ExecuteSqlCommand with output parameter - asp.net-mvc

I'm using Entity Framework in an ASP.NET MVC3 application and I'm trying to use the following code:
var token = "";
this.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec dbo.MyUsp", new SqlParameter("token", token));
My stored proc signature is:
CREATE PROCEDURE MyUSP(#token varchar(10) OUT)
When I use this code I get an error saying that parameter "#token" was expected but not supplied.
How do I tell EF that the token parameter is for output?

I ended up using this to get it working, but I'm sure there's a more optimal way:
var p = new SqlParameter
ParameterName = "token",
DbType = System.Data.DbType.String,
Size = 100,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
var resp = this.Database.SqlQuery<String>("exec dbo.usp_GetRequestToken #token", p);
return resp.First();

var outParam = new SqlParameter();
outParam.ParameterName = "OutPutParametname";
outParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit;//DataType Of OutPut Parameter
outParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC ProcedureName #Param1,#Param2 OUTPUT", new SqlParameter("Param1", value), outParam);
object outParamValue = Convert.ToBoolean(outParam.Value);

You need to indicate the direction in the parameter. For example, try something like this:
var p = new SqlParameter("token", token);
p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
this.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec dbo.MyUsp", p);

I solved this issue with following SQL and Entity Framework code
SP :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveSingleColumnValueFromGrid]
#TableName VARCHAR(200),
#ColumnName VARCHAR (200),
#CompareField VARCHAR(200),
#CompareValue VARCHAR(200),
#NewValue VARCHAR(200),
DECLARE #SqlString NVARCHAR(2000),
#id INTEGER = 0;
IF #CompareValue = ''
SET #SqlString = 'INSERT INTO ' + #TableName + ' ( ' + #ColumnName + ' ) VALUES ( ''' + #NewValue + ''' ) ; SELECT #id = SCOPE_IDENTITY()';
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SqlString, N'#id INTEGER OUTPUT', #id OUTPUT
SET #SqlString = 'UPDATE ' + #TableName + ' SET ' + #ColumnName + ' = ''' + #NewValue + ''' WHERE ' + #CompareField + ' = ''' + #CompareValue + '''';
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SqlString
set #id = ##ROWCOUNT
SELECT #Result = #id
Entity Framework Code :
public FieldUpdateResult SaveSingleColumnValueFromGrid(string tableName, string tableSetFieldName, string updatedValue, string tableCompareFieldName, string uniqueFieldValue)
var fieldUpdateResult = new FieldUpdateResult() ;
var isNewRecord = false;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueFieldValue))
uniqueFieldValue = string.Empty;
isNewRecord = true;
using (var dbContext = new DBEntities())
var resultParameter = new SqlParameter("#Result", SqlDbType.Int)
Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
var recordsAffected = dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SaveSingleColumnValueFromGrid #TableName,#ColumnName,#CompareField,#CompareValue,#NewValue,#Result out",
new SqlParameter("#TableName", tableName),
new SqlParameter("#ColumnName", tableSetFieldName),
new SqlParameter("#CompareField", tableCompareFieldName),
new SqlParameter("#CompareValue", uniqueFieldValue),
new SqlParameter("#NewValue", updatedValue),
fieldUpdateResult.Success = recordsAffected > 0;
if (isNewRecord)
fieldUpdateResult.NewId = (int)resultParameter.Value;
fieldUpdateResult.AffectedRows = (int)resultParameter.Value;
return fieldUpdateResult;

var db = new DBContext();
var outParam = new SqlParameter
ParameterName = "#Param",
DbType = System.Data.DbType.String,
Size = 20,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
var r = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC MyStoredProd #Param OUT",outParam );
The main part i see everyone is missing, is the OUT keyword needed after #Param.

Below is what I do for Oracle using the DevArt driver. I have a package.proc called P_SID.SID_PGet that returns a single string value. The proc is:
PROCEDURE SID_PGet(io_SID OUT varchar2) is
io_SID:=GetSID; -- GetSID just goes off and gets the actual value
Below is how I call it and retrieve the SID value (I'm using this with EF 4.1 code first and this method is in the DbContext):
/// <summary>
/// Get the next SID value from the database
/// </summary>
/// <returns>String in X12345 format</returns>
public string GetNextSId()
var parameter = new Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleParameter("io_SID", Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Output);
this.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("BEGIN P_SID.SID_PGet(:io_SID); END;", parameter);
var sid = parameter.Value as string;
return sid;


Optimized approach for Snowfake table search for string/list of strings from Java API

I need to search for string or list of strings Snowflake table using Java API and fetch all the matching rows and display in Angular UI. I am using dynamic SQL (like operator) to generate the query using information schema. I have created this stored procedure and its working. Do we have any better approach or any architectural patterns for this particular usecase.
Based on the search option (starts/ends with) decide the start and end character to be used with Like operator
Get all the varchar,char columns from the table by joining with information schema.
Build dynamic sql with these columns.
Build the json array based on the query result.
AS '
var searchStart = "";
var searchEnd = "";
if (SEARCH_OPTION == "Starts with")
searchEnd = "%";
else if (SEARCH_OPTION == "Ends with")
searchStart = "%";
else if (SEARCH_OPTION == "Contains")
searchStart = "%";
searchEnd = "%";
// Dynamically compose the SQL statement to execute.
var sqlCommand = "select c.column_name from information_schema.COLUMNS c JOIN information_schema.TABLES T ON T.table_name = c.table_name AND T.table_schema = c.table_schema WHERE T.table_schema = ''";
sqlCommand+= SCHEMA_NAME;
sqlCommand+= "'' AND T.table_name= ''";
sqlCommand+= TABLE_NAME;
sqlCommand+= "'' AND c.data_type NOT IN (''TIMESTAMP_TZ'',''BOOLEAN'',''NUMBER'') ORDER BY ordinal_position";
// Prepare statement.
var stmt = snowflake.createStatement({ sqlText: sqlCommand });
// Execute Statement
var rs = stmt.execute();
var columnArray = [];
var columnName = "";
while (rs.next())
columnName = rs.getColumnValue(''COLUMN_NAME'');
var queryPrefix = "SELECT ''dummy''"
for(var i=0; i< columnArray.length; i++)
queryPrefix += "," + columnArray[i];
queryPrefix+= " FROM " + SCHEMA_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME;
var query = "";
for(var j=0; j< KEYWORDS.length; j++)
query += queryPrefix;
query += " WHERE (1=0";
for(var i=0; i< columnArray.length; i++)
query += " OR "+ columnArray[i] + " LIKE ''" + searchStart + KEYWORDS[j] + searchEnd + "''";
query += ")";
if(j < KEYWORDS.length - 1)
query += " UNION ";
// Prepare statement.
stmt = snowflake.createStatement({ sqlText: query });
// Execute Statement
rs = stmt.execute();
var resultArray = [];
var row_as_json = {};
while (rs.next())
// Put each row in a variable of type JSON.
row_as_json = {};
// For each column in the row...
for (var i=0; i< columnArray.length; i++)
row_as_json[columnArray[i]] = rs.getColumnValue(columnArray[i]);
// Add the row to the array of rows.
return resultArray;

Why Document DB procedure returns only 100 docs on querydocument?

I have below procedure in Document DB. It executes fine from DocumentDb script explorer but the result it returns is partial. I have more than 250 documents satisfying its given where clause which I checked in query explorer. But when I run procedure from script explorer count(defined in procedure) is always 100.
Below is my procedure -
function getInvoice(pageNo, numberOfRecords, member, searchText, customerGroupId,ResellerId) {
var collectionReseller = getContext().getCollection();
var filterquery ;
var count=0, invoiceAmountTotal=0, referalCommissionTotal=0, developerCommissionTotal=0;
var customerIdString='';
var InvoiceList = [];
var whereClause;
if (customerGroupId != "") {
filterquery = 'SELECT c.id from c where c.Type="Customer" and c.CustomerGroupID="' + customerGroupId + '"';
var isAccepted = collectionReseller.queryDocuments(
collectionReseller.getSelfLink(), filterquery,
function (err, documents, responseOptions) {
var docCount = documents.length;
documents.forEach(function (doc) {
if (docCount > 0)
customerIdString = customerIdString + '"' + doc.id + '", '
customerIdString = customerIdString + '"' + doc.id + '" '
whereClause = 'where r.Type="Invoice" and r.CustomerID IN (' + customerIdString + ')'
var filterquery1 = 'SELECT * FROM root r ';
if (member.length > 0) {
member.forEach(function (val, i) {
whereClause = whereClause + ' and contains(r.' + member[i] + ',"' + searchText[i] + '")';
isAccepted = collectionReseller.queryDocuments(
collectionReseller.getSelfLink(), filterquery1 + whereClause,
function (err, invoiceDoc) {
var qr = filterquery1 + whereClause;
count = invoiceDoc.length;
invoiceDoc.forEach(function (doc) {
invoiceAmountTotal = parseFloat(invoiceAmountTotal) + parseFloat(doc.InvoiceAmount);
referalCommissionTotal = parseFloat(referalCommissionTotal) + parseFloat(doc.ReferralCommission);
developerCommissionTotal= parseFloat(developerCommissionTotal) + parseFloat(doc.DeveloperCommission);
InvoiceList = InvoiceList.slice(pageNo * numberOfRecords, pageNo * numberOfRecords + numberOfRecords);
// Check the feed and if empty, set the body to 'no docs found',
// else take 1st element from feed
getContext().getResponse().setBody(JSON.stringify({ InvoiceList, count, invoiceAmountTotal, referalCommissionTotal, developerCommissionTotal }));
whereClause = ' where r.Type = "Invoice" and r.ResellerID = "'+ ResellerId + '"';
filterquery = 'SELECT * FROM root r ';
if(member.length > 0) {
member.forEach(function (val, i) {
whereClause = whereClause + ' and contains(r.' + member[i] + ',"' + searchText[i] + '")';
filterquery = filterquery + whereClause;
var isAccepted = collectionReseller.queryDocuments(
collectionReseller.getSelfLink(), filterquery,
function (err, documents, responseOptions) {
if (err) throw err;
invoiceDoc = documents;
count =invoiceDoc.length;
invoiceDoc.forEach(function (doc) {
invoiceAmountTotal = parseFloat(invoiceAmountTotal) + parseFloat(doc.InvoiceAmount);
referalCommissionTotal = parseFloat(referalCommissionTotal) + parseFloat(doc.ReferralCommission);
developerCommissionTotal= parseFloat(developerCommissionTotal) + parseFloat(doc.DeveloperCommission);
InvoiceList = InvoiceList.slice(pageNo * numberOfRecords, pageNo * numberOfRecords + numberOfRecords);
// Check the feed and if empty, set the body to 'no docs found',
// else take 1st element from feed
getContext().getResponse().setBody(JSON.stringify({ InvoiceList, count, invoiceAmountTotal, referalCommissionTotal, developerCommissionTotal }));
function SortByID(a, b) {
var aName = a.UpdatedOn.toLowerCase();
var bName = b.UpdatedOn.toLowerCase();
return ((aName < bName) ? -1 : ((aName > bName) ? 1 : 0));
if (!isAccepted) throw new Error('The query was not accepted by the server.');
Any help will be highly appreciated..
If you want to get all 250 back in one shot, you need to populate the options parameter for queryDocuments() with a pageSize field. It's an optional third parameter for that function call. Without it, this server-side API will default to 100.
You can also set pageSize to -1 to get you all documents. However, for server-side stored procedures, I recommend against this. Rather, you need to handle paging using the continuation token. If you want it to be really robust you also need to deal with premature shutdown of the stored procedure.

Open infowindow with sidebar on Google Fusion Table

For the life of me, I can't get this map to open infowindows on the sidebar link clicks: http://web.redding.com/static/redd/asphalt/prod/xmas-lights-2014-complex.html
Here's the fusion table: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1WrvKdTypAmZozAIVeOw4vBX2g1hPInyVyuqn8GUM
Which looks like this (CSV):
"1101 Twin View Boulevard, Redding CA",Redding's finest media organization with decades of experience & class.,http://mediaassets.redding.com/photo/2014/03/15/youthcamp17b-01_3471502_ver1.0.jpg,,The Record Searchlight
"1500 Court Street, Redding CA",Shasta Courthouse,,,
"777 Cypress Avenue, Redding CA",City Hall,,,
All I want to do is be able to click on the links in the sidebar and have the associated infowindow open on the map.
I'm new to javascript so I wouldn't be surprised if there's something obvious I'm overlooking.
Code from the linked page:
function createSidebar() {
//set the query using the parameter
var query = new google.visualization.Query(queryText);
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
var query = new google.visualization.Query('http://www.google.com/fusiontables/gvizdata?tq=' + queryText);
//set the callback function
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,5);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,7);
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
// Set up and create the infowindow
if (!infoWindow) infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({});
var content = '<div class="FT_infowindow">' + name;
if (Description) content += '<br>'+Description;
if (Location) content += '<br>'+Location;
if (Photo) content += '<br>'+Photo;
if (extraContent) content += "<br>["+extraContent+"]";
content += '<br>'+'zoom in';
content += '</div>';
content: content,
pixelOffset: null,
position: position
// Infowindow-opening event handler
var FTresponse = null;
//define callback function, this is called when the results are returned
function getData(response) {
if (!response) {
alert('no response');
if (response.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + response.getMessage() + ' ' + response.getDetailedMessage());
FTresponse = response;
//for more information on the response object, see the documentation
numRows = response.getDataTable().getNumberOfRows();
numCols = response.getDataTable().getNumberOfColumns();
//concatenate the results into a string, you can build a table here
fusiontabledata = "<table><tr>";
fusiontabledata += "<th>" + response.getDataTable().getColumnLabel(1) + "</th>";
fusiontabledata += "</tr><tr>";
for(i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
fusiontabledata += "<td><a href='javascript:myFTclick("+i+")'>"+response.getDataTable().getValue(i, 1) + "</a></td>";
fusiontabledata += "</tr><tr>";
fusiontabledata += "</table>"
//display the results on the page
document.getElementById('sidebar').innerHTML = fusiontabledata;
You have a javascript error in your code, look at the javascript console: Uncaught Error: Invalid column index 2. Should be an integer in the range [0-1].
Your query only includes two columns from the table:
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
Which means you can't get any columns beyond 0 and 1, so this will not work:
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,5);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,7);
You need to include those in your query:
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description','Location','Photo','Winner' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
Then access them in that order:
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,3);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,4);

No result with Cypher after batchinserting with indexing

I'm very new to neo4j. I've read this question (Cypher Query not finding Node) but it does not work. I'm getting the error, the the auto_node_index was not found. Perhaps it is because I'm using the BatchInserter?
For my experiment, I'm using neo4j 1.8.2 and the programming language Java with the embedded database.
I want to put some data to the database using the BatchInserter and the BatchInserterIndex like explained on http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/milestone/batchinsert.html.
BatchInserter myInserter = BatchInserters.inserter(DB_PATH);
BatchInserterIndexProvider indexProvider =
new LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider( myInserter );
BatchInserterIndex persons =
indexProvider.nodeIndex( "persons", MapUtil.stringMap( "type", "exact" ) );
persons.setCacheCapacity( "name", 10000 );
First I read the data from a TGF-file, create the nodes and put it to the inserter like this:
properties = MapUtil.map("name", actualNodeName, "birthday", birthdayValue);
long node = myInserter.createNode(properties);
The insert works fine, but when I want to search a node with Cypher, the result is empty
ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine( db );
String query =
"start n=node:persons(name='nameToSearch') "
+ " match n-[:KNOWS]->m "
+ " return n.id, m ";
ExecutionResult result = engine.execute( query );
On the other side, when I'm using the Traverser-class and start the search on the rootnode, I receive the nodes wich are connetced by the node with the name "nameToSearch".
Can anybody explain me, why I can't get the nodes with Cypher!
here is the complete method for the batch insert:
public long batchImport() throws IOException{
String actualLine;
ArrayList<Long> nodes = new ArrayList<Long>();
Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String,Object>();
//delete all nodes and edges in the database
FileUtils.deleteRecursively(new File(DB_PATH ));
BatchInserter myInserter = BatchInserters.inserter(DB_PATH);
BatchInserterIndexProvider indexProvider =
new LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider( myInserter );
BatchInserterIndex persons =
indexProvider.nodeIndex( "persons", MapUtil.stringMap( "type", "exact" ) );
persons.setCacheCapacity( "name", 10000 );
long execTime = 0;
//Get the file which contains the graph informations
FileReader inputFile = new FileReader(UtilFunctions.searchFile(new File(PATH_OUTPUT_MERGED_FILES), "nodesAndEdges").get(0));
LineNumberReader inputLine = new LineNumberReader(inputFile);
// Read nodes up to symbol #
execTime = System.nanoTime();
while ((actualLine=inputLine.readLine()).charAt(0) != '#'){
StringTokenizer myTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(actualLine);
// Read node number
String actualNodeNumber = myTokenizer.nextToken();
// Read node name
String actualNodeName = myTokenizer.nextToken() + " " + myTokenizer.nextToken();
//Read property
String actualNodePropertyKey = BIRTHDAY_KEY;
String actualNodePropertyValue = myTokenizer.nextToken();
actualNodePropertyValue = actualNodePropertyValue.substring(1, actualNodePropertyValue.length()-1);
// Insert node information
properties = MapUtil.map("name", actualNodeName, "birthday", actualNodePropertyValue, "id", actualNodeNumber);
long node = myInserter.createNode(properties);
// Read edges up to end of file
int countEdges = 0;
while ((actualLine=inputLine.readLine()) != null){
StringTokenizer myTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(actualLine);
// Read start node number
String actualStartNodeNumber = myTokenizer.nextToken();
// Read destination node number
String actualDestinationNodeNumber = myTokenizer.nextToken();
// Read relationship type
String actualRelType = myTokenizer.nextToken();
// Insert node information into ArrayList
int positionStartNode = Integer.parseInt(actualStartNodeNumber);
int positionDestinationNode = Integer.parseInt(actualDestinationNodeNumber);
if (countEdges == 0) {
myInserter.createRelationship(0, nodes.get(positionStartNode-1), RelType.ROOT, properties);
myInserter.createRelationship(nodes.get(positionStartNode-1), nodes.get(positionDestinationNode-1), RelType.KNOWS, properties);
myInserter.(nodes.get(positionStartNode-1), nodes.get(positionDestinationNode-1), RelType.KNOWS, properties);
execTime = System.nanoTime() - execTime;
// Close input file
catch (Throwable e){
return execTime;
Your lacks a call to profiles.add(node, <indexProperties>). Therefore you're never adding anything to the index.
It is crucial that the code using Batchinserter API calls shutdown() on both the BatchInserterIndexProvider and BatchInserter. Maybe you've missed this in your code.
If this does not solve the problem, please post your code.

JQL performance - natural sort for custom text field

I am struggling with a JQL query.
We have a custom field called 'Build Reported' which is a text field. It has values like '4.7.323H', '5.1.123L', '3.1.456E', etc.
I need to write a simple query that will give me all issues reported after the user-specified version.
JQL function prototype: searchIssues('Build Integrated', '>', '4.7.323B')
To do this, I am firing a JQL Query that gives me the Build Reported for all the issues, I then iterate through each issue and perform a char-by-char comparison to determine if the Build Reported version of the current issue is greater than the one specified by the user. This seems to take too long to execute since I have to retrieve all the issues from jira database.
Is there a faster way to achieve this? Here is what I have so far:
// Get all the arguments
java.util.List args = operand.getArgs();
CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName((String)args.get(0));
Long cfID = cf.getIdAsLong();
String operator = (String)args.get(1);
String userVersion = (String)args.get(2);
String jiraVersion = "";
java.util.List issues;
Iterator issuesIterator;
Issue issue;
issues = getAllIssues(user, interestedInVersion, cfID);
issuesIterator = issues.iterator();
// Iterate over all the issues
issue = (Issue)issuesIterator.next();
// Get the Build reported value
jiraVersion = (String)issue.getCustomFieldValue(cf);
if(jiraVersion != null &&
// Compare user-specified version to the one retrieved from database
if(compareVersions(jiraVersion, userVersion, operator))
// Add the issue to the result set
literals.add(new QueryLiteral(operand, issue.getId()));
// cfID is the ID for the custom field Build Reported
private java.util.List getAllIssues(User user, Long cfID) throws SearchException, ParseException
JqlQueryBuilder builder = JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
Query query = builder.buildQuery();
SearchResults results = searchService.search(user, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter());
return results.getIssues();
Please note that I do not have any other filters that I could use for the JQL Query Builder to help me reduce the size of the result set.
I found an alternative to the issue I described in my question. Instead of using JQL, I ended up firing a direct SELECT and this turned out to be way quicker. The function below is a part of the JQL Plugin. Here is the code:
This is what I ended up doing:
public java.util.List getValues(#NotNull QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext, #NotNull FunctionOperand operand, #NotNull TerminalClause terminalClause)
// User
User user = queryCreationContext.getUser();
// Args
java.util.List args = operand.getArgs();
CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName((String)args.get(0));
Long cfID = cf.getIdAsLong();
String operator = (String)args.get(1);
String userVersion = (String)args.get(2);
// Locals
java.util.List literals = new java.util.LinkedList();
MutableIssue issue = null;
String issueId = "";
String jiraVersion = "";
// DB
Connection conn = null;
String url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://*****:*****/jiradb";
String driver = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";
String userName = "*******";
String password = "*******";
String sqlQuery = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);
// Get all the issues that has the custom field set
sqlQuery = " SELECT t2.id AS IssueId, t1.stringvalue AS JiraVersion " + "\n" +
" FROM jiradb.jiraschema.customfieldvalue t1 " + "\n" +
" INNER JOIN jiradb.jiraschema.jiraissue t2 " + "\n" +
" ON t1.issue = t2.id " + "\n" +
" WHERE t1.customfield = " + Long.toString(cfID) + " " + "\n" +
" AND t1.stringvalue IS NOT NULL " + "\n" +
" AND t1.stringvalue != '' " + "\n" +
" AND t2.pkey LIKE 'SDEV-%' ";
// Iterate over the result set
statement = conn.createStatement();
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
while (resultSet.next())
issueId = resultSet.getString("IssueId");
jiraVersion = resultSet.getString("JiraVersion");
// Compare the version from jira with the user provided version
// This is my own function that does char-by-char comparison
if(compareVersions(jiraVersion, userVersion, operator))
// Get the issue object to add to the result
issue = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueManager().getIssueObject(Long.parseLong(issueId));
// Add the issue to the result
literals.add(new QueryLiteral(operand, issue.getId()));
// Return all the matching issues here
return literals;
catch(Exception e)
// Exception handling
return null;
And this is how the plugin is used:
issue in searchIssues('Build Reported', '>', '5.1.104');
