jQuery UI Tabs Ajax - only first tab displaying loaded content - jquery-ui

I have a set of jQuery UI tabs, which load their content via the ajax method:
<div id="tabs">
<div id="Inbox"> ... </div>
<div id="Sent"> ... </div>
<div id="Ins"> ... </div>
$(document).ready(function () {
The tab titles are displayed, and the content of the first tab is loaded OK.
Using the AJAX Tabs method is detailed here
When I switch to a different tab, I can see the browser loads the content for that tab, but the content isn't displayed.
Any ideas what I am missing?

replace your ul list by this :

Have fixed it now. I had a subsequent $.ajaxSetup() call that was upsetting things.


Dynamically add tabs content in mobile page

I use $('#tab-content').load('/embed_tab.html'); to load below page, the output is in bullet point instead of tabs? This is the page I load when I click something on parent page. How can I solve the problem.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.2/jquery.mobile-1.4.2.min.css">
is loaded from the head.
<div data-role="tabs" id="detail-tabs">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li>Selling Point</li>
<li>Terms of Use</li>
<div id="sellpoint" class="ui-body-d ui-content">
<h1>Selling Point</h1>
<div id="terms">
<h1>Terms of Use</h1>
I assume you are also loading the jQM javascript as well as the css.
After the $('#tab-content').load('/embed_tab.html'); is finished, you have to initialize the tabs widget to cause it to be enhanced. So once the load is complete, try calling something like:
$('#tab-content [data-role="tabs"]').tabs();
EDIT: to call these after the load is complete, use the complete callback function of the load method:
$('#tab-content').load('/embed_tab.html', function() {
API DOC: http://api.jquery.com/load/

JQuery Mobile Back Button with Navigation Bar

I have navigation bar in a JQM page:
<div data-role="navbar">
Both pages have the same navbar.
I have back button as below:
<a href="#" data-icon="back" data-rel="back" >Back</a>
The problem is that back button will not go to the previous page prior to viewing the page, #details and #about pages are included in the history. How to disregard or exclude the two pages so that clicking back button will go to the page that load it first.
You can't since "data-rel=back" uses the browser history, hence:
start with "Main"
click "About"
click "Details"
click "About"
click "Back" - returns you to "Details"
click "Back" - returns you to "About"
click "Back" - returns you to "Main", woohoo!
I suggest you remove the navbars on both "About" and "Details" pages, this way you only have one way to go: back to the page where you called it.
The simplest way to do that would be to make your about and details pages jquery mobile dialog pages (see documentation).
Open dialog
Dialog pages are not tracked in the history, which should achieve the goal you are looking for.
Try this solution:
$('#contentDiv').html('Your content');
$('#contentDiv').html('Your content');
<div data-role="page" id="main">
<div id="contentDiv" data-role="content">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li><a id="about" class="ui-btn-active ui-state-persist">About</a></li>
<li><a id="details">Details</a></li>
When using this solution, you will make sure that when you click on the back button, you go to the previous page.

How to use JqueryUI create new tabs with custom content

I use Jquery UI to create tabs. I want create new tabs with content tab1 = content tab2
You can use a bit of jQuery to accomplish this. Assuming that your jQuery UI tags code looks like:
<div id="tabs">
<li>Tab 1</li>
<li>Tab 2</li>
<div id="tabs-1"></div>
<div id="tabs-2">Test content</div>
You can use something similar to the following to copy the content into the first tab.
var content = $('#tabs-2').html();
This code takes the HTML string within the tabs-2 div and stores it in a variable. It then sets the content in tabs-1 div to the variable.

Symfony + JQueryUI Tabs navigation menu question

I'm trying to use the tabs purely as a navigational menu, loading my pages in the tabs, but being able to bookmark said tabs, and have the address bar correspond with the action I'm executing.
So here is my simple nav partial:
<div id='tabs'>
<li id='home'>Home</li>
<li id='test'>Test</li>
And the simple tabs intializer:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#tabs').tabs({spinner: ''
My layout just displays $sf_content. I want to display the content for the action I'm executing (currently home or test) in the tab, via ajax, and have the tab be bookmarkable.
I've googled this like 4000 times and I can't find an example of what I'm trying to do. If anyone has a resource they know of, I can look it up, or if you can help, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.
This will make your tabs load using ajax
<div id='tabs'>
<li title='home'>Home</li>
<li title='test'>Test</li>
<div id="home">home content here</div>
<div id="test">test content here</div>

how to set tab to a custom tab using jquery ui and rails

I'm using jqueryUI for tabs on a page. I initialize it like below:
<div id="tabs">
<li>Part A</li>
<li>Part B</li>
<li>Part C</li>
<div id="tabs-4">
<div id="tabs-2">
<div id="tabs-5">
I have 2 questions.
How do I set the tab to be custom. say I want second tab to be shown first. $('#tabs').tabs(2) does not work. i got that from this link
Let say I click on a button inside tab1. Clicking on the button takes control back to an action and then control comes back to this page. When the control comes back...then is it possible to set a custom tab?. For example. in tab 1 I click something...go back to the action...and then I want to come back to tab 2.
Is there an error when you call $('#tabs').tabs(2)?
You can set a variable in your controller that tells the view which tab to be active.
... do some stuff
#current_tab = 2
$('#tabs').tabs(<%= #current_tab %>)
