Cheapest cost traversal on Complete graph - graph-algorithm

I was wondering if there is an algorithm which:
given a fully connected graph of n-nodes (with different weights)... will give me the cheapest cycle to go from node A (a start node) to all other nodes, and return to node A? Is there a way to alter an algorithm like Primm's to accomplish this?
Thanks for your help
EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm dealing with a undirected graph so the in-degree = out-degree for each vertex.

Can you not modify Dijkstra, to find you the shortest path to all other nodes, and then when you have found it, the shortest path back to A?

You can try the iterative deepening A star search algorithm. It is always optimal. You need to define a heuristic though and this will depend on the problem you are trying to solve.

There need not be any such path. It exists if and only if the in-degree of every node equals its out-degree.
What you want is the cheapest Eulerian path. The problem of finding it is called the Traveling Salesman Problem. There is not, and cannot be, a fast algorithm to solve it.
On second thought: The Traveling Salesman Problem searches for a tour that visits every node exactly once. You're asking for a tour that visits every node at least once. Thus, your problem might just be in P. I doubt it, though.


Neo4j cyper query: How to travese

I am trying to learn neo4j, so I just took a use case of a travel app to learn but I am not sure about the optimal way to solve it. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
So consider a use case in which I have to travel from one place (PLACE A) to other (PLACE C) by train, but there is no direct connection between the two places. And so we have to change our train in PLACE B.
Two places are connected via a relation IS_CONNECTED relation. refering to green nodes in the image
And then if there is an is_connected relation between two place then there will be an out going relation i.e. CONNECTED_VIA to a common train from both the node which implies how they are connected referring to red nodes in image
my question is how are we suppose to know that we have to change the station from place b
My understanding is:
We will check where the two places are connected via IS_CONNECTED relationship
match (start:place{name:"heidelberg"}), (end:place{name:"frankfurt"})
MATCH path = (start)-[:IS_CONNECTED*..]->(end)
this will show that these two places are connected
Then we will see that if place A and place c are directly connected or not by the query
match (p:place{name:"heidelberg"})-[:CONNECTED_VIA]->(q)<-[:CONNECTED_VIA]-(t:place{name:"frankfurt"})
return q
And this will return nothing because there is no direct connections
My brain stopped functioning after this. I am trying to figure how from past 3 days. I am sorry I look ao confused
Please click here for the image of what i am referring
You'll want to use variable-length relationships in your :CONNECTED_VIA match, and then get the :Place nodes that are in your path. And it's usually a good idea to use an upper bound, whatever makes sense in your graph.
Then we can use a filter on the nodes in your path to only keep the ones that are :Place nodes.
match path = (p:place{name:"heidelberg"})-[:CONNECTED_VIA*..4]-(t:place{name:"frankfurt"})
return path, [node in nodes(path)[1..-1] where node:Place] as connectionPlaces
And if you're only interested in the shortest paths, you may want to check the shortestPath() or shortestPaths() functions.
One last thing to note...when determining if two locations are connected, if all you need is a true or false if they're connected, you can use the EXISTS() function to return whether such a pattern exists:
match (start:place{name:"heidelberg"}), (end:place{name:"frankfurt"})
return exists((start)-[:IS_CONNECTED*..5]->(end))

Find Longest Path in Graph

I have been trying hard to find out longest path in a complex network. I have been through many questions in StackOverflow and Internet, but none could help me. I have written a CQL as
start n=node(*)
match p = (n)-[:LinkTo*1..]->(m)
with n,MAX(length(p)) as L
match p = (n)-[:LinkTo*1..]->(m)
where length(p) = L
return p,L
I don't get any solution. Neo4J would keep running for the answer, and I also tried executing it in Neo4J Cloud Hosting. I didn't any solution even there, but got an error
"Error undefined-undefined"
I am in dire need of a solution. The result for this answer will help me complete my project. So, anyone please help me in correcting the query.
Well for one you're doing a highly expensive operation twice when you only have to do it once.
Additionally, you are returning one path per every single node in your database, at least (as there may be multiple paths for a node that are the longest paths available for that node). But from your question it sounds like you want the single largest path in the graph, not one each for every single node.
We can also improve your match by only performing the longest-path match on nodes that are at the head of the path, and not somewhere in the middle.
Maybe try this one?
match (n)
where (n)-[:LinkTo]->() and not ()-[:LinkTo]->(n)
match p = (n)-[:LinkTo*1..]->(m)
return p, length(p) as L
order by L desc
limit 1
The problem you're trying to solve is NP-hard. On small sparse graphs a brute-force approach such as the one suggested by InverseFalcon may succeed in reasonable time, but on any reasonably large and/or densely connected graph, you will quickly run into both time and space problems.
If you have a weighted graph, you can find the longest path between 2 nodes by negating all the edge-weights, and running a shortest weighted path algorithm over the modified graph. However if you want to find the longest path in the entire graph, you are effectively trying to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem, but with -ve edge weights. You can't do that with Cypher.
If your graph is unweighted, I'd find an easier problem, or see if you can convert your graph to a weighted one and tackle it as described above. Alternatively, see if you can frame your requirements in such a way that you don't need to find a longest path.

Which graph algorithm to solve this?

Given is a undirected, weighted Graph. Each Node is either a "city" or a "village"; nodes are connected via the edges (=roads).
I start at Node 1 and have to bring a message to all of the cities.
In each city that is reached by someone, an arbitrary amount of people can help to spread the message (so they can start driving to another Node).
I'm now looking for minimum distance that have to be travelled on roads so that all cities got the message. (When x people use a specific road it also counts x times the edge weight)
Solution: I thought, it would be helpful to get a Minumum spanning tree between all the cities first. But the problem is, that there are villages as well. (--> "Steiner tree problem").
So I guess it might be possible to solve it somehow with Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford; or a combination of shortest path and MST?
Do you guys have an idea? I don't need code, but just a basic idea how to approach this would be very helpful:) Thanks.

How BFS can from a tree on certain directed graph?

It is said said BFS always gives a tree, while DFS gives a forest.
But I do not understand how BFS can always give a tree.
Consider this graph and starting point b
How do we get a tree here?
Don't understand why you have a directed graph and an terminal starting point b.
From b, it can go nowhere but stay at b.
If it not directed, then it will be b->a->c->d, no matter it is BFS or DFS.
First time heard DFS returns a forest. Guess people think this because every time it reaches end it will return to parent node.
A tree is basically a connected graph(at least one path between every pair of nodes) with no cycles.
If we do BFS on a connected graph, we will visit every node in the graph and each node is visited only once. So, there is only one path from starting node to every node we visit, since we visit it only once. There is also only one path between any pair of nodes by same argument as above (it will make more sense if you imagine a graph and comprehend). So, there are no cycles and hence it's a tree.
BFS not gives a tree. It use queue ,in fact. And alongside with DFS, BFS is also an algorithm to go through the tree.

Finding distinct node groupings based on mutual relations in neo4j

Is there a query for a Neo4J graph that could traverse said graph and find nodes based on mutual relationships? For example, if Node A is related to Node B (bidirectionally), B is related to C, C is related to D, D is related to A, A is related to C, and B is related to D, such that there is a subgraph in which every node is connected to every other node, is there an efficient way to return that subgraph or group of Nodes?
I realize my explanation is poor, so I provide an example graph in the console:
Here, I have created a graph, and I would like to return groups that are mutually related of 3 or more - so, in this case, I would ideally like to be returning the group of Scott, Josh, Frank, and Ben, as well as the group of Frank, Ben, and Eric. If possible, I would like to be able to identify who composes those individual groups.
This is an instance of the Clique Problem and is NP-Complete.
Here is a related question on SO with a good explanation!
Sorry I hit enter too soon. So there is no "efficient" way to do this. It is not unattemptable though in certain cases, and you will have the best luck looking for an algorithm that solves this general problem and implementing it in Neo4J.
did you find any solutions for this?
I implemented something like this on my project for text network visualization but it launches Gephi Toolkit (on Java) to perform some metric calculations on the graph, detect communities, etc. But that's too heavy...
You might be interested to look into Gephi's algorithms though, especially the Force Atlas layout implemented in Sigma.Js and especially the modularity algorithm used in Gephi itself. This might give you some clues as to how to proceed...
