drag and drop upload in IE - asp.net-mvc

does anyone know of any way of allowing people to upload files to the server from the desktop using drag and drop and IE. It's fine if it works only in IE9. I've found several solutions that only work with the other browser. However, internally we use IE here :-(. I would even settle for flash but it seems that swfupload doesn't support drag and drop.

As far as I understand ie9 doesnt support the File api, but only drag and drop. ie 10 will possibly support the File api.
although you may be able to work around this now - try:

HTML5 provides a drag & drop API as well as File API.
http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/html5-drag-and-drop-and-file-api-tutorial and http://html5demos.com/file-api
Unfortunately IE9 doesn't support the File API and it's unclear how much support will be available in IE10.


Playing videos inside a Node Webkit <webview>?

I'm working on a Node Webkit project (now called NW.js). The latest stable version of NW (0.12.1) allows the "webview" tag from Chrome extensions to be integrated into a NW project.
After some initial testing, the webview tag seems to work fine for displaying basic webpages. But it won't display any Flash videos embedded in a webpage.
Flash videos play just fine outside of webview (ie in the normal NW browser), as I have "plugin" set to "true" in package.json, thereby using the Flash dll installed on my system. They just don't play inside a webview.
I just came across an article here...
...which states that "webviews are prevented from loading any resources packaged with the app". So I'm guessing maybe that is what's preventing any Flash dll's installed on my system from being used by webview? I'm not quite sure how to fix this though (assuming this is even the actual problem). Do I need to create a manifest.json file specifically for this, as stated in the article linked to above? If so, what exactly would I put in there? I've been using NW for a while, but haven't really messed around with Chrome extensions code at all, so that part's still a bit fuzzy to me.

run cocos2d-js in internet explorer 8

Is there any way to have a cocos2d-js web game run on IE8 ?
I was looking for something like a plugin ( google had one , chrome frame , but has beed dismissed )
even excanvas.js does not work , and iewebgl plugin seems fully abandoned
I'd have to say you can't.
WebGL is only supported in IE11, and even canvas requires IE9.
If excanvas doesn't do the trick, then I'm sorry, but you are better off using flash or some other technology that doesn't require HTML5 functionality (or get the company to update their browsers).

HTML link to specific pages in PDF

I have looked around the web and have found that appending #page=?? to the end of a PDF link will automatically take the visitor to that specific page in the PDF file.
I was wondering if this is still best practice as it doesn't seem to be working for me (Chrome on Windows 7). Also, all the articles I have found so far date back to 2006-2008, have things changed recently?
This is still valid code but it may require that some version of Acrobat (Reader, Pro, etc) be installed as a plugin on the browser in order for it to work as expected. Since multiple commonly-used browsers now have a built-in reader (Chrome, Safari for iOS are the big two that come to mind) support for direct page linking is somewhat spotty now. You can still do it...the worst case scenario is that the PDF just opens to the first page for those users but I would advise to just leave off the direct page link. If the page is that important, extract it to a separate PDF and link to that.

Looking for jQuery mobile image slideshow compatible with PhoneGap

I'm looking for a jQuery Mobile image slideshow that is compatible with PhoneGap.
I checked out this one: http://www.photoswipe.com, but there doesn't seem to be an active community around it, e.g. the issues I registered never got answered.
I also had a look at this one: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/05/27/awesome-mobile-image-gallery-web-app/
But that makes use of an external XML file, and I don't want to write an XML file for each slideshow that I want to show.
Now, is there a proven image slideshow for jQuery Mobile that is compatible with PhoneGap?
You can go for http://www.photoswipe.com/ which is best one.
People have successfully used it with jQuery Mobile.
also you can Try http://swipejs.com/

Drag and drop ftp file upload web widgets

It seems like drag and drop upload widgets disappeared from the face of Web 2.0. The last one of these I remember using was an activex widget, and inability of using it in anything other than IE doomed it. Have you used or seen one of these recently?
The Dojo Toolkit JavaScript library supports some drag & drop functionality that I've seen work in IE6+ and FF2+. The nice thing about Dojo and other JS libraries is that they abstract away all of the browser detection stuff.
I'm sure other JS libraries support this functionality.
FTP Drop for Yahoo Widgets allows you to drag files over the widget and the file will be sent to the defined ftp server.
You can upload to FTP in browser with an applet such as JFileUpload.
See: http://www.jfileupload.com/products/jfileupload/index.html
[Disclosure: This is my site]
It supports regular FTP, FTPS (explicit and implicit) and SFTP (FTP + SSH). It can resume broken transfer too.
Applets can be moved outside browser since JRE 1.6.0_10.
Our current project makes heavy use of drag+drop, using GWT and gwt-dnd you can do some very cool stuff. Standards based, and works in IE6, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc..
The issue of how to transmit a file is a separate one I believe.
As for FTP support, I see that as being mostly replaced with HTTP File Upload support.
In the case you need more flexibility (progress bar, multiple file selection), then you can make use of flash to do this. You can use Javascript to interact with an invisible flash app which performs the file transfer. YUI's file upload control does this. You can see an example on Flickr's enhanced upload page.
We've built a custom version designed for use with GWT apps. Same concept.
