How to launch app into background on iOS simulator? - ios

Events like location changes launch concerning app into background if it is not launched yet. But I don't see how to simulate such scenarios on simulator. Is it possible? How?

It's not possible with iOS Simulator found in current public SDK.
I know this is borderline breaking NDA, but you should take a look at Hardware menu item of new iOS Simulator that comes with Xcode 4.2 beta.


When I opened my iOS app, the screen turns black. Why?

I'm making iOS apps. I'm a total novice developer.
I want everyone to use my app so I choose iOS 10.0 in Target Info on Xcode. Now my app can be downloaded on the App store. However when I opened my app on iPad (iOS 12.4.6), the screen turned black and I can do nothing.
Do you come up with any problems?
Not sure if you coded your app programmatically but in your app delegate, check for the var window: UIWindow?. I had the same issue when I forgot to put the "?" after "UIWindow". Hope that helps.

Can I change iOS Screen wallpaper programmatically In Swift 5 and IOS 12

I want to change Home Screen and lock screen wallpaper of iOS 12
Short answer:
In one word it is not possible. In Apple devices, There is no provision for the change iOS Screen wallpaper programmatically. The user has to do that manually through the settings or
photos app. For things like changing wallpapers, you'd need to jailbreak your device.
Long answer:
Before iOS 9.0, There is some hack which is worked perfectly. Unfortunately, from iOS > 9.0 there is no alternative.
Refer CMFWallpaper. Maybe it will help you.
Set the wallpaper (lock and/or home screen) on iOS using Apple's
private API. Please be aware that including this code in an App Store
submission will result in a rejection.

settings.bundle ios configure iOS8

I have a problema with iOS8 and the bundle settings, I have a textField where is insert a URL in the settings and use it in my app, but in iOS 8 do not save the text of textField, when I go out of setting and return the textField is in default.
Somebody may be know if in iOS 8 something change about bundle settings.
Another strange change about it, is in iOS8, it have something like this (image), but in iOS 7, the settings do not have IPHONE SETTINGS part.
Last answer apple forum.
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--- Fibonacci
I observed the same problem on the GM simulator, both with my app and the AppPrefs sample. When I installed the iOS 8 GM on a iPad 2 physical device, however, the problem went away.
So there is at least some hope that the bug is in the simulator only, and not in the system that will be landing on all our customers' devices in a week! If anyone else watching this thread can test on other physical devices with the GM system, please post your results here.

Should we run iPhone application in xcode 5 with ios simulator 7?

I have generated a build in Xcode 4.6 and tested it in iPhone 5 device with iOS 7.4 and its working fine and I was not getting any issues such as status bar missing, UIButton background missing etc. But if I run the same code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator7 then I was getting issues such as status bar missed, background of UIButton missed and I couldn't able to change the table view back ground color. So finally should I run my code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator 7 and fix all the issues? OR can I directly push this app in to App Store with out checking it in Xcode 5. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
In Xcode 4.6 the base SDK is for iOS6. So if you build an application on Xcode 4.6 it will run iOS 7 but it will not be able to use the API's provided by Apple for iOS7. It will a iOS6 app running on iOS7 like many other apps do.
In Xcode 5.0 the base SDK is for iOS7. This means that you can use the latest APIs provided for iOS7. You are getting these errors when building in Xcode 5.0 because those APIs might not be supported in the new iOS7 SDK.
What I mean to say is that if you want your app to be a native iOS7 app then you need to build it on Xcode 5. Building on Xcode 5 will allow your app to feel like an iOS7 app. Though you will face a lot of errors as a lot of iOS6 APIs have been deprecated in iOS7.
If you want to support both iOS6 and iOS7 I suggest you build it on Xcode 5. Again you will have to keep in mind that some iOS7 API's are not available for iOS6 therefore you will have to keep a check on that.
To get a better idea I suppose you should have a look at this document.
iOS7 transition guide
Thank You.
You should definitely build and test in Xcode 5, why run the risk of shipping a bad product? For me you must properly test this in Xcode 5, on all deployment intended devices and the simulator.
Follow the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide to fix all the issues you have in XCode 5 and then submit the app to the store.

how do I restrict ipad app to ios6 only?

Ive developed an app which I want to upload to the AppStore, but the code contains various methods which can only be used in IOS6. Is it just simply a case of setting the SDK to 6 before uploading, or is there more to it than that? The last thing I want is for people to download it on an iPad running IOS5 and the app crashing on them because it doesnt support the operating system!
You just need to adjust your deployment target to the iOS you want to support, if it is iOS 6, just set it to iOS 6.0.
