Compare two faces (and their likeness) - opencv

Is there is a way to compare two faces (perhaps with OpenCv) and get a score of their likeness? I mean to apply a facial recognition algorithm, but only between 2 faces, not on an entire dataset.
The problem is that, for example, Eigenfaces requires at least 2 training images.

Yes, you can absolutely use eigenfaces. The training faces have nothing to do, with the two faces you are comparing for facial recognition. Have a training face gallery of say 100 faces. Then to compare your two faces (face_1 and face_2), do an eigenface decomposition of each face with the 100 faces in your training gallery. So for example face_1 = [2 3 1 5...]*[eigFace1 eigface2 eigface3 eigface4...]' and same for face two. That vector I showed above in the example [2 3 1 5...], compare it for each of your two face decompositions in some sort of distance algorithm (whether it be a euclidean distance or some other distance metric). If the distance within a certain threshold then you can say they are the same. Keep in mind, if you are using eigenfaces the pose, lighting conditions, size, and background of all the training images as well as the faces you are trying to compare must all be normalized. The eyes, noses, a mouths must also be as lined up as possible.

This article explains the whole face recognition process nicely. With face_recognition library you can identify a person even with only 1 image and then try to recognise that person in another image. This is possible because the neural network is already trained.

Try to forget, that you compare faces. Find SURF keypoints for both photos, match their descriptors. As score of photo likeness use ratio of number of matched descriptors to number of all descriptors.

You can use compare function which is from openbr.Its give you matched percentage of two faces.
And it gives this values based on min, max, mean, stddev for both genuine and impostor.


Weights in eigenface approach

1) In eigenface approach the eigenfaces is a combination of elements from different faces. What are these elements?
2) The output face is an image composed of different eigenfaces with different weights. What does the weights of eigenfaces exactly mean? I know that the weight is percentage of eigenfacein the image, but what does it mean exactly, is mean the number of selected pixels?
Please study about PCA to understand what is the physical meaning of eigenfaces, when PCA is applied to an image. The answer lies in the understanding of eigenvectors and eigenvalues associated with PCA.
EigenFaces is based on Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis does dimensionality reduction and finds unique features in the training images and removes the similar features from the face images
By getting unique features our recognition task gets simpler
By using PCA you calculate the eigenvectors for your face image data
From these eigenvectors you calculate EigenFace of every training subject or you can say calculating EigenFace for every class in your data
So if you have 9 classes then the number of EigenFaces will be 9
The weight usually means how important something is
In EigenFaces weight of a particular EigenFace is a vector which just tells you how important that particular EigenFace is in contributing the MeanFace
Now if you have 9 EigenFaces then for every EigenFace you will get exactly one Weight vector which will be of N dimension where N is number of eigenvectors
So every element out N elements in one weight vector will tell you how important that particular eigenvector is for that corresponding EigenFace
The facial Recognition in EigenFaces is done by comparing the weights of training images and testing images with some kind of distance function
You can refer this github link:
The code on the above link is a good documented code so If you know the basics you will understand the code

Calculate similarity of picture and its sketch

I'm trying to develop algorithm, which returns similarity score for two given black and white images: original one and its sketch, drawn by human:
All original images has the same style, but there is no any given limited set of them. Their content could be totally different.
I've tried few approaches, but none of them was successful yet:
OpenCV template matching
OpenCV matchTemplate is not able to calculate similarity score of images. It could only tells me count of matched pixels, and this value is usually quite low, because of not ideal proportions of human's sketch.
OpenCV feature matching
I've failed with this method, because I couldn't find good algorithms for extracting significant features from human's sketch. Algorithms from OpenCV's tutorials are good in extracting corners and blobs as features. But here, in sketches, we have a lot of strokes - each of them produces a lot of insignificant, junk features and leads to fuzzy results.
Neural Network Classification
Also I took a look at neural networks - they are good in image classification, but also they need train sets for each of classes, and this part is impossible, because we have an unlimited set of possible images.
Which methods and algorithms would you use for this kind of task?
Cosine similarity gives a similarity score ranging between (0 - 1).
I first converted the images to gray scale and binarized them. I cropped the original image to half the size and excluded the text as shown below:
I then converted the image arrays to 1D arrays using flatten(). I used the following to compute cosine similarity:
from scipy import spatial
result = spatial.distance.cosine(im2, im1)
print result
The result I obtained was 0.999999988431, meaning the images are similar to each other by this score.
I had the time to check out another solution. I figured out that OpenCV's cv2.matchTemplate() function performs the same job.
I f you check out THIS DOCUMENTATION PAGE you will come across the different parameters used.
I used the cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED parameter (which gives the normalized square difference between the two images).
res = cv2.matchTemplate(th1, th2, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)
print 1 - res
For the given images I obtained a similarity score of: 0.89689457

collect negative samples of adaboost algorithm for face detection

Viola-Jones' AdaBoost method is very popular for face detection? We need lots of positive and negative samples o train a face detector.
The rule for collecting positive sample is simple: the image which contains faces. But the rule for collecting negative sample is not very clear: the image which does not contains faces.
But there are so many scene that do not contain faces (which may be sky, river, house animals etc.). Which should I collect it? How can know I have collected enough negative samples?
Some suggested idea for negative samples: using the positive samples and crop the face region using the left part as negative samples. Is this work?
You have asked many questions inside your thread.
Amount of samples. As a rule of thumbs: When you train a detector you need roughly few thousands positive and negative examples per stage. Typical detector has 10-20 stages. Each stage reduces the amount of negative by a factor of 2. So you will need roughly 3,000 - 10,000 positive examples and ~5,000,000 to 100,000,000 negative examples.
Which negatives to take. A rule of thumb: You need to find a face in a given environment. So you need to take that environment as negative examples. For instance, if you try to detect faces of students sitting in a classroom than take as negative examples images from the classroom (walls, windows, human body, clothes etc). Taking images of the moon or of the sky will probably not help you. If you don't know your environment than just take as much as possible different natural images (under different light conditions).
Should you take facial parts (like an eye, or a nose) as negative? You can but this is definitely not enough (to take only those negatives). The real strength of the detector will come from the negative images which represent the typical background of the faces
How to collect/generate negative samples - You don't actually need many negative images. You can take 1000 images and generate 10,000,000 negative samples from them. Here is how you do it. Suppose you take a photo of a car of 1 mega pixel resolution 1000x1000 pixels. Suppose than you want to train face detector to work on resolution of 20x20 pixels (like openCV did). So you take your 1000x1000 big image and cut it to pieces of 20x20. You can get 2,500 pieces (50x50). So this is how from a single big image you generated 2,500 negative examples. Now you can take the same big image and cut it to pieces of size 10x10 pixels. You will now have additional 10,000 negative examples. Each example is of size 10x10 pixels and you can enlarge it by factor of 2 to force all the sample to have the same size. You can repeat this process as much as you want (cutting the input image to pieces of different size). Mathematically speaking, if your image is of size NxN - You can generate O(N^4) negative examples from it by taking each possible rectangle inside it.
In step 4, I described how to take a single big image and cut it to a large amount of negative examples. I must warn you that negative examples should not have high co-variance so I don't recommend taking only one image and generating 1 million negative examples from it. As a rule of thumb - create a library of 1000 images (or download random images from Google). Verify than none of the images contains faces. Crop about 10,000 negative examples from each image and now you have got a decent 10,000,000 negative examples. Train your detector. In the next step you can cut each image to ~50,000 (partially overlapping pieces) and thus enlarge your amount of negatives to 50 millions. You will start having very good results with it.
Final enhancement step of the detector. When you already have a rather good detector, run it on many images. It will produce false detections (detect face where there is no face). Gather all those false detections and add them to your negative set. Now retrain the detector once again. The more such iterations you do the better your detector becomes
Real numbers - The best face detectors today (like Facebooks) use hundreds of millions of positive examples and billions of negatives. As positive examples they take not only frontal faces but faces in many orientations, different facial expressions (smiling, shouting, angry,...), different age groups, different genders, different races (Caucasians, blacks, Thai, Chinese,....), with or without glasses/hat/sunglasses/make-up etc. You will not be able to compete with the best, so don't get angry if your detector misses some faces.
Good luck

How to determine the optimal threshold for Chi-square statistic dissimilarity measure in LBP face recognition?

I'm trying to implement the original and circular Local Binary Pattern (LBP) with uniform pattern mapping for face recognition application.
I've done with LBP descriptors extraction and spatial histogram construction steps so far. Now I have to work on the face classification and recognition phases. As the original paper in the subject suggest, the simplest classifier uses Chi-square statistic as a dissimilarity measure between 2 histograms of 2 face images. The formula seems straightforward, but I don't know how I can classify 2 histograms are representations of the same face or of different faces based on the resulting value of Chi-square dissimilarity measure. So my question is: What is the optimal threshold value which I can use as the border line between the same faces and different faces? How can I determine that value?
I've come across some source code on the internet and they set LBP threshold to 180.0. I have no idea where this value came from.
I would gratefully appreciate your helps. Thanks for your reading.
In the same/not-same setting, you learn the optimal threshold from the training set. Given, say 1000 same and 1000 not same pairs for training, run a for loop on the threshold. For each threshold value, calculate the precision as 0.5 * (percent of same pairs with distance < current threshold) + 0.5 * (percent of not same pairs with distance >= currentThreshold). Then, keep track of the optimal threshold.
By the way, for same/not-same setting, I would recommend considering using one-shot-similarity

How to create a single constant-length feature vector from a variable number of image descriptors (SURF)

My problem is as follows:
I have 6 types of images, or 6 classes. For example, cat, dog, bird, etc.
For every type of image, I have many variations of that image. For example, brown cat, black dog, etc.
I'm currently using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the images using one-versus-rest classification. I'm unfolding each image into a single pixel vector and using that as the feature vector for a given image I'm experiencing decent classification accuracy, but I want to try something different.
I want to use image descriptors, particularly SURF features, as the feature vector for each image. This issue is, I can only have a single feature vector per given image and I'm given a variable number of SURF features from the feature extraction process. For example, 1 picture of a cat may give me 40 SURF features, while 1 picture of a dog will give me 68 SURF features. I could pick the n strongest features, but I have no way of guaranteeing that the chosen SURF features are ones that describe my image (for example, it could focus on the background). There's also no guarantee that ANY SURF features are found.
So, my problem is, how can I get many observations (each being a SURF feature vector), and "fold" these observations into a single feature vector which describes the raw image and can fed to an SVM for training?
Thanks for your help!
Typically the SURF descriptors are quantized using a K-means dictionary and aggregated into one l1-normalized histogram. So your inputs to the SVM algorithm are now fixed in size.
