Subkernel memory control in Mathematica - memory

I have a somewhat similar question as:
Mathematica running out of memory
I am interested in something like this:
ParallelTable[F[i], {i, 0, 14.9, 0.001}]
where F[i] is a complicated numerical integral (I haven't yet found an easy way to reproduce the problem without page filling definitions for an integral).
My problem is that the subkernels blow up in memory and I have to stop evaluation if I won't let the machine swapping.
But even if I have stopped evaluation the kernels won't give free their occupied memory.
I even have tried
stays at
{823185944, 833146832, 812429208, 840150336, 850057024, 834441704,
847068768, 850424224}
it seems that all memory controlling only works for the main kernel?
By now the only way is to shut down all the kernels and launch them again.
I really hope there are some solutions out there...
Thanks a lot.

Memory control works for the kernel where control expressions involving such functions as MemoryConstrained, MemoryInUse, Clear, Unset, Remove, $HistoryLength, ClearSystemCache etc. are evaluated. It seems that in your case the source of the memory leaks is not due to Mathematica's internal caching mechanism (thanks for the link, BTW!).
Have you tried to evaluate $HistoryLength=0; in all subkernels before using them for computations? If you have not yet, I strongly recommend to try.
Since you are working with numerical integration functions, I suggest also to try to optimize usage of them. For example, if you make numerical integration using NDSolve and need only a limited set of calculated points (or even the only one point) you should use the form NDSolve[eqns,y,{x,x_needed_min,x_needed_max}] (or even NDSolve[eqns,y,{x,x_max,x_max}]) instead of NDSolve[eqns,y,{x,x_min,x_max}] or NDSolve[eqns,y,{x,0,x_max}]. This can dramatically reduce memory usage in some cases! You can also use EventLocator for memory control.

I was(am?) having the exact same problem, almost word for word. I just had some good luck with adding the option to the problem integral:
Method-> {"GlobalAdaptive", "SymbolicProcessing"->False}
You can probably choose any other method if you'd like, but I had success with this within the last few minutes. Also, a lot of nasty inconsistencies I used to be getting are gone, and integration proceeds MUCH faster.


How can I convert a bullet transform to glm matrix without copying data?

I have a bullet transform and i would like to make it accessible as glm::mat3 type.
However, I am wondering if there is a good to way to do that without copying (like make_mat3x3).
After I skimmed the GLM, I found that - without modifying source code - it is impossible.
The copying is required.
Both Bullet and GLM cache the matrix by value, not pointer or reference.
For Bullet, see an evidence :
For GLM, see an example :
It might be faster if you use memcpy, but I am not sure if it is possible.
It depends on how the values are ordered.
(I have limited knowledge about GLM)
Even you manage to let two objects reside in the same address,
there will be a horrible issue that hard to be managed. (e.g. double delete)
However, before you try to avoid copying, did you profile it?
Copying is not expensive, really.
A few years ago, I wasted a few hours with a similar problem.
In my case, I want to copy Bullet's matrix to Opengl buffer.
Nonetheless, after I profiled it, I found that
in all of my game prototypes, this operation cost less than 1% of the whole logic.
Not worth the effort, really.
Premature optimization is the root of evil.

HHVM staticly typing lookup tables and keeping them fully cached in RAM

I'm doing scientific research, processing through millions of combinations of multi-megabyte arrays.
For you to be capable of answering this question you will need to have knowledge/experience of all of the following
how HHVM is able to cache data structures in RAM between requests
how to tell HHVM data structures will be constant
how to declare array index and value types
I need to process the entire arrays, so it's a lot of data to be loaded and processed. (millions of requests within minutes on a LAN). The faster I can complete requests the quicker I can complete my work. If HHVM has to do work loading this data on each request, it accounts for a significant fraction of the time to complete the request (sometimes more than half, it depends on the complexity of the analysis I'm doing at the time).
I have found a method that has allowed me to keep these data structures cached in RAM (no loading from files, interpreting code, pushing to the array hundreds of thousands of times for no reason, no pointless repetitive unserialize etc), and thus I have eliminated this massive measurable delay.
I have 3 questions regarding how I can make this even faster:
Is the way I'm doing it now creating a global scope penalty?
How can I declare my arrays as constant and tell HHVM what data types to expect?
If I declare my arrays as constant is it even necessary to declare the types for HHVM?
Instead of using nested arrays, if I use 3 separate data structures ImmVector, PackedArray, or define a class would it be faster?
Keep in mind that anything that prevents HHVM from caching the data structure in RAM between requests should be regarded as unacceptable.
$data = [
["uuid (20 chars)", 5336, 7373],
["uuid (20 chars)", 5336, 7373],
#more lines as above
Some of these files are many MB in size and there are a lot of them
function main() {
require /path/to/Lookuptable35543.php;
#(Do stuff with $data)
This is working quite well, as Main.php gets thousands of requests, in a short period of time, HHVM keeps Lookuptable.php's data structure in memory. Avoiding pointless processing and IO, as it just sits in RAM, ready for use. (I have more than enough RAM)
Unfortunately, the only way I know how to make HHVM hold the lookup table in RAM is, I set $data in the global scope inside my lookup####.php file (then require the lookup file into a function in the data processing file: Main.php)? This way HHVM doesnt bother loading the file or re executing the code to create $data, because it can see that $data can be determined at compile time, and it will not ever change during runtime. This works but I dont know if there is a penalty from having the $data exist in the lookup###.php file's global scope. (Or maybe its not global at all because it is required into main.php's function?)
What if I return $data from a function inside Lookup.php and call that function from Main.php like this
Would the HHVM JIT the result of getData() in RAM?
Somehow I associate functions with unpredictability... but maybe HHVM is clever enough to know that the functions result can be determined at compile time, and never changes?
I can't put the lookup table inside Main.php because I require different lookup tables based on the type of request.
Is there a way I can tell HHVM that my outer array will always have an integer index that never changes, and the values of the outer array will always be an array?
Perhaps I need to use ImmVector?
Then is there a way to tell HHVM that my inner array will always be a fixed length string followed by 2 integers, always, no extra elements, contents never changes?
I'd prefer not to use OO or create a class. How can I declare types, procedural style?
If a class is absolutely necessary can you please give example code suitable for my requirements above?
Will it be faster if I dont nest arrays?
I just realized I could have one array with integer index and values of fixed length string. Then a 2nd array with integer index and integer values, and a 3rd one with integer index and integer values.
If you're not familiar with this HHVM caching technique please do not waste mutual time suggesting a database, redis, APC, unserialize, etc. The fastest is for HHVM to just keep my various $data variables in RAM. Even unserializing $data from a ramdisk file is slow, because then the entire data structure must be parsed as a string and converted into a data structure in memory for every request. APC has the same problem as far as i know. I dont want to even have to copy $data. The lookup tables are immutable, read only. They must just stay fully structured in RAM. My current caching solution (at the top of this question) has already given me huge gains, but as per my 3 questions I think there may be more gains to be had?
Incase you're wondering, I have measured the latency of various data loading or caching methods.
Now I basically want to keep the caching situation I have, but give the HHVM JIT maximum confidence about how to type my data, so it can save time not running type or even bound (array size) checks.
Ok so nobody has been able to give me any code examples yet, so I'm just trying stuff out.
Here's what I've found out so far.
const arrays don't work yet in HHVM. const foo = ['uuid1',43,43];
throws an error about HHVM only supporting constants with scalar values.
Vector with Array values: I don't know how it will perform yet... I expect it will be better than a normal array. This is valid HH code.
This is progress, because HHVM should be able to cache this in the same way, HHVM knows this whole structure is constant, and HHVM knows the indexes are all integers.
What I'm still not entirely happy about with this structure is this:
Consider this code
for ($n=0;$n<count($iv);++$n) if ($x > $iv[$n][1]) dosomething();
Will HHVM perform a type check on $if[$n][2] on every loop iteration?
In my definition of $iv above, there is nothing that says the 2nd element of the inner array will be an integer.
How can I improve on this?
Can disabling the type checker be of any use? Does this only hide errors from the external type checker, or does it prevent HHVM from constantly doing type checks? (I'm thinking it's the first thing)
Perhaps if I could make my own user-defined type that would solve the problem?
#I don't know what mechanisms for UDT's exist, so this code is made-up
CreateUDT foo = <string,int,int>;
$iv = ImmVector<foo> {
I found a reference to this at Hack Collections Literal Syntax Vector<Foo> unfortunately it might not be available to use yet.
I'm a software engineer at Facebook working on HHVM.
This entire question reeks of premature optimization to me. Have you done profiling and determined that loading this array is actually a bottleneck for your app? (Not just microbenchmarks, but how it actually affects the performance, latency, RPS, etc of realistic pageloads.) And also isolated from other effects, e.g., if this array is a cache or some sort of precomputed data, you need to isolate the win of precomputing the data from the actual time to load it by caching it in various different ways.
In general, HHVM is very good at dealing with arrays, since they are so hot in nearly every codepath -- and in particular at constant arrays like this one. To your questions about how to inform it of the shape and types of things in the arrays, HHVM can figure that all out for itself, and is very good at doing so on constant arrays composed entirely of constants. (And the ways it thinks about arrays aren't quite the ways you think about arrays, so it can probably do a better job anyway!) Basically, unless profiling says this is actually a hotspot -- which I'm pretty skeptical of -- I wouldn't worry too much about it. A couple general notes to be aware of:
Measure every performance diff. Don't prematurely optimize -- use profiling to guide. The developer productivity lost by premature optimizations getting in the way can be lethal.
Get things out of toplevel ("pseudomains") as much as possible. A function which returns a static or constant array should be just fine, and will in general help HHVM optimize code even better.
Avoid references as much as possible, especially in this array if you care about performance so much.
You probably should look into repo authoritiative mode which can help HHVM optimize lots of things even more -- but in particular for this case, the more aggressive inlining that repo auth mode can do might be a win.
Edit, aside:
because then the entire data structure must be parsed as a string and converted into a data structure in memory for every request. APC has the same problem as far as i know
This is exactly what I mean by premature optimization: you're rejecting APC without even trying it, even if it might be a cleaner way of doing what you want. It turns out that, in most cases, HHVM actually can optimize away the serialization/deserialization of storing arrays in APC, particularly if they are constant arrays that are never modified. As above, HHVM is very good at optimizing lots of common patterns. Just write code that's clean, profile it, and fix the hotspots.
Okay I've solved my first question.
I don't have any global scope issues. My require is being done from inside function main(), so it's as if the code from lookuptable####.php is being inserted into function main().
HHVM docs: "If the include occurs inside a function..."
Basically if you were to open lookuptable####.php it looks like the code is in global scope, but that's not the file that is being requested from hhvm. main.php is the one being requested, thus there is no code in global scope.
I think I've answered my 2nd question, it's currently at the bottom of my question. I'm not 100% convinced, but I'm pretty happy to move ahead and test it.

Best practice for dealing with package allocation in Go

I'm writing a package which makes heavy use of buffers internally for temporary storage. I have a single global (but not exported) byte slice which I start with 1024 elements and grow by doubling as needed.
However, it's very possible that a user of my package would use it in such a way that caused a large buffer to be allocated, but then stop using the package, thus wasting a large amount of allocated heap space, and I would have no way of knowing whether to free the buffer (or, since this is Go, let it be GC'd).
I've thought of three possible solutions, none of which is ideal. My question is: are any of these solutions, or maybe ones I haven't thought of, standard practice in situations like this? Is there any standard practice? Any other ideas?
Screw it.
Oh well. It's too hard to deal with this, and leaving allocated memory lying around isn't so bad.
The problem with this approach is obvious: it doesn't solve the problem.
Exported "I'm done" or "Shrink internal memory usage" function.
Export a function which the user can call (and calling it intelligently is obviously up to them) which will free the internal storage used by the package.
The problem with this approach is twofold. First, it makes for a more complex, less clean interface to the user. Second, it may not be possible or practical for the user to know when calling such a function is wise, so it may be useless anyway.
Run a goroutine which frees the buffer after a certain period of the package going unused, or which shrinks the buffer (perhaps halving the length) whenever its size hasn't been increased in a while.
The problem with this approach is primarily that it puts unnecessary strain on the scheduler. Obviously a single goroutine isn't so bad, but if this were accepted practice, it wouldn't scale well if every package you imported were doing this under the hood. Also, if you have a time-sensitive application, you may not want code running when you're not aware of it (that is, you may assume that the package isn't doing any work when its functions are not being called - a reasonable assumption, I'd say).
So... any ideas?
NOTE: You can see the existing project here (the relevant code is only a few tens of lines).
A common approach to this is letting the client pass an existing []byte (or whatever) as an argument to some call/function/method. For example:
// The returned slice may be a sub-slice of dst if dst was large enough
// to hold the entire encoded block. Otherwise, a newly allocated slice
// will be returned. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
func Foo(dst []byte, whatever Bar) (ret []byte, err error)
Another approach is to get a new []byte from a, for example cache and/or for example pool (if you prefer the later name for that concept) and rely on clients to return used buffers to such "recycle-bin".
BTW: You're doing it right by thinking about this. Where it's possible to reasonably reuse []byte buffers, there's a potential for lowering the GC load and thus making your program better performing. Sometimes the difference can be critical.
You could reslice your buffer at the end of every operation.
buffer = buffer[:0]
Then your function extendAndSliceBuffer would have the original backing array most likely available if it needs to grow. If not, you would suffer a new allocation, which you might get anyway when you do extendAndSliceBuffer.
Overall, I think a cleaner solution is to do like #jnml said and let the users pass their own buffer if they care about performance. If they don't care about performance, then you should not use a global var and simply allocate the buffer as you need and let it go when it gets out of scope.
I have a single global (but not exported) byte slice which I start
with 1024 elements and grow by doubling as needed.
And there's your problem. You shouldn't have a global like this in your package.
Generally the best approach is to have an exported struct with attached functions. The buffer should reside in this struct unexported. That way the user can instantiate it and let the garbage collector clean it up when they let go of it.
You also want to avoid requiring globals like this as it can hamper unit tests. A unit test should be able to instantiate the exported struct, as the user can, and do it each time for every test.
Also depending on what kind of buffer you need, bytes.Buffer may be useful as it already provides io.Reader and io.Writer functions. bytes.Buffer also automatically grows and shrinks its buffer. In buffer.go you'll see various calls to b.Truncate(0) that does the shrinking with the comment "reset to recover space".
It's generally really really bad form to write Go code that is not thread-safe. If two different goroutines call functions that modify the buffer at the same time, who knows what state the buffer will be in when they finish? Just let the user provide a scratch-space buffer if they decide that the allocation performance is a bottleneck.

get leaks between two points using valgrind

i'm using valgrind to find and trace memory issues. Now i want to do something like this:
before = getValgrindState();
after = getValgrindState();
difference = after - before;
std::cout << difference;
Is something like this possible with valgrind?
The MS Visual C++ runtime provides the following functions:
_CrtMemCheckpoint (to gather the current state of the allocated memory)
_CrtMemDifference (to calculate the difference between two states)
And i would like to know if there's a way to implement a similar functionality with valgrind.
A primitive/destructive way to do what you want is to use _exit() (note the underscore) to avoid calling any of the destructors.
run valgrind/memcheck against your code that calls _exit() prior to do_something_curious();
run valgrind/memcheck again with _exit() after do_something_curious();
compare results to see what do_something_curious() has left around.
[I couldn't figure out how massif would do what you want (is there a way to have massif keep track of free/delete operations and reconcile with malloc/new operations that I missed?)]
What do you want to measure? What is "difference" supposed to be? If you want to examine memory usage, try with valgrind's massif tool. Massif Visualizer is useful for interpreting the results.

VC6 Profiler Problem: Spurious Function Calls

I am running into the following issue while profiling an application under VC6. When I profile the application, the profiler is indicating that a simple getter method similar to the following is being called many hundreds of thousands of times:
int SomeClass::getId() const
return m_iId;
The problem is, this method is not called anywhere in the test app. When I change the code to the following:
int SomeClass::getId() const
std::cout << "Is this method REALLY being called?" << std::endl;
return m_iId;
The profiler never includes getId in the list of invoked functions. Comment out the cout and I'm right back to where I started, 130+ thousand calls! Just to be sure it wasn't some cached profiler data or corrupted function lookup table, I'm doing a clean and rebuild between each test. Still the same results!
Any ideas?
I'd guess that what's happening is that the compiler and/or the linker is 'coalescing' this very simple function to one or more other functions that are identical (the code generated for return m_iId is likely exactly the same as many other getters that happen to return a member that's at the same offset).
essentially, a bunch of different functions that happen to have identical machine code implementations are all resolved to the same address, confusing the profiler.
You may be able to stop this from happening (if this is the problem) by turning off optimizations.
I assume you are profiling because you want to find out if there are ways to make the program take less time, right? You're not just profiling because you like to see numbers.
There's a simple, old-fashioned, tried-and-true way to find performance problems. While the program is running, just hit the "pause" button and look at the call stack. Do this several times, like from 5 to 20 times. The bigger a problem is, the fewer samples you need to find it.
Some people ask if this isn't basically what profilers do, and the answer is only very few. Most profilers fall for one or more common myths, with the result that your speedup is limited because they don't find all problems:
Some programs are spending unnecessary time in "hotspots". When that is the case, you will see that the code at the "end" of the stack (where the program counter is) is doing needless work.
Some programs do more I/O than necessary. If so, you will see that they are in the process of doing that I/O.
Large programs are often slow because their call trees are needlessly bushy, and need pruning. If so, you will see the unnecessary function calls mid-stack.
Any code you see on some percentage of stacks will, if removed, save that percentage of execution time (more or less). You can't go wrong. Here's an example, over several iterations, of saving over 97%.
