Scite Autorun f5 suddenly stopped working - scite

I use scite text editor to run my code. f5 has been working fine and I've been autorunning program after program in the side window, but suddenly... it stopped working.

The Tools > Go menu item effect is configured with the command.* settings in the SciTE properties file. Refer to the documentation for the details (search for command.go in the page).
The Go menu is configured separately for each file pattern. Default configuration is in the <lang>.properties file in the SciTE install directory. For example, Python configuration in looks like this:
command.go.*.py=pythonw -u "$(FileNameExt)"
command.go.*.pyw=pythonw -u "$(FileNameExt)"
This can be overridden in either of these files: — user properties, resides in the user home directory (user profile directory on Windows) — local properties, resides in the same directory as the opened file
You should check what is the configuration for the file pattern in question, and find out if the specified command is actually available on your system.


How to import/export Spyder preferences?

How do I import/export my custom preferences for Spyder? e.g. if I am installing it on a new machine and would like to import my color/interpreter/keymapping defaults from my original installation.
(Spyder maintainer here) Sorry, there's no way to import/export our Preferences right now.
However, you can look for a directory called .spyder{-py3}/config (Windows, macOS) or ~/.config/spyder{-py3}/config (Linux) in your home or Users directory. That directory contains a file called spyder.ini, which has all user preferences. You should be able to copy/paste that file among computers without problems (although we haven't tested that).
If you find any trouble with that method, you can reset your preferences by opening a system terminal (cmd.exe, or xterm) and running there
spyder --reset
On my computer I have a file
This file is used by both, Spyder 4.2.5 in Anaconda base environment and by Spyder 5 in a separate venv.

Using Atom with Hydrogen. The working directory for Atom is one folder up from the current file's location. How do i change it to the current folder?

In both Hydrogen and using a plug-in terminal platform, the default directory is one folder up from where my code file resides.
E.g., I’ll be working on a file with path, say, parent/code/ When I run pwd in the plug-in's terminal or the equivalent via Hydrogen in the python script I get parent/, but I need it to be parent/code/ to import files etc.
Perhaps the default directory for Atom is the project that is folder of the project that is open?
Any ideas how to change the default current directory for Atom (or is it package specific) to the file i’m working on/executing in Hydrogen?
In the hydrogen settings you can choose the location where the kernel should be started.
The default is the 'First started project's directory'. You can choose 'Current directory of the file' there, which should give you what you want.

javafx native package error invoking method

I'm developing a desktop application using javafx v8.0.60. I have created an exe package with ant in netbeans 8. When I run exe file in my computer, it is installed and run without any problem.
On the other hand, when I try to install and run it on some other computer, at the end of installation, window dialog pops up:
"Error invoking method"
I click Ok. Another window pop up saying:
"Failed to launch jvm"
Davood, greetings! I had this same problem and I, like you, found no help anywhere.
I submit to you a solution, which miraculously worked for me and helped me make sense of those blasted "Error invoking method." and "Failed to launch JVM" dialogs:
Find your .jar file
It has the same name as your Project and it's in your application's installation directory under AppData\Local\{ApplicationTitle}\app (shortcut: type %appdata% into explorer); if your project was named HelloWorld, there you will find HelloWorld.jar
Navigate to it's directory in command prompt
shift+Right Click any blank spot in the Explorer window and choose "Open command window here" (that's a fancy trick I recently learned; alternatively you would cd to the same directory using the command prompt)
Run your .jar via the command line
type java -jar "HelloWorld.jar" and hit Enter
Tadah! Behold your hidden exceptions (the existence of which "Error invoking method." so vaguely tries to communicate to you). *
If your problem is similar to mine it stems from a file structure difference between the project out folder and the installation directory, and that's why the program compiles just fine in the editor and builds just fine—there isn't a problem until it's built out, and the file structure is a little different.
*If you didn't get anything when you ran it via the command line, look for any errors that could be happening during that initialize() method; that's where your problem likely is. You can expose any exceptions during runtime by using a Popup Exception Dialog like shown in a similar problem, here.

node-inspector doesn't let me open a specific js file

When debugging with node-inspector, I can see all of the files in a folder except one.
I checked on the filesystem and the .js is there.
Ctrl+O doesn't let me select the file as well.
How can I open the file to place a breakpoint?
PS: I'm using Node Inspector v0.8.0 and node v0.10.33 on a Win7 32 bits
Node Inspector has two mechanisms for loading files in the GUI.
All files loaded by Node.js (V8) runtime are always listed in the GUI, this works very reliably. The downside is that files not loaded yet are not listed. This typically happens when your application is stared via node-debug or node --debug-brk.
There is a speculative algorithm trying to guess what files are part of your project and included them in the GUI even though they are not loaded in the runtime yet. The algorithm assumes that your project has package.json in the root directory and that the main script file is either in the project root directory (node index.js) or one-level deep (node bin/gpii.js). Additionally, if there is package.json in the current working directory, all javascript files in the current working directory and subdirectories are included too.
See lib/ScriptFileStorage.js for more details.
I suspect that your project is laid out in such way that Node Inspector does not recognise it and thus does not scan it for all javascript files.
You can verify this assumption by running the following code in Node Inspector's Console window while the process is paused, replacing ROOT with the real path to your project root:
The file FlowManager.js should appear in Node Inspector after the command has finished.

How to automatically load a project when starting Delphi

I want to specify a project to be opened when I launch Delphi(D2010).
Is there a command-line parameter to pass to bds.exe, like the -r option allowing to load a specific Registry Setting, where I could pass the name of the project I want to open when launching bds.exe?
The only options I know of are:
-ns "no splash"
-np "no project"
-hm "Heap Monitor"
-attach "attach to process(JIT)"
-r "registry root"
-p "Personalities"
Just add the path after your command.
"{path to rad studio}\bin\bds.exe" -pDelphi "C:\Projects\TestProj\TestProj.dproj"
BTW: here is the IDE Command Line Reference.
Sounds to me that instead of launching Delphi, you should just double-click the project file. The OS will start Delphi for you, and Delphi will open the project automatically. Make a shortcut to it on your desktop or in your Start menu for easy access.
In Delphi 7 and earlier, use the DPR file. For later versions, use the DPROJ or BDSPROJ file instead.
Works for project groups, too.
