalling magic there that i'm neglecting, if anyone knows the details i'd definitely be curious.
The TVariantArg's vt field has a flag to indicate whether it is passed by value or reference. As far as i can discern, we should only be copying the value back if the param is marked as being passed by reference.
Furthermore it may be necessary to do more than just assign the variant if this is in fact pass by reference, although that could be taken care of by the marshalling, still not sure about this part.
The solution for now is to change the code to:
if ((TDispParams(Params).rgvarg^[I].vt and VT_BYREF) <> 0) then begin
OleVariant(TDispParams(Params).rgvarg^[I]) := VarArray[I];

Bad reference to an object already freed

Is there a way to be sure we hold a useable reference to an object i.e. being sure it has not been already freed leaving that non nil reference dangling.
If you're using FastMM4 as your Memory Manager, you can check that the class is not TFreeObject.
Or, in a more standard case, use a routine that will verify that your object is what it says it is by checking the class VMT.
There have been such ValidateObj functions hannging around for some time (by Ray Lischner and Hallvard Vassbotn:
Here's another:
function ValidateObj(Obj: TObject): Pointer;
// see { Virtual method table entries } in System.pas
Result := Obj;
if Assigned(Result) then
if Pointer(PPointer(Obj)^) <> Pointer(Pointer(Cardinal(PPointer(Obj)^) + Cardinal(vmtSelfPtr))^) then
// object not valid anymore
Result := nil;
Result := nil;
Update: A bit of caution... The above function will ensure that the result is either nil or a valid non nil Object. It does not guarantee that the Obj is still what you think it is, in case where the Memory Manager has already reallocated that previously freed memory.
No. Unless you use something like reference counting or a garbage collector to make sure no object will be freeed before they have zero references.
Delphi can do reference counting for you if you use interfaces. Of course Delphi for .Net has a gargage collector.
As mentioned you could use the knowledege of Delphi or the memory manager internals to check for valid pointers or objects, but they are not the only ones that can give you pointers. So you can't cover all pointers even with those methods. And there also is a chance that your pointer happens to be valid again, but given to somebody else. So it is not the pointer you are looking for. Your design should not rely on them. Use a tool to detect any reference bugs you make.
Standard, no...
That's why VCL components can register themselves to be notified of the destruction of an object, so that they can remove the reference from there internal list of components or just reset their property.
So if you'd want to make sure you haven't got any invalid references their are two options:
Implement a destruction notification handler which every class can subscribe to.
Fix your code in a way that the references aren't spread around trough different object. You could for instance only provide the access to the reference via a property of another object. And instead of copying the reference to a private field you access the property of the other object.
As others have said, no definitive way, but if you manage the ownership well, then the FreeAndNil routine will ensure that your variable is nil if it doesn't point to anything.
It's usually not a good idea to check a reference is valid anyway. If a reference is not valid, your program will crash at the place where it is using the invalid reference. Otherwise the invalid reference might survive longer and debugging becomes harder.
Here are some references to why it's better to crash on an invalid reference. (They talk about pointers in Win32, but the ideas are still relevant):
IsBadXxxPtr should really be called CrashProgramRandomly
Should I check the parameters to my function?
Unfortunately there is no way to 100% guarantee that a pointer to anything is still valid, except by meticolously writing the correct code.
With the usage of interface references (instead of object references) it is possible to avoid these invalid pointer problems because there is no explicit call to Free in your code anymore.
