youtube embed - fullscreen button does not work - youtube

recently I discovered issues with embedded youtube videos on my site - the fullscreen-button does not work anymore. It sure did once. The button is visible, but when clicked, nothing happens.
I'm using the Youtube Javascript API to embed videos in my website, much like this example by Google
I use the fs=1-Parameter to enable the Fullscreen-Button.
If you wanna try this out, just append it to the URL-Parameters in the example and hit "Run Code". It even doesn't seem to work in the Google Code Playground! Is this a general problem or might there be some workaround? I tried this in Chrome, FF and Opera, it's all the same.
My site
Best regards :)

Ah, figured it out: you need to set allowFullScreen to 'true'.


Open a new browser Window from a webview, without user input

I'm looking for a way to open a new browser window from a WebView, from a wp8.1 RT, silverlight or UWP app.
It should happen when the page loads, or after a few seconds, without any user input (I know it's possible if the user clicks on a 'target="_blank"' link)
Does anyone know if any way to do this exists?
I tried with, jquery's .click() or .submit(), but nothing...
Neither the the javascript alert() works, it does work instead redirecting to a uri protocol with location.href and open an app, but unfortunately IE/Edge doesn't have an app protocol to launch it...
Any help would be much appreciated.
Since you put both Windows Phone 8 and Windows 10 in your tags, I can't be sure what to offer you here. SO I will tell you how to do it in 8.
JavaScript in a WebView can call external C# code by using ScriptNotify. You can read more about that in this question: Call Native C# from WinJS that's loaded in a WebView
Also, once you are in C# and you want to launch a browser, the answer is to use the LaunchUriAsync API. Read more about that here:
Best of luck!

Rails, iframe login doesn't work IE9

I am using Rails 2.3.5
What I am trying to do is, by using iframe, I am embedding another website's log in screen into my own website.
Problem is starting when I try to "log in" the website inside the iframe. It is working perfectly fine in Chrome and Mozilla bu not in IE (what a surprise).
To be clear: I am able to see the website inside the iframe only thing that I couldn't do is logging in.
Possible problem: I made an extensive research and I learned because the IE doesn't remember my session (doesn't set cookies) I am not able to log in the site inside the iframe.
p.s : using divs probably won't work for me because if I use div and then log in (hit submit button of that website) then I will end up the website inside my div (inside my iframe right now). I need to stay in my own website.
I am going to band my head against the wall, so waiting for you comments.
(please comment if you need to see some code source or sth. else)
That's worked for me:
"Internet Explorer > Settings > Internet Options > Privacy > Sites" and then I added the name of the website inside my iframe, done.

Safari ignoring/removing anchors (or "hashtags") when clicking hyperlinks?

I need to point one page to another and then scroll to a particular section. In Chrome and Firefox, using an URL like does the trick. (#section1 can be an anchor or an element's id).
However, in Safari, the hash disappears when I click the link.
Why is this happening? Is it possible to do it on Safari? If not, how can I get around this problem?
When using hyperlinks that point to inside sections on other pages you must remember to add a slash (/) before the hashtag for cross browser compatibility.
doing isn't accepted by all browsers (apparently by Chrome and Firefox it is)
Case: I have parameters after '#' like url#myParam=123, when I changed params like
url#myParam=789 Safari sometimes loaded previous page based on myParam=123,
although in Address bar it showed myParam=789
Solution : Use url?#myParam=123, then Safari will everytime load new page.
Using '?' before '#' solved my problem.
I had a related problem with Safari (on iPhone/iOS) seemingly stripping off the hash/fragment when doing a:
var newHash = ...;
window.location.replace("#" + newHash);
The actually problem was a javascript error that only appeared on Safari. Since I could not easily assess a javascript console for the iPhone, I chose to download an old version of Window's Safari (related post, download).
Then, I could replicate the problem from the iPhone on my Window's desktop using the old version of Safari. At that point, I found a javascript tag had a missing ']'. This was a legitimate bug, but it was somehow ignored by Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
The window.location.replace() was not even being called, because the code was breaking out on the javascript error. So the problem wasn't that Safari was stripping the hashtag, even though it appeared that way from multi-browser testing.
I just experienced an issue like this. I was using a URL re-write in the web.config. With Safari, the hash and everything after was removed. After trying some of the things mentioned above I was still having problems. The issue for me was that this was all happening under HTTPS. Once I specified the full URL in the redirect and included the https:// scheme the redirect worked correctly and preserved the hash. Note this wasn't an issue with Chrome or Firefox.
For me it was the exact same issue like mrbinky3000 has stated above: The server mod-rewrite was killing the hash in safari.
The solution was to use a full absolute link like:

drag and drop upload in IE

does anyone know of any way of allowing people to upload files to the server from the desktop using drag and drop and IE. It's fine if it works only in IE9. I've found several solutions that only work with the other browser. However, internally we use IE here :-(. I would even settle for flash but it seems that swfupload doesn't support drag and drop.
As far as I understand ie9 doesnt support the File api, but only drag and drop. ie 10 will possibly support the File api.
although you may be able to work around this now - try:
HTML5 provides a drag & drop API as well as File API. and
Unfortunately IE9 doesn't support the File API and it's unclear how much support will be available in IE10.

Video embedding from any video sharing

I have to design a web app where if you paste the link of particular video page from any video sharing site like "Youtube", "Metacafe" etc it should embed that video in the page. In simple words, what I was asked to do is that I have to embed a video from any site in my page.
Thanx in advance. :)
You can study the embed codes generated by YouTube and MetaCafe etc~ and then code something to mimic how they do it~
It seems like the better solution would be to allow people to paste the embed code generated by the site itself though. Since the hosters' conventions change.
You could Try this:
<iframe height="500" width="500" scr=""></iframe>
Dont do this:
<object scr=""></object>
You will need to make sure that when you click the submit button it gets the identification number from the end and putting it in the bit specified by videoidentificationnumber (I dont know how though).
