How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject? - dependency-injection

How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject?
That is, in C# one can not have static methods in an interface, and Ninject works on the basis of using interfaces?
My use case is a class that I would like it to have a static method to create an
unpopulated instance of itself.
Just to add an example in the TopologyImp class, in the GetRootNodes() method, how would I create some iNode classes to return? Would I construct these with normal code practice or would I somehow use Ninject? But if I use the container to create then haven't I given this library knowledge of the IOC then?
public interface ITopology
List<INode> GetRootNodes();
public class TopologyImp : ITopology
public List<INode> GetRootNodes()
List<INode> result = new List<INode>();
// Need code here to create some instances, but how to without knowledge of the container?
// e.g. want to create a few INode instances and add them to the list and then return the list
public interface INode
// Parameters
long Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
class NodeImp : INode
public long Id
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public string Name
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// Just background to highlight the fact I'm using Ninject fine to inject ITopology
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ITopology _top;
public Form1()
IKernel kernal = new StandardKernel(new TopologyModule());
_top = kernal.Get<ITopology>();

If you're building a singleton or something of that nature and trying to inject dependencies, typically you instead write your code as a normal class, without trying to put in lots of (probably incorrect) code managing the singleton and instead register the object InSingletonScope (v2 - you didnt mention your Ninject version). Each time you do that, you have one less class that doesnt surface its dependencies.
If you're feeling especially bloody-minded and are certain that you want to go against that general flow, the main tools Ninject gives you is Kernel.Inject, which one can use after you (or someone else) has newd up an instance to inject the dependencies. But then to locate one's Kernelm you're typically going to be using a Service Locator, which is likely to cause as much of a mess as it is likely to solve.
EDIT: Thanks for following up - I see what you're after. Here's a hacky way to approximate the autofac automatic factory mechanism :-
/// <summary>
/// Ugly example of a not-very-automatic factory in Ninject
/// </summary>
class AutomaticFactoriesInNinject
class Node
class NodeFactory
public NodeFactory( Func<Node> createNode )
_createNode = createNode;
Func<Node> _createNode;
public Node GenerateTree()
return _createNode();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<Func<Node>>().ToMethod( context => () => Kernel.Get<Node>() );
public void CanGenerate()
var kernel = new StandardKernel( new Module() );
var result = kernel.Get<NodeFactory>().GenerateTree();
Assert.IsType<Node>( result );
The ToMethod stuff is a specific application of the ToProvider pattern -- here's how you'd do the same thing via that route:-
class NodeProvider : IProvider
public Type Type
get { return typeof(Node); }
public object Create( IContext context )
return context.Kernel.Get<Node>();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
I have not thought this through though and am not recommending this as A Good Idea - there may be far better ways of structuring something like this. #Mark Seemann? :P
I believe Unity and MEF also support things in this direction (keywords: automatic factory, Func)
EDIT 2: Shorter syntax if you're willing to use container-specific attributes and drop to property injection (even if Ninject allows you to override the specific attributes, I much prefer constructor injection):
class NodeFactory
public Func<Node> NodeFactory { private get; set; }
public Node GenerateTree()
return NodeFactory();
EDIT 3: You also need to be aware of this Ninject Module by #Remo Gloor which is slated to be in the 2.4 release
EDIT 4: Also overlapping, but not directly relevant is the fact that in Ninject, you can request an IKernel in your ctor/properties and have that injected (but that doesn't work directly in a static method).


Structuremap config with runtime value ...For<IProductProvider>().Use<ProductProvider>.Ctor<string>("connectionString").Is(someValueAtRunTime);

Structuremap experts,
I found this post on stackoverflow ...
Passing constructor arguments when using StructureMap
Someone suggested to use the StructureMap configuration with runtime value like this
But example is not adequate enough to understand its declaration and usage. I try to find on StructureMap site as well but not much help ...
In my situation, I want to pass on the dependency of concrete DbContext (IDbContext) to the constructor of the class with connection string dynamically created during run time within that class.
Finally I managed to make it working ...
Here how I did it ...
Hope it will help someone, and thanks to PHeiberg for answer me before and showing me right direction.
Interface Definition
public interface ICreditCard
string GetName();
public interface IAdditionalCreditCard : ICreditCard
public class AdditionalCreditCard : IAdditionalCreditCard
private readonly string _name;
public AdditionalCreditCard(string name)
_name = name;
public string GetName()
return _name;
Define function in Structure map config code
Func<string, IAdditionalCreditCard> additionalCreditCard = value =>
Add following configuration in ObjectFactory.Configure
ObjectFactory.Configure(config =>
config.For<Func<string, IAdditionalCreditCard>>().Use(additionalCreditCard);
And in code ...
public class PaymentSystem
private readonly Func<string, IAdditionalCreditCard> _addtionalCreditCard;
private IAdditionalCreditCard _addCreditCard;
public PaymentSystem(Func<string, IAdditionalCreditCard> additionalCredit)
_addtionalCreditCard = additionalCredit;
public string AddtionalSystemType()
_addCreditCard = _addtionalCreditCard("American Express");
return _addCreditCard.GetName();
The code you are posting is supposed to go in the setup code for StructureMap, which can go in the Initialize/Configure method or a Registry. The setup code is normally executed only once in the application's life cycle. So if you know the connection string value when the application is stared and you configure StructureMap, you can put the code you posted in the initialization of StructureMap. If the value is not known until later on, you need some kind of factory approach.
A factory approach could be done like this (in your StructureMap configuration code):
Func<string, IDbContext> createContext = value => {
/* create context based on value */
ObjectFactory.Initialize(c => {
For<Func<string, IDbContext>>().Use(createContext);
// The rest of you configuration ...
You can now use the Func to create an instance of the context when you need it:
public class ProductProvider : IProductProvider
private readonly Func<string, IDbContext> _contextCreator;
public ProductProvider(Func<string, IDbContext> contextCreator)
_contextCreator = contextCreator;
public IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts(string someValue)
using(var context = contextCreator(someValue))
return SomeOperationOnThe(context);

Bind registered name to component instance in structuremap

I am about to switch from Windsor to Structuremap for an existing project with ~100 registered components (mostly singletons).
All components inherit from a common base class that provides logging and health tracking and for this reason, contains a "Name" property used to identify component instances.
With Windsor, it was possible to set the component's Name property to the name that was used to register the component in the IOC container (We used a Facility for this).
My question: Is something like this possible with Structuremap?
(I dream of a call to c.For<IFoo>.Use<Bar>.Named("Doe") that magically results in instanceOfBar.Name = "Doe" somewhere.)
Here is what I tried:
using System;
using StructureMap;
using StructureMap.Interceptors;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
interface IServiceA { }
interface IServiceB { }
class Base
public string Name { get; set; }
class ComponentA : Base, IServiceA { }
class ComponentB : Base, IServiceB
public ComponentB(IServiceA serviceA)
this.ServiceA = serviceA;
public IServiceA ServiceA { get; private set; }
class SetNameInterceptor : TypeInterceptor
public bool MatchesType(Type type) { return true; }
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
// *** Any other way? This does not work...
string name = context.BuildStack.Current != null ? context.BuildStack.Current.Name : context.RequestedName;
((Base)target).Name = name;
return target;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Container container = new Container(c =>
c.RegisterInterceptor(new SetNameInterceptor());
var b = container.GetInstance<IServiceB>();
// both Fail:
Debug.Assert(((ComponentB)b).Name == "B");
Debug.Assert(((ComponentA)((ComponentB)b).ServiceA).Name == "A");
The above obviously does not work, I tried several variations but had no luck. The registered name of the target object does not seem to be consistently reachable via IContext.
My second best approach would be to define a new "NamedComponent(...)" extension method that resolves to Named(name).WithProperty(x => x.Name).EqualTo(name), but I wonder if this can be avoided to keep component registration as "structuremap-like" as possible?
Am I missing something?
I've never used WithProperty before but if it works the way I'd expect it should do the trick for you.
I think I would favor using EnrichWith though. Something like:
c.For<IFoo>().Use<Foo>().Named(name).EnrichWith(f => f.Name = name);
EnrichWith is a bit more explicit about what it's doing IMO, and lets you call any code on your instance before returning it to the caller. I like that this lets you do a straightforward assignment as well.
There is also a more complex handler you can use with EnrichWith that gives access to the context of the request - this would allow you to do something like this:
.EnrichWith((c, i) => {
i.Name = c.RequestedName;
return i;
This may be overkill for your situation but the contextual awareness can be pretty useful.

How to Inject properly an IDBContextFactory into a controller's inject IDomainFactory using Ninject MVC3?

I'm using Ninject.MVC3 Nuget Package for injecting into my controller an implementation of a IDomain Interface that separates my Business Logic (BL) using an Factory approach.
I'm registering my Ninject Modules in the preconfigured NinjectMVC3.cs using:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
var modules = new INinjectModule[]
new DomainBLModule(),
new ADOModule()
I'm trying to avoid the fatal curse of the diabolic Service Locator anti-pattern.
The Domain Class uses a DBContext that i'm trying to inject an interface implementation too, via an IDBContext, with the following scenario:
public interface IDomainBLFactory
DomainBL CreateNew();
public class DomainBLFactory : IDomainBLFactory
public DomainBL CreateNew()
return new DomainBL();
In the controller's namespace:
public class DomainBLModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
At this point i can inject the IDomainBLFactory implementation into my controller using Ninject Constructor Injection without any problem:
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IDomainBLFactory DomainBLFactory;
// Default Injected Constructor
public MyController(IDomainBLFactory DomainBLFactory)
this.DomainBLFactory = DomainBLFactory;
... (use the Domain for performing tasks/commands with the Database Context)
Now my central problem.
In the DomainBL implementation, i will inject the dependency to a particular DBContext, in this case ADO DBContext from Entity Framework, again, using a IDBContextFactory:
public interface IDbDataContextFactory
myADOEntities CreateNew();
public class DbDataContextFactory : IDbDataContextFactory
public myADOEntities CreateNew()
return new myADOEntities ();
public class ADOModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Now in the DomainBL implementation I faced the problem of injecting the necessary interface for the DBContext Object Factory:
public class DomainBL
private readonly IDbDataContextFactory contextFactory;
**** OPS, i tried to understand about 10+ Stackoverflow articles ***
What have I tried?
To Use the constructor Injection. But I don't know what to inject in the call for the Factory CreateNew() in the IDBContextFactory. For clear:
public class DomainBLFactory: IDomainBLFactory
// Here the constructor requires one argument for passing the factory impl.
public DomainBL CreateNew()
return new DomainBL(?????) // I need a IDBContextFactory impl to resolve.
//It's not like in the MVC Controller where injection takes place internally
//for the controller constructor. I'm outside a controller
In this Useful Post, our unique true friend Remo Gloor describes in a comment a possible solution for me, citing: "Create an interface that has a CreateSomething method that takes everything you need to create the instance and have it return the instance. Then in your configuration you implement this interface and add an IResolutionRoot to its constructor and use this instace to Get the required object."
Questions: How do I implement this in a proper way using Ninject.MVC3 and my modest Domain Class approach? How do I Resolve the IResolutionRoot without be punished for relaying in the Service Locator anti-pattern?
To Use the property injection for an IDBContexFactory. In the course of learning and reading all the contradictory points of view plus the theoretical explanations about it, I can deduce it's not a proper way of doing the injection for my DBContexFactory class code. Nevermind. It doesn't work anyway.
public class DomainBL
public IDbDataContextFactory contextFactory
//Doesn't works, contextFactory is null with or without parameterless constructor
.... (methods that uses contextFactory.CreateNew()....
Question: What am I missing? Even if this approach is wrong the property is not injecting.
Be cursed. Use a DependencyResolver and live with the stigmata. This works and I will remain in this approach until a proper solution appears for me. And this is really frustrating because the lack of knowledge in my last 10 days effort trying to understand and do things right.
public class DomainBL
private readonly IDbDataContextFactory contextFactory;
this.contextFactory = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IDbDataContextFactory>();
//So sweet, it works.. but i'm a sinner.
Question: Is there a big mistake in my understanding of the Factory Approach for the injection of interfaced implementations and using a Domain Driven Approach for taking apart the Business Logic? In the case I'm wrong, what stack of patterns should I implement with confidence?
I saw before a really big quantity of articles and blogs that does not ask this important question in a open a clear way.
Remo Gloor introduces the Ninject.Extensions.Factory for the Ninject 3.0.0 RC in
Question: Will this extension work coupled with Ninject.MVC3 for general porpouse?. In such case it should be my hope for the near future.
Thank you all in advance for your guidance and remember we appreciate your kind help. I think a lot of people will find this scenario useful too.
I don't really get the purpose of your factories. Normally, you have exactly one ObjectContext instance for one request. This means you don't need the factory and can simply bind myADOEntities in Request scope and inject it into your DomainBL without adding the factories:
And Yes the factory and mvc extrensions work together.
Here's an implementation of a generic IFactory to solve the problem without resorting to the ServiceLocator anti-pattern.
First you define a nice generic factory interface
public interface IFactory<T>
T CreateNew();
And define the implementation which uses ninject kernel to create the objects requested
class NinjectFactory<T> : IFactory<T>
private IKernel Kernel;
public NinjectFactory( IKernel Kernel )
this.Kernel = Kernel;
public T CreateNew()
return Kernel.Get<T>();
Binding to your factory using the following
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
You can now do the following in your controller.
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IFactory<DomainBL> DomainBLFactory;
public MyController( IFactory<DomainBL> DomainBLFactory )
this.DomainBLFactory = DomainBLFactory;
// ... (use the Domain for performing tasks/commands with the Database Context)
And in your DomainBL
public class DomainBL
IFactory<myADOEntities> EntitiesFactory;
public DomainBL( IFactory<myADOEntities> EntitiesFactory )
this.EntitiesFactory = EntitiesFactory;
// ... (use the Entities factory whenever you need to create a Domain Context)

How to use methods in ObjectContext class, if I use IObjectSet<T> for unit test?

I am using EF4 with POCO and trying to make it testable architecture.
So I create IObjectContext interface as follow :
public interface IObjectContext
IObjectSet<Employee> Employees { get; }
IObjectSet<Team> Teams { get; }
void Commit();
Then I changed type of properties to IObjectSet in my real ObjectContext class as follow :
public partial class HRManagementEntities : ObjectContext, IUnitOfWork
// skip some codes here...........
public IObjectSet<Employee> Employees
get { return _employees ?? (_employees = CreateObjectSet<Employee>("Employees"));
private IObjectSet<Employee> _employees;
public IObjectSet<Team> Teams
get { return _teams ?? (_teams = CreateObjectSet<Team>("Teams")); }
private IObjectSet<Team> _teams;
public void Commit()
In my service layer, consume EF like this :
public class Service
private IObjectContext ctx;
public HRService(IObjectContext ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public List<Team> GetAllTeams()
return ctx.Teams.ToList();
Here is my problem, How to call methods in ObjectContext for example, ApplyCurrentValues(), ExecuteStoreCommand(), and so on... ?
Do I need to implement those methods in the IObjectContext to use?
As RPM's advice, I created following extension method for ApplyCurrentValues() method, another methods could be extended in same way.
public static T UpdateModel<T>(this IObjectSet<T> iObjectSet, T currentEntity) where T : class
ObjectSet<T> objectSet = iObjectSet as ObjectSet<T>;
if (objectSet == null || currentEntity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
return objectSet.ApplyCurrentValues(currentEntity);
You need to create extension methods for the methods you need, and cast the IObjectSet to ObjectSet.
For instance, if you need to do .Include (eager loading), use this extension method:
public static IQueryable<TSource> Include<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string path)
var objectQuery = source as ObjectQuery<TSource>;
if (objectQuery != null)
return source;
You could probably do the same thing for IObjectContext, but not sure why you are even mocking this out. You should not expose the OC to outside the repository, only the repository should know about the OC.
In your example, your service is calling ctx.Teams on the entities/repository.
IMO your service should be calling ctx.Find, which would be strongly-typed (via generics) to the Teams object context. (IRepository)
A common trap is to over-mock things. Don't mock everything just for the sake of it, mock the functionality which you require for unit testing.
If you want to abstract out the Object Context then use the Unit of Work pattern.

How to inject dependencies in Collection form?

How do I wire up dependencies where the dependency is in the form of a collection ??
For Example:
public class Ninja {
public List<IShuriken> Shurikens {get;set;}
public IKatana Katana {get;set;}
public void Attack()
// some code goes here to use weapons and kill people
How do i use a container like Ninject in a case like this ??
EDIT: I am not talking specifically about Ninject but thats the DI/IOC I use the most. :)
You can Bind a closed type List<X> ToConstant(), ToMethod() etc.
But you'd have to supply more detail as to what you want in the list or I'd just be engaging in idle speculation as to exactly what you want.
EDIT in response to yours and your comment: If you're dealing with 'Unknown' or loose dependencies, then MEF does lots of stuff in that direction.
[In general with DI] If you're doing something internally and it's a more 'Known' / fixed / complex resolution mechanism, you're better off modelling something like this by having a Repository or other coordinating object that will manage the list that you can request subsets and/or other projections of on an as-needed basis.
[If you're interested in specific mechanisms in Niject] You'd be crazy not to download the source and do a grep/FIF/Shift-Ctrl-Q for List to find out the real story though - the code is clean and neat and the Tests provide examples.
For example, you can Bind multiple items to an interface and then have them added into a collection for you automatically:-
namespace Ninject.Tests.Integration.EnumerableDependenciesTests {
public class WhenServiceRequestsUnconstrainedListOfDependencies
public void ServiceIsInjectedWithListOfAllAvailableDependencies()
var parent = kernel.Get<IParent>();
VerifyInjection( parent );
protected override void VerifyInjection( IParent parent )
parent.Children.Count.ShouldBe( 2 );
public class RequestsList : IParent
public IList<IChild> Children { get; private set; }
public RequestsList( List<IChild> children )
Children = children;
public interface IChild { }
public class ChildA : IChild { }
public class ChildB : IChild { }
public interface IParent
IList<IChild> Children { get; }
In Autofac you'd use an IEnumerable constructor dependency:
public class Ninja {
public Ninja(IEnumerable<IShuriken> shurikens, IKatana katana)
// ...
Autofac will find any available shurikens and provide them to the constructor automatically.
I don't know about Ninject. in Castle Windsor, you'd use ListResolver and that would provide all implementations of IShuriken.
