Accumulate multiple updates to rrd - time-series

My use case is that there are updates coming from multiple sources and i've to store sum of all updates. One way is that i create separate rrd files for each source and run a cron that stores sum to the aggregate rrd file.
I was wondering if there is a way (using rrdcached perhaps?) that all sources update to this single rrd file and all updates inside same step gets summed together and stored in rrd.
Please let me know if this is possible.

well you could log to a single rrd file using the ABSOLUTE data source type ...


Writing a Parquet file from multiple Python processes using Dask

Is that possible to write the same Parquet folder from different processes in Python?
I use fastparquet.
It seems to work but I m wondering how it is possible for the _metadata file to not have conflicts in case two processes write to it at the same it.
Also to make it works I had to use ignore_divisions=True which is not ideal to get fast performance later when you read the Parquet file right?
Dask consolidates the metadata from the separate processes, so that it only writes the _metadata file once the rest is complete, and this happens in a single thread.
If you were writing separate parquet files to a single folder using your own multiprocessing setup, each would typically write the single data file and no _metadata at all. You could either gather the pieces like Dask does, or consolidate the metadata from the data files after they were ready.

How are Dataflow bundles created after GroupBy/Combine?

read from pubsub -> window of 30s -> group by user -> combine -> write to cloud datastore
I'm seeing DataStoreIO writer errors as objects with similar keys are present in the same transaction.
I want to understand how my pipeline combines results into bundles after a group by/combine operation. I would expect the bundle to be created for every window after the combine. But apparently, a bundle can contain more than 2 occurrences of the same user?
Can re-execution (retries) of bundles cause this behavior?
Is this bundling dependent of the runner?
Is deduplication an option? if so, how would I best approach that?
Note that I'm not looking for a replacement for the datastore writer at the end of the pipeline, I already know that we can use a different strategy. I'm merely trying to understand how the bundling happens.
There are two answers to your question. One is specific to your use case, and the other is in general about bundling / windowing in streaming.
Specific to your pipeline
I am assuming that the 'key' for Datastore is the User ID? In that case, if you have events from the same user in more than one window, your GroupByKey or Combine operations will have one separate element for every pair of user+window.
So the question is: What are you trying to insert into datastore?
An individual user's resulting aggregate over all time? In that case, you'd need to use a Global Window.
A user's resulting aggregate for every 30 seconds in time? Then you need to use the window as part of the key you use to insert to datastore. Does that help / make sense?
Happy to help you design your pipeline to do what you want. Chat with me in the comments or via SO chat.
The larger question about bundling of data
Bundling strategies will vary by runner. In Dataflow, you should consider the following two factors:
Every worker is assigned a key range. Elements for the same key will be processed by the same worker.
Windows belong to single elements; but a bundle may contain elements from multiple windows. As an example, if the data freshness metric makes a big jump*, a number of windows may be triggered - and elements of the same key in different windows would be processed in the same bundle.
*- when can Data freshness jump suddenly? A stream with a single element with a very old timestamp, and that is very slow to process may hold the watermark for a long time. Once this element is processed, the watermark may jump a lot, to the next oldest element (Check out this lecture on watermarks ; )).

Keeping a 'revisionable' copy of Neo4j data in the file system; how?

The idea is to have git or a git-like system (users, revision tracking, branches, forks, etc) store the 'master copy' of objects and relationships.
Since the master copy is on the filesystem, any changes can be checked in, tracked, and backed up. Neo4j could then import the files and serve queries. This also gives freedom since node and connection files can be imported to any other database.
Changes in Neo4j can be written to these files as part of the query
Nodes and connections can be added by other means (like copying from a seed dataset)
Nodes and connections are rarely created/updated/deleted by users
Most of the usage is where Neo4j shines: querying
Due to these two, the performance penalty on importing can be safely ignored
What's the best way to set this up?
If this isn't wise; how come?
It's possible to do that, but it will be lot of work which would not have a real value. IMHO.
With unmanaged extension for Transaction Event API you are able to store information about each transaction onto disk in your common file format.
Here is the some information about Transaction Event API -
Could you please tell us more about the use case and how would design that system?
In general nothing keeps you from just keeping neo4j database files around (zipped).
Otherwise I would probably use a format which can be quickly exported / imported and diffed too.
So very probably csv files with node-file per label ordered by a sensible key
And then relationship-files between pairs of nodes, with neo4j-import you can recover that data quickly into a graph again.
If you want to write changes to the files you have to make sure they are replayable (appends + updates + deletes) , i.e. you have to chose a format which is more or less a transaction-log (which Neo4j already has).
If you want to do it yourself the TransactionHandler is what you want to look at. Alternatively you could dump the full database to a snapshot at times you request.
There are plans to add point-in-time recovery on the existing tx-logs, which I think would also address your question.

Move file after Pipeline has run

Is it possible to move a file in GCS after the dataflow pipeline has finished running? If so, how? Should be the last .apply? I can't imagine that being the case.
The case here is that we are importing a lot of .csv's from a client. We need to keep those CSV's indefinitely, so we either need to "mark the CSV as being already handled", or alternatively, move them out of the initial folder that TextIO uses to find the csv's. The only thing I can currently think of is storing the file name (I'm not sure how I'd get this even, I'm a DF newbie) in BigQuery perhaps, and then excluding files that have already been stored from the execution pipeline somehow? But there has to be a better approach.
Is this possible? What should I check out?
Thanks for any help!
You can try using BlockingDataflowPipelineRunner and run arbitrary logic in your main program after (it will wait for the pipeline to finish).
See Specifying Execution Parameters, specifically the section "Blocking execution".
However, in general, it seems that you really want a continuously running pipeline that watches the directory with CSV files and imports new files as they appear, never importing the same file twice. This would be a great case for a streaming pipeline: you could write a custom UnboundedSource (see also Custom Sources and Sinks) that would watch a directory and return filenames in it (i.e. the T would probably be String or GcsPath):
p.apply(Read.from(new DirectoryWatcherSource(directory)))
.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadCSVFileByName()))
.apply(the rest of your pipeline)
where DirectoryWatcherSource is your UnboundedSource, and ReadCSVFileByName is also a transform you'll need to write that takes a file path and reads it as a CSV file, returning the records in it (unfortunately right now you cannot use transforms like TextIO.Read in the middle of a pipeline, only at the beginning - we're working on fixing this).
It may be somewhat tricky, and as I said we have some features in the works to make it a lot simpler and we're considering creating a built-in source like that, but it's possible that for now this would still be easier than "pinball jobs". Please give it a try and let us know at if anything is unclear!
Meanwhile, you can also store information about which files you have or haven't processed in Cloud Bigtable - it'd be a better fit for that than BigQuery, because it's more suited for random writes and lookups, while BigQuery is more suited for large bulk writes and queries over the full dataset.

How efficient iOS file system in dealing with large number of files in single folder

If I have large number of files (n x 100K individual files) what would be most efficient way to store them in iOS file system (from speed of access to the file by path point of view)? Should I dump them all in single folder or break them in multilevel folder hierarchy.
Basically this breaks in three questions:
does file access time depend on number of "sibling" files (I think
answer is yes. If I am correct file names are organized into b-tree
so it should be O(log n))?
how expensive is traversing from one folder to another along the
path (is it something like m * O( log nm ) - where m is number of
components in the path and nm is number of "siblings" at each path
component )?
What gets cached at file system level to make above assumptions incorrect?
It would be great if some one had direct experience with this kind of problem and can share some real life results.
You comments will be highly appreciated
This seems like it might provide relevant, hard data:
File System vs Core Data: the image cache test
File system cache is, as expected, faster. Core Data falls shortly behind when storing (marginally slower) but load times are way higher when performing single random accesses.
For such a simple case Core Data functionality really doesn't pay up, so stick to the file system version.
I think you should store everything is a one folder and create a hash table which include key (file name) and value (source path) pare.By creating hash table complexity with be constant log(1) and this will speed up your process as well.
The file system is not an optimal database. With that many thousands of files, you should consider using Core Data, or other database instead to store the name and contents of each file.
