Ean13, 5 - digit add-on, where can i find instruction how to generate addon? - delphi

I cannot find the information in the internet, how to draw 5 digit add-on.
I have already had ean 13 algorithm, but cannot find add-on?
Has anyone of you come across it somewhere?

There is a rather old barcode library from Andreas Schmidt called Barcode Component. It can be found at Torry's (direct download). It comes with source and can generate the 5-digit addon (and many more).
To actually make it compile you have to fix 2 Unicode-related issues, but then it works. The barcode type you have to look for in Barcode.pas is bcCodeUPC_Supp5 - that's the addon (or supplement).
So this is one source you can pull knowledge from. Kudos if you understand the source, though ;)


DelphiXE7: Where''s the WinAPI help topics?

Hello I just finally buy the newest Delphi after many years using older version or free pascal. Everything seem to work as expected except when I look the help I can't find winapi or opengl topics like i could in old version.
Do I need to install something special so I can press f1 over for example "messagebox" or "sleep" or "glcolor" or whatever because I install delphi xe7 3 times now but there is only "Install Help" option during install and no other help option I can see.
A while ago I had tried to fix this annoying change from how it was to limited success. What I had done was:
- install the documentation part of "Windows 7 SDK with .net 3.5" (won't work with any later SDK installs since they changed help format)
- install a program from helpware called FAR
- in program FAR, choose H2 UTILS, then select "embarcadero.rs_xe7", then click register
- go to plugins and add WIN7SDKCOM
That was it, with that done both the table of contents and index of delphi help contained the whole windows 7 documentation. HOWEVER! There was a problem, and it was that many (most?) winapi F1 context sensitive help didn't work, it still took me to the standard delphi help page that said to go to MSDN even though if i went to the index i would immediately find the topic.
So, imperfect answer that I'm relaying from memory since I reinstalled that computer and didn't add the win7sdk this time. Hopefully it helps, I know I was happy to have easier offline access to the documentation. Maybe someone can figure out the extra step to make F1 help also work completely.

First steps to reconstruct the architecture in a Delphi 7 project

I am working with an undocumented, 100.000 lines Delphi 7 project and one of my goals is to create a software architecture document from the source code.
Can you give me any ideas on how to approach this?
These tools work with Delphi 7 and are of great help:
the UML tool ModelMaker
the refacotoring tool ModelMaker Code Explorer
the documentation tool Documentation Insight (as of august 2012)
UML diagrams are a great way to get an overview of structure. How well that overview is, depends on how well the structure is.
For taking over projects like these, I start with some basic documentation (often in MarkDown format, as that text based format is version control friendly, and generates nice HTML).
To get that going, it helps if the original developers or/and some base documentation are still there.
Then just start to:
fix bugs / apply feature requests
use ModelMaker to get a feel for overall structure
use ModelMaker Code Explorer as a refactoring tool
use Documentation Insight to document inside the source code (you can generate help files and web pages with the pro version, see feature matrix)
update my Markdown documents with any information that does not fit in the source code documentation well
Note you can put some documentation in using Model Maker Code Explorer, but it can not be exported as help files, since it uses a different documentation format than Documentation Insight.
So I agree with the comment by Jan Doggen (thanks Jan!): just start. Make sure you have the right tools to help that going.
Try running the source code through a newer Delphi version that supports UML modeling, then let it show you how different sections of code related to each other.
Understand will do the job. Free download includes 15 days evaluation which will be more then enough for what you need to document.

Is there documentation for turbopower's OnGuard anywhere?

Er...is there documentation for turbopower's OnGuard anywhere?
Finally got the source code to turn itself into components on the pallete (D2009) and can run the examples but I don't know what most of the components do or which I need.
There used to be documentation when it was a commercial product. Does it still exist?
Ah, I'd been looking for two days and eventually found the documentation five minutes after posting this message. To save anyone else the trouble they are here
The documentation is still available on SourceForge, along with the source code.
Update: Most of the TurboPower components are being maintained as part of TurboPack, a collection of open source tools being kept up to date by Roman Kassebaum. The most recent versions of the source code and documentation for OnGuard are on GitHub.
For two examples on how to use the OnGuard library look at this question.
The two approaches there are roughly equivalent, Runner's answer creates the OnGuard components at runtime, while my answer uses the procedural OnGuard API and has slightly less overhead as a result.
There is a third approach of dropping the components on a form directly rather than creating them at runtime. There's nothing particularly wrong with doing this, I've just found it unnecessary and not really saving anything more than a line or two of code.

How to print Smalltalk code from Pharo/Squeak?

What is the best way to print - syntax colored and well formatted - code from Pharo/Squeak on paper?
1) Is there a way to print directly from within Pharo/Squeak? (i use it on macosx)
2) Is there a way to export syntax colored, well formatted code from Pharo/Squak?
3) Are there external tools to color and format a filed out piece of code?
For the appendix in my master thesis I used the Pier CMS-to-LaTeX converter in the Pier-Documentation package. However, this plugin only takes class comments and method comments into consideration, it does not print the source code. Pier also provides a package ShoutPier for syntax highlighting of Smalltalk code, so I guess it would require little work to bring the two together. You can find the mentioned extension packages in http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pieraddons.html.
Pharo browsers seem to use syntax highlighting.
What difficulty are you having reading Smalltalk code using the browsers and senders/implementors ?
Edit: Would something that produces UML give the overview you're looking for? The Dandelion website only shows downloads for old Squeak versions - I don't know if they would work with Pharo.
And perhaps this GSoC project "Generate UML diagrams from Smalltalk code for Pharo" suggests not.
Here's how I did it on my Mac, I think this should work on other platforms too.
Save your categories to a Monticello local folder on your disk -- see the Pharo manual on how to do this: http://book.pharo-project.org/book/PharoTools/Monticello/?_s=hdGOLc_FXsvVY1iR&_k=YYH-Ln8f5mtWZ8z2&_n&148
Browse to this folder, and unzip the .mcz file
You'll see all your code in snapshot/source.st file
You'll need to edit this a bit, to remove the ! characters for e.g., there might be a tool to do this?
There is webdoc project, which allows you navigating code in web browser:
(and of course you can print code from your favorite web browser)..
1) Install shout from www.squeaksource.com
2) I don't know. May be you can customize shout.
3) In gnu-smalltalk you have a smalltalk mode for emacs. But I am not pretty sure to understand what you are looking for.

Source code search with Google Desktop

Is there a indexing plugin for GDS that allows for source code search? I see some for specific types (Java, C++, ...) and one for "any text". These are nice, but I would like one that allows for many/configurable extensions (HTML, CSS, JS, VB, C#, Java, Python, ...). A huge bonus would be to allow for syntax highlighting (http://pygments.org/) in the cache.
I just found Dropout and it seems to work great. Put Dropout in any folder and it will index all files in that folder. I put it in my Projects folder and it crawled all my code. Very fast and flexible search. Dropout
You could use OpenGrok or some other code-specific search engine instead.
I wrote a quick review of some of them some time ago.
It has been a long time, but the last time I tried to use Google Desktop Search for searching code, I found it quite inappropriate for that task, as I outlined at [http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=490310], the gist of which is that GDS (silently) only indexed a tiny fraction of many source code files (and made it quite a challenge to figure out why searching so often failed to find so much of what was in source code files).
I found Copernic Desktop Search worked better on code files (but I also had trouble with later versions of it being buggy in not finding all matches so I've been staying with version 2.1.1). But these days I don't use it much (mostly because I don't have permission to install such things on the laptop provided by my new employer).
You can try out Larry's Any Text File Indexer. You can specify a list of extensions at install time and it will do full text search on those file types.
Im just giving this a go:
..also you can search for things in your Java tree using the following syntax in Google Desktop:
<YOUR SEARCH> filetype:java under:"C:\hft\trunk"
..where I keep my code in "C:\hft\trunk"
This is not a Google Desktop plugin, but works for what we need.
We have started using http://svnquery.tigris.org/ and it seems to work and is very fast. I wish it supported multiple repositories per site. We have a repository per project, so currently I have to create a virtual directory for each project we have. Not a show stopper, just something we need to automate in our project setup script.
