How to use Dependency Injection with Static Methods? - dependency-injection

Imagine there is a Customer class with an instance Load() method.
When the Load() method is called, it retrieves order details by e.g.
var orders = Order.GetAll(customerId, ...);
GetAll() is a static method of the Order class and the input parameters are fields defined in the Customer class.
As you can see, Order is a dependency of the Customer class, however, I can't just create an IOrder and inject it there as interfaces can't have static methods.
Therefore, the question is how could I introduce dependency injection in this example?
I don't want to make GetAll() an instance method since it's a static method and need to keep it that way.
For example, I have used utility classes in my design, most of which just contain static methods.

If you must keep the static method, I would wrap the static calls in a Repository object.
Like this:
interface IOrderRepository {
IEnumerable<IOrder> GetAll(customerId, ..);
class OrderRepository : IOrderRepository {
IEnumerable<IOrder> GetAll(customerId, ...)
Order.GetAll(customerId,...); // The original static call.
Now you inject this repository into your Customer class.
(I'm assuming you're doing this so you can inject fake IOrders at runtime for testing purposes. I should say that in general, static methods are a serious obstacle to testing.)

Seeing as your aggregate root for fetching orders is your customer model I would strongly advise you create a customer repository and inject that to whatever service requires it.
Here is an example:
public class CustomerService
private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
if (customerRepository == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("customerRepository");
_customerRepository = customerRepository;
public IEnumerable<IOrder> GetOrdersForCustomerId(int customerId)
return _customerRepository.GetOrdersForCustomerId(customerId);
public interface ICustomerRepository
IEnumerable<IOrder> GetOrdersForCustomerId(int customerId);
class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public IEnumerable<IOrder> GetOrdersForCustomerId(int customerId)
throw new NotImplementedException();

Function Pointer Injection
Inject a function pointer into the Customer class. The value of this function pointer can be Order.GetAll in production, and MockOrder.GetAll in tests.
The dependency (problematic static function we depend on):
class Order {
static func GetAll() -> [Order] {
var orders = ... // Load from production source
return orders
Our dependent class (depends on static function):
class Customer {
func Init(getAllOrdersFunction) { // Arg is a func pointer
self.getAllOrdersFunction = getAllOrdersFunction
func Load() {
var orders = self.getAllOrdersFunction()
// Do stuff...
Production client class (performs the dependency injection):
class BusinessLogicManager {
func DoBusinessLogic() {
var customer = Customer(Order.GetAll) // Prod func injected here
// Do stuff...
Testing client class (how unit test can inject a fake dependency):
class CustomerUnitTests {
static func GetFakeOrders() {
var orders = ... // Hardcoded test data
return orders
func TestLoad() {
var customer = Customer(CustomerUnitTests.GetFakeOrders) // Fake func injected here
// Verify results given known behavior of GetFakeOrders
How you actually inject the "function pointer" will depend on the syntax and features available in your language. Here I'm just talking about the general concept.
This isn't exactly a pretty solution. It would probably be easier if you can change GetAll to be an instance method (perhaps by introducing an OrdersLoader object, or by using Paul Phillips' answer). But if you really want to keep it as a static function, then this solution will work.


Avoid Type casting on Factory Pattern

I am writing a payment service class in Dart that wraps more than 1 payment provider. The expectation is the caller can simply switch one to another without any hassle.
Let's imagine I have classes like this:
enum PaymentProvider { providerA, providerB }
abstract class PaymentService {
void processPayment(Order oder);
class PaymentServiceA implements PaymentService {
final String appKey;
final String merchantId;
PaymentServiceA(this.appKey, this.merchantId);
void processPayment(Order oder) {
// concrete implementation to process payment
String getVoucher() {
// return voucher code
class PaymentServiceB implements PaymentService {
final PaymentBOptions options;
void processPayment(Order oder) {
// concrete implementation to process payment
List<PaymentBHistory> getPaymentHistory() {
// return payment history
class PaymentBOptions {
final bool sendEmailReceipt;
final Function()? successCallback;
PaymentBOptions(this.sendEmailReceipt, this.successCallback);
So here PaymentServiceA and PaymentServiceB have same method (processPayment) so we can create base class PaymentService and let them implements this base class.
However as you can see each of them also has different constructor parameter and specific methods.
How is the best approach to create PaymentService that wrap more than 1 provider like this?
I was trying to use factory pattern like this:
abstract class PaymentService {
factory PaymentService(PaymentProvider provider) {
switch(provider) {
case PaymentProvider.providerA:
String appKey = "xxxx";
String merchantId = "123"
return PaymentServiceA(appKey, merchantId);
case PaymentProvider.providerB:
PaymentBOptions options = PaymentBOptions(() {
return PaymentServiceB(options);
void processPayment(Order order);
But I don't think this is the good practice because:
If we create PaymentServiceA or PaymentServiceB instance using PaymentService factory method it will return as PaymentService and we need to cast to appropriate class in order to access specific PaymentService method.
We can't supply specific constructor parameter of PaymentServiceA or PaymentServiceB outside PaymentService abstract class via factory constructor.
Any idea on how is the best practice and what's the suitable design pattern when facing this kind of scenario?

Can i use a Factory to implement dependency injection

Someone told me that before dependency injection frameworks came around there developers would use a factory to implement DI. Can anyone provide an example how a factory pattern can be used for DI. I mean just by thinking about it a factory is a depenendency injector but i cant find any examples on the web.
This off the top of my head, untested code (with C#)
public class CarFactory : ICarFactory{
private static CarFactory instance = null;
public static ICarFactory SingletonInstance {
get {
if (this.instance == null){
this.instance = new CarFactory();
return this.instance;
set {
this.instance = value;
public ICar CreateCar(string make){
case "Toyota": return new Toyota();
case "Honda" : return new Honda();
default: throw new Exception();
public interface ICarFactory {
ICar CreateCar(string make);
public class Toyota : ICar
public class Honda : ICar
And usage would be something like :
ICar car = CarFactory.SingletonInstance.CreateCar("Toyota");
Exposing the singleton instance of the CarFactory publically enables you to mock the CarFactory for your unit tests and you can have your mocked CarFactory return mocked ICars when calling CreateCar.
Now replace the Cars in the factory by actual dependencies such as classes that implement services. And voila, you have a Factory that contains all your dependencies. You can now use the Factory to "resolve" your dependencies. You can take the example and push it further by using generic types and a dictionary (hashtable) where the key is the type name and the value the implementation instance such as:
public T Create<T>(){
return mydictionary.get(typeof(T).Name);
Something like that... You get the drift...
Hope it helps!

SimpleInjector - Register a type for all it's interfaces

Is it possible to register a type for all it's implementing interfaces? E.g, I have a:
public class Bow : IWeapon
#region IWeapon Members
public string Attack()
return "Shooted with a bow";
public class HumanFighter
private readonly IWeapon weapon = null;
public HumanFighter(IWeapon weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
public string Fight()
return this.weapon.Attack();
public void Test2b()
Container container = new Container();
// this would match the IWeapon to the Bow, as it
// is implemented by Bow
var humanFighter1 = container.GetInstance<HumanFighter>();
string s = humanFighter1.Fight();
It completely depends on your needs, but typically you need to use the Container's non-generic registration method. You can define your own LINQ queries to query the application's metadata to get the proper types, and register them using the non-generic registration methods. Here's an example:
var weaponsAssembly = typeof(Bow).Assembly;
var registrations =
from type in weaponsAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
where type.Namespace.Contains(".Weapons")
from service in type.GetInterfaces()
select new { Service = service, Implementation = type };
foreach (var reg in registrations)
container.Register(reg.Service, reg.Implementation);
If you need to batch-register a set of implementations, based on a shared generic interface, you can use the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric extension method:
// include the SimpleInjector.Extensions namespace.
This will look for all (non-generic) public types in the supplied assembly that implement IValidator<T> and registers each of them by their closed-generic implementation. If an type implements multiple closed-generic versions of IValidator<T>, all versions will be registered. Take a look at the following example:
interface IValidator<T> { }
class MultiVal1 : IValidator<Customer>, IValidator<Order> { }
class MultiVal2 : IValidator<User>, IValidator<Employee> { }
Assuming the given interface and class definitions, the shown RegisterManyForOpenGeneric registration is equivalent to the following manual registration:
container.Register<IValidator<Customer>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<Order>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<User>, MultiVal2>();
container.Register<IValidator<Employee>, MultiVal2>();
It would also be easy to add convenient extension methods. Take for instance the following extension method that allows you to register a single implementation by all its implemented interfaces:
public static void RegisterAsImplementedInterfaces<TImpl>(
this Container container)
foreach (var service in typeof(TImpl).GetInterfaces())
container.Register(service, typeof(TImpl));
It can be used as follows:

How to use methods in ObjectContext class, if I use IObjectSet<T> for unit test?

I am using EF4 with POCO and trying to make it testable architecture.
So I create IObjectContext interface as follow :
public interface IObjectContext
IObjectSet<Employee> Employees { get; }
IObjectSet<Team> Teams { get; }
void Commit();
Then I changed type of properties to IObjectSet in my real ObjectContext class as follow :
public partial class HRManagementEntities : ObjectContext, IUnitOfWork
// skip some codes here...........
public IObjectSet<Employee> Employees
get { return _employees ?? (_employees = CreateObjectSet<Employee>("Employees"));
private IObjectSet<Employee> _employees;
public IObjectSet<Team> Teams
get { return _teams ?? (_teams = CreateObjectSet<Team>("Teams")); }
private IObjectSet<Team> _teams;
public void Commit()
In my service layer, consume EF like this :
public class Service
private IObjectContext ctx;
public HRService(IObjectContext ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public List<Team> GetAllTeams()
return ctx.Teams.ToList();
Here is my problem, How to call methods in ObjectContext for example, ApplyCurrentValues(), ExecuteStoreCommand(), and so on... ?
Do I need to implement those methods in the IObjectContext to use?
As RPM's advice, I created following extension method for ApplyCurrentValues() method, another methods could be extended in same way.
public static T UpdateModel<T>(this IObjectSet<T> iObjectSet, T currentEntity) where T : class
ObjectSet<T> objectSet = iObjectSet as ObjectSet<T>;
if (objectSet == null || currentEntity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
return objectSet.ApplyCurrentValues(currentEntity);
You need to create extension methods for the methods you need, and cast the IObjectSet to ObjectSet.
For instance, if you need to do .Include (eager loading), use this extension method:
public static IQueryable<TSource> Include<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string path)
var objectQuery = source as ObjectQuery<TSource>;
if (objectQuery != null)
return source;
You could probably do the same thing for IObjectContext, but not sure why you are even mocking this out. You should not expose the OC to outside the repository, only the repository should know about the OC.
In your example, your service is calling ctx.Teams on the entities/repository.
IMO your service should be calling ctx.Find, which would be strongly-typed (via generics) to the Teams object context. (IRepository)
A common trap is to over-mock things. Don't mock everything just for the sake of it, mock the functionality which you require for unit testing.
If you want to abstract out the Object Context then use the Unit of Work pattern.

How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject?

How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject?
That is, in C# one can not have static methods in an interface, and Ninject works on the basis of using interfaces?
My use case is a class that I would like it to have a static method to create an
unpopulated instance of itself.
Just to add an example in the TopologyImp class, in the GetRootNodes() method, how would I create some iNode classes to return? Would I construct these with normal code practice or would I somehow use Ninject? But if I use the container to create then haven't I given this library knowledge of the IOC then?
public interface ITopology
List<INode> GetRootNodes();
public class TopologyImp : ITopology
public List<INode> GetRootNodes()
List<INode> result = new List<INode>();
// Need code here to create some instances, but how to without knowledge of the container?
// e.g. want to create a few INode instances and add them to the list and then return the list
public interface INode
// Parameters
long Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
class NodeImp : INode
public long Id
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public string Name
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// Just background to highlight the fact I'm using Ninject fine to inject ITopology
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ITopology _top;
public Form1()
IKernel kernal = new StandardKernel(new TopologyModule());
_top = kernal.Get<ITopology>();
If you're building a singleton or something of that nature and trying to inject dependencies, typically you instead write your code as a normal class, without trying to put in lots of (probably incorrect) code managing the singleton and instead register the object InSingletonScope (v2 - you didnt mention your Ninject version). Each time you do that, you have one less class that doesnt surface its dependencies.
If you're feeling especially bloody-minded and are certain that you want to go against that general flow, the main tools Ninject gives you is Kernel.Inject, which one can use after you (or someone else) has newd up an instance to inject the dependencies. But then to locate one's Kernelm you're typically going to be using a Service Locator, which is likely to cause as much of a mess as it is likely to solve.
EDIT: Thanks for following up - I see what you're after. Here's a hacky way to approximate the autofac automatic factory mechanism :-
/// <summary>
/// Ugly example of a not-very-automatic factory in Ninject
/// </summary>
class AutomaticFactoriesInNinject
class Node
class NodeFactory
public NodeFactory( Func<Node> createNode )
_createNode = createNode;
Func<Node> _createNode;
public Node GenerateTree()
return _createNode();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<Func<Node>>().ToMethod( context => () => Kernel.Get<Node>() );
public void CanGenerate()
var kernel = new StandardKernel( new Module() );
var result = kernel.Get<NodeFactory>().GenerateTree();
Assert.IsType<Node>( result );
The ToMethod stuff is a specific application of the ToProvider pattern -- here's how you'd do the same thing via that route:-
class NodeProvider : IProvider
public Type Type
get { return typeof(Node); }
public object Create( IContext context )
return context.Kernel.Get<Node>();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
I have not thought this through though and am not recommending this as A Good Idea - there may be far better ways of structuring something like this. #Mark Seemann? :P
I believe Unity and MEF also support things in this direction (keywords: automatic factory, Func)
EDIT 2: Shorter syntax if you're willing to use container-specific attributes and drop to property injection (even if Ninject allows you to override the specific attributes, I much prefer constructor injection):
class NodeFactory
public Func<Node> NodeFactory { private get; set; }
public Node GenerateTree()
return NodeFactory();
EDIT 3: You also need to be aware of this Ninject Module by #Remo Gloor which is slated to be in the 2.4 release
EDIT 4: Also overlapping, but not directly relevant is the fact that in Ninject, you can request an IKernel in your ctor/properties and have that injected (but that doesn't work directly in a static method).
