Upgrade rails 2.3.8 project to rails 3 - ruby-on-rails

I have created a project using rails 2.3.8.. Now i need to move rails 3.x.x ..so how can i upgrade my project also?
please tell some tutorial or link to upgrade this?

Start by using the rails upgrade gem. There are several tutorials out on the web that can walk you through what you need to do.
Most importantly, TEST your app thoroughly after doing so.


Can React on Rails be integrated into an existing Rails 3.x app?

The prerequisites from the README say "React on Rails supports older versions of Rails back to 3.x" so I was led to believe it could. But then during the install process I see I have to install webpacker. And there's the note "Rails/webpacker requires version 4.2+."
So I'm currently stalled out and wondering if this really does support Rails 3.x or if I misunderstood the documentation.
Is there a way to integrate React on Rails into an existing Rails 3.x app?
Thank you!
According to justin808 on the corresponding GitHub issue for this question:
"React on Rails should not require rails/webpacker.
Just use the asset pipeline."
I guess I misunderstood that rails/webpacker was a hard dependency. Trying again now to get react_on_rails working without it. I'll mark this as the accepted answer, at least for now.

How To update rails 4.0 to rails 4.1

How should i update my existing app from rails 4.0 to rails 4.1 . i know i have to update the gem . Is there also any other configuration to modify in the app.
This is how I'm doing it:
See that you have a sufficient test suite and that all tests pass
Review your Gemfile. What needs to be updated to be Rails 4.1 compatible?
Update them now; see that your test suite still passes
Use railsdiff.org to see the basic changes to a new rails app and apply them accordingly
Follow the official Rails guide for upgrading to Rails 4.1
Google for more guides on upgrading to Rails 4.1
They mention some more things you have to take care of when upgrading to Rails 4.1.
Especially mentioning some non-default gems, like Rspec etc.
Run your test suite, see that all tests pass. Update or fix your code if necessary.
Take a look at the Ruby on Rails guide for upgrading. It depends on how your app is built already.

How to upgrade Rails app from 2.3.5 to 3.2.x?

I have Rails 2.3.5 app, I want to upgrade to 3.2.x. How do I upgrade to Rails 3.2.x?
I definitely recommend installing the Rails upgrade gem (rails upgrade gem). It's proven for me to be incredibly useful as a starting point for listing and verifying all the required upgrades to get to Rails 3.0.
I would also recommend this ebook http://www.railsupgradehandbook.com/
Once you're at Rails 3.0, you'll need to migrate to the asset pipeline, this is another good starting point: http://railscasts.com/episodes/282-upgrading-to-rails-3-1
This won't be a simple task and you'll need to ensure that your code doesn't break at each step, but these are tools I've found were great to get the ball rolling.
Please refer the link, http://www.spritle.com/blogs/2013/02/08/upgrade-rails-2-application-to-rails-3/
It may helpful to you.

Would there be compatibility issues upgrading rails 2 to rails 3?

Im considering upgrading a rails 2 app to rails 3 for a number of reasons (rails 3 features, certain plugins require rails 3 etc.)
Obviously ill have to update/grade some of the plugins as well. But concerning the code itself, should there be any compatibility issues when upgrading to 3? I know rails 3 changes a lot of helpers and syntax to make things easier, but do the older and more complicated ways still work (ex. gems in envioronment.rb, not Gemfile).
Also, anyone know a good tutorial on how to do it?
I have written a blogpost about it, where I point to the standard resources, but also handle some more deeper problems I encountered.
Hope this helps.
You may try this plugin to check your application compatibility in Rails 3. https://github.com/rails/rails_upgrade
If you want to upgrade from Rails 2 to Rails 3, first make sure to upgrade to the latest 2.3 version.
Then, before migrating, there is a list of changes you can make to make your Rails 2.3 application behaving like a Rails 3 application. Once you applied these changes, chances are the number of issues will be smaller and you can upgrade to Rails 3.
Once you installed Rails 3, use the rails_upgrade plugin to check the incompatibilities and fix them.

Rails 2.3.11 Administrator Gem

This is my first question here in StackOverflow :)
I've been searching for the best plugin for administrator for my Rails 2.3.11 app.
I can create my own but I have to rush my project so I decided to use these kinds of plugin.
I already searched rails_admin and active_admin. There are both good but I think that's for Rails 3 only. So I need to find some admin plugins for Rails 2.3.11.
Your ideas are much welcome :) Thanks!
Give Typus a try. It works on rails 2.3 and is quite popular, although the author isn't planning on maintaining the 2.3 version anymore.
