MVC3 RouteUrl inside a ViewModel -

I need to create a route URL based on parameters as a part of a JSON return values.
What is the equivalent of Url.RouteUrl but to be used inside the controller code,
So I can return a string in my Json result that contains the routeurl .
I need this done outside of the controller class, in a separate class, can this be done at all?

You can still use Url.RouteUrl, but in a slightly different way.
Place a using System.Web.Mvc; at the top of your class (of course, you might need to Add Reference to System.Web.Mvc).
Then get the Url object by:
UrlHelper Url = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
and access as usual: Url.RouteUrl.


Render views without any controller in Play

I am building an application using Play for Model and Controller, but using backbone.js, and client side templating. Now, I want the html templates to be served by Play without any backing controller. I know I could put my templates in the public directory, but I would like to use Play's templating engine for putting in the strings in my template from the message file. I do not need any other data, and hence dont want the pain of creating a dummy controller for each template. Can I do this with Play?
You could create a single controller and pass in the template name as a parameter, but I am not sure if it is a good idea.
public static void controller(String templateName) {
// add whatever logic is needed here
Then point all your routes to that controller method. Forget about reverse routing, though.
I think I would still rather have a separate controller method for each template. Remember that you can use the #Before annotation (see Play Framework documentation) to have the message string handling in exactly one place, that is executed before each controller method. By using the #With annotation you can even have this logic in a separate class.
You can use template engine from any place in your code:
String result = TemplateLoader.load("Folder/template.html").render(data);

Pass relative URL ASP.NET MVC3

I'm trying to pass a list of URL's with Id attributes from a controller to a view.
I can pass a <a href=...> link back but I don't think writing a 'localhost' absolute path is a clean way of approaching this. I cant pass an ActionLink back as it returns the full string. Is ther a simple solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
Using this overload of the UrlHelper.Action() method and Request object you can get a complete URL including the route parameters such as IDs and the actual hostname of the application.
string url = Url.Action("action", "controller",
new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(new { id = id }),
"http", Request.Url.Host);
UrlHelper is available in the controller via its Url property.
You can then pass such URL into your view.
It is also possible to use UrlHelper directly inside your view to create URLs for controller actions. Depends if you really need to create them inside the controller.
Edit in response to comments:
Wherever you need to place the URLs, this "URL builder" you are looking for is still the UrlHelper. You just need to pass it (or the generated URLs) where you need it, being it inside the controller, view or custom helper.
To get the links inside the unsorted list HTML structure you mention, you need to put anchors inside the list items like this:
Then again you just need to get the URLs from somewhere and that would be from UrlHelper.
Simple and easy.
the route id = the parameter that is going to be inserted into your method.
function Details(int id) {
//id has the value of my_var_id

ASP.NET MVC Get Route values from a URL

I want to work out what the route values for the UrlReferrer in the controller action would be.
I can't figure out at what part in the MVC pipeline the incoming URL is converted into RouteValues, what I'm trying to achieve is close to that.
You need call RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData with a mocked HttpContextBase which returns your URL in its Request.
The routes are matched internally using the request's AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.
However, this functionality is not exposed, so you need to pass an HttpContextBase.
You need to create an HttpContextBase class which returns an HttpRequestBase instance in its request property.
The HttpRequestBase class needs to return your path, beginning with ~/, in its AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath property.
You don't need to implement any other properties, unless they're used by IRouteConstraints.
Someone already wrote this: Creating a RouteData instance from a URL

How do I access a variable value assigned to an HTML.Hidden variable in a MVC Controller Action Method

I am writing my first ASP.Net webpage and using MVC.
I have a string that I am building in a partial view with a grid control (DevExpress MVCxGridView). In my partial view I am using a HTML.Hidden helper as shown below.
' Create a hidden variable to pass back a comma-delimited string
Response.Write(Html.Hidden( "exclusionList", Model.ExclusionList))
The value of of this hidden element is assigned in client side javaScript:
exclusionListElement = document.getElementById("exclusionList");
// ...
exclusionString = getExclusionString();
exclusionListElement.value = exclusionString;
This seems to work without problem.
In my controller action method:
<AcceptVerbs( HttpVerbs.Post )> _
Public Function MyPartialCallback(updatedItemList As myModel) As ActionResult
Dim myData As myModel = GetMyModel()
Return PartialView( "MyPartial", myModel.myList )
End Function
The updatedItemList parameter is always nothing and exclusion list exists no where in the Request.Forms.
My questions are:
What is the correct way to use Html.Hidden so that I can access data in a MVC Controller Action method.
Is adding "cargo" variables to Request.Form the best and only way to send data back to a server side MVC Controller Action method? It just seems like twine and duct-tape approach. Is there a more structured approach?
If you need to get the exclusionList variable back, you just need to add a property to your view model that matches that name exactly. Make sure it is of the correct type (string it looks like in this case) and then it should auto populate that property in the view model for you.
And yes, there is no need for the Response.Write call. Instead just use the Html.HiddenFor(...) helper in your view.
Look at the generated HTML. Note down the name attribute of the hidden field. Use this name as action parameter name:
Public Function MyPartialCallback(exclusionList As string)

ASP.NET MVC class that represents a controller+action set?

Is there a class in the ASP.NET MVC framework that represents a controller name and an action name?
I'm writing a method that will return a collection of URLs and I want them to be returned as objects that contain a 'Controller' and 'Action' property or something similar.
This is because sometimes I'll need to isolate just the controller name or just the action name.
There's the Route object, but it seems way too heavyweight for what I'm trying to do.
Is there a simpler abstraction in ASP.NET MVC?
There is a Controller Base class not a name though, an action name is simply an string which the ActionInvoker will use to find the correct action via reflection.
I think you'll have to use the Route Values Dictionary of key/value pairs to represent the route.
RouteValueDictionary myValues = new RouteValueDictionary();
myValues.Add("Controller", "myController");
You could use a normal dictionary and then convert it in code to a RouteValueDictionary if you don't want/can't have to have access to the Routing namespace.
In this approach you can then using the keys of the either a standard dictionary or the routeValue Dictionary to do the isolation of the controller or action.
String ControlString = myValues["Controller"]
Then do what you want with it. Maybe use constants for the keys you wish to access.
